Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

John LOVELL [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 1627 in Weymouth, Dorset, England, United Kingdom. John married 4, 5 Jane HATCHE about 1647 in Wye, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

Jane HATCHE [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 19 Jun 1631 in Wye, Kent, England, United Kingdom. Jane married 3, 4 John LOVELL about 1647 in Wye, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  M i
John LOVELL was born 1 before 5 Nov 1651 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.
  F ii
Elizabeth LOVELL died 1 on 21 Jan 1656/1657 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.
  F iii Phebe LOVEL was born on 19 Feb 1656. She died on 10 Apr 1736.
  M iv
John LOVELL was born 1 on 8 May 1658 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.
  F v Elizabeth LOVELL was born on 28 Oct 1660. She died on 20 Mar 1712.
  M vi
James LOVELL was born 1 on 23 Oct 1662 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.
  M vii
William LOVELL was born 1 on 24 Feb 1664/1665 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.
  M viii
Andrew LOVELL was born 1 on 28 Jun 1668 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.
  F ix
Jane LOVELL was born 1 on 20 Jul 1670 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Lot CONANT [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born about 1624 in Nantasket, Nantucket, Massachusetts, United States. He died 2 on 29 Sep 1674 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Lot married 3 Elizabeth WALTON in 1649 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Lot had a will 4 on 24 Sep 1674 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Will of Lott Conant:
"I Lot Conant aged about fiftie yeers being sicke and weak, yet  of p'fit understanding doe hereby declare my last will and testament wherein in the first place I doe bequeth my soule unto god that gave it, and my body to the grave in hope of a blessed resurrection: and for my outward estate ,and goods I doe bequeath and give unto my five sonns to each of them fiftie pounds and unto my sonn nathaniel the shop and tools over & above the rest, and unto my five daughters twenty pounds to each of them and this estate I leave to be whole and unbroken till they come to full age or to marriage estate and in the meane time the whole to rest in the  hands of my wife, and for the bringing up of the children and further more my will is that my wife be executrix and that the Iand be not at all disposed off from the children and that my wife have the dwelling house and orchard for her life time. and also that my kinwoman  mari Leach have a cow or heifer at her being married or going from my wife. And for help unto my wife in this matter I doe instruct and designe mr. John Hale, Captaine Lathrop and my brother Exercise Conant to be assisting. hereunto I have subscribed my hand this 24 of the 7 month 1674.
Roger Conant and Exercise Conantt sworn in Court at Salem the 26: 9 mo: 1674 that they were present as witnesses when Lott Conant signed and procIaimed the above written as his last will and testament and there is no later will they know of, the said Lott being of good understanding.

The original will is preserved in the Court Files of Essex county. A tao-simile of it is here presented.

LOT, b. about 1624 (aged "about fifty years" in his will dated 24 September 1674 [EQC 5:431]); m. as her first husband Elizabeth Walton, bp. Seaton, Devonshire 27 October 1629, daughter of Rev. William Walton (her brother Nathaniel Walton names her "Elizabeth Conant" in his will [EQC 5:254; NEHGR 142:368]).  She m. (2) Lynn 10 January 168[1/2] as his third wife Andrew Mansfield Sr.

Lot Conant seems to have lived at Marblehead as early as 165. He Was selectman there in 1662, had one cow's commonage in 1667 and on 25 May 1674 is recorded as one of the householders. On 20 Nov 1666 his father gave him the homestead at Beverly with 32 acres adjoining and 72 acres in arher parts of the town. On the same day Lot leased the homestead with three acres adjoining, composing the southern part of the home farm, to his father and mother for an annual rent of “one Indian corn" About this time he probably moved to Beverly and built a house near his father's, as “a dwelling house and orchard containing about 4 acres, with an old house of his father is mentioned in the inventory of his estate. On 4 Jul 1667 he was one of those granted dismissal from the First Church of Salem in order to form a church at Bass River - or Beverly. His will was witnessed by Roger and Exercise Conant on 26 Sep 1674. King Phillips War began just a few month's after Lot's death, and his family must have suffered some of the consequences. King Philip's War (1675-1676) was one of the bloodiest and most costly in the history of America. One in ten soldiers on both sides was injured or killed and it was many years before Plymouth and the other colonies recovered from the resulting property damage.

