Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Augustine WALKER [scrapbook] was born in 1550 in Hertfordshire, England. He was buried 1, 2 on 18 Aug 1614 in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England. Augustine married Mrs Augustine WALKER about 1571 in Hertfordshire, England.

Augustine had a will 3 on 19 Apr 1613 in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England.

Other marriages:

In the name of god amen The xixth daye of Aprill in the yeere of oure lord god 1613. and in the yeeres of the raigne of our sovraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland the eleventh and of Sco[tla]nd the six and fortieth kinge defender of the faith. I Augustine Walker of much Amwell in the Com of Herts: yeoma[n] now beinge in good health and of p[er]­fect memorie thankes be unto the lorde therefore; doe make and ordayne this my last Will & Tes­tament, in manner and forme followinge (vizt) First I com[m]end my Soule into the hands of the Allmightie god my Creator, not doubtinge to obtayne free remission of my sines by and through the death and demeryts [sic] of my saviour Christ Jesus Alsoe I bequeath my bodie to xpian buriall, to be buried in the Church or Church yearde of much Amwell aforesaide, as to my Executrix shall be best beseemeinge And as touching the disposinge of such temporall goods wherewth the lorde hath endued mee I give and bequeath them in manner and forme as followeth (vizt) First I give & bequeath Unto my daughter Elizabeth Warren wife of Richard Warren Sixteene pounds of lawefull money of England, and unto her three Children Marcy, Ann and Sarey Warren Fower pounds of like Englishe money equally betwixt them three to be devyded and to be payde unto the saide Richard Warren to the use of the saide child[ren] and the survivour or survivours of them Alsoe I give to Thomas, John, and Frauncis Holland children of Thomas Holland & of my daugh­ter Ann his wife, Twentie shillinges apeece, And unto that Childe, whether sone or daughter, wherewth the saide Ann is now conceyved Twenty shillinges Alsoe unto her the said Ann, wife of the saide Thomas Holland, Twenty shillinges wth severall Leagacies I will to be payed unto the saide Thomas Holland the Father to the use of his afore saide Wife & Children and the survyvor of them Alsoe I give to my daughter Mary Johnson Twenty shillinges Alsoe I give to Syrnon Ad­ams sone of Symon Adams Citizen & drap[er] of London Twentie shillinges And to Dorothie his daughter Twentie shilling[s] and a Gymmoll-Ringe of gold wch was her mothers. Which Legacyes I will shalbe payed and delyvered unto the saide Symon Adams the Father, to thuse [i.e., the use] of his saide Children The rest & reasidue of my goods and Chattels, after my debts and Leagacyes payde & my Funerall charges discharged I give and bequeath as followeth (vizt) Thone [i.e., the one] half of my saide goods & chattells unto my afore saide daughter Elizabeth and her Children, to bepayde & delyvered unto them and the survivour or survivors of them or eyther of them after the decease of Marey my wife; And the residue (vizt) the other halfe of my goods & chattells unto the saide Marey my wife Ordayninge and makeing her the the [sic] saide Marey my Wife my full sole & only Executrix of this my last Will & Testamte, Orderinge & further ordayninge, that, half of that half p[ar]t of such my goods & chattells (as after my decease) shall remayne undispoosed in the hand or possession of Mary my now Wif: shall (after her death & decease) of right be due & belonginge Unto Elizab: Warren, Wife of thafore named Rich: Warren, my daughter or to her then lawefull survyvant heire or Assigne whatsoever Alsoe I give unto Thomas Hassall Vicar of much Amwell afore saide Tenn shillinges of lawefull englishe money to preach one Sermond at my funerall in Amwell Church afore saide Alsoe unto the poore of the saide Towne of much Amwell my Will is to have given and distributed at my buriall Five shillinges And I appoynte the afore named Symon Adams thelder Cittizen and drap[er] of London to be my lawefull Overseer of this my last will and Testament, And for his paynes therein to be taken I give him Tenn shillinges In wyttnesse whereof to this my last will & Testamte contayninge Only On[e] sheete

The markes of Augustine Walker

and twoe lynes of paper I have here unto sett my usuall marke & seale, the daye and yeeres first above written

The marke of Augustine Walker.

Signed & sealed in the p[rese]nce of us whose names are hereunto
subscribed Thomas Holmested Thomas Robarts John Larke

[no date of probate]

Mrs Augustine WALKER was born about 1557 in Baldock, Hertfordshire, England. She died before 27 Jun 1597 in Hertfordshire, England. Augustine married Augustine WALKER about 1571 in Hertfordshire, England.

They had the following children.

  F i Dorothy WALKER was christened in Aug 1573. She was buried on 6 Mar 1605/1606.
  F ii Ann WALKER was born about 1576.
  F iii
Mary WALKER 1 was born about 1578 in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England.

Full text on the profile of Augustine Walker

"Alsoe I give to my daughter Mary Johnson Twenty shillinges"

According to her father's will, her married name was "Johnson". There is no proof that her husband was William Johnson as some have assumed.
  F iv Elizabeth WALKER was christened in Sep 1583. She died in PROB 22 OCT 1673.

Thomas CLARKE was born in Great Ellingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Thomas married Katherine CLARK Mrs.

Katherine CLARK Mrs was born in Great Ellingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Katherine married Thomas CLARKE.

They had the following children.

  F i Alice CLARKE was born in 1540. She died in 1583.

Robert BARTLETT 1 was born 2, 3 about 1604. He died 4, 5, 6, 7 on 29 Oct 1676 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. He was buried 8 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. Robert married 9, 10 Mary WARREN 11, 12 in 1628/1629 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Robert had a will on 19 Sep 1676 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. His will was probated 13 on 29 Oct 1676 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.


ORIGIN:  Unknown
MIGRATION:  1623 on Anne

OCCUPATION:  Wine cooper
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP:  On 1 May 1660 at Plymouth court "Robert Bartlett appeared, being summoned in answer for speaking contemptuously of singing of psalms, and was convict of the fact ..." [PCR 3:185-86].
FREEMAN:  In the "1633" Plymouth list of freemen in proximity to those admitted on 1 January 1632/3 [PCR 1:4].  On list of 7 March 1636/7 [PCR 1:53].  In Plymouth section of lists of freemen of 1639 and (apparently) 1658 [PCR 8:174, 197].
EDUCATION:  Signed all deeds by mark.  Inventory included books valued at 7s.
OFFICES:  Committee to lay out highways, 2 May 1637 [PCR 1:58]; Plymouth petit jury, 6 June 1643, 28 October 1645, 7 June 1648, 6 March 1649/50, 4 October 1653, 7 March 1653/4, 3 October 1654, 3 May 1659 [PCR 2:126; 7:35, 41, 47, 67, 70, 72, 93]; Plymouth grand jury, 5 June 1644, 2 June 1646, 17 May 1649, 7 June 1652, 8 June 1655 [PCR 2:71, 102, 3:9, 78; PTR 1:28]; surveyor of highways, 4 June 1645, 4 June 1661 [PCR 2:84, 3:215]; committee to lay out land, 24 May 1660 [PTR 1:41].  In Plymouth section of 1643 list of men able to bear arms [PCR 8:189].
ESTATE:  In the 1623 Plymouth land division granted one acre as a passenger on the Anne [PCR 12:6].  In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle "Robert Bartlet" was the twelfth person in the tenth company [PCR 12:12].

