Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Enoch WISWALL [Parents] was born 1, 2 about 1633 in England. He was christened on 8 Sep 1633 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3, 4 on 28 Nov 1706 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Enoch married 5, 6 Elizabeth OLIVER on 25 Sep 1657 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Probably arrived with his father, August 16, 1635 on the ship "James" with the Rev. Richard Mather and his company.
Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961

Elizabeth OLIVER was born 1, 2 on 28 Feb 1639 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 3 on 31 May 1712 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Elizabeth married 4, 5 Enoch WISWALL on 25 Sep 1657 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Elizabeth was also known as Elizabeth Penelope Oliver.

Ichabod WISWALL Reverend [Parents] 1, 2 was born on 3 Jun 1637 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 23 Jul 1700 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Ichabod married 3 Remember before 1670 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
PEABODY, Priscilla

Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961

Duxbury, Mass., Vital Records [p.2]
A Record of maridges in the towne of Duxborrow
Ichabod wiswall & prissillah pabodie were maried December 2 16 [worn]

Plymouth First Church Records

The chh of Duxbury sent to us to be present by our messengers at their ordination of Mr Ichabod Wiswall to be their Pastor, on November, 24: the Pastor, Ruling Elder, Deacon Finney & Deac: Morton were chosen & then present.

REV. ICHABOD WiSWALL of Duxbury married Priscilla Pabodie3 (Elizabeth2 Alden, John1) of Duxbury. They had six children, but the births of only four, Mercy, Hannah, Peleg and Perez, were entered on the Duxbury records.* All of these, with the exception of Perez, were mentioned in their father's will, which also mentioned two other daughters, Priscilla and Deborah.

The five children who survived their father married as follows:

Mercy Wiswall4; born 4 October, 1680; died 12 November, 1716; married, 25 January, 1704/5, John Wadsworth.

Hannah Wiswall4; born 22 February, 1681 ; died 22 September, 1722; married Rev. John Robinson.

Peleg Wiswall4; born 5 February, 1683; married, in 1719 or, Elizabeth Rogers of Ipswich, and died in Boston, in 1767.

Priscilla Wiswall4, born about 1690; died in Bristol, R. I., 12 September, 1780; married in Duxbury, 23 October, 1716, Gershom4 Bradford (Samuel3 William2-1), who was born 21 December, 1691, and died in Bristol, R. I., 4 April, 1757. The two deaths are on one gravestone.

Deborah Wiswall4; born about 1693; died 22 April, 1776; married 21 October, 1717, Samuel Seabury.

Rev. Ichabod Wiswall died in Duxbury, 23 July, 1700, in his sixty-third year, and was buried in the old cemetery at South Duxbury. His widow, Priscilla, died 3 June, 1724, and was buried in the old cemetery at Kingston, Mass.

* Mayflower Descendant, 8: 231 and 9: 229.

Hannah was born in 1682 (in new style) and Peleg in 1684.

Rev. Ichabod Wiswall's Will:

Rev. Ichabod Wiswall made his will, at Duxbury, 25 May, 1700, and it was probated 19 August, 1700. The original will is still preserved in the files of the Registry of Probate at Plymouth; but it is somewhat worn, and in the copy here presented the missing words have been supplied from the copy of the will in the first volume of the Probate Records.

A careful copy of the will and inventory, and of the probate proceedings, made from the original documents, is here printed, at the expense of two members of the Massachuseffs Society of Mayflower Descendants, who have requested us not to publish their names. They are descended from Rev. Ichabod and Priscilla (Pabodie) Wiswall, through the daughter Priscilla Wiswall, who married Gershom4 Bradford.

Especial attention is called to the fact that "my Eldest Daughter the wife of Elisha Wadsworth", mentioned in the will, was Ichabod's daughter Elizabeth, by his first wife. Elisha Wadsworth and Elizabeth Wiswall were married in Duxbury, 9 December, 1694. *

The original will, the original letter of administration and the original inventory are still in the probate

[From original will] I Ichabod Wiswall of Duiborough in ye County of Plimouth being weak olf body but of [sound mind and memory praised be God for ye Same Doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following that is to say hrst I Comitt my body to the Earth to be decently Buryed when it shall Please God to take me hence & my soul into the hands of God my saviour in sure & Certain hope of a ,Joyfull Resurrection & Reunion through the precious Merritts of Jesus Christ my Lord & only Redeemer. And for the disposall of my outward Estate which God hath Graciously Given me my mind & will is the same shall be disposed as in this my Will is sett Down. first I have already Given to my Eldest Daughter the wife of Elisha Wadsworth her Portion of my Estate & is as much as I have to give to any other of My Daughters.

