Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

John HATCHE [Parents] 1 was born 2 about 1490 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. John married Eleanor HATCHE.

Mentioned in his father's will as "now dead".

Called John The Elder

Eleanor HATCHE was born about 1492 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. She died in BET 1 NOV 1519 AND 12 DEC 1519 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. Eleanor married John HATCHE.

Eleanor had a will 1 on 1 Nov 1519 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. Her will was probated 2 on 12 Dec 1519 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

The Will of Elioner Hacche of the parish of Sellinge, co. Kent, 1 November 1519. To be buried in the churchyard of Sellinge. To the high altar there a ewe. To Our Lady light 40d. To the rood light, torch light, and Trinity light 4d. apiece. To my forefare [i.e., forthfare] 6s. 8d. To my month's mind 13s. 4d. To my year's mind for the souls of me and my husband 13s. 4d. My father Hache to have the keeping of my children for ten years and to have for their keeping yearly 26s. 8d.; and if he live not so long then William Hartt is to have them and to have the same sum yearly. To Jhon Elgayr and his wife and to Mother Stalls wearing apparel. The residue of my apparel to my children, to array them withal while they be within age. The residue of my goods to Thomas my son at twenty-two and Agnes my daughter at eighteen, equally divided. Executors: William Harttand "my fadre Hacche," to each of whom I give 13s. 4d. Supervisors: Nicholas Hartt and Thomas Orsbye, to each of whom I give 6s. 8d. Witnesses: "my gostly fadre Nicholas Hartt" and John Elve. Proved 12 December 1519 by the executors named. (Archdeaconry of Canterbury, vol. 14, fo. 4.)

John HATCHE [scrapbook] 1, 2 was born 3 about 1415 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He died 4 about 15 Nov 1464 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. John married Agnes about 1441 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

JOHN AT HECCHE, of Sellinge, in the hundred of Street, co. Kent, the testator of 1464, was born probably about 1415 and died not earlier than 15 Nov. 1464. He married AGNES , who was living when his will was made. He was probably a miller. He was undoubtedly descended from some of the Atte Hacches found in the hundred of Calehill, in the subsidies of 1327/8 and 1372/3. These subsidies do not name the parishes in which the persons assessed lived; but the hundred of Calehill comprised the parishes of Charing, Westwell, Egerton, Little Chart,, and Pluckley, as well as parts of several other parishes. Contemporary with the above John at Hecche of Seliinge were several of the name in Charing, probably his brothers and causins, who left wills not given in this article. The mention of his lands in Westwell and Charing places his origin in that ancient Atte Hacche family, and he is the first of the name in Sdllinge or vicinity of whom record has been found. His will names his wife Agnes and three sons.

The Will of JOHN AT HECCHE of Sellyng next Monks Horton [co. Kent], 15 November 1464. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Selling. To the high altar there 12d. To the light of the Holy Trinity 6d. To the light of the Cross 6d. To the light of the Blessed Virgin 6d. To the light of the Blessed Mary under the High Cross 6d. The residue of all my goods not otherwise bequeathed I give to Agnes my wife and Thomas my son to dispose of them for the wealth of my soul, my parents souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed; and I make them my executors.
My testament regarding all my lands. William Knyght, John Parys, William Smyth, John Webbe, and William at Melle are the feoffees of my lands and tenements at Selling, by indenture dated 10 October, 25 Henry VI [1446]. My woods upon my lands at Westwell and Charing to be sold to pay my debts and legacies. My feoffees to permit Agnes my wife if she remain my widow, to hold all my other lands and tenements until Thomas at hecche, my son, shall come to the age of twenty-four years, when he shall have one third of the lands. My son John to have a third of the lands when he shall come to the age of twenty-four years; and when my son William shall come to the age of twenty-four years, then my feoffees shall make over the lands to my three sons equally, forever, they paying to Agnes their mother 20s. a year during her life. If all my sons die before the age of twenty-four, then my wife Agnes shall have the lands for her life and after her death they shall be sold and the money shall be employed to provide a chantry priest to sing and pray in the church of Selling for the space of two years, the residue to be expended in charity for the poor of Selling and for the souls of my father and mother and all the faithful departed. If my wife shall marry before the said Thomas, John, and William reach their full ages [i.e., twenty-four years], my feoffees shall allow her 20s. a year and shall use the remainder of the profits of my lands for my sons and for the repair of my messuages and mills. To each of my feoffees for their pains 6s. 8d. [No witnesses and no record of probate.] (Archdeaconry of Canterbury, vol. 1, fo. 5.)