Assessed 9s. in the Plymouth tax lists of 25 March 1633 and 27 March 1634 [PCR 1:10, 27].

On 1 July 1633 it was ordered that "Mrs. Warren & Rob[er]t Bartlet mow where they did last year ..." [PCR 1:15].  On 28 May 1635 "Thomas Litle came before the Governor and acknowledged that he had given unto Robart Bartlet a parcel of land at the end of his lot beyond Eel River," and describes himself as brother-in-law to Bartlett [PCR 1:34].  On 14 March 1635/6 it was ordered that "Mrs. Warren, Rich. Church, Tho. Litle, & Rob[er]t Bartlet mow where they did last year ..." [PCR 1:41].  On 20 March 1636/7 it was ordered that "Richard Church, Rob[er]te Bartlet, & Thomas Little, [have] hay ground where they had the last year, and to take further supply where they can find it, in places not granted to others, and Rob[er]te Bartlet to have the swamp or pit at the head of Mr. Bradford's ground" [PCR 1:56].  On 5 May 1640 "Richard Church, Rob[er]te Bartlett, Thomas Little, & Mrs. Elizabeth Warren are granted enlargements at the heads of their lots to the foot of the Pine Hills ..." [PCR 1:152].

On 7 February 1637 "Mrs. Elizabeth Warren of the Eele River widow for and in consideration of a marriage solemnized betwixt John Cooke the younger of the Rockey Nooke and Sarah her daughter" granted to the said John Cooke "eighteen acres or thereabouts and lying on the north side of Robert Bartlett's lot formerly also given the said Robert in marriage with Mary another of the said Mrs. Warren's daughters" [PCR 12:27].  On 11 November 1637 John Cooke exchanged this eighteen acre parcel with Robert Bartlett for a "lot of land of like quantity lying on Duxborrow side betwixt the lots of Thomas Morton and Jonathan Brewster" [PCR 12:28].

On 9 April 1649 Richard Church sold to Robert Bartlett for £25 a "house and housing and land with all the meadow ground with the addition that he had of Goodman Kemton at the Eel River" [PCR 12:165-66].

On 7 March 1652 Robert Bartlett held a full share as a purchaser of Dartmouth [MD 4:185-88, citing PCLR 2:1:106-07].

On 30 January 1653 Samuel Hicks of Plymouth, planter, sold to Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, cooper, for £18 eleven acres of upland on the south side of Plymouth [MD 5:94-95, citing PCLR 2:1:97].

Robert Bartlett appears in a March 1651 Plymouth town list of those "that have interest and proprieties in the town's land at Punckateesett over against Road Iland" [PTR 1:37].  On 22 March 1663 the lots at "Puncateesett" were described, Robert Bartlett sharing the 24th lot with James Cole Sr. [PTR 1:67].  On 8 March 1668/9 Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, cooper, sold to John Almey of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, merchant, for £3 his share in land granted by the town of Plymouth in 1649 "lying over against Rhode Island aforesaid, at the place commonly called and known by the name of Punckateesett" [PCLR 3:328].

On 27 June 1659 Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, cooper, engaged to pay to Benjamin Foster, the son of Richard Foster, £8 when he reaches the age of twenty-one, on the condition that Bartlett would have the use of Richard Foster's land for the term of ten years; and "Mary the wife of the said Richard Foster deceased" engages to bring up the said Benjamin Foster, who is now four years old [MD 14:15-16, citing PCLR 2:2:28].

In 1660 the town of Plymouth granted to Robert Bartlett fifty acres "lying between the sea and the fern swamp between the Eelriver and Mannomett ponds" [PTR 1:43]; the bounds of this grant were described on 20 February 1662 [PTR 1:54].  On 26 January 1663 the town of Plymouth granted to those living at Eel River a quarter-mile extension on their lots, towards the pine hills [PTR 1:59].  On 21 February 1663 the town of Plymouth granted to Robert Bartlett eight acres of meadow that had been in dispute [PTR 1:61, 62].  On [blank] July 1667 the town of Plymouth granted to Robert Bartlett "a piece of swamp ... to make meadow of lying adjoining to his meadow at the Eelriver" [PTR 1:89].

On 14 July 1670 Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, wine cooper, gave to "my son-in-law James Barnabey, cordwinder" of Plymouth and "my daughter Lydia Barnabey his wife" twenty acres "by me purchased of the said my brother-in-law Richard Church," and four acres of upland meadow added to it [MD 3:112, citing PCLR 3:297].

On 17 February 1670/1 Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, cooper, sold to Thomas Burge Jr. of Newport, Rhode Island, for £50 half his share of land at Acushena in Dartmouth and half his share of land at Pascomansucke in Dartmouth (reserving one-third of the last named share) [MD 3:112, citing PCLR 5:118; RILE 1:140].

On 14 July 1673 "Robert Bartlett of the town of Plymouth ... wine cooper" granted to "my son Joseph Bartlett" for love and affection "all that my farm, messuage, tenement and seat, which I now live in and am possessed of, in the township of Plymouth aforesaid, situate and being at a place or river commonly called Eel River: viz: all that my house and land there"; four acres of marsh meadow there; and two acres of fresh or upland meadow; to be entered upon by his son on the death of the grantor and his wife [MD 3:112-13, citing PCLR 3:301].

On 19 September 1676 Robert Bartlett made a nuncupative will, bequeathing to "my wife all my estate yet undisposed of whether it be in lands or movables, goods, chattels, debts.  I give all unto my wife to be absolutely at her dispose among my children" [MD 3:114, citing PCPR 3:2:87].  The inventory of the estate of Robert Bartlett was taken 29 October 1676 and totalled £170 16s. 6d., including £100 in real estate: "2 dwellinghouses and a barn, upland and meadow" [MD 3:114, citing PCPR 3:2:87].  On 6 March 1676/7 "Letters of administration is granted by the Court unto Mary Bartlett & Joseph Bartlett to administer the estate of Robert Bartlett, deceased" [PCR 5:220].

On 13 February 1677 "Mary Bartlett widow and late wife unto Robert Bartlett deceased" sold to "my son Joseph Bartlett" for £300 all the estate which was reserved to her use for life in the deed of gift from her husband Robert Bartlett to the said Joseph Bartlett, as well as fifty acres of upland "near a place commonly called the salt marsh ... between the Eelriver and Mannomett Ponds," fifty acres of upland lying between the land of Ephraim Morton Jr. and the land that did belong to James Barnabey deceased, a parcel of meadow on the Eelriver, and all personal estate given her by husband Robert Bartlett in his will [MD 3:115-16, citing PCLR 4:223].

BIRTH:  Born by about 1604 based on estimated date of marriage.
DEATH:  Plymouth between 19 September 1676 (date of will) and 29 October 1676 (date of probate).
MARRIAGE:  By about 1629 Mary Warren, daughter of RICHARD WARREN (on 7 March 1636/7 Elizabeth Warren, widow of Richard Warren, was made a purchaser in his stead, in part because "of the lots of lands given formerly by her unto her sons in law, Richard Church, Robert Bartlett, and Thomas Little, in marriage with their wives, her daughters" [PCR 1:54], and this was confirmed on 5 October 1652 [PCR 3:19]); she died between 13 February 1677/8 [PCLR 4:223] and 1683 [PLR 1:132].

