Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Thomas GIBSON was born in 1593 in Kent, England. Thomas married 1 Elizabeth MUNTER on 20 Nov 1635 in St Dustans, Canterbury, Kent, England.

Elizabeth MUNTER [Parents] was christened 1 on 17 Feb 1595/1596 in St Mary the Virgen, Dover, Kent, England. Elizabeth married 2 Thomas GIBSON on 20 Nov 1635 in St Dustans, Canterbury, Kent, England.

John OSBORNE was born in 1594 in Harbledown, Kent, England. John married 1, 2, 3 Jeane MUNTER on 7 Mar 1621 in Harbledown, Kent, England.

Jeane MUNTER [Parents] was christened 1 on 23 May 1599 in St Mary the Virgen, Dover, Kent, England. Jeane married 2, 3, 4 John OSBORNE on 7 Mar 1621 in Harbledown, Kent, England.

Phineas MUNTER [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 29 Dec 1603 in St Mary the Virgen, Dover, Kent, England. Phineas married 3, 4 Ann RAWLINGS on 21 Sep 1629 in Canterbury, Kent, England.

Ann RAWLINGS was born about 1603 in England. She died in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Ann married 1, 2 Phineas MUNTER on 21 Sep 1629 in Canterbury, Kent, England.

William JOHNSON was born 1 about 1500 in Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2, 3 on 9 Jun 1575 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom. William married 4 Alice FORFLOD about 1528.

Other marriages:
, Elizabeth

WILLIAM JOHNSON of Canterbury, Kent, England, and a painter, was probably the son of Garard Johnson who made his will in 1506. This Garard was perhaps the son of Gerard Johnson whose estate was administered in 1502/3 by his widow Katherine.

16 August 1506 the will of GARARD JOHNSON of the Parish of our Lady of Bredman of the city of Canterbury, Byerbruar [Beerbrewer] . . . To be buried in the churchyard of Holy Cross next to my children. To the high altar of the said church of Bredman 6s.8d. To the making of a new cross of silver in the church of Bredman 40d. To the friars observants in Canterbury three barrels of double beer and three barrels of single beer. To the reparation of the body of the church of Holy Cross lOs. For masses and dirges at the two churches 40s. and 7 marks. To wife Wylmyn £20. To every of my sons, namely, Richard, William and Robert, 10 marks each at twenty-one years. To the lord of St. Kat'yn in Coleyn 5 marks I owe him. To my daughter Johan 23s.4d. The residue of my goods to wife Wyhnyn whom with John Man I make executors, and to the latter 20s. . . . Overseer: William Megge and to him lOs.
Witnesses: Alexander Eljott, parish priest of Bredman, Richard Pekerell, John Smyth, hakeneman, William Maye, Richard Waren, Robert Downe. Proved 29 October 1506 by the executors (Archdeaconry of Canterbury, Volume 10:165)

4 March 1522 the will of ROBERT JOHNSON of the parish of Holy Cross of Westgate in Canterbury . . . to be buried in the churchyard next to my father and mother . . . to my sister Joan 20s. ... many bequests to various people, apparently none of them near relatives. Proved 16 May 1522.

William Johnson was born about 1500. He married first, about 1528, Alice Foreflode, daughter of John Foreflode, a hatter and a freeman of Canterbury. By this marriage William Johnson became a freeman of Canterbury in 1528. She died and he remarried to Ellzabeth who was buried at Saint George s 17 May 1575. Her burial is recorded twice. In one entry the record says, Elizabeth, wife of William Johnson", but in the second entry the words "Grandfather to William Johnson parrish clarke", have been added. William Johnson the parrish clerk and grandson probably added these words about 1598 when the register was copied. William Johnson was buried at Saint George's, Canterbury, 9 June 1575.

Alice FORFLOD [Parents]. Alice married 1 William JOHNSON about 1528.

They had the following children.

  M i John JOHNSON was born about 1528. He was buried on 10 May 1598.
  F ii Daughter JOHNSON.

