Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Lord Stephen SEGRAVE Cheif Jusice of England [scrapbook] 1 died 2 on 9 Nov 1241. Stephen married Rohese le DESPENSER 3.

Rohese le DESPENSER 1 died 2 in BY 2 MAR 1288/9. Rohese married Lord Stephen SEGRAVE Cheif Jusice of England 3.

They had the following children.

  M i Lord Nicholas de SEGRAVE Knight died in 1295.

Richard de CLARE Earl of Gloucester and Hertford [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 on 4 Aug 1222. He died 6, 7 on 15 Jul 1262 in Ashenfield Manor, Waltham, Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He was buried on 28 Jul 1262 in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom. Richard married 8, 9 Maud de LACY 10, 11 on 25 Jan 1238.

from "Magna Charta" Part 1-2, by John S. Wurtz
FHL British 942 D2wj pt. 1-2

RICHARD de CLARE. Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, born 4 August, 1222. A year after he became of age, he was in an expedition against the Welsh. Through his mother he inherited a fifth part of the Marshall estates, including Kilkenny and other lord-ships in Ireland. He joined in the Barons  letter to the Pope in 1246 against the exactions of the Curia in England. He was among those in opposition to the King's half-brothers, who in 1247 visited England, where they were very unpopular. but afterwards he was reconciled to them. On 20 April, 1248, he had letters of protection for going over seas on a pilgrimage. At Christmas 1248, he kept his Court with great splendour on the Welsh border. In the next year he went on a pilgrimage to St. Edmund at Pontigny, returning in June. In 1252 he observed Easter at Tewkesbury, and then went


across the seas to restore the honour of his brother William. who had been badly worsted in a tournament and had lost all his arms and horses. The Earl is said to have succeeded in recovering all, and to have returned home with great credit, and in September he was present at the "Round Table" tournament at Walden. In August 1252/3 the King crossed over to Gascony with his army, and to his great indignation the Earl refused to accompany him and went to Ireland instead. In August 1255 he and John Maunsel were sent to Edinburgh by the King to find out the truth regarding reports which had reached the King that his son-in-law, Alexander, King of Scotland, was being coerced by Robert de Roos and John Baliol. If possible, they were to bring the young King and Queen to him. The Earl and his companion, pretending to be two of Roos's knights, obtained entry to Edinburgh Castle, and gradually introduced their attendants, so that they had a force sufficient for their defence. They gained access to the Scottish Queen, who made her complaints to them that she and her husband had been kept apart. They threatened Roos with dire punishments, so that he promised to go to the King. Meanwhile the Scottish magnates, indignant at their castle of Edinburgh s being in English hands, proposed to besiege it, but they desisted when they found they would be besieging their King and Queen. The King of Scotland apparently travelled South with the Earl, for on 24 September they were with King Henry Ill at Newminster, Northumberland. In July 1258 he fell ill, being poisoned with his brother William, as it was supposed, by his steward, Walter de Scotenay. He recovered, but his brother died.
Richard died at John de Griol s manor of Asbenfield in Waltham, near Canterbury, 15 July 1262, it being rumored that he had been poisoned at the table of Piers of Savoy. On the following Monday he was carried to Canterbury where a mass for the dead was sung. after which his body was taken to the canons  church at Tonbridge and interred in the choir. Thence it was taken to Tewkesbury and buried 28 July I 262, with great solemnity in the presence of two bishops and eight abbots in the presbytery. at his father's right hand. His first wife was Margaret, daughter of Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent. She died in November, 1237, and he married, second, on or before 25 January 1237/8, Maud, daughter of the Surety John de Lacie, see Chapter 12. She, who had the manor of Clare and the manor and castle of Usk and other lands for her dower, erected a splendid tomb for her late husband at Tewkesbury and was living in 1287, but she died before 10 March 1288/9.

Maud de LACY [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2 was born about 1223 in of, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. She died 3 before 10 Mar 1288/1289. Maud married 4, 5 Richard de CLARE Earl of Gloucester and Hertford 6, 7, 8 on 25 Jan 1238.

They had the following children.

  F i
Isabel de CLARE 1 was born in May 1240 in of, Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. She died in 1271.
  M ii Gilbert "the Red Earl" de CLARE was born on 2 Sep 1243. He died on 7 Dec 1295.
  M iii
Thomas de CLARE 1 was born about 1248 in of, Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He died on 7 Feb 0008 in of, Thomond, Connaught, County Clare, Ireland, United Kingdom.
  M iv
Bevis (Bogo) (Benet) de CLARE 1 was born on 21 Jul 1248 in Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He died in Oct 1294.
  M v
Robert (Richard) de CLARE 1 was born about 1249 in Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He died before Jul 1262.
  F vi
Margaret de CLARE 1 was born in 1249 in Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. She died before 16 Sep 1312/1313.
  F vii Roese (Rohesia) de CLARE was born on 17 Oct 1252. She died after 1316.
  F viii
Maud de CLARE 1 was born about 1252 in Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom.
  F ix
Eglentine de CLARE 1 was born in 1257 in of, Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. She died in 1257.

