Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Thomas TROWBRIDGE [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2, 3 was born about 1600 in Taunton, Somerset, England, United Kingdom. He was christened on 11 Dec 1631 in St Petrock, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He died on 7 Feb 1672/1673 in Taunton, Somerset, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 4, 5 on 7 Feb 1672/1673 in Taunton, Somerset, England, United Kingdom. Thomas married 6 Frances GODSALL (SHATTOCK) on 10 Feb 1640/1641 in St David's, Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:
MARSHALL, Elizabeth

Thomas was one of the early settlers of Dorchester, Massachusetts, and a merchant engaged in the Barbadoes trade from 1637 to 1639. He returned to Taunton, England about 1644, leaving his three sons, Thomas, William and James. According to the source listed below, Thomas Trowbridge's father was Edmund Trowbridge. Edmund's father was Thomas and Thomas' father was John.
Source: Library of Congress "Genealogy of the Trowbridge Family" Page 157.

THOMAS TROWBRIDGE, b. ca. 1600, and named in his father John's nuncupative will 1 July 1649 as eldest son (PCC pro. 25 Feb. 1649/50) when he moved from Taunton to Exeter, where he was fined for freeman £12. On 20 Dec. 1624, according to registers of St. Mary Arches, he m. Elizabeth Marshall. In his own parish of St. Petrocks were b. to him: 6 Mar. 1627 Elizabeth; 5 Nov. 1629 John; 11 Dec. 1631 Thomas; Sep. 1633 William. The child Eliz. dv. & John, the s. & h., remained in England, d. 1653: local will, naming John Manning of New England, merchant, Win. Davis of Muskeeta, Newfoundland, implied that he had sailed the sea with father (vide Trowbridge Family). Sons Thomas (Jr.) and William emigrated with parents to Dorchester, Mass., where James Trowbridge was born; they moved to New Haven, where Elizabeth the mother died. Three children remained to have large families. Thomas Sr. (No. 42) returned to Exeter to remarry, by license, widow Frances Shattuck 10 Feb. 1640 in St. David's church. She, his cousin, was dau. of Dorothy, dau. of Thos. Trowbridge (Sr.) (see gen. 41) of Taunton. Thos. Jr. paid £4 subsidy at West Muncton, nr. Taunton. By 1643 they were back in New Haven, a family of 5, rated at £500. When Taunton, under colonel, later admiral Robert Blake, was besieged by the royalists, Thomas (No.42) served as captain in Cromwell's army, 1645. Later, he supported a wounded soldier's pension claim at Taunton Court of Sessions. He gave his New England sons power of attorney for property there 14 Jan. 1664. He and they traded to the Azores from both sides of the Atlantic. He was buried at St. Mary Magdalen Church, Taunton, Somerset, 7 Feb. 1672. (Trowbridge Family (1872); The Gen., cit.).

Frances GODSALL (SHATTOCK). Frances married 1 Thomas TROWBRIDGE on 10 Feb 1640/1641 in St David's, Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom.

John MARSHALL [Parents] [scrapbook] was born in 1570 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He died on 17 Aug 1624 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 1 on 17 Aug 1624. John married 2 Alice BEVYS 3 on 30 Aug 1595 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