Item I give & bequeath unto my welbeloved wife Presilla all my housing & lands Lying in the Township of Duxburough for & During the Terme of her Naturall Life or otherwise soe long as she shall Continue my widdow

Item I give & bequeath to my son Peleg one half of all my lands & meadows both salt & fresh meadows to him & his heirs for Ever. lying at Scipican

* Pilgrim Notes and Queries, 3:121

Item I give & bequeath unto my four Daughters mercy Hanah Prissilla & Deborah the other half of all my lands & meadows at Scipican Alias Rochester in Equall parts to them & their severall heirs for Ever.

Item I give & bequeath to my said four Daughters all my lands at Sagetihock or Kenebeck in the Eastern parts of this Cuntry being one hundred acres be the same more or less to them & their Respective heirs for Ever.

Item I give & bequeath to my son Peleg all my houses & lands uplands & meadows lying in the Township of Duxbury to be possesed & Injoyed by him after the decease of his Mother or her second Marriage to him & his heirs for Ever.

Item I Give & bequeath to my son Peleg all my Books & tlirrty pounds in money towards his Education at the Collegde

Item I give & bequeath all my other goods & Chattles & moneys to my well beloved wife Prissilla for the bring up of my Children & her support & Comfort during her life & at her discretion to bestow amongst my Children.

Item I nominate & appoint my welbeloved wife Prissilla to be sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament In Witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the 25t day of May 1700
Signed Sealed & Declared         Ichabod wiswall (seal)
by the above named Mr Icabod Wiswall to be his Last will & Testament in the prsence of us
Alexander Standishe
John Sprague
Samuell Seabury
John Wadsworth
John Sprague Samuel Seabury & John Wadsworth three of ye witnesses here named Appeared before William Bradford Esqr Judge of probate on ye 19th day of August 1700 Arid made oath that they were present and Saw and heard mr Ichabod Wiswall the Testator above named sign Seal & declare this Instrument to be his last will and Testament And that to the best of their Judgment he was of Sound disposing mind and memory when he did the same

Attest Sam1 Sprague Register

On the back of the original will is written "The Last Will & Testanit of Mr Ichabod Wiswall To be opened after his Decease" [The will was also recorded, 1: 325.]

[From original letter] Willyam Bradford Esqr Commissionated &c for ye Granting of Probate of Wills and Letters of Administration within the County of Plimouth &c To all to whome these presents Shall Come or may Concern Greeting know ye that on the nineteenth Day of August AnO Domini one thousand and Seven hundred Before me at Pliinouth The Will of mr Ichabod Wisewall late of Duxborough in the County aforesaid Deceased to these presents Annexed was proved Approved and allowed who having while he lived and at Ye time of his Death Goods Chattels Rights and Credits The said Deceased and his said will in any manner Concerning was Committed unto pricilla his wife Executrix in the same will named well and truly to Administer ~ same And to make a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said deceased And the same to Exhibit Into ye Registers office of the said County according to Law Also to Render a true and Plaine account of her said Administration upon oath In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Ye Seal of ye said Office. Dated at Plimouth the 19th William Bradford (seal) day of August 1700:
Sam1 Sprague Regster
[The letter of administration was also recorded, I: 325.]

Before Wm Bradford Esqr
Attest Saml Sprague Register

[The inventory was also recorded, 1: 326.]

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996-1998 by Se&ch & ReSearch Pablishing Cotp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Remember was born in 1641 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Remember married 1 Ichabod WISWALL Reverend before 1670 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Remember was also known as Remember Wiswall.

Ichabod WISWALL Reverend [Parents] 1, 2 was born on 3 Jun 1637 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 23 Jul 1700 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Ichabod married 3 Priscilla PEABODY on 2 Nov 1673 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
, Remember

Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961

Duxbury, Mass., Vital Records [p.2]
A Record of maridges in the towne of Duxborrow
Ichabod wiswall & prissillah pabodie were maried December 2 16 [worn]

Plymouth First Church Records

The chh of Duxbury sent to us to be present by our messengers at their ordination of Mr Ichabod Wiswall to be their Pastor, on November, 24: the Pastor, Ruling Elder, Deacon Finney & Deac: Morton were chosen & then present.

REV. ICHABOD WiSWALL of Duxbury married Priscilla Pabodie3 (Elizabeth2 Alden, John1) of Duxbury. They had six children, but the births of only four, Mercy, Hannah, Peleg and Perez, were entered on the Duxbury records.* All of these, with the exception of Perez, were mentioned in their father's will, which also mentioned two other daughters, Priscilla and Deborah.

The five children who survived their father married as follows:

Mercy Wiswall4; born 4 October, 1680; died 12 November, 1716; married, 25 January, 1704/5, John Wadsworth.