DEATH: (age 15 Weeks)

Gilbert CLARE 5th Earl of Gloucester, Magna Carta Surety [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5 in 1180 in Hertford, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 6, 7, 8 on 25 Oct 1230 in Penrose, Brittany, France. He was buried on 10 Nov 1230 in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom. Gilbert married 9, 10, 11 Isabel MARSHALL 12, 13, 14, 15 on 9 Oct 1217 in Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucester, England, United Kingdom.

4th Earl of Glouchester. 4th Earl of Hertford, and 7th Earl of Clare.

from "Magna Charta" Part 1-2 by John S. Wurtz
FHL British 942 D2wj Pt. 1-2

GILBERT de CLARE, himself a Surety, and son of Richard de Clare the preceding Surety. was born about the year 1180. In June 1202 he was entrusted with the lands of Harfleur and Mostrevilliers. He was one of the Barons still opposing the arbitrary proceedings of the crown, who championed Louis le Dauphin, fighting at Lincoln under the baronial banner, and was  taken prisoner by William Marshall, whose daughter he later married. He led an army against the Welsh in 1228 and captured Morgan Gain, who was released the next year. Being engaged in an expedition to Brittany. he died on his way back at Penros in that duchy, 25 October 1230. His body was conveyed by way of Plymouth and Cranbourn to Tewkesbury. He was buried there before the high altar, 10 November 1230. a monument being erected by his widow, Isabella, sister of William Marshall, the Surety, see Chapter 16, and daughter of William Marshall, the Protector. He had married Isabella Marshall on 9 October 1217 and she died 17 January 1239/40. Their children were 2 Agnes who became the wife of Roger de Mowbray, grandson of the Surety William de Mowbray, see Chapter 19.

The following is from "Medieval English Ancestors of Certain Americans" by Boyer
GILBERT DE CLARE, 7th Earl of Clam, 5th Earl of Hertford and 4th Earl of Gloucester, born about 1180, died in Penrns, Brittany, 25 Oct. 1230, while returning from an expedition, and was buried at Tewkesbury.

He married, 9 Oct. 1217, ISABELA MARSHAL”, who died Berkhampstead 17 Jan. 1239/40 after having married second, 30 Mar. 1231, Richard Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall, second son of King John. She was daughter of William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, and Isabel de Clam [10:iv, above].

He inherited the Clam estates from his father, those of Gloucester from his mother, the honor of St. Hilary from his grandmother, and a moiety of the Giffard estates through his ancestress Rohese. In June 1202 he was entrusted with Harfleur and Mostreviliiers, and in 1211 he held six and one-half knight's fees in Kent of his mother.

He was a Magna Charta surety in 1215; as a consequence he was excommunicated by Pope Innocent III in Dec. 1216. He fought on the side of Prince Louis of France at the battle of Lincoln, 19 May 1217, and was taken prisoner by William Marshall, whose daughter he later married. In Nov. 1217 he was recognized as Earl of Gloucester in right of his maternal descent. From July 1222 he attested royal grants frequently, and he joined the Earl Marshall, his brother-in-law, in an expedition to Wales in 1223. He was present in 1225 when King Henry III confirmed the Great Charter. In July 1227 he supported Richard, Earl of Cornwall, in his dispute with the King over the forest laws and misgovern­ment by Hubert de Burgh. In 1228 he led an army against the Welsh and captured Morgan Gain, who was released the next year.

Children, listed by Cokayne [3:244], Clark, Weis and Altschul [31-32]:
i.    Richard, b. 4 August 1222; d. 15 july 1262, bur. Tewksbury; in. Maud de Lacy.
ii.   Amicia, b. 1220; d. 1283; in. (1) Baldwin de Reviers, who d. 1245, in. (2) Robert de Guines, the uncle of Arnold III, comte de Guines [Altschul, 32-33].
iii.  Isabel, b. 1226; m. 1240 Robert Bruce, Lord of Annandale [Weis, AR7, 252:28], who d. Lochmaben Castle 31 March 1295, having in. (2) Christian d'Irby, widow of Sir Thomas de Lascelles and Sir Adam de Gesemuth [MCS5, 41:3]; Isabel was grandmother of Robert the Bruce, the Scottish hero of Bannockburn.
iv.  William [Ceo. T. Clark, 112], b. 1228; d. 23 July 1258 of poison; unm. [Altschul, 31].
v.   Gilbert, b. 1229; a churchman.

Isabel MARSHALL [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born on 9 Oct 1200 in Pembroke Castle, Wales, United Kingdom. She was christened in Apr 1206 in St David's, Pembrokeshire, Wales, United Kingdom. She died 5, 6, 7 on 17 Jan 1239/1240 in Berkhamsted Castle, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried in Beaulieu, Southampton, England, United Kingdom. Isabel married 8, 9, 10 Gilbert CLARE 5th Earl of Gloucester, Magna Carta Surety 11, 12, 13, 14 on 9 Oct 1217 in Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucester, England, United Kingdom.

Countess de Clare and Countess of Cornwall

Isabel Marshal was born at Pembroke Castle daughter of William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke and Isabel de Clare. She was one of eleven children, and the granddaughter of John FitzGilbert and Sybil de Salisbury, Richard de Clare Strongbow and Aoife of Leinster.

