Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

William FARRE [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born about 1536 in of Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. He was buried 2, 3 on 5 Apr 1617 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. William married Mrs. William FARRE about 1559 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

William had a will 4 on 8 Jan 1612 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. His will was probated 5 on 6 May 1617 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

Other marriages:

Mentioned in his father's will.

The first five children were not Margy's. The last three were. All children were mentioned in his will except for Mary who died before the will was written.

Will of William Farre Senior
Aspley Guise, Bedford - 1617
Archdeaconry of Bedford
Film 88020  p. 175
Will transcribed by Dean Hunter

Will dated 8 January 1612
Will proved 6 May 1617
In the Name of God Amen: I Willyam ffarre Sen. of Aspley Guise in the countie of Bedds being in good healthe and perfecte memero doe constitue and make this my laste will & testament the eighte daie of January in the yeare if our lorde god according to the compulation of the Church of England 1612, in manner and forme following and first I hereby revoke all former willes & doe humbly commende my Soule into the hands of all mightie god well hoping and believing by his merecies in the and throughe the suffering of Jesus Christ my alone [page 2] saviour to be saved and my bodie to be buried in the church yard of Aspelie aforesaid Item I will give and appoint that William ffarre the younger my eldest sonne shall have paide and delivered unto him by my executors hearafter named in this my will within one month the next after my decease six quarters of good sweete barley to some his hands withe and if it happen to departe this life weere or att the seede time of the yeare then the same barley to be to him delivered pre after my decease for the purpose aforesaid and in like manner I will bequeath & appointe that my said sonne Willyam ffarre shalle have ti him delivered by my executors six quarters of good & sweete pease or beanes sweete for that lande for that season in suche parte and manner as I before have appointed the barley: Item two quarters and twoe bushels of rye to be to hime the saide Willyam ffarre delivered by my executors for seede, att suche time & in suche sete as formerlie I have appointed the other graine nevertheless my expresse intent, meaning, and will is and I go order and appointe that att the said graine so by this my will assigned, to be delivered the saide Willyam my sonne shalle by by him repaired and restored to my saide executors in manner followinge viz: twoe quarters of barley, & twoe quarters of pease or beanes and six bushells of rye yearely and every yeare att the feaste of the purification of our ladie the virgine St Mary, during the terme of three yeares next after my decease to me insle of halfe of all suche graine I give and bequeathe to my sone James ffarre and the other halfe thereof, I will and appoint to be equallie devided betweene Roger ffarre & Lee ffarre two other of my sonnes: Item I give & bequeth to Willyam ffarre my sone a longe carte, & a dunge carte: Item I will &e appointe that my said three sonnes Roger, Lee and James ffarre, shall from and ymmediatlie after my decease weelelie give & deliver to my sonne Willyam ffarre one bushell of good & whole some mill graine for and towardes the mainetenance of [page 3] of his children and householde for and untill he the said Willyam shall equabably first –roppr of his landes after my decease Item I give and bequeath for the said Willyam ffarre twoe plilthes & two paire of iron harrowes and all such plough & cartes timber as shall happen to be in my or possession at or before, the time of my decease and I will & appointe that my executers shall not take awaye or deminishe after my decease any of the fences bales or mountes in or aboute the yardes gardens delyarde or any other the grounds in my nowe possession: Item I will and appointe that the greatest sallinge ffonghe with the cober thereare of shall remaine for in the howse and for the use and benefitt of my saide sonne Willyam and his heirs: Item I further give and bequeath to my saide sonne Willyam twoe carte horses worthe fortie six shillinges and eight oebce a peece att the leasle together with good & compleate harme se & furnature to the said twoe horses: Item I will and bequeath to my saide sonne Willyam a longe carte bodie with an Axeltree with Thomas Kinge of Aspelies borrowed of me. Item I will & bequeath to my Sone James ffarre the ellder of the two cupboardes in the halle the best boarded bedsteede and the great boarded cheste, standinge under the chamber windowe, wheareas I use to lye and the greatest brasse panne Item I will give & bequeathe to my sone Lee ffarre, the newe cupboard in the hall the wynded beddsteed in the chamber withe thes featherball and boulster thereon lyinge and all others the cosese in my house excepte one wch my sonne James ffarre nowe useth wch I will and beqeath to my daughter Anne: Item I bequeath to the saide Anne the ould table nowe standing in the boutinge house oneoly to use during her life, and the same after her decease I give and to Willyam Ambridge her sonne. Item I give and bequeath to Steven ffarre my sonne one cowe and the best hose wch shall happen to be in the yarde at the time of my decease & the greate iron spitt: Item I will give & bequeath all suche house as shall be [page 4] remaymine in my house at my deathe and all the hogges and other swine then allsoe remayminge in the yarde to my saide five sonnes viz: Willyam, Steven, Roger, Lee, & James to be equalled divided betweene them Item I give and bequeathe to my sonne James farre twoe mattries, twoe boulsters& twoe of the best blanckette: Item I give and bequeathe to my sonnes Lee & James ffarre, all my linnen whatsoever items to have twoe partes thereof & Lee a thirde part to be in suche manner indipsewent devided betweene them: Item I will and bequeathe to Alice my daughter fortie shillinges and Xd: to & amongest all suche children of the said Alice att my decease living to be equallie divided amongest them: Iten I give and bequeathe to every of the children of my saide sonnes Willyam, Steven and Roger ffarre, livinge att my decease, one sheepe a peece if I shall have so many att my decease the wantes to be supplied by my executors the value of every sheepe to be supplied to be worth vis viiid: The residue of all my household stuffe and ymplements of householde excepte twoe pewter platters, I give & bequeathe to my sonne Lee ffarr & James farre ti be equally devieded between them, wth twoe platters I give & bequeathe to my sonne Roger ffarre: The resudue of all my corne, grayne cattell & other goodes moveable and unmoveable I will give & bequeath, wholy my debtes & legacies paide to my Sonnes Roger ffarre, Lee ffarre & James ffarre, to be equallie divided betweene them, whome allsoe I make executors of this my laste will and testament uppon this condition as unto the saide Lee ffarre, that if he att any time after my decease doe inter marrie withe Joane Smithe daugther of Edwarde Strottons nowe wise then all the legacies before to him by this my will bequeathed to be imeerely voide and the benefitt there of to be to my saide sones Roger ffarre and James ffarre and further the saide Lee from and ymmediatley after suche inter marriage to be wholy excluded and debarred from further intermedlinge as my executores of this my laste will & testament and Roger and James ffarre to be my executors: In witnesses whereof I have to this my will subscribed my name the daie above written inthe presence of Richarde Harbie Clarke and Robert Slinges ------- Item I give unto George ffarr the sonne of my saide sonne Roger ffarre one good weather sheepe.
Probatu suit humisd testam cora viro med Johne Smithe in ll barr: Commssad et affre arhimal Bedd: 6 º die mensis Maii An Dno 1617 acpen approbat & Commisse benorn die defund adm executores in dec testament wiatt in forma Jural.