John JOHNSON [Parents] was born 1 about 1528 in Canterbury, Kent, England. He was buried on 10 May 1598 in Canterbury, Kent, England. John married 2 Joanne STONE on 9 May 1575 in Faversham, Kent, England.

Other marriages:

JOHN JOHNSON (William, Garard?) of Canterbury, Kent, England, and a painter, was born about 1528. He married first at Saint George's, Canterbury, on 23 May 1551, Joan Humphrey. She was probably the daughter of John Humphrey of Boughton under Blean who made his will 8 December 1531 and presumably died shortly thereafter. A brief abstract of his will follows:

8 December 1531 the will of JOHN HUMPHREY of Boughton under the Blean, Kent. . . to be buried in the parish churchyard... £6. 13.4 sterling for a priest to say mass for a year . . . to Joan and Agnes my daughters £6. 13.4 sterling each, a brass pot, and a bed complete with mattress, bolster, etc. at age 20 or marriage, each to be the other s heir. If both die before 20 or marriage, the £136.8 to go for gravelling the Street 10 Boughton. . . to my mother 40s, to my brother Richard Humprey 40s... to wife Joan 5 quarters of wheat, 5 quarters of malt . . . to my servant John Gyall 13s.4d., to each of my apprentices 13s.4d    Joan my wife to have £10 worth of my movable goods for her choice and £5 in money. Executors to be John Jury and Thomas Podage. Wife Joan to occupy tenement and lands I bought of the executors of Thomas Raynforth. (Kent Probate Consistory Court 15:155)

Altho no exact ages are given in his will, his two daughters were under 20. These were his only children and his mother was living. All these facts indicate that he was a relatively young man and suggest that the two girls were infants. Thus, Joan was perhaps 2 or 3 which would make her the right age to have been the wife of John Johnson. Also, of the several Humphrey wills of that age and locale, no other one named a daughter Joan.

The year following his marriage, John Johnson was made a freeman of Canterbury, by right of his having been born a citizen of that city. He was a churchwarden of Saint George's in 1582 and 1583.

Joanne STONE died on 12 Dec 1592 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Joanne married 1 John JOHNSON on 9 May 1575 in Faversham, Kent, England.

Thomas BARKER 1 was born about 1547 in St.George's, Canterbury, Kent, England. Thomas married 2, 3 Joan JOHNSON on 5 May 1578 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.

Joan JOHNSON [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 11 Apr 1552 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England. Joan married 3, 4 Thomas BARKER on 5 May 1578 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.

Ralph LEA 1 was born about 1570 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Ralph married 2, 3, 4 Sisle JOHNSON on 12 Apr 1591 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.

Sisle JOHNSON [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 12 Sep 1570 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England. Sisle married 3, 4, 5 Ralph LEA on 12 Apr 1591 in St George's, Canterbury, Kent, England.

Sisle was also known as Cicely Johnson.

Thomas PORREDGE [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1500 in of Boughton under Blean, Brendley, Kent, England. He died 2 in BET 2 JAN AND 2 MAR 1548/9 in of Boughton under Blean, Brendley, Kent, England. Thomas married Joan.

THOMAS PORRAGE of Brendley in the parish of Boughton-under-Blean, Kent, England, was born about 1500. He died between 2 January and 2 March 1548/9. His widow Joan died 1557-8. The wording of their respective wills suggests that either or both of them may have had earlier marriages. Why didn't he mention daughter Joan and why, after naming his son John and wife Joan to be executors, did he "desire her to be a good mother to him"?

Thomas Porrage was related to the Porrages of Rodmersham as he mentioned in his will a cousin John Porrage of that place. His sons are also called kinsmen by later Porrages of Rodmersham in their wills.