On the 9th of October of her 17th birthday, Isabel married Gilbert de Clare, 4th Earl of Hertford and 1st Earl of Gloucester, who was 20 years older than her, at Tewkesbury Abbey. Despite the age difference the marriage was a very happy one, and the couple had six children:
* Agnes de Clare born 1218
* Amice de Clare 1220–1287, wife of 6th Earl of Devon Baldwin de Reviers & Robert de Guines
* Richard de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford 1222–1262
* Isabel de Clare 1226-1264, wife of Robert the 5th Lord of Annandale; she would be the great grandmother of Robert the Bruce
* William de Clare 1228–1258
* Gilbert de Clare born 1229, a priest

Isabel's husband Gilbert joined in an expedition to Brittany in 1229, but died 25 October 1230 on his way back to Penrose, in that duchy. His body was returned home where he was buried at Tewkesbury Abbey. 

As a young widow, only 30 years old, the mother of three daughters and three sons, she had proven her ability to bear healthy children, and this was probably the reasons for the proposal of marriage from Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall, and Isabel's acceptance of it, despite the fact that her husband had just died only five months earlier. They were married at Fawley Church on 30 March 1231. They were the parents of four children, three of whom died in the cradle: 
* John of Cornwall 1232-1233
* Isabella of Cornwall 1233-1234)
* Henry of Almain 1235-1271, murdered by his cousins Guy and Simon de Montfort
* Nicholas of Cornwall born 17 January 1240, died hours after birth, buried at Beaulieu Abbey with his mother

Isabel died of liver failure, contracted while in childbirth, on 17 January 1240, at Berkhamsted Castle. She was 39 years old. As Isabel was dying she asked to be buried next to her first husband at Tewkesbury Abbey, but Richard had her interred at Beaulieu Abbey, with her infant son, instead. As a pious gesture, he sent her heart, in a silver-gilt casket, to Tewkesbury Abbey.

They had the following children.

  F i
Maud de CLARE 1 was born about 1210 in of, Pembroke, Pembroke, Wales, United Kingdom.
  F ii
Joan de CLARE 1 was born about 1210 in of, Pembroke, Pembroke, Wales, United Kingdom.
  F iii
Susan de CLARE 1 was born in 1217 in of, Kilkenny, , Ireland, United Kingdom.
  F iv
Amica de CLARE 1 was born on 27 May 1220 in Usk, Mommouthshire, Wales, United Kingdom. She died in BET 30 NOV 1284 AND 1287.
  M v Richard de CLARE Earl of Gloucester and Hertford was born on 4 Aug 1222. He died on 15 Jul 1262.
  F vi
Isabel de CLARE 1 was born on 8 Nov 1226 in of, , Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom. She died after 10 Jul 1264.
  M vii
William de CLARE 1 was born on 18 May 1228 in Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom. He died in Retherford. He was buried on 23 Jul 1258 in Dureford Abbey, Sussex, England, United Kingdom.
  F viii
Adeliza de CLARE 1 was born about 1228 in Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ix
Gilbert de CLARE 1 was born on 12 Sep 1229 in Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom. He died after 1241.
  F x
Agnes de CLARE 1 was born in 1229 in Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom.

Sir William MARSHALL 1st Earl of Pembroke and Knight Templar [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2 in 1146. He died 3, 4 on 14 May 1219 in Caversham, Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried in London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. William married 5, 6 Isabel de CLARE 4th Countess of Pembroke 7 in Aug 1189 in London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom.

Sir WILLIAM MARSHAL, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, born probably in 1146, died in Caversham 14 May 1219, and was buried in the Temple Church, London. He married in London, in August 1189, ISABEL DE CLARE, Countess of Strigoil or Pembroke, who died in 1220 and was buried in Tintern Abbey.

Given as a hostage to King Stephen by his father in 1152, he was spared by the king in spite of his father's bad faith. He was sent then, by his father, to William de Tancarville, hereditary Master Chamberlain of Normandy, with whom he remained for eight years as a squire. In 1167 he returned to England to his uncle, Patrick, Earl of Salisbury, who was ambushed and slain at Poitou in 1168, while William was wounded and captured. Eventually ransomed by Queen Eleanor, he returned to England and was chosen by King Henry II to be a member of the Young Henry's household. Knighted by de Tancarville at Drincourtin 1173, he supported the “Young King” Henry is his rebellion against his father Henry II. Young Henry chose William to knight him, and on his deathbed, 11 June 1183, charged him to carry his cross to the Holy Sepulchre in Palestine. When William returned to England about 1187 King Henry II made him a member of his household. William served Henry II in France in 1188 and 1189, and checked the King's rebel son's pursuit by killing Richard's horse with his spear during the retreat to Fresnay-sur-Sarthe. He was at Henry's deathbed in Chinon and escorted the body to Fontevrault.

