Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Henry RICE died 1 in Nov 1621 in Stanstead, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Henry married 2 Elizabeth FROST on 12 Nov 1605 in Stanstead, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Elizabeth FROST [Parents] was born in Chickney, Essex, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 1 on 24 Mar 1587 in Glemsford, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She died 2, 3 on 20 Jun 1647 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married 4 Henry RICE on 12 Nov 1605 in Stanstead, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:
WHALE, Philemon Jr

They had the following children.

  F i Elizabeth RICE was christened on 18 Nov 1612. She died on 14 Dec 1690.

William FROST [Parents] was christened 1 on 19 Sep 1589 in Stanstead, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 3 Feb 1624. William married 3 Abigail BOWSER on 29 Nov 1610 in Stanstead, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Abigail BOWSER was christened 1 on 25 Apr 1592. Abigail married 2 William FROST on 29 Nov 1610 in Stanstead, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Laurence COLLIN. Laurence married 1 Ann FROST on 25 Oct 1613 in St Mary's, Bury St Edmonds, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Ann FROST [Parents] was christened 1 on 3 Dec 1592 in Stanstead, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Ann married 2 Laurence COLLIN on 25 Oct 1613 in St Mary's, Bury St Edmonds, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

William BRACKETT 1.

WILLIAM BRACKETT was a resident of Sudbury, Suffolk. Also living there at the same time was Edward Brackett, presumably his brother. Both these men appear on the Sudbury list of the Military Survey of 1522, William as an able archer, Edward as an able billman, both listed as butchers, each assessed 12 pence on goods valued at £2. One can reasonably assume that they grew up in the trade and learned it from their father who also must have lived in Sudbury. Two years later, they both appear again on record as taxpayers in the 1524 Subsidy return, each down for 4 pence tax on wages of 20 shillings. No earlier record of the name in Sudbury has been found, but it does occur somewhat earlier in other parts of England, or at least possible variations of the name such as Brokett. Edward Brackett died in 1540. 20 June 1540 - The wife of EDWARD BRACKETT, balie of the town of Sudbury, Suffolk, hale of mind and in good and perfect remembrance .,. my body to be buried within the churchyard of St. Gregory in Sudbury... to every of my children John. James, Edward, George and Faythe 5 marks at age 20 and if Faythe marry before age 20, then on day of marriage to Maud my wife all those my copyhold lease, interest and term of years which I have and hold of the right worshipfu.1 Lady Dame Jane Corbett of and in certain lands and pastures lying in Assington, Suffolk, called by the name of Perefield     Richard Barker of Sudbury to hold and occupy these leases during the nonage of son George Brackett, paying £4 13s 7d sterling yearly to Maud my wile and 6C of fresh wood with the felling making and carrying of the same toward the keeping and bringing up of the same George and Edward my sons.. Also, to wife Maud a certain lease in lands called Chyllton wente and Duckslade.. .The residue of all my goods and cattle, money, plate, debts and implements of household not assigned or bequeathed to Maud my wife whom I make sole executrix. John Oxburghe of Sudbury, gentleman, and the said Richard Barker to be aydors and comforters to my said wife and for their pains 6s 8d sterling. Witnesses: John Bannasted, Raulff Feosdike, John Blanche, John Beeie, Ronert Cooke. Willm Hayward. Proved 19 March 1540/4 1 (Ref.: Coole 364)

William Brackett had at least three Sons who referred to each other in their wills.

Children, born in Sudbury:
WILLIAM, prob. b about 1515; m Alice.......; ch.: Edmond, Richard, William, Maud, others who d.y.; buried 6 May 1575 at St.Peter's; she m 2, 11 Sept. 1575, Richard Morrell (or Merrill)
GEORGE, named in wills of his brothers William & Thomas; sev. ch.: Robert who had Barbara 1593 and Robert 1594/5, George bapt. 2 Dec. 1565 at St Gregory's who m Elizabeth & had Elizabeth 1603 & Anne 1608, Grace & Christian bapt. 29 March 1581 at St. Peter's, prob. also John who witnessed the will of William Brackett in 1575 & may be the John B. bapt. 22 Aug. 1557 at St. Mary in Bury St. Edrnunds THOMAS. m Emma...... ; he d 1573, naming in his will his wife & Sons Edward & William. His son Edward was slain by Anthony Burr on 15 June 1591 & was buried the next day at St. Peter's. An abstract of his will follows:

10 September 1573 - The nuncupative will of THOMAS BRACKETT of St. Gregory, Sudbury, Suffolk ... sick in body ... to Robert Brackett son of George Brackett his brother one pewter platter ... to Edward Brackett his son one brass pot, one pewter platter, one pewter porringer, one saucer of pewter ... to Willm Brackett his other son one candlestick. .all these to be delivered unto his brother George Brackett to keep for his children until they come to lawful age... the residue of his goods to my wife Emma Brackett freely, she seeing his body honestly buried &r brought to the ground, his debts paid & his little children brought up in the fear of god. Witnesses: Thomas Byknefl, Willm Srnyth, Thomas Collins, with others. Proved 13  January 1573/4     (Ref. Large 2.14)

Ref.: Suffolk Green Book X; Probate Records at Bury Saint Edmunds; Parish Registers;
Bishop's Transcripts

He had the following children.

  M i William BRACKETT was born about 1515. He was buried on 6 May 1575.

