Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Aldred SEAMAN. Aldred married 1 Tacy TROWBRIDGE on 1 Jan 1637/1638.

Tacy TROWBRIDGE [Parents] was christened 1 on 7 May 1615 in Taunton, Somerset, England, United Kingdom. Tacy married 2 Aldred SEAMAN on 1 Jan 1637/1638.

Robert MARSHALL [scrapbook] 1. Robert married Joane 2.

John Marshall's father was Robert Marshall of Ilminster, whose will of 7 August, 1576, was proved 9 October, 1576 [P. C. C., 29 Carew], naming wife Joan, sons Edward, John, Nicholas, William, John the younger, Roger, and Thomas, and daughter Anne. He left a half interest in tan vats, bark mills, &c., to his eldest son, a quarter interest to John, money to the other children, with 2 acres to Nicholas. and the residue to his wife, who appears to have brought him some property. his wife, "Joane Marshall," had been named as sister in the will [P. C. C., 2 2 Wells, as cited in S. W.] of William Owseley of Chillington in Somerset, near Ilminster, dated 8 October, 1558. His son John the younger became Mayor of Exeter, while John the elder, "of Chillington." was the father of John of Exeter, nephew of the Mayor, as is indicated by his naming in his will [P. C. C., 54 Drury], made and proved in July, 1590, two Sons. Robert and John. In this will "Robert Marshall" is named as a supervisor and signs as a witness. This may have been a certain Robert of flminster, perhaps a cousin of the testator.

There was some connection between these Marshalls of Ilminster in Somerset and those of Teyugrace in Devonshire. The arms of the Teyngrace family, with a difference, were used by the llminster family. The two Marshalls of Teyngrace, John and Thomas, named in the Devon Visitation of 1564, were, along with " Robert Marshall of Ilminster," named as overseers in the will of Thomas Marshall, merchant of Exeter, made 13 March, 1582, and proved [P. C. C., 28 Drury] 18 May, 1590. In the body of the will is named "Robert Marshall my brother's son," who may have been the Robert of Ilminster named at the end as overseer. It seems possible that Thomas of Exeter was uncle to John the Mayor and brother to Robert of Ilminster who died in 1576, and who named a son Thomas, as well as to the father of the Robert of Ilrninster who appears later. It is unfortunate that the parish register of Ilminster of those days has not been preserved. Thomas was Bailiff of Exeter in 1.557 [Izacke], and one of the founders of the Merchant Adventurers Guild [Cotton]. He was married there in 1544 [R. M. A.].

That the grandfather of John Marshall the Mayor was named William is shown by the following pedigree [Westc., p. 502]: "Marshall of Exeter and Chillington in Somerset. Per fess gules and or, in chief 3 antelopes  heads erased, or, langued azure, in base a mill-rind sable. Crest, an antelope's head erased, or gorged gales. William Marshall had Robert = Joan, daughter and heir of Owsley of Chillington, who had William, Thomas of Chillington. and .John, Mayor of Exeter in 1615, who married Alice, daughter of Richard Beavis of Exon, and had issue James, Richard, Alice (married Harris), Elizabeth (wife to Thomas Trobridge of Taunton), Jane (wife to James Gould of Exeter), and Susan." As another indication that Thomas Marshall of Exeter may have been son of the William Marshall named in this pedigree, it may be noted that Thomas named his eldest son William, as shown in his will.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 59, July 1905, New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, March 18, 2001

Joane 1. Joane married Robert MARSHALL.

They had the following children.

  M i John MARSHALL was born in 1570. He died on 17 Aug 1624.

Richard BEVYS was born about 1545. He died 1 in 1602 in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. Richard married 2 Elizabeth PROWSE on 6 Mar 1566/1567 in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

Richard Bevys became Sheriff in 1591, Governor of the Guild of Merchant Adventurers in 1591, and Mayor in 1602, dying on 26 August [Izacke]. He made a deed of trust, 16 June, 1602, to William Tickle and John Marshall ,gent, for a benefaction to provide marriage portions during future years to worthy young women of several parishes [Brice]. "He bears azure, three helmets argen't, attired or" [Brice]. The same coat was painted in his memory on one of the windows of Exeter Cathedral, among similar memorials of high officials of the city; but all were hidden for two centuries under coats of whitewash, which when removed revealed traces enough to enable lists and descriptions [H. D.] to be made before the windows themselves were replaced by new glass.

It is more difficult to trace the Bevys family back to early times than it was when Lyson spoke of it as already done. Perhaps the property in the parish of St. Mary Church. devised by Richard's daughter Alice, may give a clue to Richard's birthplace, though he or she may have bought it, or taken it for a debt. The early parish registers have been destroyed. I find no Bevys will in E. P., D. W., S. W., W. G., or in the P. C. C. published calendars, except that of Nicholas Bevys (so spelled), son of Richard and merchant of Exeter, dated 8 November, 1612, and proved 2 June. 1613 [W. G., p. 1071]. Two of the executors named are "my brother John Marshall and my cousin Ignatius Jourdenn." The latter was Ignatius Jurdaine, baptized at Lyme Regis, 17 August, 1561, son of William. He became Mayor of Exeter and a member of two parliaments. A son-in-law of Jurdaine was William Hill of Lyme Regis and Exeter, later of Dorchester in Massachusetts, arid Fairfield in Connecticut. It may he that William Jurdaine married a sister of Richard Bevys or of his wife. One Elizabeth Bevys, married [R. M. A.] 28 June, 1580, to Richard Denys, must probably have been related to Richard. His daughter Elizabeth was buried 5 February, 1588/9. The other entries concerning his children are scanty and unimportant.