However, in 1189 King Richard gave him Isabel de Clare in marriage and he was given a number of posts for his service. At Richard's Coronation on 3 Sept. 1189 he bore the gold sceptre with the cross; shortly afterwards he was appointed a justiciar subordinate to Longchamp. Before Sept. 1190 he had a fine for 2,000 marks for a moiety of the lands of Walter Giffard, and when the Archbishop of Rouen succeeded Longchamp in Oct. 1191, William became his chief assistant. In 1193, when John revolted against Richard, William besieged and took Windsor Castle. From 1194 to 1199 he was mostly in Normandy for Richard, and one of King Richard I's last acts was to appoint him custodian of Rouen. Nonetheless, when Richard died William supported John, obtaining the support of the magnates at a meeting in Northampton. He was present at the Coronation on 27 May 1199, the day King John made him Earl of Pembroke.

On 20 April 1200 he was confirmed as Marshal. He served actively in Gascony, England and Normandy, and in 1204 he invaded Wales and captured Kilgerran. In June 1205 he joined the Archbishop of Canterbury in forcing King John to abandon a projected expedition to Poitou. From 1207 to 1211 he spent most of his time in Ireland, but in April 1213 the desperate king recalled him and on 15 May 1213 he witnessed John's resignation to the Pope. He was in command in England during John's absence in Poitou in 1214; in 1215 he was a representative of the King at Runnymede, and in 1216 he was an executor of John's will. A man of superior ability and exemplary character, he was chosen unanimously as Regent for Henry III at Bristol on 11 Nov. 1216, and on 20 May 1217 he routed the rebel barons and the French at Lincoln. Some months later he besieged London, and on 11 Sept., following Hubert de Burgh's naval victory off Dover on 24 Aug., William concluded the Treaty of Lambeth with Prince Louis of France. In 1218, as Regent, he granted himself yearly fairs and weekly markets. From his death bed in May 1219 he committed the young king to the care of the Papal Legate. He was a benefactor to many religious institutions. He was described as tall and well built, with finely shaped limbs, a handsome face and brown hair, a model of chivalry in his younger days, and of unswerving loyalty in his maturity and old age [CP, 10:364a].

Children, mentioned by Weis and Cokayne, of five sons (all of whom died without issue, which the superstitious attributed to a curse by the Bishop of Ferns, who had had two manors appropriated by the Marshal) and five daughters, listed in the order given by Cokayne [CP, 10:364a]:
i.    William, Earl of Pembroke, Magna Charta surety, b. Normandy c. 1190; d. 6 April 1231, bur. Temple Church, London; m. (1) 1214 Alice de Bethune, who d. c. 1216, bur. St. Paul's Cathedral, London, m. (2) 23 April 1224 Eleanor (daughter of King John), who m. (2) Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester.
ii.   Richard, Earl of Pembroke, d. Kilkenny Castle 16 April 1234; in. 1222 Gervaise de Dinan, widow of Juhel de Mayenne; she m. (3) Geoffrey, vicomte de Rohan, and she was living in 1236.
iii.  Gilbert, Earl of Pembroke, mortally injured at a tournament near Hertford in June 1241, d. Hertford Priory 27 June 1241, his entrails bur, there while his body was bur. in the new Temple Church, London; while alleged to have m. (1) Maud de Lanvalei, this was a clerical error, he m. Berwick, 1 Aug. 1235, Margaret of Scotland (who d. 17 Nov. 1244, bur. Church of the Preaching Friars), dau. of William the Lion, King of Scotland (for whom see Huntingdon); no legitimate issue.
iv.  Walter, Earl of Pembroke, b. after 1198; d. Goodrich Castle 24 Nov. 1245; m. 6 Jan. 1241/2 Margaret de Quincy (who survived him and was bur. Tintern Abbey), widow of Jolun de Lacy; she m. (3) Richard de Wiltshire; Walter had no issue.
v.   Anselin, Earl of Pembroke, d. (before investiture) Chepstow 22-24 Dec. 1245, bur. Tintern Abbey; m. Mnud de Bohun (dau. of Humphrey de Bohun), who m. (2) Roger de Quincy as his second wife; no issue.
vi.  Maud, d. 27 March 1248; m. (1) Hugh Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, who d. Feb. 1224/5, m. (2) before 13 Oct. 1325 William Plantagenet de Warenne, who d. 1240.
vii. Isabel,d. Berkhampstead 17Jan. 1239/40; m. (1) 9 Oct. 1217 Sir Gilbert de Clare, Magna Charta surety, m. (2) 30 March 1231 Richard, Earl of Cornwall.
viii. Sybil, m. (1) Sir Gilbert Basset, m. (2) before 14 May 1219, William de Ferrers, 5th Earl of Derby, who m. (2) c. 1238 Margaret.
ix. Eve (or Eva), d. before 1246; m. William de Braiose, Lord of Aber­gavenny, who was hanged 2 May 1430.
x.  Joan, d. before Nov. 1234; m. after 14 May 1219 Warin de Munchensi, Lord of Swanscomb [Cokayne's CP, 9:421, cited in Weis, MCS5, 148:2].