2 January 1548/9 - The will of THOMAS PORRAGE of Breridiey in the parish of Eoughton under Bieane, in the county of Kent, yeoman .. . To be buried in the churchyard of Boughton under Blean. Whereas my cousin John Porrage of Rodmersham has £60 due me at a certain time or else I and my heirs are to have forever an annuity of £4, I give the said £60 to be equally divided among three of my sons, Richard Porrage, William Porrage, and Stephen Porrage, to Richard as soon as it be paid and to William and Stephen at twenty years; in the meantime said sum to remain in my wife s hands. If either of said sons die before said age, his portion to Robert Porrage, Richard Porrage, Jolm Porrage, and to the survivor of the said William or Stephen, equally divided. Whereas I have an annuity out of Robert Maxsted's lands for [a loan of] S. 32, I will the said sum and the annuity until it be paid to son John, and I give him a bed furnished. Whereas I have an annuity out of John Heler's lands of Harnehyll [Herne Hill] for [a loan of] £ 10, I will said sum and the annuity until it be paid to son Robert. To my daughter Alice Potter 40s. To Thomas Rayrie of Leneharn 40s. which he borrowed of me. To wife Joan all the rest of my goods in my house. The residue of my goods of all kinds unbequeathed to wife. Joan and son John, equally divided, and I make them my executors, and I desire her to be a good mother to him. With regard to my lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the parishes of Boughton under Eleane, Faversham, and Herne Hill, I give to my son Robert my messuage and dwelling house with lands at Fayrbroke, wherein he now dwells, and three acres of meadow at Fourdsborne in mine own occupation, he paying to my wife 13s. 4d. a year. To my son Richard Porrage my messuage and lands bought of John Cosyn, also in the occupation of his brother Robert, except one bush garden called Sorn leese, which I give to the said Robert. To the said Richard two and a half acres bought of John Colwell and James Unekar, lying together in Chestofield. To my Ban John Porrage my messuage and lands in Hernhill which Sam Boviar bow occupieth, he paying to my wife Joan 6s.8d. yearly, and also two acres of meadow lying at the north side of the land at Fourdysborn now in his brother Robert's occupation. To my son William Parrage at the age of twenty years a messuage and lands at Hernhill at Broke Street, now in the occupation of Stephen Parker, my wife Joan to lease it and take the profits until William comes to said age to find him toward his learning. To wife Joan for life my two messuages lying at South Street in Boughton aforesaid and Faversham, with reversion at her death to son Stephen Porrage and his heirs. Whereas I have late bought certain meadows lying in Graveney, Hernhill and Boughton of Mr. Stephen Ellys, I give two meadows thereof called Latton Gate Meeds to son Robert Porrage. Witnesses: Cyryacke Pettytt and John Teneacre. Proved 2 March 3 Edward VI (1548/9) by the executors (33:3)

Joan died 1 after 9 Jul 1557 in of Boughton under Blean, Brendley, Kent, England. Joan married Thomas PORREDGE.

