Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Thomas MAYHEW was born 1, 2 in 1650 in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3, 4 on 21 Jul 1715 in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Thomas married 5 Sarah SKIFF about 1673 in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Thomas had a will 6 on 13 Jul 1715 in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. His will was probated 7 on 11 Oct 1715 in Edgartown, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.


The second son of Rev. Thomas Mayhew, Jr., born in 1650 chose this town as his home, although he resided for a while in Tisbury, where from 1674 to 1679 he was town clerk. In 1680 he purchased sixty acres of land in the new settlement at Chilmark, and thenceforth spent his life here as a resident. His birth gave him prominence through family influences and during all of his adult life he was an office holder. He was an associate justice of the King's Bench from 1692 to 1699 and chief justice 1699 to 1713 of the same court. Parson Homes, in his diary, gives us this account of his last days:

On the twenty first of July Anno 1715 being Thursday about two of the clock in the morning Thomas Mayhew Esqu'r of Chilmarke de-parted this life he had been for several yeares troubled with the dis-temper called the kings evil by which he was brought neere the gates of Death but by some applications made to him by an Indian doctor he re-covered so far that he was able to rid about and look after his affairs, but in the latter end of the spring or begining of summer this year he was suddenly taken with a stopag of his urine and a violent pain in his right leg, after some time his left leg swelled pretty much yet the Paine continued in the other leg, by the use of means the stopag of his urine was removed, yet the other symptoms continued. After some time there came a doctor to the Island that thought the swelling and pain in his legs might be removed by bathing and sweathing, which preceded accordingly in some measure, but after some time the swelling proceeded upwardly and he was siesed with an inwerd fever and shortness of breth which prevaild upon him till it carried him off. His nostril and throat grew so sore some days before he died that he could not speak so as to be under-stood, he was a man of good sense considering his education and seemed to be piously inclined tho he did entertain some singular opinions in religion.

The nephew, Experience, has also left this brief notice of his uncle:

He was long impowered in the Government of the Indians there, and was both singularly spirited & accomplished for that service as he was on divers other accounts a very excellent Person. [*Brief account of the State of the Indians (1720).]

He married Sarah Skiffe (5), who was born Oct. 12, 1646, and survived her husband until Dec. 30, 1740, when she passed away in the 95th year of her age.

[See The Mayhew Family of Martha's Vineyard for more information about his family.]
Source: The History of Martha's Vineyard by Dr. Charles Banks: Volume II, Annals of Chilmark:  pp. 29 - 41

Sarah SKIFF [Parents] 1 was born 2, 3 on 12 Oct 1646 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died on 30 Dec 1740 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Sarah married 4 Thomas MAYHEW about 1673 in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

BIRTH: Given name is spelled "Sare" in the record.

Shearjashub BOURNE [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1644 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He died 2, 3 on 7 Mar 1718/1719 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. Shearjashub married 4, 5 Bathsheba SKIFF 6 in 1666 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America.

Bathsheba SKIFF [Parents] 1 was born 2, 3 on 26 Apr 1648 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 4, 5 on 13 May 1714 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Bathsheba married 6, 7 Shearjashub BOURNE in 1666 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America.

Elisha BOURNE [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1647 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He died 2 on 21 Dec 1706 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. Elisha married 3 Patience SKIFF 4 on 16 Oct 1675 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America.

Patience SKIFF [Parents] 1 was born 2, 3 on 25 Mar 1652 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. She died 4, 5 on 25 Oct 1716 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. Patience married 6 Elisha BOURNE on 16 Oct 1675 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America.

Some believe that Marianne and Patience are the same person.

Benjamin SKIFF [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2, 3 on 15 Nov 1655 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He died 4 on 17 Feb 1717/1718 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He was buried 5 in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Benjamin married 6, 7 Hannah MERRY on 20 Feb 1679/1680 in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, United States.