Fulfilling the vow he had made while on crusade, he was inducted into the order of the Knights Templar on his deathbed. He died at Caversham, and was buried in the Temple Church in London. At his funeral, the Archbishop of Canterbury described him as the "greatest knight that ever lived." His history was first recorded in L’Histoire de Guillaume le Marechal , ‘The History of William Marshal’, commissioned by his eldest son in 1226. It is believed to be the first medieval biography of a non-royal.

The following is from the website of The Temple Church, London(
We have been closely linked to Magna Carta and its legacy ever since 1214.
The Temple was King John’s London headquarters, 1214-5. From here he issued two vital preliminary charters, and here in January 1215 the barons confronted him for the first time with the demand that he subject himself to the rule of a charter.
The hero of Magna Carta was William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke. He mediated between John and the barons, secured the agreement embodied in Magna Carta and was one of the King’s advisors at Runnymede. When John died the Marshal became guardian of the boy-king Henry III and of the kingdom. He re-issued Magna Carta under his own seal in 1216 and 1217, and so ensured its survival. He was buried in the Temple’s Round Church, where his effigy still lies.
William’s heir, William Marshal the second Earl, was one of the Surety Barons at Runnymede. He then fought alongside his father at the Battle of Lincoln to save the kingdom for Henry III. He married Henry’s sister. He too was buried in the Round, next to his father, where his effigy still lies.
The Temple’s Chancel was built, 1135-40, to be the funerary chapel of Henry III and his queen. With Henry’s re-issue of Magna Carta in 1225 the Charter was secure.
The Temple’s Common Law lawyers led the resistance in the 17th century against the Stuart kings’ absolutism. The lawyers – such as Coke and Selden – repeatedly invoked Magna Carta.
In the same decades the Temple’s lawyers were drawing up the constitutions for the early American colonies. Links with the USA have been strong ever since. Five members of Inner / Middle Temple signed the Declaration of Independence, seven the Constitution. The American Ambassador to London and US Chief Justice Roberts are both Benchers of Middle Temple.
The Temple has since 1608 been the collegiate Church of the legal colleges Inner and Middle Temple, and stands at the heart of this unforgettably beautiful and historic part of London.
With best wishes from the Temple Church
Robin Griffith-Jones, DLitt,
The Reverend and Valiant Master of the Temple

DEATH: Buried in the Temple Church, London.

Isabel de CLARE 4th Countess of Pembroke [Parents] 1 was born about 1174. She died 2 in 1220. Isabel married 3, 4 Sir William MARSHALL 1st Earl of Pembroke and Knight Templar 5 in Aug 1189 in London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom.

otherwise Countess of Pembroke. The Complete Peerage vol.X,pp.358-364.

DEATH: Buried in Tintern Abbey.

They had the following children.

  F i Isabel MARSHALL was born on 9 Oct 1200. She died on 17 Jan 1239/1240.
  F ii Maud MARSHALL was born about 1192. She died on 27 Mar 1248.
  M iii
Anselm De MARSHALL died in 1245.

Anselm Marshal was the sixth Earl of Pembroke (of the second creation) and Earl Marshal of England, the youngest and last of the five sons of William Marshal to hold that post. He succeeded his brother Walter on 24 November 1245 and lived for a month, dying at Chepstow Castle and being buried in Tintern Abbey.

When William Marshal was composing his will in 1219, he originally intended to allot nothing to his youngest son, Anselm, who was named after William's younger brother. It has been suspected that he wished for the young Anselm to rise from low rank to high on his own merits as William himself had done as a young knight errant. His advisors, however, convinced the ailing Marshal to grant Anselm a small piece of land.

Anselm was married to Maud, the daughter of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex. They had no children and Anselm's estates were divided between his four surviving sisters, Isabella, Sibyl, Eva, and Joan, and their husbands. The earldom of Pembroke lay vacant until 1247, when it was recreated for William de Valence, husband of Joan de Munchensi, heiress of Anselm's sister Joan and her husband Warin de Munchensi.
  M iv
Willliam MARSHALL 2nd Earl of Pembroke, Templar, Magna Carta Surety [scrapbook].

Magna Carta Surety.
  F v Sibilla MARSHALL was born about 1204. She died before 1238.
  M vi
Gibert MARSHALL Templar.

John Fitz Gilbert de MARSHALL [Parents] 1 died 2 in 1165. John married Sybil de SALISBURY.

JOHN FITZ GILBERT (also JOHN THE MARSHAL) died before Michaelmas in 1165.
He married first, Alma (Alina), who may have been the daughter and heir of Walter Pipard, and repudiated her about 1141. He married second, SIBYL DE SALISBURY [for whom see D'EVEREUX]. The office of Marshal assumed responsibility for keeping accounts of payments made out of the Treasury and Chamber.

He was with Henry I in Normandy in 1130, and with Stephen in Normandy in 1137. In 1138 he fortified the castles of Marlborough and Ludgershall. He held Marlborough for the king in 1140, and captured Robert Fitz Hubert, who had taken the royal castle of Devizes.