The father of this family, "the Worshipful Mr. John Marshall," was Bailiff of Exeter in 1601, Sheriff in 1609, and Mayor in 1615, retaining afterwards the position of Alderman [Izacke]. His will was proved by his widow Alice, 17 September, 1624 [P.C.C., 74 Byrde]. "In the Name of God Amen. I John Marshall Esquire one of the Aldermen of the City of Exeter make this my last will and testament the 8th of August 1624. First I will that my debts being paid and my funeral expenses discharged the residue of all my goods and chattels shall accordizii~ to the custom of the said city of Exeter be divided into three equal parts. I give one portion thereof to my wife. I give one other portion thereof among my three Sons and two daughters, that is to say James Marshall, John Marshall, Richard Marshall, Elizabeth Marshall and Susan Marshall. Out of the third portion I give the following legacies, viz., to my son James Marshall so much as shall with the legacy given him by his cousin John Marshall deceased make up £300. To my sons John Marshall and Richard Marshall so much as shall with the legacies given them by their cousin John Marshall deceased make up £300 each. To my daughter Elizabeth Marshall as much as shall with the legacy left her by her cousin John Marshall deceased make up £400, and to my daughter Susan so much as shall make up £350. Item I give to my daughter Alice Harris my second best gilt bowl. Item I give to my daughter Jane my third best gilt bowl. Item I give to Thomas Milford £3 per annum during his life, item I give to Ebolt Croot of Heavitree £5. Item I give to my servant Agnes Croote 5 marks. Item I give to Grace my servant 40s. Item 1 give to .Jane my servant 20s. Item I give to Mary Wall 40s. Item I give to the poor of the said City of Exeter £5, whereof 20s. to the poor of St. Mary Arches parish. Item I give to my said wife the house wherein I now dwell to bold during the term of her life, the remainder thereof to my son James Marshall and his heirs for ever. Item I give my lands and tenements in the parish of Northtowne, called Eastercombe, Westercombe and Luckerton, with the rents thereof to my said wife during her life, the remainder to my said son James and his heirs for ever. Item I give all my estate and interest of the house wherein Mr. Joseph Trowbridge merchant now dwelleth to my son John Marshall and his heirs forever, provided my wife shall have the issues thereof during her life, Item I give all my estate and interest in the house wherein Master William Martin merchant now dwelleth to my son Richard and his heirs forever, provided my said wife shall have the profits thereof during her life. Item I give my house wherein Andrew Quashe merchant now dwelleth in the parish of St. Petrockes within the said City of Exeter, and also my tenements without Soutbgate in the parish of the Holy Trinity to my friend .John Gupwill Esquire, now Mayor of the said City. and Peter Bevis Esquire my brother in law, provided they sell the said tenements as soon as convenient, the said money to be divided into three equal parts, one part to come to my said wife and the other two parts to be divided equally among my said five children. Item I give to my friends John Gupwill, Peter Bevis and Nicholas Mercer of Exeter merchant, all my tenements in Bampton and my whole estate in the rectory of Bampton in Co. Devon to them and their heirs for ever [?]. Item I give all the rest of my goods and chattels to my said wife, whom I make sole executrix of this my last will. I constitute the said John Gupwill and Peter Bevis overseers of the same and give to each of them 20s. for their pains. lThneaseg: John Gupwill, Peter Bevis, Nicholas Mercer, Edward Martiue, John Trowte." The transcriber has obviously modernized the spelling.

"Memorandum that Richard Marshall of the city of Exeter merchant did on the 4th of June 1635 make and declare his last will as follows. First, he gave to his sister Trobridge £100. To the poor £50, to be distributed at the pleasure of his brother James Marshall. All the rest of his goods to be divided between his brother and his sisters." [P.C.C., 88 Sadler, proved 8 August, 1635.]

That before her marriage Elizabeth was preferred to her sisters, or at any rate to her unmarried sister, is shown by her father's will; and that after her marriage she was preferred by her mother to her married sisters, and by her brother to all his relatives, is shown by their wills. It is to be inferred that she was kind and helpful by nature. The cousin John who bad made bequests to them was buried at St. Mary Arches [R. M. A.], 23 May, 1622. In his will [E. P.], made in Exeter, he named a brother Robert and a cousin John, besides leaving much to the children of his uncle John Marshall the Alderman.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 59, July 1905, New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, March 16, 2001

Alice BEVYS [Parents] 1 was born on 7 Jun 1572 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. She died on 7 Jan 1630/1631 in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2 on 13 Jan 1630/1631 in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. Alice married 3 John MARSHALL on 30 Aug 1595 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

Alice Marshall of Exeter made her will 30 December, 1630, and it was proved [P.C.C., 23 St. John] on 24 February, 1630/1. it disposed of a large property, most of it going to her son James Marshall, including premises in Exeter and "messuages and tenements within the manor of Daccombe," St.. Mary Church, Devon. "Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Trowbridge £50 awl one piece of plate to the value of £10." Among grandchildren receiving £5 each were named John and Elizabeth Trowbridge. Other relatives named were brothers Richard and Peter Beavis; sister-in-law Susanna Beavis; four sons of Peter Beavis; Alice Beavis, daughter of brother Nicholas deceased; "mother-in-law Mistress Jane Martyn"; and, in particular, her children, Richard Marshall, Jane Guide, Alice Harris, and Susan Marshall. Susan, for example, was to receive, when of age, enough to make tip £800, including what came to her from her father, cousin John, and brother John. This will shows that the following entries [RM.A.] refer to Elizabeth Trowbridge's family, though her own name does not appear among them:

Married, 30 August, 1595, John Marshall and Alice Bevys.
Baptized, children of John Marshall,
29 June, 1598, Jane (buried 30 May, 1600).
17 June, 1599, John (buried 20 March, 1600/1).
26 June, 1600, Alice ("daughter of the Worshipful Mr. John Marshall," married 19 June, 1621, to George Harris).
18 March. 1603/4, Jane (married 26 September, 16 24, to James
26 March, 1607, Anne (buried 14 November, 1609).
20 January, 1608/9, James.
10 July, 1610, 1iohn (buried 16 December 1630).
29 September, 1611, Susan.
3 November, 1613, Richard.
Buried, 17 August, 1624, John Marshall.
13 January, 1630/1, Alice Marshall, widow.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 59, July 1905, ©New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, March 16, 2001

The spelling of the name Bevys was changed to Beavis by Peter Bevys, between 1624 and 1630. In 1624 he signed Bevis as witness to Marshall s will in 1630 Beavis as witness to Mrs. Marshall's. After 1630, all appear to have spelled it Beavis; before 1624, Bevys. Peter's baptismal record and marriage license were for Bevys, as were all other observed records in which the name appears before 1624.

That the mother of Elizabeth Marshall, Alice Bevys, was daughter of Richard Bevys. who died while Mayor of Exeter, in 1602 [Izacke], is shown not only by the Marshall pedigree, but also by the names of her brothers given in her will, Peter Bevys and Richard Bevys, who were respectively baptized [R. M. A.] as sons of Richard Bevys, on 16 August, 1590, and 9 March, 1578/9. Peter was much the more active and prominent, and became [Lyson] lord of the manor of Bishop s Chat, near Exeter. "This family," says Lyson. under the title Beavis of Clist, p. clxxiii, "is traced in Devonshire to the reign of Henry IV." He gives the arms as azure, 3 close helmets argent. garnished or; crest, a pheon argent.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 59, July 1905, ©New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, March 18, 2001

They had the following children.

  F i
Jane MARSHALL was christened 1 on 29 Jun 1598 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2 on 30 May 1600.
  M ii
John MARSHALL was christened 1 on 17 Jun 1599 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 20 Mar 1600.
  F iii Alice MARSHALL was christened on 29 Jun 1600.
  F iv
Grace MARSHALL was christened on 6 May 1602 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried on 11 Jan 1620.
  F v Jane MARSHALL was christened on 18 Mar 1603/1604.
  F vi Elizabeth MARSHALL was born on 24 Mar 1603. She died in 1641.
  F vii
Anne MARSHALL was christened 1 on 26 Mar 1607 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2 on 14 Nov 1609.
  M viii James MARSHALL was christened on 22 Jan 1608/1609. He was buried on 26 Jan 1664/1665.
  M ix
John MARSHALL was christened 1 on 10 Jul 1610 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 16 Dec 1630.
  F x Susanna MARSHALL was christened on 29 Sep 1611.
  M xi
Richard MARSHALL was christened 1 on 5 Mar 1612/1613 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He died in 1613 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M xii
Richard MARSHALL was christened in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried on 15 Jun 1635.

Edward HUGGINS [Parents] was christened on 19 Jul 1696 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Edward married Mary BEZANT 1 on 19 Aug 1718 in Cratfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Mary BEZANT [Parents] 1 was born on 27 Jan 1697/1698 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She was christened on 26 Feb 1697/1698 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Mary married Edward HUGGINS on 19 Aug 1718 in Cratfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i
Harphy HUGGINS was born about 1719 in of Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She was buried on 28 Sep 1729.
  M ii Edward HUGGINS was born on 25 Jan 1720. He was buried on 24 Oct 1974.
  F iii Mary HUGGINS was christened on 3 Feb 1722/1723. She died on 24 Feb 1784.
  M iv
Patience HUGGINS was christened on 10 Jun 1725 in Earl Soham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He was buried on 28 Jun 1725.
  F v
Patience HUGGINS was christened on 10 Jun 1725 in Earl Soham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She was buried on 28 Jun 1725.
  M vi
Hammond HUGGINS was born in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He was christened on 28 Mar 1728 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.
  F vii
Honour HUGGINS was born in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She was christened on 1 Jan 1730/1731 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.
  F viii
Constance HUGGINS was born in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She was christened on 25 Jun 1734 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She was buried on 1 Jul 1734.
  M ix
Bicker HUGGINS was born in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He was christened on 8 Jul 1739 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Thomas TROWBRIDGE [Parents] was born in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 1, 2 on 11 Dec 1631 in St Petrock, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 on 22 Aug 1702 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Thomas married 4, 5, 6 Sarah RUTHERFORD on 24 Jun 1657 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.

