Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

George Ray FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 31 Mar 1896 in Bush, Boyd, Nebraska, United States. He died 3 on 17 Apr 1920 in Spencer, Boyd, Nebraska, United States. He was buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery, Madison, Nebraska, United States. George married Pearl Malinda PERSONS on 31 Aug 1914 in Norfolk, Madison, Nebraska, United States.

NORFOLK DAILY NEWS Norfolk, Nebraska - April 19, 1920
…was riding moving car, Freight crew alarmed at absence of Comrade, make investigation and find lifeless body on tracks - Leaves wife and three children.
G. Ray Farr, a Northwestern brakeman was killed probably instantly, at Spencer, Nebraska, at 11:25 Saturday night while engaged in getting out a car on a sidetrack in the railroad yards. According to official reports, no one saw (witnessed) the accident and it is not known how the brakeman got under the wheels of the moving car which he was riding when last seen by brakeman KcKeever. The body was brought to Norfolk on Northwestern train No 406 Monday morning. Farr is survived by his wife and three small children who live at 1221 Pasewalk Avenue. He was about 30 years old and entered the service of the Northwestern road about a year ago.
Farr was employed on Northwestern freight train No. 467 in charge of Conductor Dobney.

The train crew was engaged in setting out the freight car and Brakeman McKeever accompanied Farr with the car, McKeever returned to the train first and when Farr failed to return a search was made and his body was found on the tracks, having been run over by the car. Railroad men believe that owing to the darkness and the rain and slippery conditions, Farr fell under the wheels when he endeavored to leave the moving car. It is not known whether he was riding on top of the car or on the iron ladder at the side.

Pearl Malinda Persons and her sister Nellie Alice persons married two Farr brothers. George Ray Farr and Cyrus Thomas Farr.

Pearl Malinda PERSONS [scrapbook] was born on 20 Nov 1896 in Spencer, Boyd, Nebraska, United States. She died on 22 Dec 1986 in Ogallala, Keith, Nebraska, United States. She was buried on 24 Dec 1986 in Ogallala Cemetery, Keith, Nebraska, United States. Pearl married George Ray FARR on 31 Aug 1914 in Norfolk, Madison, Nebraska, United States.

Other marriages:

Pearl Malinda Persons and her sister Nellie Alice persons married two Farr brothers. George Ray Farr and Cyrus Thomas Farr.

They had the following children.

  F i Florence Eva "Sally" FARR was born on 30 Mar 1915. She died on 26 May 2002.
  F ii Hazel Ina FARR was born on 23 Feb 1916. She died on 1 Jul 1990.
  M iii Dewey Ray FARR was born on 7 Jan 1920. He died on 19 Jun 1988.

James Bert BRISTOL was born 1, 2, 3 on 4 Apr 1887 in Pomeroy, Garfield, Washington, United States. He died 4, 5, 6 on 17 Mar 1967 in Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington, United States. He was buried in Ferndale, Whatcom, Washington, United States. James married 7 Mona Hazel FARR on 10 Mar 1913 in Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington, United States.

Mona Hazel FARR [Parents] was born 1 on 28 Feb 1898 in Lynch, Boyd, Nebraska, United States. She died in Mar 1990 in West Scio, Linn, Oregon, United States. Mona married 2 James Bert BRISTOL on 10 Mar 1913 in Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington, United States.

Other marriages:
KUNZ, William Henry

William Henry KUNZ was born 1, 2 on 17 Apr 1912 in North Dakota, United States. He died 3, 4 on 15 Jul 1988 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States. He was buried in 1988 in Oregon City, Clackamas, Oregon, United States. William married 5 Mona Hazel FARR on 1 Feb 1933 in Washington, Oregon, United States.

Mona Hazel FARR [Parents] was born 1 on 28 Feb 1898 in Lynch, Boyd, Nebraska, United States. She died in Mar 1990 in West Scio, Linn, Oregon, United States. Mona married 2 William Henry KUNZ on 1 Feb 1933 in Washington, Oregon, United States.

Other marriages:
BRISTOL, James Bert

Earl Loyd FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2, 3 on 31 Jan 1917 in Norfolk, Madison, Nebraska, United States. He died 4, 5 on 17 Apr 2002 in Norfolk, Madison, Nebraska, United States. Earl married 6 Louise Caroline GROTHE 7 on 30 May 1940.