COMMENTS:  In 1959 John G. Hunt suggested that Robert Bartlett of Plymouth was the same as a Robert Bartlett baptized at Puddletown, Dorsetshire, on 27 May 1603, and twenty years later Paul Prindle published a fuller pedigree of this Dorsetshire family, but at the moment this proposed identification remains only a possibility [TAG 35:214, 55:164-70].  Robert of Puddletown had brother Benjamin and sisters Mary, Lydia and Elizabeth, all names used by Robert of Plymouth.

Clues as to the ages of the children of Robert Bartlett are sparse, and several attempts have been made to determine the birth order of the children.  Aside from the evidence of birth dates for the last two children, the date of freemanship for son Benjamin and the age at death for son Joseph, our most useful information comes from the marriage dates for the older daughters.  The statement has frequently been made that Benjamin must have been born by 6 June 1633, since he was made free on 6 June 1654 [PCR 3:48].  But he had by 4 April 1654 already married and buried one wife, and was soon to marry a second, which suggests a man a few years older than twenty-one in that year. If we place the birth of Benjamin in 1629, then we have a gap of about six or seven years in which to place daughters Rebecca and Mary (1629-1636), but to do this we must assume that they both married when they were about eighteen, rather than rely on our usual rule of marrying daughters at age twenty in the absence of other evidence. There would be nothing unusual about this, and the resulting sequence of births for the elder children is in agreement with the evidence. Note also that under almost any interpretation there is a gap of about six years between the births of the sixth and seventh children of this couple.

On 25 December 1635 Robert Bartlett took Richard Stinnings as an apprentice for nine years, his time to begin on 1 December 1635 [PCR 1:35].  On 4 August 1638, for £6 10s. and twenty bushels of Indian corn, John Barnes assigned to Robert Bartlett the remaining term of service of Thomas Shreive (being three years from the first day of August instant), Robert Bartlett also paying Shreive £3 6s. 8d., and Shreive agreeing to serve an additional year for another £5 [PCR 12:32].

BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE:  The most complete treatment of Robert Bartlett and his family may be found in George E. Bowman's account of the descendants of RICHARD WARREN in MD 3:105-17.  This article includes abstracts of all records relating to Robert Bartlett and complete transcripts of the probate documents and some critical deeds, and is only slightly marred by a misguided effort to represent dates in both Old Style and New Style.  A shorter but also excellent account may be found in Moore Anc 60-72.  Paul W. Prindle included a solid version of the family in his limited edition Ancestors and Descendants of Timothy Crosby Jr. (Orleans, Mass., 1981), 2:342-50.  For a more recent brief presentation of this family see Robert S. Wakefield, Janice A. Beebe, et al., Richard Warren of the Mayflower ... (MFIP, 4th ed., 1991 [referred to above as MFIP Warren]), which carefully presents the evidence for the marriages of the children.

Source: "The Great Migration Begins" CDRom

Robert Bartlett died at Plymouth between 19/29 Sept., 1676, the date of his nuncupative will, and 29 Oct./8 Nov., 1676, the day his will was probated. His widow was living 3/23 Febry 1677/8, as shown by her deed of that date to her son Joseph. She died before the deed from her sons Benjamin and Joseph to William Harlow, Jr., made some time in 1683.

Robert Bartlett was called a cooper in 1654 in a deed from Samuel I-licks, and in the five deeds signed by him after that date he is called either "cooper" or "wine cooper." He was evidently a man of good standing and highly respected, but was never dignified by the title "Mr.", and his public services were limited to occasional duty as a member of the grand jury, frequent service on trial juries, and several terms as surveyor of highways.

Robert Bartlett's name appears in the earliest list of freemen of Plymouth, dated 1633, and in the tax lists of 1633 and 1634 his rate was nine shillings. [C. 0., I: la, 10, 62]

Source: "Mayflower Descendant Legacy" CD-ROM

Mary WARREN [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2 was born 3 in 1610 in London, Middlesex, England. She died 4, 5, 6 on 27 Mar 1683 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. She was buried 7 in Mar 1683 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. Mary married 8, 9 Robert BARTLETT 10 in 1628/1629 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Mary immigrated in Jun 1623 to Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

2.       MARY2 WARREN (Richard') was born in England, and is shown by the record of the division of cattle to have been the eldest daughter, consequently she was born before 1612. *

Her last recorded child was born in 1651, hence Mary was in all probability not born before 1606, and was between twelve and seventeen years of age when she came to Plymouth with her mother and sisters in the Anne, in July, 1623. In the same

*               M.D., 11:178.
               106            The Mayflower Genealogies.

vessell came her future husband, Robert Bartlett, whose origin is unknown. In the division of land the following spring he received one acre on the south side of the town, and in the division of cattle in 1627 he was one of Francis Eaton's company, to which fell the tenth lot, a yearling heifer and two she goats. In this division Mary Warren was in her father's company.*

The date of her marriage to Robert Bartlett is unknown. It did not occur until after 22May/1 June, 1627, since Mary Warren is named in the division of cattle on that date. Her oldest son, Benjamin, was admitted a freeman 6/16 June, 1654, which makes it certain that he was born before 6/16 June, 1633, and her daughter Rebecca was married 20/30 Dec., 1649, doubtless being at least sixteen years old at the time, which would show that she was born in 1633 or earlier. Since two children were born before the middle of 1633 it is safe to assume that Robert Bartlett and Mary Warren were married as early as 1629.

The births of but two of their children are now to be found on the records, and we can judge of the order of birth of the first four daughters only by the dates of their marriages. The approximate date of Joseph's birth is obtained from the age given on his gravestone.

Source: "Mayflower Descendant Legacy" CD-ROM

Richard CHURCH 1 was born 2 about 1608. He died 3, 4, 5 on 27 Dec 1668 in Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He was buried 6 on 29 Dec 1668 in Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Richard married 7, 8, 9 Elizabeth WARREN before 14 Mar 1635 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Richard had a will on 25 Dec 1668 in Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.


THE Deposition of Richard Church aged about 56 yeares this Deponant saith that hee being att worke about the mill the l9th of august hearing of a Cry that the man was killed; hasted prsently and healped to remove the earth from Thomas ifish whoe being much bruised therby was gott to bedd and in four Dayes and an halfe Dyed; and fbrther saith not;

This deposition of Richard Church, the husband of Elizabeth2 Warren (Richard), was made at Sandwich on 25 August, 1664, and is recorded in the Plymouth Colony court Orders, Volume IV, page 92.

Elizabeth WARREN [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 about 1616 in England, United Kingdom. She died 4, 5, 6 on 9 Mar 1669/1670 in Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was buried 7 in Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Elizabeth married 8, 9, 10 Richard CHURCH before 14 Mar 1635 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Elizabeth immigrated on 23 Jun 1623.

ASAPH WARREN'S FAMILY BIBLE RECORD (this record shows Elizabeth married to Richard Church)

We here present literal copies of the records in the Family Bible of Asaph Warren7  Thaddeus6, Daniel5, Rebecca Church4, Caleb3, Elizabeth2 Warren, Richard1) of Westborough, Mass., a descendant of Richard Warren of the Mayflower.

Among these records is the birth of Asaph Warren's grandson, Denny G. Warren, whose widow, Mrs. Ada C. Warren, of Westborough, presented the bible to the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants.

The title page of the Old Testament bears the imprint: "Philadelphia: Printed And Published By M. Carey, No.121, Chesnut* Street. 1814." The date on the title page of the New Testament, however, is "1815".