It would seem that Richard Bevys had two wives. On 6 March, 1566/7 [R. M. A.], he married Elizabeth Provs (apparently so written) or Prous, and on 12 July, 1585, "Elizabeth Bevys " was buried. His daughter Alice's will of 1630 names her "mother in law Mistress Jane Martyn." This may be assumed to have been her father's second wife, mother of Peter Bevys. It could not have been her late husband's mother Joan, who was not mentioned in his will, who was apparently married about 80 years before 1630, and who had been left a widow 54 years before that date. Elizabeth Prous (Prouz, Prowse) was probably a relative of Richard Prowse, Mayor of Exeter in 1578 [lzacke). According to the pedigree of Prouz of Chagford, near Exeter, a very old family [Tuckett], Richard the Mayor was second son of Lawrence Prouz of Exeter and Chagford, the estate of Chagford going to Lawrence's eldest son John, who had a daughter Elizabeth, apparently of about the age of the Elizabeth married to Richard Bevys.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 59, July 1905, New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, March 18, 2001

Elizabeth PROWSE [scrapbook] was born about 1548. She was buried 1 on 12 Jul 1585 in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. Elizabeth married 2 Richard BEVYS on 6 Mar 1566/1567 in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i Alice BEVYS was born on 7 Jun 1572. She died on 7 Jan 1630/1631.
  M ii
Richard BEVYS was christened 1 on 9 Mar 1578/1579 in Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

George HARRIS. George married 1 Alice MARSHALL on 29 Jun 1621 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

Alice MARSHALL [Parents] was christened 1 on 29 Jun 1600 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. Alice married 2 George HARRIS on 29 Jun 1621 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

James GOULD. James married 1 Jane MARSHALL on 26 Sep 1624 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

Jane MARSHALL [Parents] was christened 1 on 18 Mar 1603/1604 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. Jane married 2 James GOULD on 26 Sep 1624 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

James MARSHALL [Parents] was born in of Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 1 on 22 Jan 1608/1609 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried on 26 Jan 1664/1665. James married Susannah TAYLOR on 29 May 1632 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

Susannah TAYLOR. Susannah married James MARSHALL on 29 May 1632 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom.

Richard LANTE. Richard married Susanna MARSHALL on 30 Jun 1635.

Susanna MARSHALL [Parents] was born in Somerset, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 1 on 29 Sep 1611 in St Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. Susanna married Richard LANTE on 30 Jun 1635.

Edward PERRY [scrapbook] 1 was born about 1625. He died 2, 3 on 16 Oct 1689 in Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Edward married 4, 5 Mary FREEMAN in BY 1653 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Mary FREEMAN [Parents] was born 1 about 1636 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 2 on 5 Nov 1688 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Mary married 3, 4 Edward PERRY 5 in BY 1653 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

No birth record. Could have been born in Mass. or adopted. From the Freeman Genealogy.

William WARD 1 was born on 15 May 1603 in Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened in 1603 in England, United Kingdom. He died 2, 3 on 10 Aug 1687 in Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. William married 4 Elizabeth WARD in BY 1641 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
, Eleanor

Name of first wife not given but  John and Joanna were by her and the other children with Elizabeth. In 1666 was made first Deacon in the first church of Marlborough.
Source: Library of Congress "The Ward Family" page 175-178

Extracted Children from Sudbury, Middlesex, MA. Vital Records. Film #0185455. Child #2 Hannah came from temple ready. Child #1 Joanna from AF

Elizabeth WARD was born on 9 Dec 1613 in England, United Kingdom. She died 1 on 9 Dec 1700 in Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married 2 William WARD in BY 1641 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Burial at Old Spring Hill

They had the following children.

  M i Richard WARD was born in 1635. He died on 31 Mar 1666.
  F ii Deborah WARD was born in 1637.
  F iii Hannah WARD was born in 1639.
  M iv Samuel WARD was born on 24 Sep 1641.
  F v Elizabeth WARD was born on 14 Apr 1643. She died on 26 Apr 1710.
  M vi Increase WARD was born on 22 Jan 1644. He died on 25 Aug 1690.
  M vii
Jacob WARD was born 1 on 28 Apr 1645 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
  F viii Hopestill WARD was born on 14 Feb 1646.
  F ix
Mary WARD was born 1 in 1647 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 10 Jun 1703.

Extracted Birth from Sudbury, Middlesex, MA. Vital Records. Film #0185455 (no date given)
Was not married to Daniel Stone. Daniel Stone was married to Mary Ward, daughter of Richard Ward. See NEHGR Vol. 17, p. 339
  M x William WARD was born on 22 Jan 1648. He died on 25 Nov 1697.
  M xi Eleazer WARD was born in 1649. He died on 21 Apr 1676.
  F xii Bethiah WARD was born on 27 Nov 1658.

Richard WARD [Parents] was born 1 in 1635 in England, United Kingdom. He died 2 on 31 Mar 1666 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Richard married Elizabeth.

Richard's will was probated 3 on 19 Jun 1666 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:

Extracted Birth from Sudbury, Middlesex, MA. Vital Records. Film #0185455 (no date given)

BIRTH: Newton record says born in 1635

DEATH: Drowned

Elizabeth. Elizabeth married Richard WARD.

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