Hannah Wiswall4; born 22 February, 1681 ; died 22 September, 1722; married Rev. John Robinson.

Peleg Wiswall4; born 5 February, 1683; married, in 1719 or, Elizabeth Rogers of Ipswich, and died in Boston, in 1767.

Priscilla Wiswall4, born about 1690; died in Bristol, R. I., 12 September, 1780; married in Duxbury, 23 October, 1716, Gershom4 Bradford (Samuel3 William2-1), who was born 21 December, 1691, and died in Bristol, R. I., 4 April, 1757. The two deaths are on one gravestone.

Deborah Wiswall4; born about 1693; died 22 April, 1776; married 21 October, 1717, Samuel Seabury.

Rev. Ichabod Wiswall died in Duxbury, 23 July, 1700, in his sixty-third year, and was buried in the old cemetery at South Duxbury. His widow, Priscilla, died 3 June, 1724, and was buried in the old cemetery at Kingston, Mass.

* Mayflower Descendant, 8: 231 and 9: 229.

Hannah was born in 1682 (in new style) and Peleg in 1684.

Rev. Ichabod Wiswall's Will:

Rev. Ichabod Wiswall made his will, at Duxbury, 25 May, 1700, and it was probated 19 August, 1700. The original will is still preserved in the files of the Registry of Probate at Plymouth; but it is somewhat worn, and in the copy here presented the missing words have been supplied from the copy of the will in the first volume of the Probate Records.

A careful copy of the will and inventory, and of the probate proceedings, made from the original documents, is here printed, at the expense of two members of the Massachuseffs Society of Mayflower Descendants, who have requested us not to publish their names. They are descended from Rev. Ichabod and Priscilla (Pabodie) Wiswall, through the daughter Priscilla Wiswall, who married Gershom4 Bradford.

Especial attention is called to the fact that "my Eldest Daughter the wife of Elisha Wadsworth", mentioned in the will, was Ichabod's daughter Elizabeth, by his first wife. Elisha Wadsworth and Elizabeth Wiswall were married in Duxbury, 9 December, 1694. *

The original will, the original letter of administration and the original inventory are still in the probate

[From original will] I Ichabod Wiswall of Duiborough in ye County of Plimouth being weak olf body but of [sound mind and memory praised be God for ye Same Doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following that is to say hrst I Comitt my body to the Earth to be decently Buryed when it shall Please God to take me hence & my soul into the hands of God my saviour in sure & Certain hope of a ,Joyfull Resurrection & Reunion through the precious Merritts of Jesus Christ my Lord & only Redeemer. And for the disposall of my outward Estate which God hath Graciously Given me my mind & will is the same shall be disposed as in this my Will is sett Down. first I have already Given to my Eldest Daughter the wife of Elisha Wadsworth her Portion of my Estate & is as much as I have to give to any other of My Daughters.

Item I give & bequeath unto my welbeloved wife Presilla all my housing & lands Lying in the Township of Duxburough for & During the Terme of her Naturall Life or otherwise soe long as she shall Continue my widdow

Item I give & bequeath to my son Peleg one half of all my lands & meadows both salt & fresh meadows to him & his heirs for Ever. lying at Scipican

* Pilgrim Notes and Queries, 3:121

Item I give & bequeath unto my four Daughters mercy Hanah Prissilla & Deborah the other half of all my lands & meadows at Scipican Alias Rochester in Equall parts to them & their severall heirs for Ever.

Item I give & bequeath to my said four Daughters all my lands at Sagetihock or Kenebeck in the Eastern parts of this Cuntry being one hundred acres be the same more or less to them & their Respective heirs for Ever.

Item I give & bequeath to my son Peleg all my houses & lands uplands & meadows lying in the Township of Duxbury to be possesed & Injoyed by him after the decease of his Mother or her second Marriage to him & his heirs for Ever.

Item I Give & bequeath to my son Peleg all my Books & tlirrty pounds in money towards his Education at the Collegde

Item I give & bequeath all my other goods & Chattles & moneys to my well beloved wife Prissilla for the bring up of my Children & her support & Comfort during her life & at her discretion to bestow amongst my Children.

Item I nominate & appoint my welbeloved wife Prissilla to be sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament In Witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the 25t day of May 1700
Signed Sealed & Declared         Ichabod wiswall (seal)
by the above named Mr Icabod Wiswall to be his Last will & Testament in the prsence of us
Alexander Standishe
John Sprague
Samuell Seabury
John Wadsworth
John Sprague Samuel Seabury & John Wadsworth three of ye witnesses here named Appeared before William Bradford Esqr Judge of probate on ye 19th day of August 1700 Arid made oath that they were present and Saw and heard mr Ichabod Wiswall the Testator above named sign Seal & declare this Instrument to be his last will and Testament And that to the best of their Judgment he was of Sound disposing mind and memory when he did the same

Attest Sam1 Sprague Register

On the back of the original will is written "The Last Will & Testanit of Mr Ichabod Wiswall To be opened after his Decease" [The will was also recorded, 1: 325.]

