Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Sir John BEAUCHAMP died 1 in 1690 in Somerset, Maryland, United States. John married 2, 3 Lady Alice FREEMAN on 27 Dec 1615 in Pulborough, Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

Mentioned in his mother in law's will. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Bowyer 56.

Lady Alice FREEMAN [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 15 Apr 1601 in Pulborough, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 3 in Feb 1651 in Reigate, Surrey, England, United Kingdom. Alice married 4, 5 Sir John BEAUCHAMP on 27 Dec 1615 in Pulborough, Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

Mentioned in her mother's will. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Bowyer 56.

John FREEMAN [Parents] was born on 24 Jan 1605 in Pulborough, Sussex, England. He was christened 1, 2 on 29 Jan 1605 in Pulborough, Sussex, England. He died 3 on 16 Sep 1666 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. John married 4 Mary in 1626 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
NOYES, Elizabeth

Mary was born in 1607 in England. Mary married 1 John FREEMAN in 1626 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

John FREEMAN [Parents] was born on 24 Jan 1605 in Pulborough, Sussex, England. He was christened 1, 2 on 29 Jan 1605 in Pulborough, Sussex, England. He died 3 on 16 Sep 1666 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. John married 4 Elizabeth NOYES about 1643 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
, Mary

Elizabeth NOYES was christened on 19 Apr 1625 in Weyhill, Hampshire, England. She died 1 in 1669 in Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Elizabeth married 2 John FREEMAN about 1643 in Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

John CODDINGTON was christened on 20 May 1605 in Dorking, Surrey, England. He died on 18 Aug 1655 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. John married 1 Elizabeth FREEMAN about 1629 in Pulborough, Sussex, England.

John resided at Named in will of mother-in-law on 13 Nov 1650 in England.

Mentioned in his mother in law's will as "my son John Cuddington". Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Bowyer 56.

Elizabeth FREEMAN [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 27 Aug 1609 in Pulborough, Sussex, England. Elizabeth married 3 John CODDINGTON about 1629 in Pulborough, Sussex, England.

Mentioned in her mother's will as "Elizabeth Cuddington". Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Bowyer 56.

John HODSELL [Parents] 1, 2 was born about 1555 in of Cowfold, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. He died on 16 Nov 1617 in England, United Kingdom. John married Faith (Bacon) (Bareham) MOORER about 1614 in Cowfold, Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

John had a will 3 on 1 Aug 1617 in Cowfold, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. His will was probated 4 on 26 Nov 1617 in Cowfold, Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:

In addition to being a mariner. Bennett (Hodsoll) Freeman's father was a major supplier of planking and other wood products to the Royal Navy. John Hodsoll was given the use of the Navy's utility vessel George, a large barge, for carrying such products to the naval shipyards at Dartmouth.Hi He had his own wharf downstream and on the opposite side of the Thames. 21 In addition, he evidently was the John Hodsoll listed as an investor in the Virginia Colony (3rd Charter of 1612).

Will of John Hodsoll
of Cowfold, Sussex [Ex Kent]

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1617
Transcribed by Maureen Rawson

In the name of God Amen the first daye of August Anno Dm 1617 And in the yeares of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc the Fifteenth, And of Scotland the one and Fiftieth, I John Hodsoll of Cowfolde in the Countie of Sussex gentleman, being at this p’nte in good and perfect health mynde and memory laude and praist I therefore give unto Allmightie God, and consideringe with my self the mutability of this p’nte life and the Certeyntie of death and to the end I may be the better prepared and settled in my mynde whensoever it shall please God to call me out of this transitory life, I doe therefore by the permission of God make and declare this my p’nte Testament wherein is conteyned my last Will in manner and forme followinge That is to saye, First and above all thinges I commend my soule into the hands of Allmightie God hopeinge and assuredly beleiving through the death and passion of Jesus Christ to be saved and to have free remission and forgivenes of all my synnes, my body I comitt to the earth from whence it came to be buried in such decent manner as to the discretion of my Executors hereunder named or some of them shall seeme most meete, By whence I will that all such debts as in right and conscience I shall owe to any p’son or p’sons shall be well and truly paide or order taken for the same in due and convenient tyme after my decease

Item I give and bequeath to and amongst the poore people inhabitinge in the parish where it shall please God I shall be buried the somme of Fyve pounds of lawfull money of England to be paide them on the day of my buriall
Item I give and bequeath to and amongst the poore inhabitants of the parish of All St Barkinge in London and to and amongst the poore inhabitants of the parish of Stansted in the County of Kent And to and amongst the poore inhabitants of the parish of Ashe in the same County to everie of the said parishes for the releife of the poore Three pounds sterlinge a peece (if it so happen that I shall not be buried in any of the same parishes) And if it soe happen that I shall be buried in any of the said three parishes Then I give and bequeath only to the other two of the same parishes where I shall not be buried the summe of three pounds sterling apeece