Russell (Dukes of Bedford) Archive
Bedfordshire Deeds
Aspley Guise
Aspley Wood

Copy Bargain & Sale

(i) Ralph Norwich, late of Aspley Guise, esquire and Anne his wife;
(ii) Francis Bury of Beckerings Park [Ridgmont], esquire

Operative Part:
- (i) sold (a)-(t) to (ii) for "a certain competent sum"

(a) Manor of Aspley Guise with view of frankpledge and all messuages etc.;
(b) messuage in Aspley Guise late in occupation of Edward Sadler, deceased, late husband of Anne Norwich;
(c) one orchard, two gardens, two tofts, two closes of pasture adjoining (b) and containing 12 acres;
(d) Middle Pasture of 52 acres lately divided into two parcels;
(e) grove of woodland called Faulkner's Grove in Aspley Guise;
(f) Woodlands Closes of 14 acres;
(g) capital messuage with garden and orchard [entry damaged];
(h) close of 12 acres adjoining (g);
(i) pasture called [damaged portion] or Little Field of 26 acres;
(j) two closes of pasture called Poweges containing 10 acres;
(k) 14 acres of meadow and 120 acres of arable now or late in occupation of Thomas Chibnall, gentleman;
(l) messuage and 60 acres of pasture now or late in occupation of John Pancruss;
(m) messuage in Birchmore [Woburn] now or late in occupation of John Collins;
(n) 50 acres of arable and 20 acres of pasture in Woburn now or late in occupation of John Collins;
(o) 400 acres of woodland or underwood with soil in occupation of Thomas Chibnall;
(p) waste ground called The Warren in Aspley Guise with stock of conies

(ii) entitled to all deeds except those relating to:
- sale of 6 acres of heathland on Aspley Heath sold by (i) to Henry Char[d]ge of Wavendon [Buckinghamshire];
- messuage and lands lately held by William Farre the elder by copy and sold by (i) to William Farre the younger of Aspley Guise, husbandman;
- two messuages late in occupation of John Collins, Johan Allen, widow and Edmund Hardinge lately sold to [damaged portion] by Edward Sadler and Anne his wife;
- two parcels of arable land in field next to Holcot Millnes containing together one acre one half acre lying in Thorneton Furlong the other in Lines Croft Furlong;
- plot of land lying between messuages of Henry Ward and Ralph Baker;
- plot of ground with a lea at the end adjoining messuage some time in occupation of Jasper Hodson;
- plot of land lying between the Ryes Piece and Aspley Wood Corner next to Hogstie House containing half an acre; the last four plots all sold by Edward Sadler and Anne his wife to Edmund Hardinge;
- messuage with meadows and closes late held as copyhold by Martyn King;
- messuage late held as copyhold by Thomas King and in occupation of Edmund Tilcock;
- messuage late in occupation of Thomas Tyddesdale;