After King Stephen was taken prisoner at Lincoln, John joined the Empress at Reading in May 1141, at Oxford in July, and at Winchester in August and September of that year. In the final rout of the Empress' forces in September "he was cut off and surrounded in Wherwell Abbey, but escaped with the loss of an eye and other wounds" (Cokayne, 10:93-94]. In 1144 he was using his base at Marlborough to raid the surrounding countryside and oppress the clergy. In 1149 and 1153 he was with Maud's son Henry at Devizes. After Henry's accession he was granted Crown lands in Wiltshire, but he had to surrender Marlborough Castle in 1158. Soon after he was present at the Council of Clarendon in 1164 he sued Thomas Becket for part of his manor of Pagham, in Sussex. He was a benefactor of the priory of Bradenstoke, the abbey of Troarn, and the Templars.

Sybil de SALISBURY 1. Sybil married John Fitz Gilbert de MARSHALL.

They had the following children.

  M i Sir William MARSHALL 1st Earl of Pembroke and Knight Templar was born in 1146. He died on 14 May 1219.

Richard De CLARE [Parents] was born 1 about 1130. He died about 20 Apr 1176. Richard married 2 Eve of LEINSTER about 26 Aug 1171.

Eve of LEINSTER [Parents] was born 1 about 1140. She died 2 after 1186. Eve married 3 Richard De CLARE about 26 Aug 1171.

They had the following children.

  F i Isabel de CLARE 4th Countess of Pembroke was born about 1174. She died in 1220.

Fulk V PLANTAGENET King of Jerusalem 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6 in 1092 in of, , Anjou, France. He died on 10 Nov 1143 in Jerusalem, Israel. He was buried in Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jerunited Stateslem, Israel. Fulk married 7 Ermengarde (Ermentrude) Du MAINE 8, 9, 10, 11 on 11 Jul 1110 in France.

Fulk was born at Angers, between 1089 and 1092, the son of Count Fulk IV of Anjou and Bertrade de Montfort. In 1092, Bertrade deserted her husband and bigamously married King Philip I of France.

He became count of Anjou upon his father's death in 1109. In the next year, he married Ermengarde of Maine, cementing Angevin control over the County of Maine.

He was originally an opponent of King Henry I of England and a supporter of King Louis VI of France, but in 1118 or 1119 he had allied with Henry when he arranged for his daughter Matilda to marry Henry's son and heir, William Adelin. Fulk went on crusade in 1119 or 1120, and became attached to the Knights Templar (Orderic Vitalis). He returned, late in 1121, after which he began to subsidize the Templars, maintaining two knights in the Holy Land for a year. Much later, Henry arranged for his daughter Matilda to marry Fulk's son Geoffrey of Anjou, which she did in 1127 or 1128.

By 1127 Fulk was preparing to return to Anjou when he received an embassy from King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. Baldwin II had no male heirs but had already designated his daughter Melisende to succeed him. Baldwin II wanted to safeguard his daughter's inheritance by marrying her to a powerful lord. Fulk was a wealthy crusader and experienced military commander, and a widower. His experience in the field would prove invaluable in a frontier state always in the grip of war.

However, Fulk held out for better terms than mere consort of the Queen; he wanted to be king alongside Melisende. Baldwin II, reflecting on Fulk's fortune and military exploits, acquiesced. Fulk abdicated his county seat of Anjou to his son Geoffrey and left for Jerusalem, where he married Melisende on 2 June 1129. Later Baldwin II bolstered Melisende's position in the kingdom by making her sole guardian of her son by Fulk, Baldwin III, born in 1130.

Fulk and Melisende became joint rulers of Jerusalem in 1131 with Baldwin II's death. From the start Fulk assumed sole control of the government, excluding Melisende altogether. He favored fellow countrymen from Anjou to the native nobility. The other crusader states to the north feared that Fulk would attempt to impose the suzerainty of Jerusalem over them, as Baldwin II had done; but as Fulk was far less powerful than his deceased father-in-law, the northern states rejected his authority. Melisende's sister Alice of Antioch, exiled from the Principality by Baldwin II, took control of Antioch once more after the death of her father. She allied with Pons of Tripoli and Joscelin II of Edessa to prevent Fulk from marching north in 1132; Fulk and Pons fought a brief battle before peace was made and Alice was exiled again.

In Jerusalem as well, Fulk was resented by the second generation of Jerusalem Christians who had grown up there since the First Crusade. These "natives" focused on Melisende's cousin, the popular Hugh II of Le Puiset, count of Jaffa, who was devotedly loyal to the Queen. Fulk saw Hugh as a rival, and it did not help matters when Hugh's own stepson accused him of disloyalty. In 1134, in order to expose Hugh, Fulk accused him of infidelity with Melisende. Hugh rebelled in protest. Hugh secured himself to Jaffa, and allied himself with the Muslims of Ascalon. He was able to defeat the army set against him by Fulk, but this situation could not hold.

The Patriarch interceded in the conflict, perhaps at the behest of Melisende. Fulk agreed to peace and Hugh was exiled from the kingdom for three years, a lenient sentence.