[From original letter] Willyam Bradford Esqr Commissionated &c for ye Granting of Probate of Wills and Letters of Administration within the County of Plimouth &c To all to whome these presents Shall Come or may Concern Greeting know ye that on the nineteenth Day of August AnO Domini one thousand and Seven hundred Before me at Pliinouth The Will of mr Ichabod Wisewall late of Duxborough in the County aforesaid Deceased to these presents Annexed was proved Approved and allowed who having while he lived and at Ye time of his Death Goods Chattels Rights and Credits The said Deceased and his said will in any manner Concerning was Committed unto pricilla his wife Executrix in the same will named well and truly to Administer ~ same And to make a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said deceased And the same to Exhibit Into ye Registers office of the said County according to Law Also to Render a true and Plaine account of her said Administration upon oath In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Ye Seal of ye said Office. Dated at Plimouth the 19th William Bradford (seal) day of August 1700:
Sam1 Sprague Regster
[The letter of administration was also recorded, I: 325.]

Before Wm Bradford Esqr
Attest Saml Sprague Register

[The inventory was also recorded, 1: 326.]

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996-1998 by Se&ch & ReSearch Pablishing Cotp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Priscilla PEABODY was born 1, 2 on 15 Jan 1653/1744 in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. She died 3, 4, 5 on 3 Jun 1724 in Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Priscilla married 6 Ichabod WISWALL Reverend on 2 Nov 1673 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Some info on Priscilla's parents:
[Duxbury Records 1 :2] John Rogers & Elizabeth pabodie was maried november 1666 Ichabod wiswall & prissillah pabodie were married December 2 16[worn]

Some January Anniversaries p.11
January 15, 1653, Priscilla Pabodie3 (Elizabeth2 Alden, John 1) was born at Duxbury. She married Rev. Ichabod Wiswall.

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996 - 1998 by Search & ReSearch Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Samuel PAYSON was born 1, 2 on 7 Nov 1641 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died on 24 Nov 1721. Samuel married 3 Mary WISWALL on 14 Jun 1688 in Roxbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Samuel was also known as Sam Payson.

Other marriages:
LINCOLN, Prudence

Mary WISWALL [Parents] 1 was born in 1640 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 2 on 25 May 1727 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Mary married 3 Samuel PAYSON on 14 Jun 1688 in Roxbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961

Nathaniel HOLMES was born 1, 2 on 1 Feb 1639 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3 on 12 Feb 1712 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Nathaniel married 4 Sarah WISWALL about 1666 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
TOPLIFF, Patience

Sarah WISWALL [Parents] 1 was born 2 on 19 Feb 1642 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was christened 3, 4 on 26 Feb 1642 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died in 1666. Sarah married 5 Nathaniel HOLMES about 1666 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961

Ebenezer WISWALL [Parents] was born 1 on 8 Mar 1641 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He was christened 2 on 8 Dec 1641 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3, 4 on 21 Jun 1691 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Ebenezer married 5 Sarah PAYSON on 26 Mar 1685.

Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961

Sarah PAYSON was christened 1 on 16 Jul 1648 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 2 on 21 Jun 1714 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Sarah married 3 Ebenezer WISWALL on 26 Mar 1685.

Other marriages:
FOSTER, Elisha

Joshua GEORGE was born in 1638 in Bridport, Dorset, England. He was christened on 25 Mar 1638 in Bridport, Dorset, England. He died 1 on 6 Aug 1690 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Joshua married 2 Elizabeth WISWALL on 20 Mar 1670 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:

Elizabeth WISWALL [Parents] was born on 15 Apr 1649 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was christened 1 on 15 Apr 1649 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 2 on 11 Oct 1676 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Elizabeth married 3 Joshua GEORGE on 20 Mar 1670 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961

John ROLFE [scrapbook] 1 was born 2, 3 about 1550. He died 4, 5 on 12 Sep 1625 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. He was buried 6 in 1625 in Saint Lawrence Churchyard, Stratford sub Castle, Wiltshire, England. John married Honour 7.

John had a will 8 in 1624.