Louise Caroline GROTHE 1 was born 2, 3 on 19 Sep 1918 in Emmet, Holt, Nebraska, United States. She died 4, 5 on 8 Jun 2011 in Norfolk, Madison, Nebraska, United States. Louise married 6 Earl Loyd FARR 7 on 30 May 1940.

Willard William W. KING was born on 10 Oct 1876 in Malone, Franklin, New York, United States. He died in 1947. Willard married Eleanor A. FARR on 29 Jan 1902 in Brushton, Franklin, New York, United States.

Eleanor A. FARR [Parents] was born 1 in Nov 1884 in Brandon Center, Franklin, New York, United States. She died in 1960. Eleanor married Willard William W. KING on 29 Jan 1902 in Brushton, Franklin, New York, United States.

George Isadore WELLS was born on 15 May 1875 in Swanton, Franklin, Vermont, United States. He died on 28 Sep 1956 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States. George married Claudia Beatrick FARR on 26 Nov 1895 in Brandon, Franklin, New York, United States.

Claudia Beatrick FARR [Parents] was born on 6 Feb 1875. She died on 23 Jul 1958 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States. Claudia married George Isadore WELLS on 26 Nov 1895 in Brandon, Franklin, New York, United States.

Claudia resided 1 in 1880 in Brandon, Franklin, New York, United States.

Dr. William FARR (twin) [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2, 3 on 27 Apr 1714 in Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 4 on 26 Sep 1794 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. William married 5, 6, 7 Abigail RUSSELL on 7 Feb 1743 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
FARR, Jemimah

From the research of Linda Farr Welch:

William Farr inherited his father's property in Stow and lived there until his marriage. He was a school teacher at Littleton, Massachusetts, teaching in the southern part of Acton, Massachusetts, as well, from 1751-2. When the 1790 census was taken, we find that "Dr. Farr" was living in Westford with one female in the household. It was probably his daughter Mary who lived with him throughout her life. His sons were all spread out. Nathaniel had left New Ipswich when his brother died, and was in New Bedford in 1790; Levi had died in New Ipswich, NH in 1788, Francis was living in Harvard, Mass. in 1790; and William Farr Jr. was a resident of Ashby, at that time. Dr.  Farr must have been totally proud of his sons, who were all soldiers of the American Revolution.

Abigail RUSSELL [scrapbook] was born 1 on 15 Mar 1727 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 2 on 14 Mar 1809 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Abigail married 3, 4, 5 Dr. William FARR (twin) on 7 Feb 1743 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

DEATH: The record says: "Abigail Farr, widow, 14 March, 1809, of Palsy, age 82." (*who was the single Abigail Farr, who d. in Littleton, Mass. of 'old age' 11 Nov. 1852, age 86?)

They had the following children.

  F i
Mary FARR was born 1, 2 on 25 Dec 1745 in Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died before 5 Dec 1759 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.
  M ii Nathaniel FARR was born on 4 Feb 1746. He died on 22 Jul 1840.
  F iii
Abigail FARR was born 1, 2 on 1 May 1749 in Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died about 1750 in of Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.
  M iv Levi FARR was born on 20 Jan 1750. He died on 4 May 1788 from by being thrown from the seat of a wagon.
  M v Lt. Francis FARR Esq. was born on 9 Jul 1753. He died on 16 Sep 1819.
  M vi William FARR Jr. was born on 21 Jun 1755. He died on 3 Feb 1834.
  F vii
Abigail FARR [scrapbook] was born 1 on 24 Mar 1758 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died 2 on 25 Aug 1835 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She was buried 3 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
  F viii
Mary FARR was born 1, 2 on 5 Dec 1759 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died 3, 4 on 10 Mar 1823 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

DEATH: Aged, 63 years 3 months 5 Dayth.
  F ix Jemina FARR was born on 16 Sep 1762.

Nathaniel FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 4 Feb 1746 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3, 4, 5 on 22 Jul 1840 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, United States. He was buried 6 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, United States. Nathaniel married 7, 8 Abigail FOSTER on 17 Feb 1768 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

From the research of Linda Farr Welch:

"Nathaniel Farr and Abigail his wife and Abigail and Martha their children, warned out of Westford, Mass., 5 March, 1770."  They removed to New Ipswich, NH, from Westford ca. 1770, and settled alongside his brother, Levi, where Nathaniel entered Revolutionary Service.  (What was Nathaniel doing in New Bedford, Mass (that part of Dartmouth that became New Bedford) in 1790?

Around the end of March, 1799, the family removed to Chester, Vermont. Nathaniel, like so many soldiers before him who had marched on the Crown Point Military road during the Revolution, was impressed with the scenery and potential of Vermont. He determined that after the war was over, he would move his family and settle them in the Black River Valley.