In his day and generation Benjamin Skiffe was the most prominent man in Chilmark and held a commanding posi-tion in civil and military affairs throughout the county. Indeed, he was the leading citizen of the Vineyard, after the death of Matthew Mayhew. Benjamin was next to the youngest of the four sons of James Skiffe, Senior, who came to the Vineyard. He was born Nov. 5, 1655, probably in Sandwich, where his father resided and had been a prominent citizen for many years. He was a witness to a deed in Tisbury on Dec. 4, 1677, [*Dukes Deeds, I, 267.] and it is probable that he had gone to Tisbury before that with one of his brothers, either James or Nathaniel, as an inmate of their homes. [*James came to Tisbury in 1671 and Nathaniel before 1674. The younger brother Nathan does not appear on record till 1675.] There he first saw the young girl who had lately moved there from Hampton, and who first attracted his admiration.

The girl, Hannah, daughter of Joseph Merry, was five years his junior, and on Feb. 20, 1679-80 they were married. Where they set up housekeeping is not known, but the next record we find of him is a purchase of land in this town on Feb. 6, 1681, consisting of a tract on the west side of Roaring brook. [*Dukes Deeds, I, 233] The next year on July so, 1682, he bought the land called "Nathaniel's Neck," but it cannot be determined whether either of these were used by him as a place of residence. [*Ibid., I, 346] From all evidences he still remained in Tisbury and is called of that town in 168I, 1682 and 1688, and on March 17, 1687, was chosen town clerk there. [*Tisbury Records, 18.] He was elected county commissioner in 1686, apparently to represent Chilmark, as the other two were citizens of the sister townships. He continued to act as town clerk of Tisbury from his first election in 1687 to 1693 inclusive, and not until 1695 is he called "of Chil-mark." He was a proprietor of one share in the town, how-ever, in 1692. [*Court Records, Vol. I. It is difficult to separate the relations of proprietors and residents, as there were non-resident proprietors who were entitled to hold office and draw lots.] His residence was on the east side of the Fulling Mill brook, not far from the site of the mill which stood on its banks, in sight of the South road. He bought one hundred acres on Feb. 13, 1694, jointly with Pain Mayhew, and it is supposed that it was for the purpose of carrying on the mill which he had erected there for fulling cloth. [*Dukes Deeds, I, 233.] Two years later he bought the mill privileges of New Mill river "to improve for a mill," but it is not known whether another one was built there by him. [*Ibid., I, 125.]

When the great political change of jurisdiction over the Vineyard took place in 1791, it appears that Skiffe was one of those who did not like the transfer, and he took sides with the Mayhews in the policy of passive opposition. "Capt'n ben Skiffe," wrote Simon Athearn in October of that year, "have bene very bussie against the government from this place," and as a consequence he recommended that Skiffe be super-seded as Captain of the military company as "the most likely way to bring the company to obedience." [*Mass. Archives, CXII, 424.]

But Athearn was not able to carry his point in this matter, and Skiffe continued to be a leader in military affairs as well as in civil life. He was for some time prior to 1792 Captain of the Foot Company of Militia of Tisbury and Chilmark combined, and is referred to as Captain Skiffe in 1693 and 1695. In 1703 he appears as Major Skiffe and thereafter is known by that title, and late as 1709 he was in command of this body of troopers. [*Savage says he was employed "in an important trust" by Governor Dudley in 1704, but the author has no data in confirmation of it (Gen. Dict., IV, 706).]

The town availed itself little of his services in an official capacity. For three years only, 1706-7-8, he served it as selectman, but his time was in requisition for more important duties to which the whole island unanimously called him. In those days the three towns, as at present, sent but one repre-sentative to the General Court, and for five years, 1707-1711, 1715, and 171 7, he was the "member from the Vineyard." [*Chilmark Town Records, 6, 7, 8; Tisbury Records, 62.] In 1716 Edgartown voted to send him again if Chilmark would join, but it does not appear that this was done. [*Edgartown Records, II, 79.] In 1700 he was one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas for this county, and on the death of Matthew Mayhew in 1710, Major Skiffe was Appointed Judge of Probate for this county in suc-cession arid held the office until his own decease eight years later. It will thus be seen that this man was one of the fore-most men of his time, whom all were ready to honor with such marks of confidence and respect as was in their power to bestow. He seemed to have stood well with the influential Mayhews and thus steered clear of the difficulties into which his brother fell by antagonizing them. There is an entry in the town records of Edgartown significant of the esteem in which he was held by other communities. On Jan. 22, 1707-8, the town voted that "Major Benjamin Skiffe, Esqr. shall be requested by their Clerk, Thomas Trapp, to be at their next meeting at Edgertown to assist them in their public or common affairs as moderator; and do order their said clerk to request the same in their behalf." [*Ibid., II, 90.] This appears to be an unusual and unique compliment.