The Will of [JOHN ROLFE of Whiteparish in the county of Wilts, yeoman, [   ]ary 1624/5. To the church of [Whiteparish] 6d., to be used towards the reparation of the church by the church wardens of White-parish. Concerning my right and interest in certain leases of which I now stand possessed, after my decease my son [   ]Rolfe he shall have that messuage or tenement and close adjoining, and that close called long [   ] adjoining to Bushy lease, and that close called breach meade, and a parcel [   ] sometimes parcel of bushy lease and lying upon the lane called Rumsey [   ] containing fourteen "lugge," all being in Whiteparish, and also four [?pieces of] arable land containing ten acres called Webb [?close] with a messuage which I hold of the right [   ] William Stockman of Bereford, county Wilts, Esq., by virtue of a [?lease] dated 20 March 8 James I, to hold the said lease and premises until the full term of ninety nine years be ended, if myself, Henry Rolfe, my son, and John Rolfe the younger, my son, or any of us, live so long. Said closes of arable land and pasture containing ten acres sometime called Webb close, which I now hold of William Stockman by lease dated 10 January 8 James I for ninety nine years if my sons Henry and John or either of them live so long, I give to my son Henry for his life, and after his death my will is that Honor Rolfe, wife to the said Henry my son, if she survive her husband, shall hold the said premises during the time she remain a widow, and when my daughter-in-law Honor be married to any other husband or die, then my son John shall enjoy the residue of the time unexpired. My son John shall have the three acres of ground sometimes waste ground parcel of the Earldome lying between Langley wood* and the round coppice,* demised to me and my assigns by William Stockman Esq., during the term of [th]ree years, as appears by indenture dated 20 March 8 James I give To John, my younger  son, the new chest, my best coffer, my iron bound cart, and £3. To Joane, the eldest daughter, and Hester, the youngest daughter of my son John, a brass pan, pewter platter, a hive of bees and 20s. each. To Joane, my grandchild, daughter of William Holloway, a hive of bees and 20s. at [   ] twenty-one years my will is that [   ] son John or the longer [   ] two kine and a mare which [   ] Item I give to my daughter [   ] coverlid and 26s. 8d. to [   ] ease. Itm I give to Richard Whiteer [   ] of money which money my executor [    ]taine to the age of twenty & six yeares [    ]ty shillings. And farther my will is that [     ] abovenamed shall have their twenty shillings apiece [   ] my decease: for which my abovenamed grand [?chuldren shall give my] executor an acquittance and he shall accept of [   ] sonne John a coverlid which lyeth in my press [  ]piece if they shall require it within one year after [   ] aged men and women of Whiteparish the sum of [   ] at the discretion of my executor and the minister. [   ] the rest of my goods and chattels unbequeathed, my [?debts and legacies paid and funeral expenses discharged, I give and bequeath to my son Henry Rolfe and [?make him my] sole executor; and I give to Mr. Parks, minister of Whiteparish, [  ] My neighbors John Coles of Mort farme and William Morris of Newton [ ]fleld to be my overseers, and to each of them I give 10s. [  ] to see my will faithfully performed. [Signed] John Rolfe his marke. [Witnesses  names torn off.]

Codicil dated 29 May 1625.  I give to be delivered by my life time which is no part of [   ] nor touching my last will, as witnesses John [ Willi]am Morris. Mary my daughter shall have 13s. [   ] of the £17. I give to my son John 30 [   ]nn pounds. I give to Mary my daughter a little barrell, etc., [   ] a stall of bees for Thomas* her son, and unto Mary my daughter a gown. To Henry my son the silt and the powdering tub. To John my son my [   ]ake and the newest jerkin and hose. All the rest of my housebold stuff to be equally divided between Henry, my son and executor, and John, [?my you] ngest son. [Signed] the m ke of John Rolfe the elder. Proved 8 October 1625, by the executor named. Inventory taken 6 October 1625, by John Colas, William Morris, and Thomas Rolfe, £113 is. 4d., exhibited by the executor 8 October 1625. (Archdeaconry of Sarum, 1625, Original Will and Inventory.) [Brackets indicate the places where the foregoing will is mutilated or illegible.]
These pieces of woodland still bear theae names.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 66, July 1912, New England Historic Genealogical Society & Bruderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, February 28, 2001

Honour 1 was born in 1554 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. She died 2, 3 on 18 Jul 1619 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. She was buried in Jul 1619 in Saint Lawrence Churchyard, Stratford sub Castle, Wiltshire, England. Honour married John ROLFE 4.

Marriage Notes:

Essex Institute Historical Collections:

Thomas1 Whittier of Salisbury and Haverhill, born about 1620 22 m Ruth Green not Rolfe and left many descendants. He was apparently younger than 1 John and 2 Abraham but he was not the son of either. Recent researches in England Gen Reg 1912 p 251 prove that he was the son of Richard Whittier of Sarum Salisbury Wilts and his wife Mary Rolfe sister of John Rolfe. Thomas Whittier was therefore the nephew of John Rolfe of Salisbury and Newbury with whom he came to this country as his servant. Three generations of the descendants of Thomas Whit tier are given in The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury. Elizabeth and Abraham Whittier in the third and fourth lines of the note on p 358 of that work should be Whittaker.