They came with one ox team consisting of one yoke of oxen and a large sled, and a two yoke sled of steers with a milch cow with a sled tied up and hooked to her back. All the household possessions had been loaded in the cart, consisting of beds and bedding, cooking utensils, and other necessities.  They arrived at Townshend, Massachusetts, spent the night there, and then proceeded on to Rindge, NH. They traveled from Rindge northward on an old stagecoach path which was still hard covered with snow and almost impassable.  It was very rough going, but the family was in need of getting to their destination soon in order to start building their home and beginning the planting season.  The younger children and Abigail stayed with friends in Chester, while Nathaniel went on to the town of  Cavendish to his land.  He had purchased  from William Chaplin of Cavendish, 50 acres of land, being the SW corner of John Webster's Right #73, on 26 Dec., 1799.  The land was described as "beginning at a large beach tree, it being the southwest corner of land laid out on John Webster's Right No. 73; thence south, 80 degrees east, 100 rods to a stake and stones; thence north 8 degrees east, 80 rods to a stake & stones; thence north 80 degrees west, 100 rods to a stake and stones; thence south, 8 degrees west, 80 rods to the bounds first mentioned."    The deed was witnessed by Salmon Dutton and Asa Wheeler.

Nathaniel removed his family to Cavendish from Chester around 1801.  It is believe he first  built his log home on land, off the Twenty-Mile Stream Road near the old Timothy Adams Farm. This place was historically  the home of grist-mill owner and operator, Moses Smith, an early settler and Revolutionary soldier who had lost one of his limbs in the war.   Later Robert Upton who had married Anna Wheelock lived here and operated the mill but left later for the state of Maine.

Nathaniel Farr lived close to Capt. John Coffeen and must have been present at that gentlemen's funeral.   He was a well-liked citizen of the town, and it is said that he often told many colorful stories of the Revolution and the early days in Cavendish.  He applied for a survivor's pension on 8 Aug., 1832 in order to receive benefit of the Act of Congress of June 7, 1832.  He was granted a pension on 22 Aug., 1833 of $32.31 a year.  Why he did not apply for a pension before that date, we can't be certain.  He could have applied as early as 1818.

He died at Proctorsville on 22 July, 1840 (age 95 years). "May the warrior whose spirit has fled, Reach the mansions prepared for the blest, For his country he suffered and bled, Heaven's Angels conduct him to rest."

Nathaniel is buried in the Farr Family Plot, in back of the Farr homestead in Proctorsville.  Abigail died  before him, ca. 1810, and is buried in the plot.  (There are some 13 graves there with fieldstone markers).

(Notes:  "Montpelier, Vt., Public Records: "Nathaniel Farr Estate, pg. 318; 30 Dec., 1840, Levi Farr appointed administrator of the estate, gives bond, one year allowed to settle estate.)

Declaration of Nathaniel Farr
National Archives Revolutionary Pension Number S.16111

On this 8th day of August, 1832, at his own dwelling house, not being able to attend in open Court, by reason of age and bodily infirmity, personally appeared before the Judge of Probate Court within and for the District of Windsor, in the State of Vermont, Nathaniel Farr, a resident of Cavendish in the County (and District) of said Windsor, aged eighty-six years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 1st, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated viz:

That the declarant lived in New Ipswich, in the County of Hillsborough and State of New Hampshire in the year 1775, and that he turned out as a volunteer, and marched to Concord, Massachusetts, at the time the British left Boston and marched to said Concord, and on arriving at Concord and finding the enemy had returned to Boston, declarant proceeded to Cambridge, near Boston, and then returned back to said New Ipswich, having been absent about a week.

Declarant then, immediately, to wit, in the latter part of April or for a part of May, 1775, enlisted for eight months into Capt. Mann's Company of Mason, N.H., the name of the Colonel who commanded the Regiment to which he belonged, declarant has forgotten - marched immediately to Cambridge, at which place and vicinity, he was stationed during the 8 months for which he enlisted. Declarant was in the Battle of Bunker Hill. At the expiration of 8 months he returned being discharged to New Ipswich, N.H.

Declarant further states that in the Month of May, as he thinks, 1777, he enlisted into Capt. Josiah Brown's Company of said New Ipswich, marched to Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain, for the purpose of opposing General Burgoyne who was coming up the Lake from Canada with his army, returned back to New Ipswich, N.H., having been absent 6 weeks. Declarant did not enlist for any specified term of time, the object of the expedition was to keep the posts, and oppose the enemy til our regular forces should arrive.