Elizabeth WALTON [Parents] was born 1 on 27 Oct 1629 in Seaton, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 27 Oct 1629 in Seaton, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. She died in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married 3 Lot CONANT 4 in 1649 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:

Elizabeth WALTON CONANT's second husband, Andrew MANSFIELD was the father-in-law of her two oldest sons.

Sources: LDS Ancestral File; Research of John F. Chandler

They had the following children.

  M i Nathaniel CONANT was born on 28 Jul 1650. He died on 22 Aug 1732.
  M ii John CONANT was born on 15 Dec 1652. He died on 30 Sep 1724.
  M iii Lot CONANT was born on 16 Feb 1657/1658.
  F iv
Elizabeth CONANT was born 1 on 13 May 1660 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. She was christened 2 on 26 May 1662 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.
  F v Mary CONANT was born on 14 Jul 1662. She died on 23 Nov 1743.
  F vi Martha CONANT was born on 15 Aug 1664. She died on 2 Jan 1754.
  F vii Sarah CONANT Twin was born on 19 Feb 1666/1667. She died on 1 Nov 1750.
  M viii William CONANT Twin was born on 19 Feb 1666/1667.
  M ix Roger CONANT was born on 10 Mar 1668/1669.
  F x Rebecca CONANT was born on 31 Jan 1670/1671. She died on 5 Dec 1760.

Andrew MANSFIELD [Parents] 1 was born 2 in 1623 in England, United Kingdom. He died 3 in 1683 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Andrew married 4 Bethiah 5 in 1645 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Andrew worked 6 as farmer.

Other marriages:
WALTON, Elizabeth

The following is quoted from Mansfield Genealogy by Daland and Mansfield:

ANDREW MANSFIELD (Robert1) was born in England about 1620. He came to Boston in 1636 and to Lynn in 1639 before his father (Lewis and Newhall, p. 187). On 26 March 1661 being then about 38 years old, he made affidavit to the Court at Ipswich, Mass., that he had been an inhabitant of Lynn about 22 or 23 years and in June 1669 "about 49 years old, he testified in court concerning the estate of Frances Axey." (Records and files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Mass. Vol. VIII 1680-1683 p. 256-257, also Warner).

Andrew was very active in Town affairs. He was made freeman 8 July 1645. He was a selectman, was on committees for laying out roads and settling land disputes. He served as trial juror and on Grand Jury 1650-1677. He was called "sergeant" from 15 March 1663. This showed the confidence which the people had for his legal ability. "There are many letters on file in the clerk of the courts office of Essex County in his clear legiable handwriting showing his ability and that the esteem in which he was held was well merited. He was deputy to the General Court from l880-1883 inclusive. By reference to the Court records it wilt be seen that he was entrusted by that body with important commissions." (Moulton).

Andrew was married three times; 1st about 1850 to BETHIAH who died 2 July 1672. Bethiah's maiden name may have been Gedney (Lynn Hist. Register 1913) or  Townsend (Warner-Harrington Genealogy). He married second 4 June 1673, MRS. MARY NEAL, widow of John Neal and only child of Francis Lawes, a wealthy citizen of Salem. She died 27 June 1681. He married third, 10 Jan. 1661-82, MRS. ELIZABETH CONANT widow of Lot Conant of Beverly and daughter of Rev. Wm. and Elizabeth Walton of Marblehead. She was born in England, baptized at the Parish of Seaton, Devonshire 27 Oct. 1629. She died 29 Sept. 1674. She had 10 children by her first marriage and two of her sons, Nathaniel and John Conant had previously married two of Andrew's daughters. Andrew lived in Beverly for a time after he married Elizabeth Conant.

Andrew's will was dated 1 June 1679, with a codicil dated at Boston 19 Nov. 1683. It seems that while attending the General Court he was taken suddenly and seriously ill, as the codicl was witnessed by members of the court then in session. The Exact date of his death is not known but the inventory of his estate was returned to the Probate Court 28 Nov. 1683, nine days after the codicil was made (Moulton).