- 21 acres of arable and 6 acres of meadow lately belonging to messuage in which Edward Sadler dwelled now in occupation of Edmund Hardinge who purchased it from Ralph Norwich and Anne his wife;
- 6 acres of meadow in Broadmead now or late in occupation of John Spurling;
- Salford Pasture now or late in occupation of John Spurling ;
- parcel of meadow now or late in occupation of Henry Charge of Wavendon
- close of pasture called Blackwell of 18 acres lately conveyed by Ralph and Anne Norwich to Thomas King

- (ii) to receive rent from following leases
(q) 5 Jul 1578 from Edward and Anne Sadler to John [damaged portion] of Husborne Crawley of close called Carnishe[damaged portion] or Pigs Park of 60 acres some time in occupation of John Carter in Aspley Guise for 21 years at 5 per annum;
(r) 17 Feb 1590 from Ralph and Anne Norwich and Lee Sadler to Jaspar Hodson of Aspley Guise, husbandman of one messuage with close of land or pasture of one acre adjoining and of 5 acres, 1.5 swaths of meadow, pasture and arable in various places in Aspley Guise with common for 6 beasts or kine, 3 to be in the fen and 3 on the hills and common for 15 sheep for 21 years at 6/8 and 2 capons per annum;
(s) Feb [damaged portion] from Ralph and Anne Norwich to Robert Fitzhugh of Wavendon, gentleman of 8 acres of wood and heath on Aspley Heath and 24 acres of wood and heath adjoining for 5,000 years;
(t) 21 Feb 1590 from Ralph and Anne Norwich and Lee Sadler to Richard Tilcock of Aspley Guise and Agnes his wife of their house and land appertaining for 41 years at 6/3 per annum;

- Richard Sutton; Clement Taylor; Thomas Hassould

Examined by William Shippard and William Lawson

2 Nov 1590

Mrs. William FARRE was born about 1538 in of, Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. She died about 1578. Mrs. married William FARRE 1 about 1559 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

was possibly Ann.

They had the following children.

  M i Steven FARRE was christened on 21 Mar 1563/1564. He died on 11 Jan 1648.
  M ii William FARRE Jr was born about 1563. He was buried on 21 Apr 1617.
  F iii
Mary FARRE was christened 1 on 8 Apr 1566 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2 on 31 Jan 1589 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iv
Alice FARRE was christened 1 on 8 Apr 1569/1570 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She died 2 on 16 Nov 1570 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F v Ann FARRE was christened on 8 Apr 1569.

William FARRE Jr [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2 about 1563 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. He was buried 3 on 21 Apr 1617 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. William married Mrs. William FARR in 1595 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

William was also known as William Farre Junior.

Other marriages:
, Joan

Names brother Stephen Farr of Houghton Conquest as executor of will.
Bedford Probate Records
Film #88020, p. 200[185],19th of August 1617

Will of William ffarre of Aspley guise in the countie of Bedd
to be buried in the church Yarde of Aspley
Steven ffarre of Beddford ¹Houghton Brother [Executor]
Edmunde Hardinge
Thomas Kinge
[Land called Steppingdon? hill?]
William Russott?
ffarncis Stanton
Nicholas Wolton
John Stanton?
L? Crowley?
Robert Sh?
[my nine children] [not one is named in the will]

Ref. WARD 7/76/11, PRO in London
English Translation by Roger T. Macfarlane:
Egerunt per eadem [“the inquisitors treated through these same issues…”]
The Inquisitio indentata convened at Ampthill in the County of Bedford on the aforementioned 17th day of January in the third year of the reign of lord Charles [1628], by God’s grace King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, under the auspices of Charles Alden esquire, escheator for the aforementioned lord King within the aforementioned county, by virtue of his office after the death of William Farr Senior, lately of Aspley Guise in the aforementioned county deceased; under oath [spoken by the inquisitors] Who decree by the aforementioned oath that the aforementioned William Farr was lawful possessor (seisitus) in his property de feodo de etc., in a messuage of fifty five acres of land, fourteen acres of meadow, two acres of pasturage with all thereto pertaining in Aspley Guise in the mentioned county of Bedford, and that thus living seisitus he did make and establish his last will and conveying in writing with the date of the nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord 1617, and through that will of his he conceded and specified to a certain Stephen Farr of Bedford Houghton, his brother, and articulates the aforementioned messuage with those things pertaining to it in the aforementioned Aspley with its acres, orchard, garden, pightello, curtilage, granary, stables, and buildings pertaining to that same land, and he conveyed — and this is specified as three acres plus one rode of land and eight acres plus three rodes of  meadow and two acres of pasture; and it is clarified that this should be held from the day of the death of the aforementioned William Farr, lately deceased, for a term of eighteen years; then as soon as possible having reached full age as filling the terms of the aforementioned will, the aforementioned judge within the authority of an inquest, unless need be proved by evidence brought and more justly by the aforementioned judge, do decree pertaining to all the aforementioned above that the aforementioned William Farr was seisitus of all and every property, living at the aforementioned Aspley and died on the twentieth day of April in the fifteenth year of the reign of lord James, late King of England, even the year of our Lord one thousand six-hundred and seventeenth, and that William Farr is his son and the heir of the aforementioned William Farr, deceased, and that the aforementioned William Farr at the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr, his own deceased father, was under age, i.e. of the age of ten years seven months and three weeks, and at the time of the seating of this inquest is of full age, i.e. of the age of twenty one years and more; AND that the aforementioned messuage and the aforementioned acres and premises occupied and that were occupied at the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr be conveyed from said lord King under the classification of the sumptim militare fed per quam partem foedi milit.; the aforementioned inquest acts with full information and asseses annually upon all the property tax of twenty solidi for the gain the aforementioned Stephen Farr receives and conducts and possesses of the premises aforementioned from the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr until the time this inquest was convened and that the aforementioned William Farr at the time of his death held no acre of land pertaining to this possession nor in the use for notation of the aforementioned inquisitors. In the year of the inquest, etc…