Other marriages:
NASH, Hannah

Sarah RUTHERFORD was born 1 on 31 Jul 1641 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She was christened 2 on 1 Oct 1643 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died 3 on 5 Jan 1687 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Sarah married 4, 5, 6 Thomas TROWBRIDGE on 24 Jun 1657 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.

Thomas TROWBRIDGE [Parents] was born in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 1, 2 on 11 Dec 1631 in St Petrock, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 on 22 Aug 1702 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Thomas married 4, 5 Hannah NASH on 2 Apr 1689 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.

Other marriages:

Hannah NASH. Hannah married 1, 2 Thomas TROWBRIDGE on 2 Apr 1689 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.

William TROWBRIDGE [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 3 Sep 1633 in St Petrock, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 in Nov 1688 in West Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. William married 4, 5 Elizabeth LAMBERTON on 9 Mar 1656/1657 in Milford, Milford, Connecticut, United States.

Elizabeth LAMBERTON 1 was born 2 about 1632 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died 3 in 1716 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Elizabeth married 4, 5 William TROWBRIDGE on 9 Mar 1656/1657 in Milford, Milford, Connecticut, United States.


CAPT. GEORGE  LAMBERTON(Elizabeth's father), one of the merchant gentlemen who founded the Colony of New Haven, came from London. He is called of the parish of St. Mary's Whitechapel when, on 6 Jan. 1628/9, he married MARGARET LEWE& (REGISTER, vol. 61, P. 189). Some account of him and of his family is given in The Converse Family, 1905, vol. 2, pp. 681. et seq. He was lost in 1646 on board the "great ship" he commanded, whose fate is the theme of Longfellow's poem, "The Phantom Ship." In the following year his widow, Margaret, married Deputy-Governor Stephen Goodyear.
Erroneous statements have been made concerning his family, one being that Mary, first wife of Lieut.-Gov. James is o , was his daughter. This error is based on a passage from the trial of Mrs Godman for witchcraft in 1653, which states that Mrs. Godman "hath much inquired upon the time of Mrs Bishops delivery of her children, and would speake of it so Mris Goodyeare and her daughters marveled how she could know, and Hannah Lamberton one time told her mother that Mr Godman kept her sisters count." It is evident that the Mrs. Bishop of the record was sister either of Hannah Lamberton or of her mother, Margaret (Lewen) (Lamberton) Goodyear, but she may have been Patience, wife of Henry Bishop (brother of James), instead of Mary, wife of James. At all events, it is certain that Mary Bishop was not a daughter of George Lamberton, as she left surviving issue who did not share in the Lamberton estate.
On 20 Oct. 1658 "Ma Goodyeare & her children by Mr. Lamberton prsenting themselves before the court, she desired that ye portions wch remaine vnpaid dew to the children, might be set out by ye Court, vpon which p position it was demanded of Wilm Trowbridge, ye husband to Elizabeth Lamberton, what he had received of Mr Goodyeare. .. . Hannah & Hope Lamberton, being at age, were appointed to receive their portions, woh they desired might be delivered to their mother. . . . Deliverance, who is to have a double portion, & Mercy, Desire, and Obedience, chose their mother for their guardian."

John JACKSON [Parents] 1 was christened 2 on 6 Jun 1603 in St Dunstan's, Stepney, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. He died 3, 4 on 30 Jan 1674/1675 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. John married 5 Unknown in BY 1639.