Major Skiffe, in his last illness, made his will on Feb. 15, 1717-18, and died two days later. He left a large property which was inventoried by the appraisers on Feb. 23, 1719, and returned as amounting to £2748-10-5, probably being the richest man in the town. [*Dukes Probate, I, 65-7.] He was childless, but had adopted young Beriah Tilton (23), born in 1703, and to him he bequeathed, subject to Mrs. Skiffe's contingent interest, the homestead and mill adjoining. He also gave bequests in his will to his niece, Sarah Athearn, daughter of his brother Nathan, and to his brother-in-law, Thomas Pease. The following is an abstract of his will:

To Hannah my dear and loving wife … my sole executrix … all my estate … to dispose of as she sees fit if she dont dispose of the same in her life time then my will farther is that Beriah Tilton, a lad that now dwells with me, shall have my housing, mill and lands adjoining. … to Sarah, wife of Solomon Athearn of Tisbury, a certain tract of land lying in the Town of Chilmark, near the Stone Wall pond, being partly purchased of the Indians & not purchased the lands intended being held by me under Col. Thomas Dongan. I give her the whale of said tract as well the right to purchase as the already purchased.

I give to my brother Nathan Skiffe the right of purchase or patent right in a certain tract of land lying at Monamesha in the town of Chil-mark, which patent or right of purchase I had of Major Matthew Mayhew, deceased.

I give to Thomas Pease of Edgartown all the right title and interest which I have to any lands in Sanchacantucket Neck. [*Dukes Probate, I, 63.]

His widow survived him many years and died Feb. 27, 1758, at the great age of 98 years. They lie buried in the Chilmark burying ground on Abel's hill. She was a woman who partook of the distinctions accorded to her honored husband, and was called and known as Madame Skiffe. At her death she bequeathed to Beriah Tilton her "whole and sole personal estate" and made him executor. She had dis-posed of her real estate by deeds of gift and otherwise, but the homestead and mill remained in his possession as designed by her husband. [*Ibid., IV, 53.] This property descended to Beriah's son William and thence to his children, and was held by descendants till about 1897, when it was sold to George W. Blackwell.

Source: The History of Martha's Vineyard by Dr. Charles Banks: Volume II, Annals of Chilmark:  pp. 29 - 41

Hannah MERRY [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 29 Nov 1660 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, British Colonial America. She died 3 on 27 Feb 1758 in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America. Hannah married 4, 5 Benjamin SKIFF 6 on 20 Feb 1679/1680 in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, United States.

Nathan SKIFF [Parents] 1 was born 2 on 16 May 1658 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He was christened 3 on 27 May 1658 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 4 on 12 Feb 1725/1726 in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Nathan married 5 Hepsibah CODMAN on 10 Jul 1678 in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:

10. NATHAN SKIFFE, (James1), b. 16 May 1658; res. Sandwich, farmer; came to T. with his brothers and was town clerk 1681- 86, Constable 1693; rem. to C. abt. 1695, where he continued to live until his death 19 Feb. 1725-6. His will 23 Dec. 1725 was pro. 2 Mch. 1725-6. He m. (1) HEPSIBAH CODMAN (15) abt. 1678, who d. 19 July 1696, and (2) MERCY CHIPMAN of Sandwich 13 Dec. 1699, (dau. of John and Mercy (Howland) Chipman), who was b. 6 Feb. 1668 and d. 19 June 1724.

40. HEPSIBAH, b. 1679; m. THOMAS NORTON (36).
41. PATIENCE, b. (1682); m. RALPH THACHER (14).
42. JAMES, b. 10 Mch. 1689.
43. ELIZABETH, b. 1690; m. _____ STURGIS.
44. BENJAMIN, b. 29 April 1691.
45. STEPHEN, b. 26 May 1693, rem. to Tolland, Conn.
46. MARY, b. 26 May 1695; m. THOMAS BACON 9 Sept. 1721.