Declarant also states that the time Royalton in Vermont was burned, he volunteered to go to said Royalton, but on arriving at Keene, N.H., information was received that the enemy had left he place; consequently declarant returned home, having been absent but three days. Declarant does not recall what year Royalton was burnt, has not written discharges, and thinks he never had any.

Declarant resided in New Ipswich, N.H., til the year 1803 when he moved to Chester, Vermont, when he stayed a year and a half, thence he moved to Cavendish in the County of Windsor and State of Vermont, where he as lived ever since.

Declarant does not recollect that the name of the Lieutenant was in Capt. Josiah Brown's Company, in which Company he marched to Ticonderoga in 1777, but the name of the Ensign was Benjamin Williams of New Ipswich, NH.

On this 20th day of May, 1833, at his own dwelling house, personally appeared, Nathaniel Farr, aged eighty seven years on the 15th day of February, last, does hereby make the following supplementary declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832.

That in respect to the first weeks service at Concord and Cambridge in April, 1775, the declarant was out six days certain, and he thinks some days more, but cannot say positively.

With regard to the 8 months service in 1775, the declarant is yet unable to recollect the name of the Colonel, or other field officers, he recollects that Colonel Prescott had some command during he battle of Bunker Hill and further states that he saw General Washington several times during the eight months service and also says that General Warren was killed on the day of the battle at Bunker Hill.

In respect to the 3rd enlistment the declarant cannot tell the Colonel's name, but thinks the General's name who commanded at Ticonderoga was Schuyler.

As respects the 4th campaign of three days, the declarant can recollect nothing further being more infirm and imperfect as to memory than when he testified to his first declaration the services in the war appearing in many respects "like a dream". In all the campaigns, the declarant served as a private. He has no written discharges or documentary witnesses, and knows of no one who can testify to his services except Martha Atwood, whose affidavit is hereunto annexed.

SWORN and SUBSCRIBED the day and year aforesaid, viz: Nathaniel Farr, ss; Jabez Proctor, Judge of Probate

Affidavit of Martha Atwood, Cavendish, 17th July, 1832:

"I, Martha Atwood, of Cavendish in Windsor County in the State of Vermont, formerly of New Ipswich, NH, in Hillsborough County, being 62 years of age of rational mind and memory, do testify and say that in the Spring of the year 1775, my father, Nathaniel Farr, then an inhabitant of said New Ipswich and now an inhabitant of said Cavendish, went to Cambridge on account of the regulars coming from Boston to Lexington and Concord. He was gone a week or more, and then immediately, enlisted into 8 months service and was gone until the snow covered the ground for the next winter."

PENSION RECORD: Microfilm Copy No. M-804, Roll #956, "Revolution War Pension & Bounty Land Warrant Application Files"

Nathaniel Farr, S1611 - Service: N.H.; Nathaniel Farr of Windsor County, in the State of Vermont, who was a private in the Company commanded under Capt. Mann , in the N.H. militia for 9 months and 12 days. Inscribed on the Roll of Vt., at the rate of $32.31 per annum to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831., certification of Pension issued Aug. 22, 1833, and sent to R. Washburn, Ludlow, Vermont; Arrears to the 4th of March, 1833 - $64.62, semiannual allowance ending - $16.15, total , $80.77, recorded by W.L. Williams, Clerk, Book "E', Vol. 3, pg. 64, Revolutionary Claim Act of June 7, 1832.

Abigail FOSTER [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 16 Mar 1746 in Westford, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was christened on 22 Mar 1747 in Westford, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 3, 4 on 26 Jul 1830 in Proctorsville, Windsor, Vermont, United States. She was buried 5 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, United States. Abigail married 6, 7 Nathaniel FARR on 17 Feb 1768 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: Marriage was recorded at Westford and performed at Littleton.

They had the following children.

  F i
Abigail FARR was christened 1, 2, 3 on 26 Feb 1769 in Westford, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.
  F ii Martha "Patty" FARR was christened on 18 Feb 1770. She died on 23 Feb 1846.
  M iii Levi FARR was born in 1772. He died in May 1847.
  F iv
Mary FARR was born in 1778 in New Hampshire, United States.