©All information on this page is quoted directly from and remains the property of Mansfield Genealogy, Complied by Geneva A. Daland, a descendant of Andrew, and James S. Mansfield, M.D., a descendant of Joseph 1980.

Bethiah 1 was born on 27 Oct 1629 in Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. She died on 2 Jul 1671 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Bethiah married 2 Andrew MANSFIELD 3 in 1645 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Surname is possibly Townsend

They had the following children.

  M i Samuel MANSFIELD was born in 1652. He died on 10 Apr 1679.
  M ii Andrew MANSFIELD was born in 1654. He died in 1692.
  F iii Hannah MANSFIELD was born in 1654. She died after 1732.
  F iv Bethiah MANSFIELD was born on 7 Apr 1658. She died on 27 Jul 1720.
  F v
Mary MANSFIELD was born 1, 2 on 7 Jan 1660 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. She died 3, 4 on 15 Jul 1661 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.
  F vi Lidea MANSFIELD was born on 15 Aug 1662. She died on 14 Sep 1726.
  F vii Deborah MANSFIELD was born on 1 Nov 1666.
  M viii Dea. Daniel MANSFIELD was born on 9 Jun 1669. He died on 11 Jun 1728.

William DOXEY [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 2 on 23 May 1739 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom. William married Mary SMEDLEY on 31 Jan 1765 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.

Mary SMEDLEY was born about 1743 in Bonsall, Derby, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom. Mary married William DOXEY 1 on 31 Jan 1765 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i
Hannah DOXEY was born in 1765 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ii Thomas DOXEY was christened on 3 Jun 1767. He died on 20 Jul 1841.
  M iii
Isaac DOXEY was born in 1769 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iv Alice DOXEY was born on 23 Mar 1770.
  M v
William DOXEY was born in 1771 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 1 on 5 Jul 1771 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M vi Abraham DOXEY was born in 1773.
  F vii
Mary DOXEY was born in 1775 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M viii
Samuel DOXEY was born in 1780 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ix
Mary DOXEY was born in 1783 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F x
Sophia DOXEY was born in 1784 in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.

Nathaniel ALLEN was born 1 in 1672 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Nathaniel married 2 Bethiah CONANT on 14 Dec 1696 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Bethiah CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 8 Nov 1677 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. She was christened 2 on 17 Mar 1678 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. She died in BET 1704 AND 1710. Bethiah married 3 Nathaniel ALLEN on 14 Dec 1696 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Nathaniel CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 3 Jan 1679 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He was christened 2 on 7 Mar 1679/1680 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 3 on 8 Sep 1745 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Nathaniel married Margaret LAUGHTON on 5 Jun 1701.

Other marriages:
HAINS, Elizabeth
, Mary

Nathanel CONANT, Jr born: 3 Jan 1679 in Beverly MA; married: (1) 5 Jun 1701 Margaret LAUGHTON (b. 1680 in Bridgewater MA d. bef Dec 1716 in Bridgewater MA) probably in Bridgewater MA (2) 17 Dec 1716 Elizabeth HAINS or HINDS (3) Mary; died: 8 Sep 1745 in Bridgewater MA; Son of Nathaniel CONANT and Hannah MANSFIELD

Children: (By 1st wife)
1. Thomas b. 29 Feb 1704 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA m. (1)@1730 Martha AMES in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA (2) 29 Oct 1745 Mary WOOD d. 14 Jun 1786 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA - 2. Nathan b. 1706 (Bridgewater MA) - 3. Bethiah b. 1709 (Bridgewater MA)

Sources: LDS Ancestral File

Thomas CONANT born: 29 Feb 1704 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA; married: (1) @1730 Martha AMES (dau of William AMES and Mary D. HAYWARD; b. 1704 in Bridgewater MA; d.@1742 in Bridgewater MA) in Bridgewater MA (2) 29 Oct 1745 Mary WOOD; died: 14 Jun 1786 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA; Son of Nathaniel CONANT, Jr. and Margaret LAUGHTON