Latin Transcription by Roger T. Macfarlane:
1. Inquisitio indentata capta apud Ampthill in comitatu Bedford predicto decimo septimo die Januarii anno regni domini Caroli dei gratia Regis Angl(iae)
2. Scot(iae) Franc(iae) et Hibernae tertio, coram Carolo Alden armigero escaetore dicti domini Regis comitatus predicti virtute officii sui post mortem Williami Ffarre senioris nuper de
3. Asply-Guise in dicto comitatu nuper defuncti per sacramentum etc. [juratorum.] Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum praedictum quod predictus Williamus Ffarre die obitus seistius fuit in dominio
4. suo ut de feodo de et in uno mesuagio quinquaginta et quinque acr(is) terr(ae) quattuordecim acr(is) prati et duabus acr(is) pastur(ae) cum pertinenciis in Asply-Guise in dicto
5. comitatu Bedford et sic seistius existens fecit et condidit ultimam voluntatem suam in scriptis gerens dat decimo novo die Aprilis anno domini 1617
6. et per eandem voluntatem suam concessit et demonstravit cuidam Stephano Ffarre de Bedford Houghton fratri suo mesuagia perdicta mentionat cum pertinenciis in
7. Asply praedicta cum acr(is) pomar(io) gardino, pightell(o) et curtilag(gio) horrea stabulis et edificiis eidem terr(ae) pertinentibus et tra(n)suit et tres acr(as) et unam rodam terrae otto acr(as) et
8. tres rodas prati et duas acr(as) pasture in eadem perticularit, mentionat h(ab)end(um) a die mortis praedicti Williami Ffarris, nuper defuncti, per termino octodecimo annorum
9. tunc proxime sequens et plenarie complendus prout per ultimam voluntatem praedicti Jur(isti) praedicti super capcionem huius inquisitionis in evidentiis ostens plenius liquet
10.  apparet et Jur(isti) praedicti ustius dicunt super ea summum praedictum quod praedictus Williamus Ffarre sit de omnibus et singulis premissis seistius existens apud Aspley praedictum
11. obiit vicesimo die Aprilis Anno regni domini Jacobi nuper Regis Angl(iae) decimo quinto Annoque domini milesimo sexcentesimo decimo septimo et quod Williamus
12.  Farre est filius et heres predicti Williami Ffarris defuncti et quod predictus Williamus Ffarre tempore mortis praedicti Williami Ffarris patris sui defuncti fuit infra etatem
13. videlicet etate decem annos septem mensum et trium septimam et tempore capcionis huius inquisitionis est plenae etatis, videlicet etatis viginti uno
14. annorum et ampluis. Et quod predictum mensuag et acras praedictas premissa tenementa et tempore mortis praedicti Williami Ffarris tenebantur de dicto domino Rege in
15. capite per sumptum militare fed per quam partem foedi milit. Inquisitio praedicta penitus ignoratur et valet per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra repris() viginti solid(orum) et
16. quod praedictus Stephanus Farre recepit egit et possessit premissorum predicta a tempore mortis praedicti Williami Ffarris usque tempus capcionis huius inquisitionis
17. et quod praedictus Williamus Ffarr tempore mortis suae nulla acr(a) terr(e) sive ten(ens) huic in possessione sive in usu ad notitiam Juristorum predictorum. In anno rei
18. etc.
decimo septimo die Januarii anno regni domini Caroli= 17 January 1628
Charles dates his kingship from 27 March 1625.
 William Farr, Jr. turns 21 in the autumn of 1627, and is thus
            21 years of age (21+) in Jan 1628.
vicesimo die Aprilis Anno regni domini Jacobi nuper Regis Angl(iae) decimo quinto = 20 April 1617 (James I dating his kingship from 24 March 1603)
 ut de feodo, et de libero tenemento simul

Mrs. William FARR was born about 1565 in of Aspley Guise, Bedford, England. She died about 1604 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. Mrs. married William FARRE Jr 1 in 1595 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

They had the following children.