However, an assassination attempt was made against Hugh. Fulk, or his supporters, were commonly believed responsible, though direct proof never surfaced. The scandal was all that was needed for the queen's party to take over the government in what amounted to a palace coup. Author and historian Bernard Hamilton wrote that Fulk's supporters "went in terror of their lives" in the palace. Contemporary author and historian William of Tyre wrote of Fulk "he never attempted to take the initiative, even in trivial matters, without (Melisende's) consent". The result was that Melisende held direct and unquestioned control over the government from 1136 onwards. Sometime before 1136 Fulk reconciled with his wife, and a second son, Amalric was born.

Jerusalem's northern border was of great concern. Fulk had been appointed regent of the Principality of Antioch by Baldwin II. As regent he had Raymund of Poitou marry the infant Constance of Antioch, daughter of Bohemund II and Alice of Antioch, and niece to Melisende. However, the greatest concern during Fulk's reign was the rise of Atabeg Zengi of Mosul.

In 1137 Fulk was defeated in battle near Baarin but allied with Mu'in ad-Din Unur, the vizier of Damascus. Damascus was also threatened by Zengi. Fulk captured the fort of Banias, to the north of Lake Tiberias and thus secured the northern frontier.

Fulk also strengthened the kingdom's southern border. His butler Paganus built the fortress of Kerak to the east of the Dead Sea, and to help give the kingdom access to the Red Sea, Fulk had Blanchegarde, Ibelin, and other forts built in the south-west to overpower the Egyptian fortress at Ascalon. This city was a base from which the Egyptian Fatimids launched frequent raids on the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Fulk sought to neutralise this threat.

In 1137 and 1142, Byzantine emperor John II Comnenus arrived in Syria attempting to impose Byzantine control over the crusader states. John's intention of making a pilgrimage, accompanied by his impressive army, to Jerusalem alarmed Fulk, who wrote to John pointing out that his kingdom was poor and could not support the passage of a large army. This lukewarm response dissuaded John from carrying through his intention, and he postponed his pilgrimage. John died before he could make good his proposed journey to Jerusalem.

In 1143, while the king and queen were in Acre, Fulk was killed in a hunting accident. His horse stumbled, fell, and Fulk's skull was crushed by the saddle, "and his brains gushed forth from both ears and nostrils", as William of Tyre describes. He was carried back to Acre, where he lay unconscious for three days before he died. He was buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Though their marriage started in conflict, Melisende mourned for him privately as well as publicly. Fulk was survived by his son Geoffrey of Anjou by his first wife, and Baldwin III and Amalric I by Melisende.

Ermengarde (Ermentrude) Du MAINE 1, 2, 3, 4 was born about 1096 in Maine, France. She died 5, 6 in 1126 in Maine, France. Ermengarde married 7 Fulk V PLANTAGENET King of Jerusalem 8, 9, 10, 11 on 11 Jul 1110 in France.

They had the following children.

  M i
Elias D' ANJOU 1 was born about 1111 in of, , Anjou, France. He died on 15 Jan 1151 in St Serge Abbey, Angers, Anjou, France. He was buried in L'abbey Des Sergela, Angers, France.
  M ii Geoffrey V "le Bon" PLANTAGENET Count d'Anjou was born on 24 Aug 1113. He died on 7 Sep 1150.
  F iii
Sibilla D' ANJOU 1 was born in 1116 in of, , Anjou, France. She died in BET 1165 AND 1167 in Bethlehem, Palestine.
  F iv
Mathilde D' ANJOU 1 was born in of, Angers, Maine-Et-Loire, France. She died in 1154 in Fontevrault Abbey, Fontevrault, Maine-Et-Loire, France.

William PAINE [Parents] 1, 2 was christened 3 on 20 Feb 1596 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died 4 after 2 Oct 1660 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. William married Hanna 5, 6.

William had a will 7 on 2 Oct 1660 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