Children: (By 1st marriage)
1. Thomas b. 12 Apr 1731 (Bridgewater MA) m. Hannah LAZELLE - 2. Sarah b. 2 May 1733 (Bridgewater MA) m. John HAYFORD - 3. Martha b. 8 Feb 1735 (Bridgewater MA) m. Seth LATHROP - 4. Rebecca b. 20 Jul 1737 (Bridgewater MA) m. Robert RANDALL - 5. Bethiah b. 19 Sep 1738 (Bridgewater MA) - 6. Mary b. 19 Feb 1740 (Bridgewater MA) m. 18 Sep 1767 Zebulon BRYANT (Bridgewater MA) d. 13 Dec 1808 (Ashfield MA) - 7. Zelpha b. 15 May 1742 (Bridgewater MA) m. Samuel KERTH  By 2nd marriage: 8. Abner b. 4 Oct 1746 (Bridgewater MA) - 9. Zenas b. 6 Nov 1748 (Bridgewater MA) - 10. Ezra b. 22 Jul 1750 (Bridgewater MA) - 11.
Jedediah b. 22 Feb 1752 (Bridgewater MA) - 12. Abigail b. 3 Jan 1754 (Bridgewater MA) - 13. Keturah b. 13 Dec 1756 (Bridgewater MA) m. Barnabus WASHBURN

Sources: LDS Ancestral File; Vital Records of Ashfield MA; Elmer Genealogy

Nathaniel's death date is from the Bridgewater, Mass., Vital Records

Margaret LAUGHTON. Margaret married Nathaniel CONANT on 5 Jun 1701.

Nathaniel CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 3 Jan 1679 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He was christened 2 on 7 Mar 1679/1680 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 3 on 8 Sep 1745 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Nathaniel married 4, 5 Elizabeth HAINS on 17 Dec 1716 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
LAUGHTON, Margaret
, Mary

Nathanel CONANT, Jr born: 3 Jan 1679 in Beverly MA; married: (1) 5 Jun 1701 Margaret LAUGHTON (b. 1680 in Bridgewater MA d. bef Dec 1716 in Bridgewater MA) probably in Bridgewater MA (2) 17 Dec 1716 Elizabeth HAINS or HINDS (3) Mary; died: 8 Sep 1745 in Bridgewater MA; Son of Nathaniel CONANT and Hannah MANSFIELD

Children: (By 1st wife)
1. Thomas b. 29 Feb 1704 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA m. (1)@1730 Martha AMES in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA (2) 29 Oct 1745 Mary WOOD d. 14 Jun 1786 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA - 2. Nathan b. 1706 (Bridgewater MA) - 3. Bethiah b. 1709 (Bridgewater MA)

Sources: LDS Ancestral File

Thomas CONANT born: 29 Feb 1704 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA; married: (1) @1730 Martha AMES (dau of William AMES and Mary D. HAYWARD; b. 1704 in Bridgewater MA; d.@1742 in Bridgewater MA) in Bridgewater MA (2) 29 Oct 1745 Mary WOOD; died: 14 Jun 1786 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA; Son of Nathaniel CONANT, Jr. and Margaret LAUGHTON

Children: (By 1st marriage)
1. Thomas b. 12 Apr 1731 (Bridgewater MA) m. Hannah LAZELLE - 2. Sarah b. 2 May 1733 (Bridgewater MA) m. John HAYFORD - 3. Martha b. 8 Feb 1735 (Bridgewater MA) m. Seth LATHROP - 4. Rebecca b. 20 Jul 1737 (Bridgewater MA) m. Robert RANDALL - 5. Bethiah b. 19 Sep 1738 (Bridgewater MA) - 6. Mary b. 19 Feb 1740 (Bridgewater MA) m. 18 Sep 1767 Zebulon BRYANT (Bridgewater MA) d. 13 Dec 1808 (Ashfield MA) - 7. Zelpha b. 15 May 1742 (Bridgewater MA) m. Samuel KERTH  By 2nd marriage: 8. Abner b. 4 Oct 1746 (Bridgewater MA) - 9. Zenas b. 6 Nov 1748 (Bridgewater MA) - 10. Ezra b. 22 Jul 1750 (Bridgewater MA) - 11.
Jedediah b. 22 Feb 1752 (Bridgewater MA) - 12. Abigail b. 3 Jan 1754 (Bridgewater MA) - 13. Keturah b. 13 Dec 1756 (Bridgewater MA) m. Barnabus WASHBURN