By Second Wife:

47. SARAH, b. Feb. 1697-8; m. SOLOMON ATHEARN (16) 24 July 1717.
48. MERCY, b. 5 July 1701; m. (1) PRINCE COFFIN 10 Nov. 1727; (2) NATHANIEL COFFIN.
49. SAMUEL, b. 24 Dec. 1703.
50. JOHN, b. 22 Aug. 1705.
51. JOSEPH, b. 18 Nov. 1707.

Hepsibah CODMAN was born on 10 Jul 1658 in Edgartown, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 1 on 19 Jul 1696 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Hepsibah married 2 Nathan SKIFF on 10 Jul 1678 in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Nathan SKIFF [Parents] 1 was born 2 on 16 May 1658 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He was christened 3 on 27 May 1658 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 4 on 12 Feb 1725/1726 in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Nathan married 5, 6 Mercy CHIPMAN on 13 Dec 1699 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
CODMAN, Hepsibah

10. NATHAN SKIFFE, (James1), b. 16 May 1658; res. Sandwich, farmer; came to T. with his brothers and was town clerk 1681- 86, Constable 1693; rem. to C. abt. 1695, where he continued to live until his death 19 Feb. 1725-6. His will 23 Dec. 1725 was pro. 2 Mch. 1725-6. He m. (1) HEPSIBAH CODMAN (15) abt. 1678, who d. 19 July 1696, and (2) MERCY CHIPMAN of Sandwich 13 Dec. 1699, (dau. of John and Mercy (Howland) Chipman), who was b. 6 Feb. 1668 and d. 19 June 1724.

40. HEPSIBAH, b. 1679; m. THOMAS NORTON (36).
41. PATIENCE, b. (1682); m. RALPH THACHER (14).
42. JAMES, b. 10 Mch. 1689.
43. ELIZABETH, b. 1690; m. _____ STURGIS.
44. BENJAMIN, b. 29 April 1691.
45. STEPHEN, b. 26 May 1693, rem. to Tolland, Conn.
46. MARY, b. 26 May 1695; m. THOMAS BACON 9 Sept. 1721.

By Second Wife:

47. SARAH, b. Feb. 1697-8; m. SOLOMON ATHEARN (16) 24 July 1717.
48. MERCY, b. 5 July 1701; m. (1) PRINCE COFFIN 10 Nov. 1727; (2) NATHANIEL COFFIN.
49. SAMUEL, b. 24 Dec. 1703.
50. JOHN, b. 22 Aug. 1705.
51. JOSEPH, b. 18 Nov. 1707.

Mercy CHIPMAN was born on 6 Feb 1668. She died on 19 Jun 1724. Mercy married 1, 2 Nathan SKIFF on 13 Dec 1699 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Henry GARDNER [Parents] was born 1, 2 on 12 Feb 1658 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 3, 4, 5 on 20 Feb 1713/1714 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Henry married 6 Elizabeth LANE on 1 Jul 1686 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Source:"The Pioneers of Massachusetts" by Charles Henry Pope FHL book area US/CAN 974.4 D3p 1991

DEATH: "Here lyes Buried the Body of M'r Henry Gardner Aged 57 Tears, Deceased February The 20'th 1713-14." Henry Gardner, son of Richard Gardner (epitaph 21), born Feb. 12, 1657-58, married wife Elizabeth, died 1703 (epitaph 27), and (2d) Hannah Prescott, who survived him. ( Vide Sewall's History, 615.)

Elizabeth LANE was born 1 on 3 Feb 1661 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died 2, 3, 4 on 3 Jun 1703 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married 5 Henry GARDNER on 1 Jul 1686 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

DEATH: " Here lyes y body of Elizabeth Gardne'r wife to Henery Gard- ner aged 43 years died Iune y 3d 1703." Elizabeth Gardner, first wife of Henry Gardner (epitaph 55).

Matthew GROVER was born 1 about 1656. He died 2 in 1679 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Matthew married 3, 4 Mary DAVIS before 1675 in Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

DEATH: ! DEATH: Will dated, 29 May 1675. Entered, 14 Aug. 1679, by Thomas Danforth, Register.