It is interesting to note that although Asaph Warrens, the first owner of this bible, bore the same surname as his Mayflower ancestor, he did not get that name from Richard1 Warren, the Mayflower Passenger.

His Mayflower line was as follows:
1. Richard Warren married Elizabeth-
2. Elizabeth Warren married Richard Church
3. Caleb Church married Joanna Sprague
4. Rebecca Church married Joshua Warren
5. Daniel Warren married Martha Coolidge
6. Thaddeus Warren married Hannah Gould
7. Asaph Warren married Anna Whitney

The Joshua Warren who married Rebecca Church was not a descendant of the Mayflower fainily. He belonged to the Warren family of Watertown, Mass.

The family record pages in Asaph Warren's bible are between the Old Testament and the Apocryphal

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996 - 1998 by Search & ReSearch Pablishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Thomas LITTLE 1, 2 was born 3 about 1608. He died 4, 5 on 12 Mar 1672 in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He was buried 6 on 12 Mar 1671/1672 in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Thomas married 7, 8 Anna WARREN on 19 Apr 1633 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

[p. 10, blank]

[p. 11] 1652 BRADFORD GOVNR

Memorand; The 2cond of august 1652 That Thomas Little somtimes Inhabitant of the Towne of Plym: Doth acknowlidg that for and in consideration of the summe of fifteen pound; ten pound wherof is already paied and the Remayning five pound to bee paied by the 2cond of august 1653 in cattle or beefe by Richard tfoster of the Towne aforsaid Planter hee hath freely and absolutely barganed allianated and sould enfeafed and confeirmed and by these prsents Doth bargan sell enfeaffe and confeirm unto the said Richard ffoster all that his house and Land lying and being at the Eelriver in the Townshipp of Plymouth aforsaid wheron the said Thomas Little formerly lived videlecet all that his loft or share of land which hee had with his wife being

Plymouth Colony Deeds. 99

twenty acres bee it more or lesse being bounded on the one side with the Land of Robert Bartlet and on the other side with the lands of Josepth Warren the netherend abutting upon the Eelriver aforsaid and see extendinge Itselfe in ye length therof up into the woods together with an addition of land graunted sence unto the said Thomas Little att the upper end of the aforsaid Lott with a pcell of Land belonging to him alt a place neare the said Eelriver commonly called the hoop place with a pee11 of land hee bought of John Richards being twentyfive acres together with all the meadow Land of any kind belonging unto the said Thomas Little alt the Eelriver aforsaid; with all the outhouses and houseing upon the said Land; with all the fenceing theron or in and about any pte or pcell therof; the said prmises with all and singulare the appurtenances belonging unto the said prmises or any pie or pcell therot To have and to hold the said Lands houses out houses meadows fences; with all the enlargements beonging therunto and all graunts of Lands adjoyning or belonging therunto with all and singulare the apyurtenances and privilidges in any wise appertaining thereunto or unto any pte or pcell therof; unto the said Richard ffoster his heires and assignes for ever unto the only ppr use and behoofe of him the said Richard ffoster his heires and assignes for ever; provided that incase Nathaniel Warren or any of his heires shall molest or by law procure the abovesaid lott which the said Thomas Little had by marriage with his wife; from the said Richard ffoster or his heires; that then the said Thomas Little is to have Returned unto him or his heires what soever Lands now the said Richard ffoster hath bought of him; and the said Thomas Little or his heires is to Returne unto the said Richard ffoster or his heires the abovesaid fifteen pounds to bee paied aft such severall paiments as it was paid to him

The day and yeare abovesaid Ann the wife of the said Thomas Little came before the Cover and together with her said husband; did give her free and frill Consent unto the abovesaid bargan and sale

[p. 12, blank]

It is agreed upon by the consent of the whole Court That Elizabeth Warren Widdow the relict of mr Richard Warren Deceased shalbe entred and stand and bee Purchaser instead of her said husband aswell because that (hee dying before he had prformed the said bargaine) the said Elizabeth prformed the same after his decease as also for the establishing of the Lotts of land given formnrly by her unto her sonnes in law Richard
Church Robed Bartlett and Thomas Little in marriage wlh their wives her daughters.
[Court Orders, 1: 107.]

Barnstable, Mass., Vital Records. 51

3. ANNA2 WARREN, born in England, about 1612. m. Thomas Little


Transcribed from the Original Records.


THOMAS LITTLE married Anna2 Warren (Richard1 )* and lived at Plymouth and Marshfield. He died at the latter place in March, 1672. 1. have been unable to find the record of his death on the Marshfield town records, and it is probable that it has been lost since 1854, when a list of deaths and burials taken from the town records was printed in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. [Vol. VIII, p. 192] The date of his burial, not his death as it has been frequently quoted, is there given as 12 March, 1671. This is old style, as is shown by the date of his will, 12 May, 1671, and the date of the inventory 4 April, 1672.

The son Thomas (called senior after his father's death) was killed in the fight at Rehoboth, 26 March, 1676. His will is of especial interest since it gives the names of his four sisters, not named in their father's will, and shows that they and his mother were living when it was made, 19 February, 1675/6.

* Mayflower Descendant, 3: 48.
162 Thomas Little's Will and Inventory.

[Plym. Col. Wills, III: I: 46]

[p. 46] The last Will and Testament of Thomas Little senir made on the 17th of May 1671, exhibited to the Court holden att Plymouth in New England the first of July 1672 on the oathes of Anthony Snow and John Carver, and ordered heer to be Recorded as followeth

I Thomas Little senir: being att this time in a Competent measure of health and haveing understanding and memory prfect; Doe make this my last will and Testament, Comitting my body to the earth and my soule to God that Gave it; and Doe Dispose of my outward estate as followeth; viz: To my Ioveing wife all my housing and all my land, Upland and meddow on that side of the brooke; I now dwell, except, onely the meadow I purchased of Thomas Tildin and Morris Trewant; To my sonnes Isacke and Ephraim the land on the otherside of the brooke; That is to say the land I purchased of John Waterman, together with the aforsaid meadow I purchased of Thomas Tilden and Moris Trewant; which upland and meddow shalbe equally Devided between them; And all my land att Namassakett upland and meddow to my two younger sonnes Thomas and Samuell; except onely one single share of upland I purchased of Jacob Michell which I bequeath to my Grandchild John Jones except I doe better provide for him; and I doe give unto my son Ephraim one feather bedd with all meet furniture belonging therunto; That is to say a bolster and pillowes, one paire of sheets, and one paire of blanketts, one paire of pillowbeers and a Rugg, to be Disposed to the said Ephraim att the time of his Marriage; and att our Decease I Doe Give to Thomas and Samuell either of them a feather bed with the like furniture belonging to them; and aft the Decease of my selfe and my wife It is my will that my whole stocke of Cattle of all sorts shalbe equally Devided amongst all my Children and for the rest of my estate that is in Moveables to be left to the Despose of my wife according to her Discretion as shee shall see occasion; and for my lands if any of my sonnes Die, after hee Comes to be posessed of his lands, and have noe Issue his prte shall then returne to the next brother; onely his wife if he have any shall enjoy the thirds of it During her life; and it is my will that my two eldest sonnes Isacke and Ephraim shall Disburse out of theire owne estates; either of them ten pounds to healp Thomas and Samuell in theire buildings att Namassakett, when they shall have occasion; except by any extraordinaiy providence of God, it shall evidently appeer that the aforesaid Isacke or Ephraim be Disabled from