9 July 1557 - the will of JOAN PORREGE of Boughton under the Blean, county of Kent, widow, late the wife of Thomas Porrege... to be buried in the churchyard of Boughton nigh where as my husband lieth there.., to the poor box 12d... on my day of burial 20s. value of meat, drink and cheese for the poor... to Samuel Bayer 4d... to every of my godchildren 4d. . to Rebecca and Helen my son Thomas Potter s daughters 6d. apiece.. to William Porrege and John Porrege 4d. apiece.. to Gabriel Porrege 6s. 8d., they being the Sons of Rich~rd Porrege... to my daughter Joan now the wife of Thomas Reyner of Lenham my violet gown purfled with otters and a kerchief.., to Alice roy daughter the ‘wife of Thomas Potter my second gown of violet, a rayle of the best, a kerchief and a neckerchief... Annes Porrege the wife of Richard Porrege my round gown of violet, a rayle and a kerchief... to Robert Porrege s wife a kerchief... to John Porrege s wife a kerchief, and to old mother plummer 12d., a smock and a workday apron... I give and bequeath to Peter Thro wley and his wife ...... to John Marshall of Boughton and his wife ...... to old William Edward s widow 4d... to John Stylles  widow 4d. and a petticoat... to William Jackson and his wife to him 4d. and to her a smock... to William Porrege roy son my round violet gown ‘with black lining, a worsted kirtle and a red petticoat, a rayle, a kerchief, a woman s hat & a woman s cap, a kerchief and a smock, a towel myled, a saye apron, 4 platters, 2 porringers, 2 saucers, 2 latten can die -sticks, a saltcellar, a pan of a gallon, á skillet, an under-cloth, a featherbed, a truncheon, one blanket, my green coverlet, a ship chest, 2 pillows, 2 pillow coats whereof the one be braunched ‘with black silk and the other with ‘white, 3 pair of sheets whereof 2 pair are fine with ‘white seams and the other a. good pair ‘without white seams, and also to him a black seamed sheet, 2 table cloths, the one myled ‘with black and the other a plain white of four yards long or more, 4 napkins, whereof 2 are of diaper and the rest plain, one cow and 40s. of money... to Stephen Porrege my son my gown of violet lined with bustles with cuffs of velvet, roy kirtle of worsted upperbodied with right black satin, my best petticoat, a smock, a cap, a kerchief, my best rayle, and a hat for a woman, a kerchief and apron of blacki.ussells,my harnessed girdle,a pair of beads with 19 stones pumiced & gilt of silver, a ring of silver, a pin of silver the best red gilted, 2 spoons of silver the best, 3 table cloths whereof one is diaper containing 4 yards in length and 2 of breadth, and the other 2 strekyn cloth good, and a towel myled, 4 napkins whereof 2 diaper and the rest plain, 4 pillowcoats whereof 2 are plain white, another braunched with silk and the 4th likewise braunched and spangled with gold, my best black seamed sheet, & five pair of sheets whereof 4 pair are hook seamed and the other plain, 2 kine, 40s. of money, my best bed as it now standeth with all that belongeth thereto, my best coverlet and all other things and implements before not bequeathed. And if any my said sons William Porrege or Stephen Porrege happen to decease before they or any of them shall happen to receive these my bequests without issue, then to survivor or his issue, then to n-iy other children s children, males and females indifferently.... executors to be Stephen Porrege my son, and Thomas Potter my son in law, and my son John Porrege my overseer, he to have 20s. for his labor, same to Thomas Benett Rayner 6s.8d. and a red petticoat and a pair of coarse sheets.., to Alice Potter my daughter my green girdle ‘with pendants of silver. my goddaughter Joan Porrege l2d.., to mother Potter 12d. and an apron... to Margery Feld a smock and an apron.., to Mary Vidcot the daughter in law to William Jackson an old russet petticoat., to Joan Bullece the wife of Thomas Bullece an apron.
Witnesses: Hamond Shrubble, Richard Ince and Thomas Bullere. Proved 24 December 1558.

They had the following children.

  F i Joan PORREDGE was christened in 1521.
  M ii John PORREDGE was born about 1522. He was buried on 16 Sep 1582.
  F iii Alice PORREDGE was born about 1528. She was buried on 2 Apr 1621.
  M iv Robert PORREDGE was born in 1526. He died in 1557.
  M v Richard PORREDGE was born about 1528.
  M vi William PORREDGE was born about 1530. He died before 13 Apr 1569.
  M vii Steven PORREDGE died before 3 Dec 1574.

John PORREDGE [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1522 in of West Court, Canterbury, Kent, England. He was buried 2, 3 on 16 Sep 1582 in St Dunstan's, Canterbury, Kent, England. John married 4, 5 Margaret CARTER on 5 May 1572 in St Dunstan's Church, Edge Hill, Merseyside, England.

Other marriages:
DEANE, Margaret

JOHN PORREDGE (Thomas) of Westgate Court, Canterbury, Kent, was born probably about 1522. He first married a sister of Thomas Deane or Denne of Adisham, son of Thomas Denne of Kingstone. She was almost certainly the Margaret Porredge who was buried at Saint Dunstan's in Canterbury on 5 January 1571/2. He married secondly, 5 May 1572 at Saint Dunstan's, widow Margaret (Carter) Ruck, sister of George Carter. She had a large family by her first husband. Two of her sons married two of her step daughters.