Sources: LDS Ancestral File; Vital Records of Ashfield MA; Elmer Genealogy

Nathaniel's death date is from the Bridgewater, Mass., Vital Records

Elizabeth HAINS died on 27 Feb 1757 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married 1, 2 Nathaniel CONANT on 17 Dec 1716 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Death & Marriage Source: Bridgewater, Mass., Vital Records

Nathaniel CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 3 Jan 1679 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He was christened 2 on 7 Mar 1679/1680 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 3 on 8 Sep 1745 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Nathaniel married Mary.

Other marriages:
LAUGHTON, Margaret
HAINS, Elizabeth

Nathanel CONANT, Jr born: 3 Jan 1679 in Beverly MA; married: (1) 5 Jun 1701 Margaret LAUGHTON (b. 1680 in Bridgewater MA d. bef Dec 1716 in Bridgewater MA) probably in Bridgewater MA (2) 17 Dec 1716 Elizabeth HAINS or HINDS (3) Mary; died: 8 Sep 1745 in Bridgewater MA; Son of Nathaniel CONANT and Hannah MANSFIELD

Children: (By 1st wife)
1. Thomas b. 29 Feb 1704 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA m. (1)@1730 Martha AMES in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA (2) 29 Oct 1745 Mary WOOD d. 14 Jun 1786 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA - 2. Nathan b. 1706 (Bridgewater MA) - 3. Bethiah b. 1709 (Bridgewater MA)

Sources: LDS Ancestral File

Thomas CONANT born: 29 Feb 1704 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA; married: (1) @1730 Martha AMES (dau of William AMES and Mary D. HAYWARD; b. 1704 in Bridgewater MA; d.@1742 in Bridgewater MA) in Bridgewater MA (2) 29 Oct 1745 Mary WOOD; died: 14 Jun 1786 in Bridgewater, Plymouth MA; Son of Nathaniel CONANT, Jr. and Margaret LAUGHTON

Children: (By 1st marriage)
1. Thomas b. 12 Apr 1731 (Bridgewater MA) m. Hannah LAZELLE - 2. Sarah b. 2 May 1733 (Bridgewater MA) m. John HAYFORD - 3. Martha b. 8 Feb 1735 (Bridgewater MA) m. Seth LATHROP - 4. Rebecca b. 20 Jul 1737 (Bridgewater MA) m. Robert RANDALL - 5. Bethiah b. 19 Sep 1738 (Bridgewater MA) - 6. Mary b. 19 Feb 1740 (Bridgewater MA) m. 18 Sep 1767 Zebulon BRYANT (Bridgewater MA) d. 13 Dec 1808 (Ashfield MA) - 7. Zelpha b. 15 May 1742 (Bridgewater MA) m. Samuel KERTH  By 2nd marriage: 8. Abner b. 4 Oct 1746 (Bridgewater MA) - 9. Zenas b. 6 Nov 1748 (Bridgewater MA) - 10. Ezra b. 22 Jul 1750 (Bridgewater MA) - 11.
Jedediah b. 22 Feb 1752 (Bridgewater MA) - 12. Abigail b. 3 Jan 1754 (Bridgewater MA) - 13. Keturah b. 13 Dec 1756 (Bridgewater MA) m. Barnabus WASHBURN

Sources: LDS Ancestral File; Vital Records of Ashfield MA; Elmer Genealogy

Nathaniel's death date is from the Bridgewater, Mass., Vital Records

Mary. Mary married Nathaniel CONANT.

Josiah CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 26 Nov 1681 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 1 Oct 1721. Josiah married 2 Elizabeth WASHBURN on 1 Sep 1707 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Elizabeth WASHBURN. Elizabeth married 1 Josiah CONANT on 1 Sep 1707 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Samuel HAYWARD. Samuel married 1 Hannah CONANT on 13 Dec 1732 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Hannah CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 25 Jan 1683 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was christened 2 on 14 Sep 1684 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Hannah married 3 Samuel HAYWARD on 13 Dec 1732 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
HILL, Nathaniel

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