Thomas Little's Will and Inventory 163

prforming the above said engagement; and if I should sell my single share of land att Namassakett; It is my will that my Grandchild John Jones shall have forty acrees of land out of the land of Thomas arid Samuel; and all my wifes Decease Ephraim shall enjoy my housing, But the upland and meddow on that syde to be equally Devided between Isacke and Ephralin; onely the land the housing stands on and the orchyard shall belonge to Ephraim; and it is my will that Sarah Bonney shall have Convenient apparrell and a Cow att the time of her Departure out of her service;
Signed sealed and Delivered
Thomas Little
in the prsence of us
And a seal
Anthony Snow
John Carver;

Joseph Waterman made oath to this Will May the 311676 before Josiah Winslow Govr John
Waterman made oath to this Will June the 11676 before Josiah Winslow Govr:

164 Thomas Little~s Will and Jnvent ory.

[Court Orders, V: 71, under date 14 August, 1692.] Libertie of Adminnestration is Graunted unto Anna Little widdow the Relict of Thomas Little of Marshfeild Deceased, to adminnester on the estate of the said Thomas Little


Transcribed from the Original Records,



[C. 0., I: 15, under the year 1633] Apr. 19 Thomas Little & Ann Warren married

Anna WARREN [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in 1612 in England, United Kingdom. She was christened in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 5 on 19 Feb 1675/1676 in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was buried 6 in 1675/1676 in Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Anna married 7, 8 Thomas LITTLE on 19 Apr 1633 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Anna emigrated in Jun 1623.

[C. 0., I: 15, under the year 1633] Apr. 19 Thomas Little & Ann Warren married

John COOKE [scrapbook] was christened 1, 2 in 1607 in Vrouwekerk, Leiden, Holland, Netherlands. He died 3, 4 on 23 Nov 1695 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. John married 5 Sarah WARREN 6, 7, 8 on 28 Mar 1634 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

John had a will 9 on 9 Nov 1694 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. His will was probated 10 on 7 Dec 1696 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.


Compiled from original sources,


2. i. JOHN2 COOKE, born in Holland; m. 28 March/7 April, 1634, Sarah2 Warren (Richard1,).

JOHN2 COOKE. Son of FRANCIS (of the Mayflower) and Hester   Died at Dartmouth, 3 December, 1695. He married, at Plymouth, 7 April, 1634, Sarah2 Warren (RICHARD1), who died after 25 July, 1696.


Transcribed from the original records,


John2 Cooke (Francis1) died at Dartmouth, Mass., 23 November (3 December, new style), 1695, and his will and inventory are found in the Bristol County, Mass., Probate Records, Volume 1, pages 139 and 140. But one original paper remains in the probate files-the bond of the executrix, Sarah Cooke, daughter of Richard Warren. The date of this bond, 15 July, 1696 (25 July, N. S.), is the latest on which I have found any mention of the widow Sarah.

The Last will and Testament of John Cook of the town of Dartmouth in the County of Bristoll: I being weake of Body but of sound and Perfect memory, have Disposed of my Estate which God hath been pleased to bestow; upon me in manner following that is to say In the first place I give to my Son in-law Arthur Hathaway & his wife Sarah my Daughter all my land in the point at or Near the Burying place in Dartmouth the which I bought of John Russell to them their heires and Assignes for Ever: And also 1 give unto my Son in-law Stephen west and his wife Mercey my Daughter one fill Third part of a whole Share of lands in the Township of Dartmouth with all my houseing and Orchards thereunto belonging; with all the priviledges & appur=ces belonging to the same to them their heires & Assignes for ever They to possess the same after the Decease of my wife Sarah Allso I give unto Jonathan Delano. one Third part of a share of meadow Caled the ffieemens Meadow Lyeing within the Township of Rochester to him his heires & assigne for Ever; Allso I give to my Grandson Thomas Taber my little Island Caled & Known by the Name of Ram Island Lying in Cushnat River in Dartmouth with one third part of my Share of Meadow Called the ffreemens Meadow Lyeing in the Township of Rochester, to him his heires & assignes for Ever and 1 give to my said Grand son my Gun &

34 The Will and Inventory of John2 Cooke (Francis1)

sword Allso I give to my Grand Daughter Hester Perry One feather Bed & Bolster, All the Rest & Residue of Estate Goods & Chattles of what Sort or Kind so ever I Give & bequeath uto my Loveing wife Sarah to use. & Dispose of the same as she shall see good And I make my said wife Sole Executrix of this my Last will & Testament; In witness whereof I the said John Cooke have hereunto sett my hand & seale this Ninth Day of November 1694 in the presence of

Aaron Savory O his mark          John Cooke (seal)
Thomas Taber

memorandum that on the 16th of Aprill 1696 Then appeared Aaron Savory & Thomas Taber both of Dartmouth, Before John Saffln Esqr Judge of Probate of wills &ca and made Oath that they were present & did see John Cooke late of Dartmouth Decd Signe seale & publish this instrument to be his last will & testiment and yt he was of a Disposeing mind when he so did to the best of their apprehensions
Jn0 Saffin

John Cary Registr

Thus Entered & Engrosed may the: 8th 1696 By Jn0 Cary Registr

[p. 140] December the 7th 1696*

A true Inventory of the Estate Goods & Chattels of John

Cooke late of Dartmouth Deceased
Imprs all his Houseing and land at 500 00 00
his Cattle of all sorts 020 00 00
In Sivir money 025 04 00
his wearing apparrel at 0
07 1000
two Beds & Beding at 019 1000
for Severall Remnants of New Cloath 002 05 00
for Pueter & Tin vessels 0
01 0500
one warming Pann 0001500
two Bibles & Six other Books 002 00 00
two Iron pots one Iron Kettle & two old Skillets 002 00 00  five Bushels of Corn 000 15 00
for linnen yarn & flax teere 001 06 00
half a Dozen of Spoons 00 02 00
two Chains & Plow Irons with Several other old Iron tools at 001 1000

*This is plainly a mistake of the Register for 1695.

The Will and Inventory of John2 Cooke (Francis1) 35

Due in Debts 0
One Gun a Sword & Powder & Bullett 001 1000
one pare of Andjrons two trammils 00 11000
two Chests one Table & a Settle 02 00 00
for lumber of all sorts at 023 00 00
Taken by us the Day & year first above written

Aarther Hathaway Thomas Tabar

April l0th 1696 the widdow Sarah Cooke made oath to ye above written Inventory

Before me Seth Pope Justice of peace

The above Named Sarah Cooke being a very Antient woman and unable to travile far, it was Necessary that her Deposition should be Taken as above said, to the truth of this Inventory the which I do alow and Approve and Doe hereby order it to be Recorded in the Registers Office this 16th Day of Aprill 1696

Jn0 Saffin

Jn0 Cary Registr

Thus Entered & Engrossed May the l9th 1696 By Jn0 Cary Registr

Source: Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM

Sarah WARREN [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2, 3 was born 4 in 1614 in England, United Kingdom. She died 5, 6 after 15 Jul 1696 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Sarah married 7 John COOKE on 28 Mar 1634 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Sarah immigrated on 10 Jul 1623 to Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

[Bond of Executrix.]

