John PORREDGE [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1522 in of West Court, Canterbury, Kent, England. He was buried 2, 3 on 16 Sep 1582 in St Dunstan's, Canterbury, Kent, England. John married 4 Margaret DEANE in 1550 in Kent, England.
Other marriages:
CARTER, Margaret
JOHN PORREDGE (Thomas) of Westgate Court, Canterbury, Kent, was born probably about 1522. He first married a sister of Thomas Deane or Denne of Adisham, son of Thomas Denne of Kingstone. She was almost certainly the Margaret Porredge who was buried at Saint Dunstan's in Canterbury on 5 January 1571/2. He married secondly, 5 May 1572 at Saint Dunstan's, widow Margaret (Carter) Ruck, sister of George Carter. She had a large family by her first husband. Two of her sons married two of her step daughters.
John Porredge must have been a tailor by trade. This can be deduced from the bequests in his will of cloth, cut and uncut. He made his will 27 July 1582 and died seven weeks later. He was buried at Saint Dunstan's 16 September 1582. His widow, Margaret, made her will 6 May 1583 and died a few days later, was buried the 11th at Saint Dunstan's as she had requested in her will. Abstracts of their wills follow.
A large house called Westgate Court is now standing just outside the west gate of Canterbury. It probably stands on the site of John Porredge's house, this present one being not so ancient.
The name Porredge is sometimes varied to Pordage, Porrege, possibly Portage.
27 July 1582 - the will of John Porredge of Westgate Court in the county of Kent near without the walls of the City of Canterbury... to be buried in the churchyard of Saint Dunstans near Canterbury... to wife Margaret £30, furniture, brass, and household goods.., to daughter Elizabeth £50 in three months.., to daughter Susan £50, a caldron which I had of Thomas Heatbe, and a feather bed and bolster, at age 21 or marriage.. ,to son Henry Porredge £20 in one year... All linen and linen yarn, except cloth not cut out, to be divided into three parts, one part each to wife and son Edward and the third to son Henry and daughters Elizabeth, Thomazine and Susan. All linen and woolen yarn and linen and woolen cloth not cut out to wife and son Edward, equally divided to my daughters a dozen of pewter platters, pewter porringers and pewter dishes, and half a dozen pieces of brass. .,residue to my son Edward whom I make sole executor. ..to my son in law Thomas Ruck one half my lease of lands called Denley inHerne Hill held of Mr. Parker.. My wife to have one of the new chambers in the tenement where I now dwell and sufficient meat and drink, fire and washing allowed by my son Edward during her widowhood, if my lease continue so long. Daughter Elizabeth to be likewise maintained by son Edward until she be married, and also daughter Susan "if she will tarry with him so long". To my wife's son Arthur Rucke 40s. at 21, and son Edward to support him until the end of his apprenticeship with Fante of Christ Church.. ,to wife's son Richard Ruck £5 in one year.... to servants William Sharpe, Thomas May, Jane Showell, Mary Lopbam and John Drincker 5s. each.., to servants Michael Pickle, William Taylor, Rail Slyter and Margaret Carter 10s. each., to my boy Richard Tillett 20s. at 20 years...to my servant Elizabeth Wyck 40s. at 20 or marriage...money to be distributed to each poor household of the parish of Saint Dunstan's. To son Edward Porredge and his heirs my lands and tenements in Herne Hill and Boughton under Blean, in fee simple. My wife's son Thomas Ruck to occupy for ten years my tenement and lands in Herne Hill and Boughton under Blean which I purchased of one Frognall, paying to my son Edward £10 a year. To wile Margaret an annuity of £8 for life. To son Henry Porredge all my lands in Wickhambreux which I purchased of Griffith Jones, now in the occupation of one Rayner of Stodmarsh, in fee simple, and half of a tenement and lands in Ashford bought of one Morley and Dorothy his wile and in the occupation of Thomas Usborne. To wile Margaret for life my tenement and grounds in Saint Dunstans in the occupation of Bartholomew Rowell, with reversion to her son Richard Ruck, said tenant to pay but 20s. a year rent. Signed John Porredge. Witnesses: John Edward, notary, Bartholomew Rowell and Thomas Fawsett. Proved 7 October 1582 by Edward Porredge. Inventory £1100. 32s.8d. (34:234)