The New England Historical & Genealogical Register: The Rolfe family is of great antiquity in Wiltshire. At a manor court at Urchfont held 7 May 10 Richard II [1387] in a list of twenty five tenants that delivered oaks from Coukwod, appears William Rolfe, credited with one trunk [Wilts Notes and Queries vol 4 p 450] Downton Whiteparish, Plaitford, Landford, Redlinche, Wellow etc are close together in the extreme southeastern corner of Wiltshire and about eight to ten miles southeast of Salisbury. With only the data now at hand all the persons in the foregoing wills and register entries cannot be grouped together but it is certain that Henry Rolfe baptized in 1585 and John Rolfe baptized in 1589 sons of John Rolfe of Whiteparish, the testator of 1 624 5, were the brothers who settled in New England about 1 638, and it is also certain that their sister Mary Rolfe, wife of Richard Whittier of Sarum or Salisbury England, was the mother of Thomas Whittier who was born about 1620, came to New England in 1638 with his uncle John Rolfe, and became the progenitor of the Whittiers of America. It is evident that it was Henry Rolfe born in 1585 and not John Rolfe as erroneously recorded in the Whiteparish registers who married in 1621 a kinswoman Honor Rolfe, the latter was apparently the daughter of Richard Rolfe of Downton the testator of 1598 by his wife Agnes Rolfem daughter of the widow Alice Rolfe the testator of 1604, This Agnes Rolfe married secondly John Rice, Thomas Rolfe the testator of 1629 and Henry Rolfe whose estate was administered in 1617 were probably brothers of this Agnes Rolfe. It is clear that the mother of Richard Rolfe the testator of 1598 married secondly William Sanders perhaps this Richard Rolfe was son of the Richard Rolfe whose estate was administered in 1567 the latter being son of Henry Rolfe the testator of 1558. The following tentative pedigree shows the connections as suggested above

They had the following children.

  F i Joan ROLFE was christened on 15 Sep 1579. She died in 1650.
  F ii Mary ROLFE was christened on 16 Jul 1582. She was buried on 11 Jul 1625.
  M iii Henry ROLFE was christened on 5 Sep 1585. He died on 1 Mar 1643.
  M iv John ROLFE was christened on 24 Aug 1589. He died on 29 Mar 1664.

Richard ROLFE [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2 about 1567. He died 3 on 2 Dec 1598 in Downton, Wiltshire, England. Richard married Agnes SAUNDERS 4.

Richard had a will 5 in 1598 in Downton, Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England.

The Will of_ RICHARD ROLFE of Hamptworth in the parish of Downtone, 30 [    ] 1598.  My body to be buried in the churchyard of Downtone.  To our lady church of Sarome 6d.  to the church of Downtone 6d. To the church of Lanvard [Longford] 6d. To Mary Moody a Bollock [   ] of age. To my brothers-in-law Henry Rofe and Thomas Rofe [   ] two sheep. To my brother-in-law William [    ] and to his daughter Alse one sheep. To Jone Derks and Agnes Leache one sheep each. To my sister’s son William Hore one sheep.To John [    ] a jerkin and breeches. To my brother William Sanderes [    ] sheep. To my wife Agnes Rofe and my daughter Honor and my daughter[Agn]es all thee rest of  my goods and  chattels, and I make them my executres. If my wife do marry, my children to have their portions within one week thereafter, and if she do not, then at their ages of sixteen years. If my wife be-with child, such child to have a portion with the rest of my children. My debts that I owe : to my father-in-law 20s., to my brother[in-law] Thomas Rofe £8, to my brother[in-Iaw] John Rofe 20s., to Agnes Leache 20s., to my "onkele " John Rofe 10s. I give to my father-in-law William Sanderes,Thomas Light, and my uncle John Rofe 3s. 4d. each, and make them overseers. Witnesses : Roger Elkins, John Rolf, John Coxe, and others. Proved 2_ December 1598, by Agnes Rolfe, relict of the deceased, with power reserved for Honore and Agnes Rolfe, daughters and executrices named.
Bond dated 14 June 1606. John Ryce of Hamptworth in the parish of Downton, County Wilts, husbandman, Agnes Ryce his wife, before marriage Agnes Rolfe, executrix.°   the wife of Richard Rofe her first husband, Michaef"-Cooper of East Grimstead m County Wilts. husbandman, and Robert Emmery of Lanford, co. Wilts, husbandman,  bound in  the  sum  of £80. · Agnes, Rice als Rollf and Honor Rolff  and Agnes Rolff her two daughters were appointed joint executors of the will of Richard Rollf and had bequeathed to them certain legacies. The said Agnes filed an account. 9 June 1599, the portions of Honor and Agnes being found to be £19 5s. each, and the said John andAgnes Rice als Rolf bind themselves to pay the said sums to the said Honor and Agnes, Their guardians or assigns at their several ages of sixteen and to bear the expenses of their education and bringing up until such age.