Know all men by these presents that we Sarah Cooke of Dartmouth in the County of Bristoll in the Province of the Masachusett Bay in New England widow & Relect of John Cooke late of said Dartmouth Decd and Thomas Taber & Jonathan Delono Both of said Dartmouth Yeomen Do stand & are firmely bound and oliged unto John Saffin Esqr Judge of Probat of wills &ca within sd County, in the Sum of five Hundred Ninety four pounds To be payd unto the sd John Saffin or his Successor in sd office To the which payment well and truely to be Made we Bind Or selves & Either of us by himselfjoyntly & Severally for & in the whole Our & Every & Either of
our heires Executors & Administrs firmely by these presents sealed with our seales Dated in Dartmouth the fifteenth Day of July 1696 in the Eighth Year of his Majesties Reign

The Condition of this present obligation is such that whereas the above Bound Sarah Cooke is made Executrix of the Last

36 Yarmouth, Mass., Vital Records

will & Testament of John Cook of Dartmouth aforesd Deceasd Bearing Date the Ninth Day of Novemb, 1694 & hath Never Legally proved the same, Iff therefore the sd Executrix shall with all Conveinient Speed bring into the Registrs Office for the County of Bristoll afforesd A true & perfect Inventory of the Estate of the Estate of the said Decd And shall well & truely Admñiistr upon & Duely Dispose of all & Singular the Goods Chattels, Credits & Estate left by the said Decd according to the Tennor & true meaneing of his sd will. & as the Law directs And also shall Render a true & plaine account of her Administcon and Doings therein to the said office at or before the Sixteenth Day of Aprill 1697 without fltaud or farther Delay then this Obligation to be voyde & of None Effect or Els to stand abide and Remaine in fill force strength & Vertue

the mark of Sarah (S) Cook
Signed sealed & Delivered in the presence of Thomas Delano the mark of+ Hannah Savery

Source: Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM

Nathaniel WARREN [Parents] 1 was born 2 in 1624/1625 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3, 4 in BET 16 JUL 1667 AND 21 OCT 1667 in Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. He was buried 5 before 21 Oct 1667 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. Nathaniel married 6 Sarah WALKER on 19 Nov 1645 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Marriage: Plymouth Colony Vital Records p.125

Sarah WALKER died on 24 Nov 1700 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. Sarah married 1 Nathaniel WARREN on 19 Nov 1645 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.


[On p.91] On 28 March, 1685, I"Mrs Sarah Warren* Executrix of the last Will and Testament of her late husband Mr Nathanael Warren late of Plimouth Deceased.... By vertue of Power given me in the said will", for £15, sold to "my son Nathanael Warren .... Certain Tracts or parcels of Land .... in the Township of Middleborough and are bounded as followeth vizt All the lower end of the fifth Lot Lying in Pachoague Neck bounded North-westward with Mr Whites Lott and with a white oak and a Red oak tree marked and on the South East ward side with the lott of William Bassett and with a white oak tree Standing upon the plaine marked and Butteth Northeastward on the River Called Titticuff River and to Extend from the aforesaid trees Sevenscore Rodd the whole Bredth of the said Lou and home to the River with all the upland and meddows within the said Boundaries Being by Estimation fifty acres of land more or less and Also half a share of meadow of that meadow belonging to the Pachoague proprietors and Alsoe half a shre of land lying on Bridgewater side of the said River Belonging to the said Pachoague proprietors And Msoe one half share of that land Comonly Called the Majors purchas"

[p.92] The deed was signed by "Sarah Warren senr" by a mark. The witnesses were Ephraim Morton, Sr., and Joseph Warren, Sr.

"Sarah Warren Senril acknowledged the deed, on 10 January, 1689, before William Bradford, Deputy Governor, and it was recorded, 25 April, 1690, by Samuel Sprague, Recorder.


[on p.92] On 9 January, 1689/90, "Sarah Warren of the Town of Plimouth", for £5, sold to "my son Nathanael Warren of the Town of Middleborough.... All that my share or portion of land Comonly Called the Sixteene shilling purchase Divided and undivided Lying in the Township of Middleborough

* Sarah (Walker) Warren was the widow of Nathaniel2 Warren (Richard1) of Plymouth.

20 Plymouth County, Mass., Records of Deeds

Together with my half share of land lying in Bridgewater Township being the 4th loff together with all my Rights of lands Belonging to that purchase though on the other side of the River And all my ....... unto Each parcell of land above Expressed"

[p.93] The deed was signed "Sarah Warren Widow" by a mark The witnesses were Ephraim Morton, Richard Warren (by a mark) James Warren, Jabez Warren and Thomas Faunce.

"Sarah Warren Widdow" acknowledged the deed, on 10 January, 1689, before William Bradford, Deputy Governor, and it was recorded 25 April, 1690, by Samuel Sprague, Recorder.

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright ~ 1996 - 1998 by Search & ReSearch Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


Literally transcribed from the original records,


Nathaniel Warren, the eldest son of Richard and Elizabeth (   ) Warren, died at Plymouth in the year
1667, between the sixteenth of 3uly, the date of the codicil to his will, and the twenty-first of October, the
date on which the inventory of his estate was taken.

His. will and inventory were recorded in the Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories, Volume II, Part
II, folios 46 and 47.

[46] The last Will and Testament of Nathaniel: Warren of Plymouth Late Deceased Exhibited to the
Court held att Plymouth aforsaid the thirtyeth of October Anno Dom 1667 on the oathes of hugh Cole and
Nathaniel: Morton

I, Nathaniel Warren senir of the Towne of Plymouth in New England being weake in body and ill att
ease but of a Disposing mind and of a prfect memory; not knowing how soon the Lord may Call mee away
out of this world; Doe ordaine this to bee my last Will and Testament m maner and forme following;
Imprimis: I make ordaine and Constitute Sarah my loveing wife to be the sole exequitrx of this may last
will: To Dispose of my estate according to the tenor of this my Will with the advise and approbation of the
supervissors heerafter named; Item I give unto my loveing wife Sarah the tuli sume

The Will and Inventory of Nathaniel Warren. 37

of fifteen pounds in goods or Chattles with my best bed and bedstead with Curtaines and vallence belonging
to it: with two pillowes with two paire of pillowbeers and two paire of sheets with the best Rugg and a
paire of the best blanketts; Incase shee shall and Doe alter her Condition by marriage; But incase and soe
longe as shee shall remaine a widdow; that then my estate be all aff her Dispose and in her hand to be
Improved for her support and for the bringing up of my Children; Divers of them being young; provided
that I Doe by this my Will give and bequeath unto my Children to each of them three pounds in mony to be
Delivered to them aff theire Day of marriage; onely incase That if through nessesity by the advise of my
Supervissors afternamed my wife Doe or shall Dispose of the mony I leave or any prte therof That then
theire prte therof shall not be payable whoe have not received it att the time when this is made known by
my said exequitrix that she is soe Disinabled to pay it as aforsaid. further my wil is and I Doe heerby
Authorise and Impower my said exequitrix: with the advise of my supervissors afternamed: To make sale
of Any of my lands and to give and seale Deeds for the Confeirmation therof to be