Agnes was born about 1417 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom. Agnes married John HATCHE 1, 2 about 1441 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

Mentioned in husband's will.

They had the following children.

  M i Thomas HATCHE was born about 1442.
  M ii
John HATCHE was born 1 about 1444 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom.
  M iii
William HATCHE was born 1 about 1446 in Sellindge, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

Richard ROLFE [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born about 1544 in Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England. He died 2, 3 on 28 Aug 1567 in Downton, Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom. Richard married Elizabeth SAWNDERS 4 in 1564 in Wiltshire, England.

Mentioned in his father's will.

Administration on the goods of RICHARD ROLFF, late of Hamptworth in the parish of Downton, was granted to Elizabeth buff, relict of the deceased, 28 August 1567. (Archdeacoury of Sarum, vol. 5, fo. 18.)

Elizabeth SAWNDERS 1 was christened 2 on 14 Jun 1543 in East Knoyle, Wiltshire, England. Elizabeth married Richard ROLFE 3 in 1564 in Wiltshire, England.

Mentioned in administration of Richard Rolff

They had the following children.

  F i
Elizabeth ROLFE was born about 1565 in Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England.
  F ii Margaret ROLFE was born about 1565.
  M iii Richard ROLFE was born about 1567. He died on 2 Dec 1598.

John RICE was born in 1567 in Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England. He died in 1633 in Wiltshire, England. John married Agnes SAUNDERS 1 in 1599 in Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England.

Agnes SAUNDERS [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2 about 1573 in Downton, Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom. Agnes married John RICE in 1599 in Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England.

Other marriages:
ROLFE, Richard

See attached sources for Richard Rolfe's will which names his wife Agnes, his father in-law William Saunders, his two daughters Honour and Agnes. Bond dated 14 June 1606 of the Will names Agnes with her second husband John Ryce.

9 June 1599 Agnes and John bound themselves to pay Agnes's two daughters from her first marriage the money left them in their fathers will.

William SAUNDERS was born in 1550 in Wiltshire, England. He died in Wiltshire, England. William married Alis ROLFE.

Alis ROLFE was born in Downtown, Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. She died in 1604 in Downton, Wiltshire, England. Alis married William SAUNDERS.

Alis was also known as Mrs. Alice Rolfe.

The Will of Alis Rolfe of Hemptworthe in the parish of Downtone in the county of Wilts, widow, 8 December 1604. My body to be buried in the parish churchyard of Downtone.  I give to the pariah church of Down­tone 6d. To our lady church of Sarum. 4d. To my son Thomas Rolfe a coverlet and other household goods. To my son John Rolfe my best heifer, three bushels of grain, and I forgive him 9s. which he oweth me. To his daughter Alis Rolfe a bullock, and to his so John Rolfe a sheep, and to his wife a gown. To my daughter Agnes Rice two ewes and a heifer, and to her daughter Honore Rolfe a heifer and a coffer, and to them both all my wearing apparel. To her daughter Agnes Rolfe a ewe, to her daughter Alia Rice a bullock, and to her duahter Marie Rice a ewe.  To my maid servant Margaret Dyer a sheep. The residue of my goods and chattels I give t.o my sons Henrie Rolfe and Thomas Rolfe equally divided, and make them my executors. My well beloved friends Thomas Cousins and Robert Emmerie to be assistants to my executors,and to them 5s each. Debts I owe to my son Henrie Rolfe 40s and to my son Thomas Rolfe £6 7s. Proved 26 January 1604/5, by the executors named. Inventory taken 8 December 1604, by two "nabours indifferent dealers herein Roger Webbe and John Raafe," £45 6s.8d., exhibited 26 January  1604/5, by the executors. (Archdeacory of Sarum, 1604, Original Will and In­ vent.ory.)

Bond dated 81January 1617/18.  Anna Rolph  of  Downton, co.Wilts, widow, and William Judd of Winterbome Chirborow, co. Wilts, husbandman, bound in £40, the said .Anna being administrat.or of the estate of Henry Rolph late of Downton. rsigiied] Anna Rolph [mark] and 'William Judde. Witness: James Hill. "lnventory on the estate of Hinrie Rolfe late of Hamptoreth pariah of Downton], c.o. Wilts, taken 6 Februaey 1617/18, by Thomas Cossen and Hogger Webb, £18 10s. Sd. Witness: Thomas Hale.  Exhibited 215 March 1618 at Salisbury.  (Archdeaconry of Sarum, 1617, Original Administration Bond.)

•P'robably the unicle or Agnes Rolfe, wife or the testator.-J.G. B.ARTLETT.