  F i
Emme FARRE was christened 1 on 30 Jan 1596 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2 on 7 Jul 1608 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F ii
Alice FARRE was christened 1 on 12 Mar 1597 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iii
Suzan FARRE was christened 1 on 25 Nov 1599 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2 on 8 Jan 1599 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iv
Sara FARRE was christened 1 on 3 May 1601 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F v
Suzan FARRE was christened 1 on 27 May 1604 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

William FARRE Jr [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2 about 1563 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. He was buried 3 on 21 Apr 1617 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. William married Joan about 1606 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

William was also known as William Farre Junior.

Other marriages:
FARR, Mrs. William

Names brother Stephen Farr of Houghton Conquest as executor of will.
Bedford Probate Records
Film #88020, p. 200[185],19th of August 1617

Will of William ffarre of Aspley guise in the countie of Bedd
to be buried in the church Yarde of Aspley
Steven ffarre of Beddford ¹Houghton Brother [Executor]
Edmunde Hardinge
Thomas Kinge
[Land called Steppingdon? hill?]
William Russott?
ffarncis Stanton
Nicholas Wolton
John Stanton?
L? Crowley?
Robert Sh?
[my nine children] [not one is named in the will]

Ref. WARD 7/76/11, PRO in London
English Translation by Roger T. Macfarlane:
Egerunt per eadem [“the inquisitors treated through these same issues…”]
The Inquisitio indentata convened at Ampthill in the County of Bedford on the aforementioned 17th day of January in the third year of the reign of lord Charles [1628], by God’s grace King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, under the auspices of Charles Alden esquire, escheator for the aforementioned lord King within the aforementioned county, by virtue of his office after the death of William Farr Senior, lately of Aspley Guise in the aforementioned county deceased; under oath [spoken by the inquisitors] Who decree by the aforementioned oath that the aforementioned William Farr was lawful possessor (seisitus) in his property de feodo de etc., in a messuage of fifty five acres of land, fourteen acres of meadow, two acres of pasturage with all thereto pertaining in Aspley Guise in the mentioned county of Bedford, and that thus living seisitus he did make and establish his last will and conveying in writing with the date of the nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord 1617, and through that will of his he conceded and specified to a certain Stephen Farr of Bedford Houghton, his brother, and articulates the aforementioned messuage with those things pertaining to it in the aforementioned Aspley with its acres, orchard, garden, pightello, curtilage, granary, stables, and buildings pertaining to that same land, and he conveyed — and this is specified as three acres plus one rode of land and eight acres plus three rodes of  meadow and two acres of pasture; and it is clarified that this should be held from the day of the death of the aforementioned William Farr, lately deceased, for a term of eighteen years; then as soon as possible having reached full age as filling the terms of the aforementioned will, the aforementioned judge within the authority of an inquest, unless need be proved by evidence brought and more justly by the aforementioned judge, do decree pertaining to all the aforementioned above that the aforementioned William Farr was seisitus of all and every property, living at the aforementioned Aspley and died on the twentieth day of April in the fifteenth year of the reign of lord James, late King of England, even the year of our Lord one thousand six-hundred and seventeenth, and that William Farr is his son and the heir of the aforementioned William Farr, deceased, and that the aforementioned William Farr at the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr, his own deceased father, was under age, i.e. of the age of ten years seven months and three weeks, and at the time of the seating of this inquest is of full age, i.e. of the age of twenty one years and more; AND that the aforementioned messuage and the aforementioned acres and premises occupied and that were occupied at the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr be conveyed from said lord King under the classification of the sumptim militare fed per quam partem foedi milit.; the aforementioned inquest acts with full information and asseses annually upon all the property tax of twenty solidi for the gain the aforementioned Stephen Farr receives and conducts and possesses of the premises aforementioned from the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr until the time this inquest was convened and that the aforementioned William Farr at the time of his death held no acre of land pertaining to this possession nor in the use for notation of the aforementioned inquisitors. In the year of the inquest, etc…