Improved for the makeing good of my legacyes and engagements; which shalbe as Authenticall in
law to all Intents and purposes as ifI my selfe were surviveing and Did acte therin; and to be
Under stood that the land be sold to the flill worth therof; and not as it may posibly be vallued in
an Inventory; and accordingly what it shalbe sold for in the full extent of it; my will is shalbe
Devided amongst my Children in such maner as is after expressed: Item my will is That as any of
my Children shalbe occasioned to alter theire Condition by marriage that they then shall have the
sume often pounds to each of them Delivered to them att theire Day of marriage; or in some
Convenient time soone after by my exequitrix out of my estate; and unto my eldest son then
surviving the sue of twenty pounds and incase the said sumes Cannot be made good out of my
goods or Chattles that then some prte of my lands be sold to Doe it as aforesaid; moreover my
will is that incase my wife shall marry; That whatsoever of my estate either of lands goods or
Chattles shalbe then extant and not expended In the bringing up of my Children and in the

38 The Will and Inventory of Nathaniel Warren

payment and makeing good of my Ingagements and legacies shalbe equally Devided amongst my
children then surviveing in equall and alike proportions onely that my eldest son then surviveing
shall have a Double portion therof; furthermore my will is That aft the Decease of my wife; if any
prte of my estate shalbe then left and not expended as aforsaid be it either in lands goods or

Chattles; That then it shalbe Devided in equall and alike proportions amongst my Children then
surviveing; onely my eldest son then surviveing shall have a Doubble portion thereof, my Will is
That incase my Deare Child my Daughter hope shall Continew lame and Impotent That it shalbe
left unto the Descretion of my exequitrix and supervissors (after named) To Inlarge her portion as
they shall see meet; and the like alsoe for any other of my Children; if they shalbe lame sicke or
Impotent; my Will is and I Doe heerby request my trusty and welbeloved frinds Captaine Thomas
Southworth and my loveing brother Joseph Warren and Leiftenant Ephraim Morton To be the
supervissors of this my last Will and Testament much Confiding in theire dove and faithflulnes to
be healpfull to my said exequitrix in the acting and Disposing of prticulars according to the tenore
therof; and to be Considered out of my estate for what time and charge they shalbe att in the
prmises; and that they my supervissors; shall have flill power and I Doe heerby request them to
advise about and take Care of my Children in reference to theire marriage; That they bee matched
with such as may be fin for them both in reference to theire sperituall and outward estate; In
witness that this is my last Will and Testament; the said Nathaniel Warren have heerunto sett my
hand and seale; this 29th day of June Anno Dom 1667

Witnes heerunto Nathaniel Warren hugh Cole and a seale Nathaniel: Morton; A Supplyment to the abovwritten Will exhibited to the Court held aft Plymouth the thirtyeth Day of october one Thousand six hundred sixty and seaven on the oathes of
Captaine Southworth hugh Cole and Nathaniel Morton;

I Nathaniel Warren being weake in body but of Desposing

The Will and Inventory of Nathaniel Warren. 39

memory Doe heerby Declare and manifest unto all unto whom these shall Come; That my will further is as
an appendix and Supplyment unto my will bearing Date the 29th of June 1667 That in Reference unto the
Land my mother mistris Elizabeth Warren hath Instated and posessed my beloved brother Joseph Warren
and my sisters Mary Bartlett senir Ann Little Sarah Cooke Elizabeth Church and Abigaill Snow shalbe and
is by these prsents flilly freely and absolutly Ratifyed and Confeirmed unto them and theire heires and
assignes for ever; with all and singular my Right title and Interest of and Into the same; To them and theire
heires and assignes for ever; In Witnes wherof I have heerunto sett my hand this sixteenth Day of July 1667
in the prsence of

Thomas Southworth Nathaniel: Warren hugh Cole Nathaniel Morton


[on p.92] On 9 January, 1689/90, "Sarah Warren of the Town of Plimouth", for £5, sold to "my son
Nathanael Warren of the Town of Middleborough.... All that my share or portion of land Comonly Called
the Sixteene shilling purchase Divided and undivided Lying in the Township of Middleborough

* Sarah (Walker) Warren was the widow of Nathaniel2 Warren (Richard1) of Plymouth.

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996 - 1998 by Search & ReSearch Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Joseph WARREN [Parents] 1, 2 was born on 22 Mar 1627 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3, 4, 5 on 4 May 1689 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. He was buried 6 on 6 May 1689 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Joseph married 7 Priscilla FAUNCE in 1652 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Joseph had a will on 4 May 1689.


Literally Transcribed from the Original Records,

JOSEPH2 WARREN (Richard1) died at Plymouth and his wife Priscilla Faunce survived him eighteen years. The following records of their deaths are taken from the Plymouth Town Records, Volume 1: "Joseph Warren Senior deceased May the 4th 1689" [p. 201] The Widow pricila Warren Deceased on ye 15 of May 1707 being Near 74 yeares of age [p. 204]

Joseph Warren's will and inventory are found in the Plymouth County Probate Records, Volume 1, pages 38 and 39.

To all People to whome these presents shall Come etc: Know ye that 1 Joseph Warren Senr of the Town of Plimouth in the County of New Plimouth in new England being weak of body through age & Sickness but of perfect and disposing memory & Sound understanding Blessed be God. Yet not knowing how soone it may please God to Change my Sickness & life to death do therefore make and ordaine and by these presents I do make & ordaine these presents to be my last will and Testament

Joseph Warren's Will and Inventory. 15

to stand good and to Remaine firm and Inviolable for ever in maner and forme following

Imprs I Will and bequeath my Soul to God that gave it me and my body to the dust and to be decently Buried: and for that outward estate that God hath given to me I dispose of as followeth: item I will and bequeath unto my dear and Loving wife Pricilla Warren all that my now dwelling house out housing uplands & meadow lands that I am now possessed of in the Township of Plimouth. Excepting such Lands as I shall hereafter dispose of to my Son Joseph, Together with all my household Goods and debts that is owing to me as also four Cows and two oxen which she shall have before a division of my Cattell be made, all which housing lands debts Goods and Chattels above expressed 1 do Give unto my dear and Loving wife Priscilla Warren to be at her disposing and for her Support during the time of her widowhoode; And farther I do give unto my loving wife all that my fifty acres of Land Lying at Monament ponds in the Township of Plimouth as alsoe Eight acres of upland at the Iloope place field So called for her to Rent out or sell if necescity Require. And I doe by these presents allow her so to doe as alsoe the one half of my uplands & meadow lands at Aggawam that is alredy divided together with a fourth part of the undivided lands. AU which I do give unto my loving wife to be at her disposing to doe with it what she will during her life or widdowhoode for her Supporte and Comfort and in Case she should marrey then my will is that she shall have my best Bed and all furniture thereunto belonging to be her own for ever: Item I Give unto my son Joseph Warren all That my fifty acres of upland lying upon Sandwich Road in the Township of Plimouth this to have and possess after my decease as alsoe the one half of my share of land and meadow at Aggawam that is already divided and after my Wives decease my will is and I doe by these present's give unto my son Joseph Warren my now dwelling house outhousing uplands and meadow land that 1 have in the, Township of Plimouth I do give to him and his Heires for ever That is begotten of his body Item I give unto my son Benjamin Warren all my lands both uplands and meadow land that I have Lying both in Middlebury and Bridgwater Townships to belong to him and his heires for ever that is Begotten of his Body Item I give unto my daughter Mercy Bradford two Cowes. item and it is my Will that after my Wives decease or marriage againe that then my whole Estate both movablles Chattels or debts or whatsoever or wheresoever it may be found shall be equally divided amongst four of my