WILLIAM PAINE, of Boston, having binn a long time by the hand of God much exercised with infirmity of body, yet in perfect memory, [do] make my will. Vnto Hanna, my wife, £200, and my dwelling house, sittuate in Boston, with all the out houses, archard, gardens, &c.; ailso, my mill, at Watertowne, with the houses, lands, &c.; allso all my househould stuffe, the vse and Improuement of it for life. Vnto my three grand children, which ware the Children of my dafter, Hanna Appleton, deceased, the some of £1500, viz, to Hanna, £600, to Samuel, £500, and to .Judeth, £400. And if any of my sayd grandchildren depart this life, Leaueing noe Issue, Then the sayd Legicie or Legicies shall remaine to them that surviue. and their heires for ether. If they depart this life leaueing noe Issue, Then my will is, that the sayd £1500, bee repayd back vnto my sonn John Paine, to him and his heires. Said Legicies shall bee payd vnto my grandchildren as they shall attaine vnto age, or vppon the day of marridge. I giue to Hanna Appleton, my said grand child, all the house­hould stuff that now standeth in the hail chamber, to remaine to her after my wife depart this life. The rest of my househould stuffe I giue vnto the other of my grandchildren, after my wifes decease. I giue vnto the Children of Symond Eyers, senr. deceased, viz : Beniamine, Mary, Re­bekah, Christian, An, and Dorothy, £5 to each. To Symond Eyes the sonn of Symond Eyes Jn. deceased, £5 to bee payd when of age. Vnto my Sister Page, £3. pr yeare dewreing life. Vnto my kinsman, John Page, which now is in his hands the some of £5. and to the other Children of my sayd Sister Page, viz. To Samuell, Elizabeth, Mary, Pheebee, £5., to each. Vnto the children of my Sister Hament, viz: To John, Elizabeth, and hanna, £5., to each. To my kinswoman, Elizabeth House, dafter to Sa~zuefl and Elizabeth House, £10. Vnto the two dafters of my Cosan, John Tall, 40s. to each, when of age. Vnto my sonn in law, Samuell Appleton, £10; to William Howard, £15; to Jerimy Belcher, 40s.; vnto Mr Anthony Stodder, £10; vnto Christopher Clarke, £10; vnto Mr Joseph Tainter, £10; vnto Mr Oliuer Puerchis, £10; vnto Mary Ingion, 40s., yearely, dureing life. I giue vnto the free scoole of Ipswitch, the little neck of land at lpswitch, commonly knowne by the name of Jeferrys neeck. The which is to bee, and remaine, to the beni­fitt of the said scoole of Ipswitch, for euer, as I haue formerly Intended, and therefore the sayd land not to bee sould nor wasted. I giue vnto the Colledg at Cambridge, £20., The which is now payd for that end IntO the hands of the worshippfull Mr Thomas Dauenport, of Cambridge, and shall remaine in the hands of the Committie and president of the Colledge,.. and by them, for the time beeing, and theire suckcessers. after them for euer, Imploy sayd Twenty pounds for the benifitt of the said ColLedge. But the sayd Twenty pounds not to bee expended But to remaine as A stock to the College fbr euer. I giue vnto my reuerent freinds, viz:
Mr Norton, and Mr Willson, Paster and teacher of the Church of Boston, 40s. to each. To Mr Shirman, Paster of the Church at Water­towne, to Mr Browne, paster of the Church at Sudbery, to Mr Cobbit, paster of the Church at Ipswitch, to Mr Fisk, passter of the Church at Chensford, to Mr Phillops, teacher of the Church at Rowley, to Mr Mayhoo, pastor of the new Church of Boston, 40s. [each.] All the rest of my estate vnto my sonn, John Paine. If John depart this life, leaue­mg noe Issue, nor Children of sayd lssue, Then my will is that the houses and lands which of right doe beelonge vnto mee, within the bounds of Ipswitch, with the privileges, &c. I giue unto the Children of my sayd dafter, Hanna Appleton, deceased, namely, Hannah, Judeth, and Samuell, or soe many of them as shall bee then aliue, as Coe heires to the same, to them and their heires for euer, according as there is prvition made in A deede of gift, formerly giuen vnto my sonn, John Paine. If John de­part this life, leaueing no issue, nor children of said Issue. Then my will is, that the Children of my sister Page, mentioned aboue, shall haue out of my estate the some of £300, to bee equally deuided between them. If my wife should depart out of this life beefore myselfe, Then my will is, that the Children of Simond Eyers, sen., deceased, shall haue £5 apeece, A deed to theire former £5; and the Children of my sister Page and sister Hanna, shall haue £5 apeece, aded to their former £5. I doe heareby earnestly request Mr Olliur Purches, to be helpefull to my sonne, John Paine, concerning the Iron worke and the accounts thereof, whose Abilities and faithfullness I haue had experience of, vnto whose Ceare I doe Commit the sayd accounts. I make my sonn, John Paine, my Sonn in Law, Samuell Appleton, and Mr Anthony Stodder, my executors. And I doe request Mr Christopher Clarke, Mr Joseph Painter, and Mr Oiliuer Purches, to bee my ouerseers and feofess in trust of this my will. My will is, that if my sayd Ouerseeres with my Executors shall see Just Case for some pyous vse and nesessary worke to giue £100., They shall haue power to take it out of my estate. 2 Octr 1660.
Will Paine.
Postscript..-I giue unto Doctter Clarke, £5; and I doe giue to Capt
Thomas Clarke Company, to bye them Cullers, the some of fiue pounds.
in presence of vs,
John Mayo, Christopher Clarke,
Will: Howard.

WILL: Mentions Sister Phebe Page and kinsman John Page.

Hanna 1, 2. Hanna married William PAINE.

Last name may be North.

Simon EYRE was christened 1, 2 on 21 Jun 1588 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 on 10 Nov 1658 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Simon married 4, 5 Dorothy PAINE about 1616 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Simon worked 6, 7 as Surgeon in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:

Dorothy PAINE [Parents] 1 was born 2 about 1598 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She died 3 on 11 Aug 1650 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Dorothy married 4, 5 Simon EYRE about 1616 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Simon EYRE was christened 1, 2 on 21 Jun 1588 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 on 10 Nov 1658 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Simon married 4 Martha HUBBARD in BY 1652 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Simon worked 5, 6 as Surgeon in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:
PAINE, Dorothy

Martha HUBBARD died 1 in 1687 in of Boston, Suffok, Massachusetts, United States. Martha married 2 Simon EYRE in BY 1652 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

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