Other marriages:
, Margaret


ORIGIN: Unknown.
MIGRATION: 1635 on the Blessing (on 13 July 1635, "Jo[hn] Jackson," fisherman, aged 40, "Margaret Jackson," aged 36, and "John Jackson," aged 2, were enrolled at London as passengers for New England on the Blessing [Hotten 108]).
OCCUPATION: Mariner. On about 21 June 1637, Roger Williams reported the presence of several ships in Narragansett Bay, including "the other whereof _____ Jackson of Salem is master" [WP 3:434]. About a month later, Richard Davenport reported that he and others were on their way back from action in the Pequot War "aboard Goodman Jackson" [WP 3:454]. On 15 December 1640, Gov. John Winthrop related the travails of the pinnace Coach, skippered by "one Jackson, a godly man and an experienced seaman," on a voyage from Salem to New Haven [WJ 2:23].
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: On 17 May 1638, "John Jackson" and "Margeret Jackson" were admitted to Salem church, both with the annotation "dead" [SChR 7].
FREEMAN: On 26 February 1649/50, "John Jackson" was one of four men admitted to freemanship at Salem court (the other three being members of Salem church) [EQC 1:184].
OFFICES: Salem petit jury, 30 December 1645 [EQC 1:89; STR 1:139].
Salem constable, 1 May 1647 [STR 1:147].
ESTATE: In the 1636 Salem land distribution, "Mr. Jackson" received fifty acres [STR 1:23]. On 16 January 1636/7, "Mr. Jackson" was one of eight men who were granted "each 1/2 an acre of land ... at Winter Harbor for fishing trade, & to build upon" [STR 1:33]. In the 25 December 1637 division of meadow, "Jo[hn] Jackson" received three-quarters of an acre for a household of four [STR 1:102].
On 30 September 1644, "John Jackson" was one of four persons granted "so much of the wet marsh or swamp as lies before their ground" [STR 1:132]. On 30 May 1649, "Goodman Jackson" was one of several persons granted "fifty acres of meadow to be divided among them" [STR 1:158].
On 20 November 1651, "John Jackson of Salem ..., planter," sold to "Jeffry Massy of the same, planter, a certain parcel of upland and meadow near Winter Harbor in Salem" [ELR 1:19]. On 2 October 1654, "John Jackson of Salem, mariner," sold to "Jonathan Porter ... three-quarters of an acre of salt marsh lying in the south field" [ELR 1:26].
In his will, dated 31 January 1655[/6] and proved 24 June 1656, "Jno. Jackson Senior" bequeathed to "my wife Mary Jackson five pounds sterling"; to "Margarett Neve thirty shillings"; "my dearly beloved son Jno. Jackson [to be] my sole executor" [EPR 1:240-41].
The inventory of the estate of John Jackson, taken 10 March 1655/6, totalled £20 6s., of which £9 was real estate: "2 acres of salt marsh," £9 [EPR 1:241].
BIRTH: About 1595 (aged forty on 13 July 1635 [Hotten 108]).
DEATH: Between 31 January 1655[/6] (date of will) and 10 March 1655/6 (date of inventory).
MARRIAGE: (1) By about 1633 Margaret _____. She died after 27 July 1646 (when she witnessed the nuncupative will of John Thorne [EQC 1:101]). (The assertion has been made that her maiden name was Cartwright [NYGBR 13:145], but in 1939 Herbert F. Seversmith demonstrated that this misidentification was based on a misreading of the 2 May 1640 will of Bethia Cartwright [EQC 1:18; EPR 1:12; TAG 15:].)
(2) After 27 July 1646 Mary (_____) Goose , widow of William Goose. On 29 December 1656 and on 13 July 1657, the town of Salem provided for the maintenance of "widow Jackson" [STR 1:195-202]. On 28 June 1664, the town of Salem took from the estate of William Goose the expenses they had incurred from 1656 to 1663 in maintaining "widow Jackson, formerly the wife of William Goose, [who] was not capable, owing to her present distemper of head, to look after herself" [EPR 1:435-36; EQC 3:138, 176-77].

With first wife
i JOHN JACKSON, b. about 1633 (aged two on 13 July 1635 [Hotten 108]; deposed on 25 May 1655 "aged about twenty-one years" [EQC 1:391]); living on 31 January 1655[/6], when named in father's will; no further record.
COMMENTS: Pope identified this immigrant with the man of the same name who lived in Cambridge [Pope 254], but this cannot be correct. The family description in the passenger list matches exactly that of the Salem family. Also, this immigrant sailed with the family of Richard Hollingsworth, who also settled in Salem, and with whom the Jackson family had continued association [Hotten 108; GM 2:2:380-84; TAG 78:241-44; EQC 1:391].
In October 1636, Gov. John Winthrop reported that "two houses were burnt, and all the goods in them to a great value; ... the other one Jackson of Salem, both professors" [WJ 1:238-39].
In his will, John Jackson made a bequest to "Margaret Neve," without stating a relationship. She came to New England in 1637 from Great Yarmouth, Norfolk [Hotten 293]. Barbara MacAllan has recently demonstrated that William Goose and his wife Mary were also from Great Yarmouth, and were named in the same ecclesiastical visitation record as Margaret Neave [NEHGR 154:215-17].
Source: The Great Migration Newsletter Online Mar 2004, Robert Charles Anderson