Mary DAVIS [Parents] was born 1, 2 on 16 Jan 1657 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 3, 4, 5 on 29 Nov 1727 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was buried in Dec 1727 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Mary married 6, 7 Matthew GROVER before 1675 in Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
DAMON, Samuel

Mary, b. 16 Jan. 1657/8, d. at Reading 27 Nov. 1727; m. (1) Matthew Grover, who d. in 1679. Two children. She m. (2) Samuel Damon, b. at Reading 23 June 1656, d. there 12 Jan. 1723/L, son of Dea. John and Abigail Damon. He was a soldier in the Narragansett War (Eaton, 60-61). Nine children, born at Reading. The will of Mary Damon, widow of Samuel Damon deceased, dated 5 Oct. 1727, probated 18 Dec. 1727, bequeathed to sons Samuel, Ebenezer, Benjamin and John Damon; to sons Thomas and Matthew Grover; to children of daughter Mercy Parker; to daughters Mary Taylor, Abigail Nichols, Esther Gowing and Tabitha Townsend. Executor: son John Damon. Inventory totaled £109.19.10, all personal. (Middlesex Co. Prob. 18:263, 444.)

Timothy WILEY was born 1 on 24 Apr 1653 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 2, 3 on 19 Dec 1728 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He was buried 4 in 1728 in Old Burying Ground, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Timothy married 5, 6 Elizabeth DAVIS on 22 Jan 1678 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Elizabeth DAVIS [Parents] was born 1, 2, 3 on 16 Jan 1654 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 4 on 21 Jul 1695 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Elizabeth married 5, 6 Timothy WILEY on 22 Jan 1678 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Elizabeth, b. 16 Jan. 1654, d. at Reading 21 July 1695; m. there 22 Jan. 1675, Timothy Wiley, b. there 24 Apr. 1653, d. there 19 Dec. 1728, son of John and Elizabeth
Wiley. Four children, born at Reading. He m. (2) in 1696 Susanna, who probably d. at Reading 31 Aug. 1732 (Eaton, 126).

Abraham COLE [scrapbook] 1 was born 2 about 1638 in of Hampton or Salem, Masschusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3 in 1715 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Abraham married 4, 5, 6 Sarah DAVIS on 11 Jun 1670 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Memtioned in mother's will Ann Coles wife of Thomas Coles. Mentions a brother John.
Children b. at Salem: 1. Samuel, b. 11 May 1671; d. 14 June 1671. 2. Sarah, b. 29 Aug 1672; m. 20 Nov 1701, Benjamin Odell (Owdell); living in 1715. 3. Abraham, b. 6 Jan 1674/5; d. young? 4. Isaac, b. 4 Aug 1677; d. young? 5. Elizabeth, m. Simon Jeffords (Jeofreys); d. bef. 1715. 6. Susanna, bpt. 31 Aug 1684; d. young? 7. Samuel, b. 19 May 1687; living in 1715. 8. Thomas, bpt. Mar 1690; m. 10 July 1710, Marcy Vealy; living in 1715.

Sarah DAVIS [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 1 Oct 1651 in Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Sarah married 3, 4, 5 Abraham COLE 6 on 11 Jun 1670 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Sarah, b. 1 Oct. 1651; m. at Salem, 11 June 1670, Abraham Cole, b. ca. 1638, d. autumn 1715, son of Thomas and Ann Cole. He was a tailor at Salem; eight children born there (Perley, 2:134).

(Warrant for Arrest of Hannah Carroll and Sarah Cole)
To the Sheriffe of the County of Essex or his Deputy Complaint haveing ben made to us their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem by Henery Brage of Salem labourer against Hannah Carrell wife of Nathaniell Carell whele right. & Sarah Coale, wife of Abraham Coale of Salem Taylor. for that the Said Hannah Carrell Did Sometimes  one of them & Sometimes Both. together Severall Times feloniously  afflict Torture & Torment William Brage Son of Henr' Brage by that Diabollicall art of witchcraft, & the Said Henr' Brage hath given in bond to procecut his said Complaint to Effect./ These are therefore in their Majesties names to. -- require you forthwith to Apprehend  & Seize the Bodyes of the Said Hanah Carrell & Sarah Coale & Bringe them before their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem in order to their Examination for w'ch this shall be your sufficient warrant

Dated in Salem: 10'th Sep'r 1692.