(Archdeaconry of Sarum, 1598, original will and bond)

Agnes SAUNDERS [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2 about 1573 in Downton, Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom. Agnes married Richard ROLFE 3.

Other marriages:
RICE, John

See attached sources for Richard Rolfe's will which names his wife Agnes, his father in-law William Saunders, his two daughters Honour and Agnes. Bond dated 14 June 1606 of the Will names Agnes with her second husband John Ryce.

9 June 1599 Agnes and John bound themselves to pay Agnes's two daughters from her first marriage the money left them in their fathers will.

They had the following children.

  F i Honour ROLFE was born about 1598. She died on 19 Dec 1650.
  F ii
Agnes ROLFE 1 was born in 1596 in Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom.

Capt George DAVIS [scrapbook] 1 was born in 1610 in England. He died 2 on 14 Jul 1667 in At sea, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover, North Carolina, British Colonial America. He was buried in Jul 1667 in at Sea. George married 3 Mary AUDLEY 4 in 1635.

George immigrated in 1635. He had a will on 7 Dec 1664 in Cape Fear, Craven, North Carolina, British Colonial America. His will was probated in Sep 1667.

Other marriages:

There is no evidence that George Davis was a son of Nicholas Davis. His profile in "The Great Migration" by Robert Charles Anderson, doesn't show George as a child nor even as an association of any type.

May have had a first wife named Mary Audley and then married Sarah who he mentions in his will.

George Davis.___ I, George Davis, beinge bound for Cape Feare, doe now dispose my outward estate as followeth, in case I die before I come againe or shall hear after make any other will; being in health, My whole estate, that I leave in New England, I do bestow vppon my wife and Children, and doe make my wife executrix, and my son, Benjamin, executor Joyntly. My estate to be divided into five parts, two parts I give to my wife and my son Benjamine equaly, the other three parts I give to my five daus to be divided equaly, and to be paid vnto them when they come to age, or when they may, as their mother shall Judg best, and their mothers part she has power to dispose it to her she dies to those or to all of my Children, soe it be to my Children, that are most Loving and dutifull unto her. My house and land I do dispose to my wife and my sone Benjamine, provided my daughters have their portions, though it be in other things. To my sone, .Joseph, I give all that I have now in the shipp, and that we cary with us to Cape Feare, with the weavers loome; but in Case it does Miscary before it come ther, and he corn agen to new England, my executors out of the whole estate shall pay him ten pound farther, becaus my Daughters, som of them, are young, and to be brought vpp in the feare of God and well educated, is my desire, which I hope my wife will not be wanting in, therfor their portions shalbe responsable for theire bringinge upp and left to the discresion of my wife what to pay them when they come to age, or when she
dies. I have chosen for one overseer of this my last will, my brother, William Clark, of hun, and doe you chuse another whome you think fit, and give them 40s apeece, and trust to their faithfullnes and care for my poor Chilldren. Dec. 7, 1664. GE0RG DAVIS.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 16, January 1862, New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, March 6, 2001