Deacon John Jackson was baptised in the Parish of Stepney, London June 6, 1602; the first settler of Canah Village, who remained and died in it. He brought a good estate with him from England. He bought a dwelling house and eighteen acres of land, of Miles Ives of Wat., in 1639. This estate was situated on the Rox. road, very near the line which now divides Newton from Brighton. He took the Freeman's oath, in 1641,--was one of the first deacons of the church, --gave one acre of land for the Church and burial place upon which the forst M.H. was erected, in 1660, , and which now the oldest part of the Centre Cemetery. He was the s. of Christopher Jackson of London, who was buried on the 5th of Dec. 1633. He had in this country, by two wives, five sons and ten daughters, and at the time of his decease, about fifty grandchildren. There may have been and probably were some transient dwellers in the Villiage before he came, but they were not known to the record, and left no descendants there. The coming of John Jackson, in 1639, may properly be considered the first settlement of Newton. He d. Jan 30, 1674-5. Counting from the record of his baptism, in England, his age was 73. How old he was when baptised is uncertain. He left an estate, valued at 1,230 pounds. His widow, Margaret died Aug.28 1684 (Gravestone). She could not therefore have been the other of his son John who was born in 1639. His old mansion house was pulled down about 1800. ...His estate was settled by agreement, amoug the survivng children in Dec 1676. ....He had labored long and earnestly, by petitioning the General Court and otherwise, to have Cambridge Village erected into an independent town, but did not live to see it acccomplished.

From "History of the Early Settlement of Newton", by Francis Jackson, p. 326-7

"Jackson was a magistrate and large landholder, for seventeen years Deputy to the General Court, a surveyor of land, husband to the widow of Chelsea's first ministor, ancestor of sixty grandchildren, and a slaveholder withal, leaving at his death two male slaves. This notable personage was thus characterized in "The Wonder-working Providence of Sion's Savior in New England": "He could not endure to see the truth of Christ trampled under foot by the erroneous party."

From "King's Handbook of Newton" by M.F. Sweetster, 1889, p. 50-52.

Unknown 1. Unknown married 2 John JACKSON in BY 1639.

Christopher JACKSON 1 was buried 2 on 5 Dec 1633 in Mile End, London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. Christopher married 3 Susan JOHNSON on 5 Oct 1602 in Mile End, London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom.

JACKSON.-The ancestry of the first two settlers of Cambridge and Newton, John and Edward Jackson. has been courteously supplied by a lineal descendant, Mr. Edward G. Jackson of St. Louis, Mo.

Christopher Jackson of Mile End, London, married Susan Johnson of Mile End, 5 Oct. 1602 (London Mairiages). He was bur. 5 Dec., 1633. Children: 1.John, bapt. 6 June 1603; m. (1) Abigail; m. (2) Margaret; d. 30 Jan. 1675. II. Edward, bapt. 3 Feb. 1605: m. (1) Frances; m. (2) Elizabeth Oliver, 14 Jan.1649; d. 17 June 1681. III. Miles, bapt. 28 June 1607. This list of Christo­pher's sons is copied from the "Register of St. Dunstau's Church, Stepney.” His residence is first given as Mile End, afterwards as Bednall Green, and his occupation as merchant tailor. The date of John's baptism is evidently 1603, instead of 1602 as recorded in the “Register.” There is a good account of St. Dunstan's, Stepney, in Hare's “Walks in London.”
Los Angeles, Calif.       Orra Eugene Monnette.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 66, January 1912, IL New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, August 30, 2003

Susan JOHNSON 1. Susan married 2 Christopher JACKSON on 5 Oct 1602 in Mile End, London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  M i John JACKSON was christened on 6 Jun 1603. He died on 30 Jan 1674/1675.
  M ii Edward JACKSON Captain was christened on 3 Feb 1605. He died on 17 Jun 1681.
  M iii
Miles JACKSON 1 was christened 2 on 28 Jun 1607 in St Dunstan's, Stepney, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom.

Thomas WEST. Thomas married Elizabeth JACKSON on 12 Dec 1661 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Elizabeth JACKSON [Parents] was born on 12 Jan 1642 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 12 Oct 1708 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married Thomas WEST on 12 Dec 1661 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Noah WISWALL [Parents] 1 was born 2 on 16 Dec 1638 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He was christened 3, 4 on 30 Dec 1638 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 5 on 6 Jul 1690 in Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire, British Colonial America. Noah married 6, 7, 8 Theodocia JACKSON on 14 Dec 1664 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961
Killed by Indians at Wheelwrights pond N.H. 6 july 1690

Theodocia JACKSON [Parents] was born 1 in 1644 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 2 on 27 Nov 1725 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Theodocia married 3, 4, 5 Noah WISWALL on 14 Dec 1664 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
NEWMAN, Samuel

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