Latin Transcription by Roger T. Macfarlane:
1. Inquisitio indentata capta apud Ampthill in comitatu Bedford predicto decimo septimo die Januarii anno regni domini Caroli dei gratia Regis Angl(iae)
2. Scot(iae) Franc(iae) et Hibernae tertio, coram Carolo Alden armigero escaetore dicti domini Regis comitatus predicti virtute officii sui post mortem Williami Ffarre senioris nuper de
3. Asply-Guise in dicto comitatu nuper defuncti per sacramentum etc. [juratorum.] Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum praedictum quod predictus Williamus Ffarre die obitus seistius fuit in dominio
4. suo ut de feodo de et in uno mesuagio quinquaginta et quinque acr(is) terr(ae) quattuordecim acr(is) prati et duabus acr(is) pastur(ae) cum pertinenciis in Asply-Guise in dicto
5. comitatu Bedford et sic seistius existens fecit et condidit ultimam voluntatem suam in scriptis gerens dat decimo novo die Aprilis anno domini 1617
6. et per eandem voluntatem suam concessit et demonstravit cuidam Stephano Ffarre de Bedford Houghton fratri suo mesuagia perdicta mentionat cum pertinenciis in
7. Asply praedicta cum acr(is) pomar(io) gardino, pightell(o) et curtilag(gio) horrea stabulis et edificiis eidem terr(ae) pertinentibus et tra(n)suit et tres acr(as) et unam rodam terrae otto acr(as) et
8. tres rodas prati et duas acr(as) pasture in eadem perticularit, mentionat h(ab)end(um) a die mortis praedicti Williami Ffarris, nuper defuncti, per termino octodecimo annorum
9. tunc proxime sequens et plenarie complendus prout per ultimam voluntatem praedicti Jur(isti) praedicti super capcionem huius inquisitionis in evidentiis ostens plenius liquet
10.  apparet et Jur(isti) praedicti ustius dicunt super ea summum praedictum quod praedictus Williamus Ffarre sit de omnibus et singulis premissis seistius existens apud Aspley praedictum
11. obiit vicesimo die Aprilis Anno regni domini Jacobi nuper Regis Angl(iae) decimo quinto Annoque domini milesimo sexcentesimo decimo septimo et quod Williamus
12.  Farre est filius et heres predicti Williami Ffarris defuncti et quod predictus Williamus Ffarre tempore mortis praedicti Williami Ffarris patris sui defuncti fuit infra etatem
13. videlicet etate decem annos septem mensum et trium septimam et tempore capcionis huius inquisitionis est plenae etatis, videlicet etatis viginti uno
14. annorum et ampluis. Et quod predictum mensuag et acras praedictas premissa tenementa et tempore mortis praedicti Williami Ffarris tenebantur de dicto domino Rege in
15. capite per sumptum militare fed per quam partem foedi milit. Inquisitio praedicta penitus ignoratur et valet per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra repris() viginti solid(orum) et
16. quod praedictus Stephanus Farre recepit egit et possessit premissorum predicta a tempore mortis praedicti Williami Ffarris usque tempus capcionis huius inquisitionis
17. et quod praedictus Williamus Ffarr tempore mortis suae nulla acr(a) terr(e) sive ten(ens) huic in possessione sive in usu ad notitiam Juristorum predictorum. In anno rei
18. etc.
decimo septimo die Januarii anno regni domini Caroli= 17 January 1628
Charles dates his kingship from 27 March 1625.
 William Farr, Jr. turns 21 in the autumn of 1627, and is thus
            21 years of age (21+) in Jan 1628.
vicesimo die Aprilis Anno regni domini Jacobi nuper Regis Angl(iae) decimo quinto = 20 April 1617 (James I dating his kingship from 24 March 1603)
 ut de feodo, et de libero tenemento simul

Joan was born in 1565 in Aspley Guise, Bedford, England. She was buried 1, 2 on 2 Feb 1616 in Aspley Guise, Bedford, England. Joan married William FARRE Jr 3 about 1606 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

They had the following children.

  M i William FARRE was christened on 31 Aug 1606. He was buried on 21 Mar 1660.
  F ii
Emme FARRE 1, 2 was christened on 25 Aug 1611 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iii
John FARRE 1, 2 was christened on 27 Dec 1612 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 3 on 31 Jan 1612/1613 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iv
Ambrose FARRE 1, 2 was christened on 3 Apr 1614 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M v
Cuthbert FARRE 1, 2 was christened on 21 May 1615 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F vi
Katheryne FARRE was christened 1 on 27 Oct 1616 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

James AMBRIDGE was born about 1561 in of Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. James married 1 Ann FARRE on 26 Jan 1589/1590 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Ann FARRE [Parents] was christened on 8 Apr 1569 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Ann married 1 James AMBRIDGE on 26 Jan 1589/1590 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Lee FARRE [Parents] was christened 1 on 3 Jan 1579/1580 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 2 on 18 May 1660 in Wavendon, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom from of drowning. Lee married Mary about 1618 in of Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Listed in his brother Stephen's will.

DEATH: The court and jurors found him to be Chance Medley after the drowning. Chance medley (from the Anglo-French chance-medlee, a mixed chance, and not from chaude-medlee, a hot affray), an accident of a mixed character, is an old term in English law for a form of homicide arising out of a sudden affray or quarrel. The homicide has not the characteristic of malice prepense which would raise the death to murder, nor the completely accidental nature which would reduce it to homicide by misadventure. It was practically identical, therefore, with manslaughter.

Mary 1 was born about 1585 in of Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Mary married Lee FARRE about 1618 in of Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Listed as mother of Mary with Lee as father in the burial record.

They had the following children.

