Nathaniel Mowry (Roger), son of Roger Mowry and Mary Johnson, was born in 1644, died March 24, 1718, married in 1666
We do not know in what area of New England that Nathaniel was born. His birth date of 1644 is established by a document he signed Jan. 6, 1710, in which he stated that he was then 66 years old.
The first we hear of him is in 1666 when he appeared in Providence County, Rhode Island, with his brother, John, Edward Inman, and Stephen Arnold the four buying 3500 acres of land from the Indians. The area where this land lay became Smithfield township and here the descendants of John and Nathaniel Mowry remained for many generations.
At a town meeting held Aug. 28,1666, Nathaniel Mowry declared his intention of marrying Joanna Inman, daughter of Edward Inman, and he no doubt married her shortly thereafter.
Nathaniel and his brother, John, became freemen in Providence on May 1, 1672. Nathaniel was administrator of the estate of his brother, Jonn, and made a report to the town council concerning the estate. On April 16, 1695. Nathaniel made a will by which he made a provision for each of his children, naming each one specifically.
We do not know the birth date of Joanna Inman but there is evidence she died the same year Nathaniel did.
In a deposition taken 6 January 1711[/12] Nathaniel called himself 66 years of age, placing his birth circa 1644. This makes him approximately 72 at the time of his death. His will was written less than a week before his death:
I Nathaniel Mawrey of Providence in the Colony of Rhoad Island and Providence plantations In New England, yeoman, being weake of body but of sound and dissposeing memory Praise be given to God for the same: doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following first and Prinsipally I Commit my spent Into the Marcifull hands of almighty God my Creator: and my body I Cummit to the Earth to be decently buried after the decression of my Executor here in after named:
and as to the Worldly Esstate which the Lord hath Lent mee in this present Life I Give and bequeathe as followeth
Imprimis: I Give and bequeathe unto my son Nathaniell mawrey one hundred acres of Land which is scituate and Lieing upon the hill Called Wansecutt hill with in the Towne ship of Providence afore said: To Have and To Hold the said hundred acres of Land beit more of Less with the previledges and appurtinanses, unto him my afore said son Nathaniell his Heirs and assigns for Ever
2dly I Give and bequeathe unto my son John Mawrey Ten acres of Land which Lieth adjoyning to his home stead and also thirty acres of Land Lieing upon the west side of the alone said Wansocutt hill Within the Towneship of Providence afore sd it being the one halfe of sixty acres of Land which [lieth] in Partinership betwixt my Cousen John Mawrey and my self: To Have and To Hold the sd ten acres and the said Thirty acres of Land unto him my sd son John and unto his Heirs and assigns with all and singulior the Previledges and appurtinanses thereunto belonging for Ever
3dly I Give and bequeathe unto my son Henry Mawrey fifty acres of Land to be Taken of on the North side of my Home stead Whereon I now Dwell which is scituate within the Towne ship of Providence above said
and upon Wesquotomsit hill the said fifty acres to be devided of with a streight Line and to be of Equal breadth through out from East to West on the North side of my sd home stead: To Have and to Hold the said fifty acres of Land with all and singulior the previledges and appurtinanses there in Contained unto him my sd son Henry Mawrey his Heirs and assigns for Ever
4thly I Give and bequeathe unto my son Joseph Mawrey the Remainder part of all my Home stead which I suppose to be one hundred and ten acres of Land with the dwelling house standing there on orchard arid all other and singulior the previledges and appurtinarises there unto belonging: he allowing the previledge of the dwelling house to his mother dureing the term of her naturall Life: To Have and To Hold the said hundred and ten acres of Land be it more or Less with the dwelling house and orchard and previledges atone sd unto him my alone sd son Joseph Mawrey his Heirs and assigns for Ever: provided he doth not Charge the money I have had of him so as to have Resstitution out of my other Esstate: It being under that Consideration of the money I have had of him: that I Gave him so much more then the other of his brothers
Sthly I Give and bequeathe unto my daughter Martha Mawrey one halfe house Lott so Called in a Late devision made in and about the Towne of Providence alone said: and halfe a Right in the Common Lands on the East side of the seaven Mile Line in said Providence the said halfe Lott and halfe Right in the Commons being in the Origanall Right of Richard Pray: Item I Give and bequeathe unto my afore said daughter Martha a small piece of meadow Lieing aft a Place Called Popple swamp neere Matete Connet: Within the Towne ship of Providence afore said To Have and To Hold the said Lands Commons meadow and Previledges alone sd unto her my afore said daughter Martha Mawrey her Heirs and assigns for Ever
6thly I Give and bequeathe unto my Loveing wife Johannah Mawrey my dwelling house dureing the term of her naturall Life and alter her decease to go to my son Joseph on his Heirs or assigns as alone said: Item I Give and bequeathe unto my sd Loveing wife all my house hold goods to be fore her use duneing the term of her naturall Life and alter her decease then the said Household Goods of what sort so Ever to be Equally devided amongst my six daughters namely Sarah Phillips Mary Arnold Johannah Pheteplace Patiance Smith Marcy Smith and Experiance Malavony: and to be unto them there Heirs on assigns for Ever
7thly I Give and bequeathe unto my atone said six daughters as namely Sarah Phillips Mary Arnold Johannah Pheteplace Patiance Smith Marcy Smith and Expeniance Molavony: all my whole stock of Cattle to be Equally devided amongst them my atone said six daughters and to be unto them theme Heirs and assigns: Excepting onely one Cow I have already varbaly given to my daughter Martha Mawrey and a meaire Coult which is not to Come into the devision
And my will is that my two sons Joseph Mawney and Henry Mawrey
shall take the Care and Provide for theme Mother my wife dureing the time of hen natumall Life as she may have nessesaryes fit for her Condition in her old age: and I doe name and appoynt my son Joseph Mawrey to be my sole Executor to this my Last Will and Testament: In Witness where of I do here unto sett my hand and seale this: 18th day of march in the fourth yeare of his majestyes Reigne George King of Create Bnittan &c:
anno Dom: 1717/8
signed sealled & pronounced
In the presence of us Nathaniel Mawrey
John Mawrey his mark
Joseph BoLkcome
Richard Waterman Junr
Att A Towne Council held att Providence this 4th day of April: 1718 The within will was Examined approved and allowed to be Recorded.