John Porredge must have been a tailor by trade. This can be deduced from the bequests in his will of cloth, cut and uncut. He made his will 27 July 1582 and died seven weeks later. He was buried at Saint Dunstan's 16 September 1582. His widow, Margaret, made her will 6 May 1583 and died a few days later, was buried the 11th at Saint Dunstan's as she had requested in her will. Abstracts of their wills follow.
A large house called Westgate Court is now standing just outside the west gate of Canterbury. It probably stands on the site of John Porredge's house, this present one being not so ancient.

The name Porredge is sometimes varied to Pordage, Porrege, possibly Portage.
27 July 1582 - the will of John Porredge of Westgate Court in the county of Kent near without the walls of the City of Canterbury... to be buried in the churchyard of Saint Dunstans near Canterbury... to wife Margaret £30, furniture, brass, and household goods.., to daughter Elizabeth £50 in three months.., to daughter Susan £50, a caldron which I had of Thomas Heatbe, and a feather bed and bolster, at age 21 or marriage.. ,to son Henry Porredge £20 in one year... All linen and linen yarn, except cloth not cut out, to be divided into three parts, one part each to wife and son Edward and the third to son Henry and daughters Elizabeth, Thomazine and Susan. All linen and woolen yarn and linen and woolen cloth not cut out to wife and son Edward, equally divided to my daughters a dozen of pewter platters, pewter porringers and pewter dishes, and half a dozen pieces of brass. .,residue to my son Edward whom I make sole executor. my son in law Thomas Ruck one half my lease of lands called Denley inHerne Hill held of Mr. Parker.. My wife to have one of the new chambers in the tenement where I now dwell and sufficient meat and drink, fire and washing allowed by my son Edward during her widowhood, if my  lease continue so long. Daughter Elizabeth to be likewise maintained by son Edward until she be married, and also daughter Susan "if she will tarry with him so long". To my wife's son Arthur Rucke 40s. at 21, and son Edward to support him until the end of his apprenticeship with Fante of Christ Church.. ,to wife's son Richard Ruck £5 in one year.... to servants William Sharpe, Thomas May, Jane Showell, Mary Lopbam and John Drincker 5s. each.., to servants Michael Pickle, William Taylor, Rail Slyter and Margaret Carter 10s. each., to my boy Richard Tillett 20s. at 20 my servant Elizabeth Wyck 40s. at 20 or to be distributed to each poor household of the parish of Saint Dunstan's. To son Edward Porredge and his heirs my lands and tenements in Herne Hill and Boughton under Blean, in fee simple. My wife's son Thomas Ruck to occupy  for ten years my tenement and lands in Herne Hill and Boughton under Blean which I purchased of one Frognall, paying to my son Edward £10 a year. To wile Margaret an annuity of £8 for life. To son Henry Porredge all my lands in Wickhambreux which I purchased of Griffith Jones, now in the occupation of one Rayner of Stodmarsh, in fee simple, and half of a tenement and lands in Ashford bought of one Morley and Dorothy his wile and in the occupation of Thomas Usborne. To wile Margaret for life my tenement and grounds in Saint Dunstans in the occupation of Bartholomew Rowell, with reversion to her son Richard Ruck, said tenant to pay but 20s. a year rent. Signed John Porredge. Witnesses: John Edward, notary, Bartholomew Rowell and Thomas Fawsett. Proved 7 October 1582 by Edward Porredge. Inventory £1100. 32s.8d. (34:234)

Margaret CARTER was born in 1525 in Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom. She died before 11 May 1583. She was buried on 11 May 1583. Margaret married 1, 2 John PORREDGE on 5 May 1572 in St Dunstan's Church, Edge Hill, Merseyside, England.

Richard SMITH 1 was born in 1550 in Northbourne, Kent, England. Richard married 2 Joan PORREDGE on 17 Jun 1577 in Northbourne, Kent, England.

Joan PORREDGE [Parents] 1 was born about 1555. She died before 1582 in of Canterbury, Kent, England. Joan married 2 Richard SMITH on 17 Jun 1577 in Northbourne, Kent, England.

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