They had the following children.

  F i Agnes SAUNDERS was born about 1573.

Henry ROLFE the elder [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1525. He died 2, 3 in May 1558 in Downton, Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England.

Harry had a will 4, 5 on 5 May 1558 in Downton, Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England.

Mentioned in his father's will.

The Will of HENRY ROLFF the elder of Hamptworth in the parish of Downton, cc. Wylts, husbandman, 5 May 1558. To he buried in the church lytten of St. Lawrence in Downton. To our lady church in Sarum 2d. To the reparation of my parish church in Downton 3d. To Ails Whytehere, my servant, a ewe and a lamb, my wife's petticoat, etc. To the children of my sister Margaret Blake of Playtford a ewe lamb among them. To Elisabeth Blaake my wife's black bat. To Agnes Saunders children a bullock among them. To Agnes Bampton a frock. To William Hvekeman my best "hooses." To Dennys Husse a brass pot. To my son Richard Relic my great brass pot, a cupboard, etc., and he shall have three kine at fifteen years of age, to be delivered by Henry Rolfe the younger of flamptworth or by his assigns, he being one of my overseers for the keeping of my said son Richard. To Margaret Rolfe, my daughter, all my wife's wearing gear unbequeathed, and at the age of fifteen years two kine to be delivered to her by John Lyght of Hamptworth, he being the other of my overseers for the keeping of my said daughter Margaret. To my son Richard and my daughter Margaret all my instuff of household at fifteen years, equally divided; if both die, reversion to the children of Thomas Blaake, Thomas Husse, Agnes Sawnders, John Lyght, and henry Rolfe the younger, equally divided, and if the said I-henry have no children, then one part to him and his wife. The residue of nay goods and chattels move-able and unmoveable to my overseers John Lyght and Henry Rolif the younger for the perfect bringing up of my children Richard and Margaret until the age of fifteen. Witnesses: Wilma Marks, preist, and Thomas Husse. Proved 4 June 1558, by John Lyght and Henry buff Jun. (Arcbdeaconry of Sarum, vol. 3, Is. 97.)

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 66, July 1912, © New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, Februaiy 28, 2001

He had the following children.

  M i Richard ROLFE was born about 1544. He died on 28 Aug 1567.
  F ii
Margaret ROLFE died on 8 Jul 1617 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England.

Mentioned in her father's will.

Henry ROLFE II the elder was born in 1490 in Finchley, Barnet, London, England. He died 1 on 26 Mar 1547 in Landford, Wiltshire, England. Henry married Dennys 2 in 1519 in England.

Henry was also known as Harry Rolfe.

Only two of his children are proven by his will.

The Will of HENRY ROLFE the elder of Hamptworth in the parish of Downton, 12 October 1546. To be buried in the church lytten of Downton. To our lady church of Sarum 20d. To the high altar in Downton church 8s. 4d. To the reparation of Downton church a cow. To the reparation of salt lane 6s. 8d. To every of my brother John Rolffys children a noble apiece. To cousin William Rolfe a cow. I leave a cow and a hive of bees for the maintenance of an obit for me, Dennys my wife, and all my children and kindred, in Downton church yearly forever. my goods moveable and unmoveable not specified I give to my son Harry. To Richard Sander and Thomas Hussey a cow each, and I make them my executors, and they are to be overseers of my son Harry and his goods to eighteen years of age, and if he die before that time reversion to my daughter Jone. To my daughter Jone two kine and five lives of bees. To Jone Selwadde a peticoat. To my son Harry the barley that Jone Newman of the close in Charilton oweth me. To Katheryn Atrice a peticoat. Rychard Hobbes, overscer, and to him a bullock. Witnesses: Mr. Raph Lane, vicar, Richard Hoggs, William Luk, Harry Rolf, and Robert Pope, with others. Proved 26 March 1547, by the executors. (Archdeaconry of Sarum, vol. 2, ff. 29 and 43a.)

Dennys 1 was born in 1492 in Durham, Gloucestershire, England. She died on 12 Oct 1546 in Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England. Dennys married Henry ROLFE II the elder in 1519 in England.

She is mentioned in her husband's will as "Dennys" or in other words, "Denise". They are not mentioned by last name. The surname of Dennys is unknown.

They had the following children.