Richard MORELLS. Richard married 1 Alice on 11 Sep 1575 in St Gregory's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Alice 1. Alice married 2 Richard MORELLS on 11 Sep 1575 in St Gregory's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:

William BRACKETT [Parents] was born 1 about 1555. He died 2 about 1583. William married 3 Alice BULL on 21 Jul 1582 in St Peters, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

WILLIAM, prob. b 1555; m 21 July 1582 at St. Peter's, Alice Bull; he prob. d about 1583-5, for an Alice Brackett m John Goslin, 29 Aug. 1585; ch.: William bapt. 27 Jan. 1582/3 at St. Peter's. However, this may be the marriage & child of his cousin William who was son of Thomas

Alice BULL 1. Alice married 2 William BRACKETT on 21 Jul 1582 in St Peters, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

George GOLDYNG. George married 1 Maud BRACKETT on 2 Feb 1585 in St Gregory's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Maud BRACKETT [Parents] 1 was christened 2 on 20 Nov 1560 in Bury Saint Edmonds, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Maud married 3 George GOLDYNG on 2 Feb 1585 in St Gregory's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

MAUD, was prob. the dau. of William Brackett” bapt. 20 Nov. 1560 at Bury St. Edmunds. Maud was under 18 in 1575 which makes this identification likely. She m 2 Feb. 1585/6 at St. Gregory's, Sudbury, George Goldyng

Nicholas VINCENT [Parents] was born 1 about 1495 in Bildeston, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Nicholas married Agnes.

NICHOLAS VINCENT (Andrew) of Bildeston, Suffolk, England was probably born about 1494-7 in or near Bildeston, where he apparently spent his life and where he owned considerable property, being a substantial yeoman farmer of his day. In the 1524 Subsidy return, he was listed at Bildeston for a tax of 9 shillings on £6 worth of goods. On 13 November 1553, he made his will. Altho he did not state in the preamble of the will that he was sick, he probably was and anticipated death. He died shortly thereafter and the will was proved 12 March following. He is undoubtedly buried in the churchyard at Bildeston, as he requested in his will. He married Agnes, who survived him. His home was on Newbery Street in Bildeston.

Agnes 1. Agnes married Nicholas VINCENT.

They had the following children.

  M i Andrew VINCENT was born about 1525.

Andrew VINCENT died 1 in 1522 in Bildeston, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

More on the Ancestry of Alice Blower, Wife of Richard Brackett of Braintree. Contributed by John B. Threlfall, Madison, Wisconsin.

In The American Genealogist (52 [19761. 65-75) it was shown that Nicholas Vincent of Bildeston, Suffolk, England, was the great-great-grandfather of Alice Blower, wife of Richard Brackett of Sudbury, England, and Braintree, Mass. The author recently discovered the following Prerogative Court of Canterbury will which was previously missed because of the erratic spelling of the name by the scribe. This was the will of the father of Nicholas, beyond all doubt, for toward the end of the will where Andrew names his son Nicholas to be one of the executors, the scribe more correctly spells the name Vynsent. Although the will names only one son and a son-in-law specifically, the other bequests suggest grandchildren by other daughters.

21 February 1521/2  the will of Andrewe Wensent of Bylston, diocese of Norwich . . . to be buried in the church yard of Bildeston . . . to the church of Bildeston for the painting of the roll 13s.4d. . . . William Byrche my son in law to have my house and land in Whatfield which was William Goodwynnes and he to fynde in the church of Whatfield a lamp burning and every year to bestow for dirge and mass Sd. and this to be done by them that shall have the occupation of the said house and land called Good~nnes... Thomas Chapleyne of Monks Eleigh to have a certain land called Bentesse and to bestow for dirge and mass every year 12d. and after his death to the son of the said Thomas who was begotten of his first wife, and if the son die, then to remain to the 2 daughters his sisters ... to Nettlestead church 6s.8d. My wife to have the house and land in Naughton for life, then to Nicholas my son and to his heirs. Nicholas to have all my houses and lands in Bildeston except I will my wife his mother have her dwelling house for life if she keep her widow, also the movables, and if it be that she cannot be with Nicholas and his wife, then she to take her movables and her chamber or dwelling where it pleases her... Nicholas my son to have the tenement at Monks Eleigh called Shoppis, and my ground lying in Chellesworth. to Edy Broke 3s.4d., Andrew Broke 6s.Sd., William Broke 20d., and Alice his sister 20d., Andrew Hommys l2d., Andrew Bonde 12d., William Byrche the younger l2d., Andrew Vynsent the younger to have 6s.8d. to pray for me. Executors to be Nicholas Vynsent of Bildeston and William Byrche of Cheflesworth, and Thomas Chappelen of Monks Eleigh to be supervisor. Witnesses: Nicholas Brownsmyth, John Taillor, Richard Wryth, Edmund Raycroft, et alia. Also. 26s.8d. for my burial, at my 7th day lOs., at my month day 20s., every year an obit for thirty years for which 6s.8d. Proved 16 May 1522 (Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 3 Ayloffe).

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 139, April 1985,0 New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, March 4,2001

He had the following children.

  M i Nicholas VINCENT was born about 1495.

Rev. Thomas CARTER [scrapbook] 1, 2 was born on 6 Mar 1608 in Hinderclay Parish, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 3 on 3 Jul 1608 in Hinderclay Parish, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died 4, 5 on 5 Sep 1684 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Thomas married 6 Mary PARKHURST in 1638.

Rev. Thomas Carter was first minister of Woburn.

Mary PARKHURST [Parents] was christened 1 on 28 Aug 1614 in St Lawrence, St Mary at the Quay, Ipswich, England, United Kingdom. She died 2 in 1687. Mary married 3 Rev. Thomas CARTER 4, 5 in 1638.

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