  M i
George FARRE was born 1 on 14 Jun 1619 in Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F ii
Elizabeth FARRE was born 1 on 23 Apr 1621 in Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iii
Lee FARRE was born 1 on 15 Dec 1623 in Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2, 3 on 27 Sep 1681 in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Lee was also known 4 as Lee Furr.
  M iv
William FARRE was born 1 on 4 May 1626 in Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 5 May 1628 in Holcote, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F v
Mary FARRE was born 1 on 16 May 1631 in Holcote, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2 on 6 Nov 1638 in Holcote, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

BURIAL: Daughter of Lee and Mary.
  F vi
Frances FARRE was born 1 on 10 Apr 1634 in Holcote, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

James FARRE [Parents] was christened 1 on 30 Jul 1581 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 29 Aug 1658 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. James married 3 Dorothy GIBBINS on 5 Oct 1619 in Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Mentioned in his father's will.

Dorothy GIBBINS was buried 1 on 24 Apr 1635 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Dorothy married 2 James FARRE on 5 Oct 1619 in Salford, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i
Elizabeth FARRE was born 1 on 10 Feb 1621 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ii
Richard FUR was buried 1 on 31 Jan 1636 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Richard was also known as Richard Farre.

John FUR [Parents] was christened 1 on 27 Jun 1615 in Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. John married 2 Ann MIDDLETON on 17 Jan 1638 in Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

John was also known as Farre.

Ann MIDDLETON was christened on 26 Nov 1609 in Wilshamstead, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Ann married 1 John FUR on 17 Jan 1638 in Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i
Sarah FURR was christened 1 on 29 Mar 1640 in Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F ii
Elizabeth FURR was christened 1 on 13 Oct 1643 in Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Steven FARRE [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was christened 2, 3 on 21 Mar 1563/1564 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. He died on 11 Jan 1648 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. He was buried 4 on 13 Jan 1648 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. Steven married 5, 6 Alice WHEELER 7 on 13 May 1611 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

Steven's will was probated 8 on 26 Jun 1649 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

Stephen is in his father's will and in his brother's will, William the Younger.

The Will of Stephen Farr (film #92172, PCC 92 Fairfax):
In the me of God Amen. I ²Stephen ffarr being in perfect memory commit my soule to Almighty god and my body to bee buried in the Parish yard of Aspley Guyse I mack this my last will and testament. Item I give to my Sonne ³William ffarr to pay my house and ground that my tennent Thomas Smith holdeth. I give him the hadland  under lines? I give him one halfe acre of land and two ___ of meadow of the kings hold to pay the kings rent. I give to him one black row one black bullock. I give to him my wardrobe and one ____. Item I give to my Sonne ³William ffarr after my decease and my wife the house I now dwell in and all my ground and tenants and apurtanances belonging to it within the parish of Aspley Guyse to him and his heirs forever. Item I give to my Sonne ³Stephan ffarr one schilling. Item I make my wife full Executor. Item I make my brother Ralph Wheeler and my brother Lee ffarr Executors of this my will. I give to my Excutors iis.
The mark of Stephen ffarr  William Byworth  witness  Lee ffarr.

Ref. WARD 7/76/11, PRO in London
English Translation by Roger T. Macfarlane:
Egerunt per eadem [“the inquisitors treated through these same issues…”]
The Inquisitio indentata convened at Ampthill in the County of Bedford on the aforementioned 17th day of January in the third year of the reign of lord Charles [1628], by God’s grace King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, under the auspices of Charles Alden esquire, escheator for the aforementioned lord King within the aforementioned county, by virtue of his office after the death of William Farr Senior, lately of Aspley Guise in the aforementioned county deceased; under oath [spoken by the inquisitors] Who decree by the aforementioned oath that the aforementioned William Farr was lawful possessor (seisitus) in his property de feodo de etc., in a messuage of fifty five acres of land, fourteen acres of meadow, two acres of pasturage with all thereto pertaining in Aspley Guise in the mentioned county of Bedford, and that thus living seisitus he did make and establish his last will and conveying in writing with the date of the nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord 1617, and through that will of his he conceded and specified to a certain Stephen Farr of Bedford Houghton, his brother, and articulates the aforementioned messuage with those things pertaining to it in the aforementioned Aspley with its acres, orchard, garden, pightello, curtilage, granary, stables, and buildings pertaining to that same land, and he conveyed — and this is specified as three acres plus one rode of land and eight acres plus three rodes of  meadow and two acres of pasture; and it is clarified that this should be held from the day of the death of the aforementioned William Farr, lately deceased, for a term of eighteen years; then as soon as possible having reached full age as filling the terms of the aforementioned will, the aforementioned judge within the authority of an inquest, unless need be proved by evidence brought and more justly by the aforementioned judge, do decree pertaining to all the aforementioned above that the aforementioned William Farr was seisitus of all and every property, living at the aforementioned Aspley and died on the twentieth day of April in the fifteenth year of the reign of lord James, late King of England, even the year of our Lord one thousand six-hundred and seventeenth, and that William Farr is his son and the heir of the aforementioned William Farr, deceased, and that the aforementioned William Farr at the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr, his own deceased father, was under age, i.e. of the age of ten years seven months and three weeks, and at the time of the seating of this inquest is of full age, i.e. of the age of twenty one years and more; AND that the aforementioned messuage and the aforementioned acres and premises occupied and that were occupied at the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr be conveyed from said lord King under the classification of the sumptim militare fed per quam partem foedi milit.; the aforementioned inquest acts with full information and asseses annually upon all the property tax of twenty solidi for the gain the aforementioned Stephen Farr receives and conducts and possesses of the premises aforementioned from the time of the death of the aforementioned William Farr until the time this inquest was convened and that the aforementioned William Farr at the time of his death held no acre of land pertaining to this possession nor in the use for notation of the aforementioned inquisitors. In the year of the inquest, etc…