Soon after George Davis's death, certainly before 1672, Sarah was married for a second time, to Nicholas Rist of Reading [Eaton, 109 110). The will of Sarah Rist of Redding, written 20 Sept. 1697, probated 15 May 1698, touching the worldly estate that my former husband George Davis and my son Benjamin Davis gave to me by their last wills for to dispose of, give and devise the same as follows: to grandson Joshua Davis all ye Homestead.... that is ye same that I now dwell in.. with all the lotts, divisions and dividents. . . .thereto belonging, Joshua to pay to my daughters the legacies hereafter mentioned: to daughter Sarah Cole, to daughter Hannah Boutell, to son-in-law Timothy Wylye [mentioned as William Clarke's nephew and son of Thomas Clarke's neighbor], to daughter Mary Damon, to Susannah Richardson. Executor: Joshua Davis, grandson. Witnesses: Benjamin Burnap, Doroas Burnap, Elizabeth Arnold. [Middlesex Co. Prob. 9:399.] This last witness was the orphaned granddaughter of Thomas Clarke of Readingl Elizabeth Arnold was born at Reading 17 June 1079, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Clarke) Arnold; she married in Woburn, 22 Dec. 1699, James Richardson. At the time she signed this will both her parents and both her Clarke grandparents were dead. Was she then living with her next of kin, her grandfather's sister Sarah Rist? On 11 Aug. 1701 Joshua Davis of Boston, Joyner, and wife Rebecca sold to William Bryant of Reading, blacksmith, inter alia, a houselot bounded by land of William Arnold deceased [Thomas Clarke's son in law]; also a meadow bounded by William Eaton and Major Swaine [Thomas Clarke's stepson); also a parcel of meadow and swamp-land whioh lyeth undivided between Nicholas Fist and me Joshua Davis, arain bounded by land of William Arnold deceased. All these lands were located in Reading. Witnesses:  Jeremiah Swayne, Jn0 White, Joshua Eaton. [Middlesex Deeds, 13:12.1 This grantor, Sarah Rist's grandson, Joshua Davis son of Joseph Davis, was born at Reading 29 Jan. 1673, married there 29th May 1697 Rebecca Peirce, daughter of John and Ruth (Bishop) Peirce [TAG, supra, 25:163j. The grantee, William Bryant, blacksmith, of Reading, had married there on 5 May 1701 Rebecca Arnold, Thomas Clarke's granddaughter, born at Reading 6 Dec. 1661, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Clarke) Arnold. The property described was a part of George Davis's estate as a proprietor of Reading, which estate had passed to Joshua Davis by his grandmother's will, and which he thus conveyed to his second cousin's husband, probably because William Bryant had already or was about to come into possession of adjoining lands which had belonged to his grandfather in law, Thomas Clarke. It's all in the family~ George Davis and Sarah Clarke had eight children, the last six recorded at Reading:

i. Benjamin, d. at Reading in October 1679 (probably on 31 Oct. rather than on 13 Oct. as shown in the printed vital records of Reading). During King Philip's War he Was a soldier in Capt. Poole's Company (George M. Bodge, Soldiers in King Philip's War, 1906, 420). The will of Benjamim Davis, dated the 29th of Oct. 1679, proved 6, 8, 1682, gave his whole estateTo his mother Sarah Rice (or Rist), except two acres to his sister Mary Grover to help her bring up her children while she remains a widow. Executors: Goodwife Rice and John Damon, who was also a witness. Inventory of the estate of Benjamin Davis who departed this life the last of October 1679 taken 5, 9th, 1679, by Jeremiah Swayn and Benjamin Fitch, totaled 158.01.00 Including housing, lands, orchard, neadow, swamp and divident, oxen, cows, steer, horse, bridles, saddle, pistols, cutlash and other acooutemts, guns, one pair Sandiliers, joiner's tools and household equipment very evidently the same coproperty enumerated in their father's estate (Middlesex Co. Prod. 5:171.). ii. Joseph. d. at Reading 28 Jan. 1676; im. Hannah  On  3 Apr.1677 administration on the estate of Joseph Davis was granted to his widow, Hannah Davis. Inventory amounting to about forty pounds included house, homelot and swamp lands (ibid. 3:166; b:259). Six children, born at Reading, one of these was the ubiquitous Joshua Davis who settled his grandmother Rist's estate. iii. Hannah, b. 31 May 161.8, d. at Woburn in 1719; m. at Lynn 10 May 16o9, John Boutwell, b. there in 161.5, d. at Reading 3 Dec. 1719 aged 71. years, son of James and Alice Boutwell. Nine children, born at Reading. iv. Sarah, b. 1 Oct. 1651; m. at Salem, 11 June 1670, Abraham Cole, b. ca. 1638, d. autumn 1715, son of Thomas and Ann Cole. Re was a tailor at Salem; eight children born there (Perley, 2:131.). v. Elizabeth, b. 16 Jan. 1651., d. at Reading 21 July 1695; m. there 22 Jan. 1678, Timothy Wiley, b. there 21. Apr. 1653, d. there 19 Dec. 1777 son of John and Elizabeth Wiley. Four children, born at Reading. He m. (2) in 1696 Susanna  , who probably d. at Reading 31 Aug. 1732 (Eaton, 126). vi. Mary, b. 16 Jan. 1657/8, d. at Reading 27 Nov. 1727; m. (1) Matthew Grover, who d. in 16W. Two children. She m. (2) Sammiel Damon, b. at Peading 23 June 1656, d. there 12 Jan. 1723/1., son of Dea. John and Abigail

Source: Book area US/CAN 973 D25 aga v.39

DEATH: Actually died at Cape Fear, N.C.

Mary AUDLEY 1 was born about 1610 in England. She died about 1643 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Mary married 2 Capt George DAVIS 3 in 1635.

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