16  Joseph Warren's Will and Inventory.

Children that is to say Joseph Benjamin Patience and Elizabeth: And [p. 39] And lastly I do nominate and appoint my dear and loving wife Priscilla Warren to be the sole Executrix of this my last will and testament to administer on my Sd estate to pay Such debts as I owe and to Receive Such debts as is owing to me and to se that my body be decently buried and to defray the Charges thereof And I do Request my Brother Thomas ffaunce to be helplbll to my sd Executrix in the acting and disposing of particulars according to the tenor hereof Thus hoping that this my last Will and Testament will be performed and kept Revoaking all other wills Either verball or written I have here unto set my hand and Seal on the 4th of May 1689:

Signed Sealed and declared to         The Mark of Joseph
be his last will and Testament Warren Senior and a (seal)
In presence of
Ephraim Morton senr
Ephraim Morton junr
Tho: ffaunce:

Leiut Ephraim Morton Thomas ffaunce and Ephraim Morton junr the witnesses herein named appeared before two of the Magistrates of this County of Plimouth Viz William Bradford dept Govr and John Cushing assistant & made oath that they were present and Saw the above named Joseph Warren deceased Signe seal & heard him declare this Instmment as his last will & testament and that to ye best of their judgment he was of a disposing mind & memory when he did ye same. September ye 4th 1689:

Attest Samll, Sprague Clerk

Source: Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM

Priscilla FAUNCE 1 was born 2, 3, 4 about 1633. She died 5, 6, 7 on 15 May 1707 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was buried 8 on 15 May 1707 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America. Priscilla married 9 Joseph WARREN in 1652 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

PRISCILLA, b. about 1633 (d. Plymouth 15 May 1707 "near 74 years of age" [PVR 136]); m. by 1653 Joseph Warren, son of RICHARD WARREN (eldest child b. Plymouth 23 September 1653 [PCR 8:33]; in his will of 4 May 1689 Joseph Warren requested "my brother Thomas Faunce" to be helpful to his widow in settling the estate [MD 4:16]).
Death: Plymouth Town Records p.204

John JOHNSON [Parents] was born 1 about 1528 in Canterbury, Kent, England. He was buried on 10 May 1598 in Canterbury, Kent, England. John married 2 Joan HUMPHREY on 23 May 1551 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.

Other marriages:
STONE, Joanne

JOHN JOHNSON (William, Garard?) of Canterbury, Kent, England, and a painter, was born about 1528. He married first at Saint George's, Canterbury, on 23 May 1551, Joan Humphrey. She was probably the daughter of John Humphrey of Boughton under Blean who made his will 8 December 1531 and presumably died shortly thereafter. A brief abstract of his will follows:

8 December 1531 the will of JOHN HUMPHREY of Boughton under the Blean, Kent. . . to be buried in the parish churchyard... £6. 13.4 sterling for a priest to say mass for a year . . . to Joan and Agnes my daughters £6. 13.4 sterling each, a brass pot, and a bed complete with mattress, bolster, etc. at age 20 or marriage, each to be the other s heir. If both die before 20 or marriage, the £136.8 to go for gravelling the Street 10 Boughton. . . to my mother 40s, to my brother Richard Humprey 40s... to wife Joan 5 quarters of wheat, 5 quarters of malt . . . to my servant John Gyall 13s.4d., to each of my apprentices 13s.4d    Joan my wife to have £10 worth of my movable goods for her choice and £5 in money. Executors to be John Jury and Thomas Podage. Wife Joan to occupy tenement and lands I bought of the executors of Thomas Raynforth. (Kent Probate Consistory Court 15:155)

Altho no exact ages are given in his will, his two daughters were under 20. These were his only children and his mother was living. All these facts indicate that he was a relatively young man and suggest that the two girls were infants. Thus, Joan was perhaps 2 or 3 which would make her the right age to have been the wife of John Johnson. Also, of the several Humphrey wills of that age and locale, no other one named a daughter Joan.

The year following his marriage, John Johnson was made a freeman of Canterbury, by right of his having been born a citizen of that city. He was a churchwarden of Saint George's in 1582 and 1583.

Joan HUMPHREY was born in 1526 in Canterbury, Kent, England. She was buried 1 on 15 May 1584 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Joan married 2 John JOHNSON on 23 May 1551 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.

They had the following children.

  M i
Daniel JOHNSON was buried 1 on 4 Oct 1574 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.
  F ii Joan JOHNSON was christened on 11 Apr 1552.
  M iii
John JOHNSON was christened 1 on 25 May 1556 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England. He was buried 2 on 6 May 1598 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.
  M iv
Bartholomew JOHNSON was christened 1, 2 on 4 Dec 1558 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.
  M v William JOHNSON was born in 1559. He died in Dec 1637.
  F vi
Alice JOHNSON was christened 1, 2 on 2 Apr 1562 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.
  F vii
Agnes JOHNSON was christened 1, 2 on 25 May 1564 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 3 on 16 Jul 1565 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.
  F viii
Thomazine JOHNSON twin was christened 1, 2, 3 on 13 May 1565 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England. She was buried 4, 5 on 16 Jun 1566 in St. George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.
  F ix
Mary JOHNSON twin was christened 1, 2 on 13 May 1565 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.
  F x
Agnes JHONSON was christened 1 on 20 Jun 1568 in Faversham, Kent, England.
  F xi Sisle JOHNSON was christened on 12 Sep 1570.
  F xii
Joyce JOHNSON was christened 1, 2 on 8 Oct 1574 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.

William JOHNSON [Parents] was born 1 in 1559 in West Gate Ct., Canterbury, Kent, England. He was christened 2 in 1559 in St Georges, Canterbury, Kent, England. He died 3 in Dec 1637 in Canterbury, Kent, England. He was buried 4, 5 on 27 Dec 1637 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England. William married 6, 7 Ann on 24 Aug 1617 in Canterbury, Kent, England.

Other marriages:

WILLIAM JOHNSON (John, William) of Canterbury, Kent, was baptized there at Saint George's church in 1559 (month and day not recorded). He was made a freeman by birth right in 1583. On 8 May 1587 at Holy Cross church in Canterbury, he married Susan Porredge, daughter of John Porredge of Westgate Court, Canterbury. She was baptized 20 January 1565/6 at Saint Dunstan's church in Canterbury.

Apparently his son Edward conveyed to him for life the house in the parish of Saint Alphege "over against the Bishop's Palace," which, as George Johnson, son of Edward, states, "was left me by my father, Edward Johnson."

William Johnson was a joiner, that is to say, a carpenter. His wife Susan died and was buried in the church yard of Saint Dunstan's on 10 April 1604. He married secondly, on 24 (sic) August 1617 at Saint George s church, by license dated 25 August 1617, Ann Cobb, widow. She was buried at Saint George's 27 September 1637. William Johnson died two months later and was buried 27 December 1637, also at Saint George's.

At one time he was parish clerk of Saint George's church. Apparently he left no will, but his estate was eventually put into the hands of a creditor as follows:
Administration on the goods of William Johnson late of St. George's, Canterbury, was granted 13 April 1640 to John Buck, principal creditor. Bondsmen: James Cobb of St. Paul's and John Berry of St. Margaret's, husbandman, in £18 [on margin] Vacat.
(Archdeaconry of Canterbury 33:257)

Ann was born about 1562 in England. She died before 27 Sep 1637 in England. She was buried on 27 Sep 1637 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Ann married 1, 2 William JOHNSON on 24 Aug 1617 in Canterbury, Kent, England.

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