*Bartho Gedney
*John Hathorne
*Jonathan. Corwin
*John Higginson


Sep 15'th 1692

By virture hereof I have apprehended the body of Sarah Cole within named and left her under Guard in the [torn] of salem in order to  her Examination

by me *Geo. Herrick Dep'y sheriff

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts )

(Recognizance for Sarah Cole)
Memor'm.  That on the fourteenth day of January 1692 in the fourth year  of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady William and Mary  by the Grace of God of [of] England &c King and Queen Defenders  of the faith &c Personally appeared before Jno Ha[ ] Esq'r one  of their Maj'ties Justices for the County of Essex #[There] Abraham  Cole of Salem Taylor and acknowledged himselfe to be oweing and  Indebted unto our said Soveraigne Lord and Lady and the survivor of  them their Heires and Successors in the sume of fifty pounds money  to be Levied on his Lands and Tenements goods and Chattles for the  use of our s'd Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen or the  Survivor them on Condition That -- Sarah Cole his wife [shall] per- sonally appear before the Justices of our s'd Lord and Lady the King  & Queen at the next Court of Assizes & Gen'll Goall Delivery to be  holden for the County of Essex and in the mean time to be of Good  behaveour and then and there to answer to all Such matters and  things as shall in their Maj'ties behaffe be alledged against her and to  do and receive that w'ch by the said Court shall be then and there  Injoyned her and thence not to depart without Lycence

*Joha. Elatson Cler


Recognizance Abraham Coal of Salem for Sarah Coal his wife --
appeared & clear'd by proclamation

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 129 )

(Mittimus for Lydia Dustin, Sarah Dustin, Mary Colson,  Elizabeth Colson, and Sarah Cole)
Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England  Mid'x Ss: William and Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen  of England, Scottland, france and Ireland Defend'rs of the faith  &c. to the Sheriffe of the County of Middlesex Greeting Wee Com- mand you that you have the Body of Lidia Dastin of Reading widow  Sarah Dastin single-woman Mary Coulson widow Elizabeth Colson  single wo: all of Reading and Sarah Cole.  in the prison of Cambridge under yo'r Custody as tis said & De- tained , and under safe and sure Conduct together w'th the Cause of their Caption under what name or names so ever the said Lidia  Dastin, Sarah Dastin, Mary Coulson, Elizabeth Coulson and Sarah  Cole be conveyed in the same before o'r Justices of o'r Court of  Assize and Goal Delivery at Salem in o'r County of Essex in o'r  Provice of the Massachusetts Bay in New England upon Tuesday the  3'd Day of Jan'a next in the fourth year o'r Reigne. To Do and  receive all and every of those things w'ch the justices of o'r Court  shall Consider of in that behalfe. And then and there you have this  Writt Witness William Stoughton Esq'e in Boston the 31'st of De- cember in the fourth year of o'r Reigne Annoq'e Dom. 1692

*Jon'a Elatson, Cler.

( Suffolk County Court Records, Vol. 32, Case No. 2700 )

(Account of Sarah Cole)
Salem -- Sept 13: 1710
Where as the Great & Generall Court has made Choyce of a Committe to hear & Receve the accots of what Damage Severall persons Sustained that were accuesed and Imprisoned for Witch Craft; in the yeare 1692. & I the Subscriber being one -- Doe pray Your honers to a Low me a proportion with other under Like Surcumstance. The acco't is as followeth Seventeen week Imprisonment
paid the Goaler ...40s                       02-0-0
writting bonds .... 6s                          0-6-0
paid 18 for Court Charges                     0-18-0
Being Imprisoned the Second time writting of bonds 6s 0-6-0
Carryed to Ipswig to be Cleared & paid 20 and more 1-0-0
I found my self provision                       2-0-0
*Sarah Cole
(Reverse) Sarah Cole Long Imprison'd not Condemned.
( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 132 )

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