I can't find any proof of Mary in this family.
  M v Josiah FARR was born in 1779. He died on 16 Dec 1849.
  M vi Nathaniel Russell FARR was born in 1781. He died on 12 Nov 1840.
  F vii
Susannah FARR [scrapbook] was born 1, 2, 3 on 6 Mar 1783 in New Ipswich, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States. She died 4, 5, 6 on 22 Sep 1858 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, United States from of consumption. She was buried 7 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, United States.

DEATH: The record list her parents as Nathaniel and Abigail Farr.
  F viii
Sarah "Sally" FARR [scrapbook] 1 was born in 1784 in New Ipswich, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States. She died 2, 3 on 18 Aug 1870 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, United States from of lung fever. She was buried 4 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, United States.

Sally resided 5 in 1850 in Weare, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States.

Levi FARR [Parents] was born 1 on 20 Jan 1750 in Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died on 4 May 1788 in New Ipswich, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States from by being thrown from the seat of a wagon. Levi married 2, 3, 4, 5 Eunice HADLEY on 17 Dec 1775 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

From the research of Linda Farr Welch:

Levi removed from Littleton, Massachusetts to New Ipswich, NH, ca. 1775-6.  The main road for many years passed from the northeasterly part of Ashby from Townsend, through New Ipswich and on to Keene, NH.  This road was laid out 15 Jan., 1750, and once in use, was a highway for settlers from Massachusetts to settle new lands in New Hampshire. Levi served in the Revolution in the NH line from New Ipswich.

Levi died in New Ipswich, 'killed when thrown from the seat of the wagon', 4 May, 1788 (age 38).  "Death is the lot, the tomb the place, For all the sons of Adam's race."

When the 1790 census was taken, Eunice was head of her household in New Ipswich, NH. She had three living with her in the household. Her neighbors were Nathan Robbins and Stephen Adams.

Eunice HADLEY was born 1, 2 on 26 Sep 1750 in Westford, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 3 on 2 Feb 1806 in Lempster, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. Eunice married 4, 5, 6, 7 Levi FARR on 17 Dec 1775 in Littleton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: Marriage was recorded at Westford and performed at Littleton.

They had the following children.

  M i Jonathan Hadley FARR was born on 15 Aug 1776. He died on 18 May 1848.
  F ii
Elisabeth FARR was born 1, 2, 3 on 17 Feb 1778 in New Ipswich, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States.
  M iii Nathan R FARR was born on 15 Feb 1780. He died on 18 Oct 1873.
  M iv Rufus King FARR was born on 15 Feb 1782. He died on 7 May 1858.
  M v
Timothy Jones FARR was born 1, 2 on 6 Aug 1783 in New Ipswich, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States.
  F vi
Eunice FARR was born 1, 2, 3 on 22 Sep 1785 in New Ipswich, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States. She died 4 on 13 Jun 1873 in Sherburne, Rutland, Vermont, United States.
  M vii
Levi FARR was born 1, 2 on 4 May 1788 in New Ipswich, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States.

Lt. Francis FARR Esq. [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 9 Jul 1753 in Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3, 4, 5 on 16 Sep 1819 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. He was buried 6 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Francis married 7, 8 Abigail HASKELL on 14 Sep 1777 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:

Lt. Francis was a Revolutionary soldier (see National Archives, Pension # W14712).  He was also Town Clerk of Harvard, Mass., from 1787-1819. He served as Town Treasurer from 1803-4.

Sarah applied for a pension on his service at Harvard, Mass., 13 April, 1839, when she was 81 years old.

DEATH: Event Type:Death; Town of Record: Harvard; County of Record: Worcester; Comment: A. 66 Y. /N (A. 66 Y. 2 M. 9 D. DUP.). /N "HE HAD SERVED TOWN CLERK THIRTY YEARS, AND AN ASSESSOR TWENTY YEARS, SELECTMAN SEVEN YEARS."

Abigail HASKELL was born 1, 2 on 29 Sep 1758 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 3 on 9 Nov 1782 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Abigail married 4, 5 Lt. Francis FARR Esq. on 14 Sep 1777 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.

DEATH: Wife of Captain Francis Farr, age 24.

They had the following children.

  F i Abigail Haskell FARR was born on 31 Dec 1777. She died on 26 Jan 1866.
  M ii
FARR was born in 1779 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. He died 1 on 12 Aug 1779 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.
  M iii
Francis FARR was born 1, 2, 3 on 27 Feb 1781 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. He died 4, 5, 6 on 27 Feb 1799 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. He was buried 7 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.
  F iv Anna Goodhue FARR was born on 20 Oct 1782. She died on 29 Apr 1854.

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