Alice WHEELER [scrapbook] 1 was born in PROB 7 OCT 1563 in Houghton Conquest, Bedfordshire, England. She was buried 2 on 6 Jan 1649/1650 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. Alice married 3, 4 Steven FARRE 5 on 13 May 1611 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England.

In the Book “Abstracts of Probate Acts in the PCC” British 942 S2pa v-4 it says “FARRE, Stephen, of Aspley Guise, Beds. Will [92 Fairfax] pr. June 26 1649 by relict Alice.

Sister to Ralph Wheeler and probably daughter of Richard. Richard may have married twice.

They had the following children.

  M i Stephen FURR was christened on 2 Apr 1612. He was buried on 22 Jul 1667.
  M ii William FARR (MRCA) was christened on 3 Oct 1613. He was buried on 10 Jan 1683.
  M iii
John FARRE was christened 1 on 18 Jul 1618 in Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire, England. He was buried 2 on 7 Jan 1622 in Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England.

Stephen FURR [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was christened 2, 3 on 2 Apr 1612 in Kempston, Bedfordshire, England. He was buried 4 on 22 Jul 1667 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England. Stephen married 5, 6 Katherine HUGHS on 23 Oct 1638 in Little Woolstone, Buckinghamshire, England.

Stephen was also known as Stephen Farr.

Other marriages:

Listed in father's will #92172 Fairfax #92. Also listed in father-in-law's will, Thomas Dennet, Husborne Crawley, Bedford - 1643 Archdeaconry of Bedford, Film #1066809.  This is the Stephen that has children in Husborne Crawley, Ann, John, Dennet(b. 19 Jan 1646, Woughton On The Green, Bucks) and Robert. Stephen was first married to Katherine Hughs(mother of Ann) and then to Mary Dennet. Mary is also mentioned in her brother's will, George Dennet, Husborne Crawley, Bedford - 1657 Archdeaconry of Bedford, Film 1066812.

Katherine HUGHS was christened in 1614 in of Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England. She died in 1639 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England. Katherine married 1, 2 Stephen FURR 3 on 23 Oct 1638 in Little Woolstone, Buckinghamshire, England.

Probably daughter of Robert Hughs(Roberd Huse) and Ann Adams of Granborough, Bucks.

They had the following children.

  F i
Ann FAR was christened 1 on 13 Oct 1639 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England.

Stephen FURR [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was christened 2, 3 on 2 Apr 1612 in Kempston, Bedfordshire, England. He was buried 4 on 22 Jul 1667 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England. Stephen married 5 Mary DENNET on 23 Jan 1639 in Little Brickhill, Buckinghamshire, England.

Stephen was also known as Stephen Farr.

Other marriages:
HUGHS, Katherine

Listed in father's will #92172 Fairfax #92. Also listed in father-in-law's will, Thomas Dennet, Husborne Crawley, Bedford - 1643 Archdeaconry of Bedford, Film #1066809.  This is the Stephen that has children in Husborne Crawley, Ann, John, Dennet(b. 19 Jan 1646, Woughton On The Green, Bucks) and Robert. Stephen was first married to Katherine Hughs(mother of Ann) and then to Mary Dennet. Mary is also mentioned in her brother's will, George Dennet, Husborne Crawley, Bedford - 1657 Archdeaconry of Bedford, Film 1066812.

Mary DENNET [Parents] was christened 1 on 9 Aug 1613 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England. She died after 1654 in of Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England. Mary married 2 Stephen FURR 3 on 23 Jan 1639 in Little Brickhill, Buckinghamshire, England.

Mary is mentioned in her father's will as wife of Stephen Farr and menioned in her brother George's will as Mary Farr.

They had the following children.

  M i
John FAR was christened 1, 2 on 3 Dec 1640 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 3, 4 on 25 Jun 1658 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ii
Dennett FAR was born 1 on 19 Jan 1646 in Woughton On The Green, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 2 in Jan 1646 in Woughton On The Green, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 3 on 24 May 1675 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iii
Robert FARR was christened 1, 2 on 24 Mar 1654 in Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Maybe the same Robert that married Ann Collier in London.

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