  M i
William ROLFE was born in 1520 in of Downston, Wiltshire, England. He died in 1558.
  F ii
Margaret ROLFE was born about 1523 in Downton, Hamptworth, Wiltshire, England.
  M iii Henry ROLFE the elder was born about 1525. He died in May 1558.
  F iv
Dennys ROLFE was born in 1534 in , , England.
  M v
Rolf ROLFE was born in 1536 in Hampworth Downton, Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. He died in 1567.
  F vi
Jone ROLFE was born about 1540 in England.

Mentioned in her father's will.

William HOLLOWAY was christened 1 on 18 Jun 1609 in Bentley, Hampshire, England. He died before 1 Mar 1652. William married 2, 3 Joan ROLFE on 18 Sep 1609 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England.

Joan ROLFE [Parents] was christened 1 on 15 Sep 1579 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. She died in 1650 in White, Wiltshire, England. Joan married 2, 3 William HOLLOWAY on 18 Sep 1609 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England.

Joan was also known as Joane Rolfe Holloway.

Richard WHITTIER Sr was born 1 on 5 Jun 1583 in Landford, Wiltshire, England. He died 2 on 11 Aug 1634 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. He was buried in All Saints Whiteparish, Wiltshire Unitary Authority, Wiltshire, England. Richard married 3 Mary ROLFE on 23 Jan 1608 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England.

Richard was also known as Whytear.

Mary ROLFE [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 16 Jul 1582 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. She was buried 3 on 11 Jul 1625 in All Saints Whiteparish, Wiltshire Unitary Authority, Wiltshire, England. Mary married 4 Richard WHITTIER Sr on 23 Jan 1608 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England.

Mary was also known as Mary Rose Rolfe.

John ROLFE [Parents] was christened 1 on 24 Aug 1589 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England. He died on 29 Mar 1664 in Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. John married 2, 3 Joane COLES on 2 Nov 1612 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom.

John immigrated on 24 Apr 1638 to Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He had a will on 4 Feb 1664 in Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. His will was probated on 29 Mar 1664 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.


"This 4th (3d) of februrie 1663 I John Roffe of Newbry being often sickly am willing while my memorie is good to dispose of my outward Eetat not knowing how soon I may be deaolued and leue this world Therefore I do ordain and make my last will and Testament as followeth first I Com-itt my soule to god and my body to the Erth to be buried 2dly I give and bequeth my house and all my land I have in salsbery with all the priviliges and apurtenances be longing ther vnto in said salsbery into my daughterr Hestur sanders the wife of John Sanders during hir life and thirtie pounds more: and after hir decease to Remain vnto hir Children of hir body by Equall portions Itm I give and bequeth vnto sarah Cottell the wife of willm Cottl besid twenti pounds I formerly gave hir I give hir twenti pounds more and vnto hir two Children sarah Cottl and Ann Cotle tenn pounds a peece to be Improved by whim Cottl for ther beniflt Itm I giue into my Grand Children Tue Ring and Josep Ring tenn pounds a peeee and vnto Elizabeth shropinhere and hester Ring twentie pounds a pccce Itm I giue vnto Thomas whittyre for his  Children ten pounds Item I giue vnto the Church of newhre twenti shilings Itm I giue into Richard whittyr my sisters sonn teim pounds and vnto his soon John whityr five pounds Itm I giue vnto John Rofe my brothrs sonn tenn pounds and vnto his two daughtrn marie and Rebeca flofe flue pounds to be Improved equaly for ther benifit
"Itm I give vnto beniamn Rofs son John Roffe tenn pounds and his sonn benimin Roffe five pounds to be Improved for ther benifit Itm I give vnto Ann Gardner the wife of Richard gardner five pounds Item I give into honore dole the wife of Richard dole my --- Item I giue vnto Richard Dols six Children fortie shillings and------ Item I giue vnto heneri lesenby Richard dols servant ten shilling. Itm I giue vnto man Kinrick tenn shillings and a plater of pewter Likwis I do ordain and apoint my louing Kindaman Richard dole to be my Executur to discharg and pay all the former ligacies and debts and Charg that may a Rise for my funerall or otherwise and I desir my three frends Henri short willm moody and Richard Knight to be my ouer seers to see this my will to he performed and my will is that all the legacies should be paid within a yere and half after my decease"
his mark
John B Roffe (szaL)
Witness: Richard Knight, Cornelius Connor, Hen: Short,
his mark
william W-M moodye.
Proved in Ipswich court Mar. 29, 1664 by Richard Knight and William Moody. Essex Co. Probate Files, Docket 24,116.
* The day at the month was changed in the original instrument.

Joane COLES was born in 1591 in Wiltshire, England. She died on 11 Apr 1638 in Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Joane married 1, 2 John ROLFE on 2 Nov 1612 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom.

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