Item I give and bequeath unto Faith Hodsoll my wellbeloved wife the somme of three hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid in manner and forme following viz’t within one moneth next after my decease one hundred pounds therof And within sixe monethes next after my decease the other two hundred pounds, And I doe also give unto my said wife all such mares kyne and calves with all such hay corne fodder and provision of victualls for houshould as shalbe belonginge unto me at the tyme of my decease, And I will that my said wife shall freely enioye to her owne use all such leases plate and houshold stuffe as I had in preferment with her at the tyme of my late intermarriage with her with her weddinge ringe and one paire of Braceletts of goulde w’ch I lately gave her and one ringe of myne with a deathes heade lately belonginge to my first wife

More I give and bequeath unto the said Faith my wyfe the lease of the two houses or tenements with their appurtenances which I hould in Beerelane in London togeather with all my estate and interest of in and to the same shee payinge and performing the rent and covenants conteyned in the same lease, All w’ch said legacies before mentioned to be given to my said wife, I doe will and bequeath unto her upon Condicon that my said wife shall release and quite clayme unto my heires executors and assignes as well all such title of dower w’ch she hath or maye clayme or challenge of in or to any of my lands or tenements whatsoever as well freehold and coppyhold within the Realme of England as all such right and interest as she hath or may challenge to have of in or to all and any other of my goods and chattlells whatsoever (other then such as are by me to her given in and by this my last will and testament) And that she shall also become bounde to my Executors hereunder named in and by one obligation in due forme of lawe to be made sealed and delivered in the somme of Fyve hundred poundes of lawfull money of England with condition to discharge and save harmeles my said executors of from and concerninge the goods chattells and debts of all her late deceased husband against all p’son and p’sons and of and from all acco’ns suits costs charges judgements and demands whatsoever, concerning the same w'ch said Release and obligation if my said wife upon request and tender thereof to her to be made shall refuse to seale unto my said Executors
Then I will that all and every the legacies and bequests by me to her given in and by this my last will and Testament shall cease and be utterly voyde and my said Executors shall not be charged with the payment thereof

Itm I doe release and discharge my sonne in law William Scates of those Eight and Thirtie pounds and tenn shillings of lawfull money of England w’ch he oweth me
Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Scates my daughter wife of the said William the somme of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be payed unto her within one yeare next after my decease (if she the same Elizabeth shalbe then livinge)
And if she the said Elizabeth shall happen to dye or dep’te this p’nte life before the same one hundred pounds shall growe due unto her accordinge to the true meaning of this my last will then I will that the same one hundred pounds shall remayne and come unto such child and children as my said daughter Elizabeth shall here after happen to have equally amongst them to be devided p’te and porron alike to be delivered to their father or his Executors for the use of the said children with in one yeare next after my decease (so as he doe give accompt therefore and sufficient securitie to my executors for the payment thereof unto the said children or the survivor of them vix’t to every one an equall p’te thereof when they shall accomplish there severall age and ages of twentie and one yeares or be married
And if my said daughter Elizabeth shall happen to decease without any children then I give the same one hundred pounds unto her said husband William Scates

Item I give and bequeath unto my cozen John Scates my godsonne sonne of my said daughter Elizabeth the somme of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto his said father and the said Elizabeth his wife or the survivor of them within two yeares next after my decease, my Executors takinge their acquittance for the receipt thereof and they puttinge in good securitie to the liking of my said executors for the payment thereof unto their said sonne at his age of twenty and one yeares,
And if the said John Scate shall happen to dye or dep’te this life before he shall accomplish his said age of Twentie and one yeares then I will that the same one hundred pounds shall remayne and come to such other child and children as my said daughter shall hereafter happen to have equally amongst them to be divided p’te and porcon alike
And if my said daughter shall hereafter happen to have none other child or children then I will that the same one hundred pounds shall remayne and come unto the said Elizabeth Scates my daughter

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Sheffeild wife of Thomas Sheffeild the somme of three hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be payed unto her within one yeare next after my decease (if shee the said Anne shall be then livinge)
And in case the said Anne Sheffeild my daughter shall happen to dye or dep’te this pre’te life before the same three hundred pounds shall growe due and payable unto her accordinge to the true meaninge of this my last will then I will that the same Three hundred pounds shall remayne and come to and amongst such child and children as my said daughter shall hereafter happen to have To be delivered to their said father or his Executors for the use of the said children within one yeare next after my decease (so as he doe give a receipt therefore and sufficient security to the liking of my brother Thomas Hodsoll for the payment thereof unto the said children or the survivor of them viz’t to every of them an equall part thereof when they shall accomplish their several age and ages of Twentie and one yeares or be married
And if my said daughter shall happen to have no children then I give the same three hundred pounds unto her said husband Thomas Sheffeild

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Bennett Freeman wife of Edmund Freeman the younger the somme of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within one yeare next after my decease
Item I give unto my said son in lawe Edmund Freeman the somme of forty shillings to make him a ringe

Item I give and bequeath unto Katherine Hodsoll and Christian Hodsoll my daughters to either of them Fyve hundred pounds of lawfull money of England a peece to be payed unto them at their severall ages of Twenty yeares or dayes of marriages first hapininge
And if either of them happen to dye or dep’te this pre’te life before they shall accomplish their said age and ages of Twentie yeares or be married as aforesaid Then I will that the said porcons to them hereby given shall remayne to and amongst all my children that shall be then livinge pte and porcon alike

Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Joane Whitehaire the somme of forty pounds sterlinge
Item I give and bequeath unto my brother in lawe Richard Moorer the somme of fortie shillings and to his wife fortie shillings to make them ringes
Item I give and bequeath unto my friend John Drewry (Mr under God) of the Carvile called the Anne the somme of three pounds of lawfull English money
Item I give and bequeath unto my lovinge friends William Burrell and Edmund Freeman forty shillings sterlinge apeece to make them rings
Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Anthony Woolton preacher Forty shillings sterlinge
Item I give and bequeath unto my loving friend Richard Greene Scrivener the somme of forty shillings sterling
Item I give and bequeath unto Faith Bacon my wives daughter the some of thirtie three pounds sixe shillings and eight pence of lawfull English money upon condicon that shee doe joyne wth my said wife in the release or acquittance by her before mentioned to be made

Item I give and bequeath unto every one of my godchildren beinge of my kindred or aalyance or of the kindred or allyance of my late wife deceased tenne shillings sterlinge a peece
Item I give unto the widdowe Dallyn of Chigwell in Essex who nursed diverse Of my children three pounds six shillings and eight pence sterlinge in token of my good will
Itm I give unto my servant Cesar five pounds sterling

Itm I give and devise unto such child or children wherewith my said wife Faith nowe goeth or is with child of the rents and proffitts of my two leases of my tenements and wharffe at Ratcliffe in the County of Midd. w’ch I lately bought of Mr Heydon of Greenwich and the Lord Wentworth for and duringe the terme of one and twentie yeares to be reckoned and accompted from the daye of my decease (if the said child so longe shall live)
And if the said child shall be livinge at the end of the said one and twentie yeares then I will and devise unto the said child the lease and other writtings which I have concerning the said tenements and wharffe at Ratcliffe and all my severall estate interests terme and termes of yeares and demands of in and to the same
Item I give and bequeath unto my said child or children whereof my said wife is now with child the somme of one hundred poundes of lawfull English money to be paid unto such child or children when it or they shall accomplish the age of Twentie and one yeares or be married
And I will that the same one hundred pounds shall remayne in the hands of my Executors hereunder named untill the said child or children shall accomplish the said age of Twentie and one yeares or be married
And I will that my said wife shall have the bringinge upp of my said child or children wherewith shee nowe goeth, and receive and take of my executors the rents and proffitts of my said leases tenements and wharfe to the use of such child or children untill the same shall attayne to the age and ages of Twentie and one yeares or be married
And if it happen that my said wife is not with child or that this child or children shall dye or dep’te this life before the same shall attayne to the age of twentie and one yeares or be married That then in eyther of those cases I give and bequeath the said leases tenements and wharffe and all my estate and terme of yeares therein togeather wth the said one hundred pounds to my sonne John Hodsoll

Item I give the one moyetie or halfe pte of all my plate houshould stuffe and lynnen unto my sonne John Hodsoll and the other moyetie or halfe pte of all my said plate houshould stuffe and lynnen I give and bequeath unto and amongst all my daughters that shall be livinge at the tyme of my decease pte and porcon alike

Itm I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Anne Sheffeild all that my Tenement with the appurtenances situate and beinge in Ratcliffe in the County of Midd nowe or late in the occupacon of my tenant ... Baxster which I lately bought amongst others of Thomas Manley gent and all my estate interest terme of yeares and demand of in and to the same tenement she payinge from tyme to tyme the one moytie or halfe pte of the rent reserved upon the originall lease

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Scates the rents yssues and proffitts of all that my other tenement situate and beinge in Ratcliffe aforesaid nowe or late in the occupacon of my tenant ... Ricards to have and to hold unto my said daughter Elizabeth for and duringe the terme of her naturall life she payinge and discharging yearly duringe her life the somme of fifteen pence of lawfull English money beinge the one moytie or halfe pte of the rent reserved upon the originall lease
And I will that the lease of my said two tenements shall remayne in the handes of my Executors hereunder named duringe the life of my said daughter Elizabeth and that either of my said daughters shall have copyes of the same originall lease and after the decease of my said daughter Elizabeth I give the said tenement nowe in the occupacon of my said tenant Ricard and all my estate interest and terme of yeares then to come therein unto my sonne John Hodsoll

Itm I doe acquite and release unto my nephew John Hodsoll sonne of my late brother Robert Hodsoll all such some and somes of money as he oweth me upon a statute wch he did heretofore acknowledge unto me, and I will that the said statute shall be delivered him to be cancelled

The rest and residue of all and singular my goods and chattells debts and other my worldly substance whatsoever herein not given nor bequeathed I fully and wholy give and bequeath unto my said sonne John Hodsoll

And I doe make my brother John Gratwicke of Jarvyce in the parish of Cowfoulde in the County of Sussex yeoman and my said sonne in lawe Thomas Sheffeild Executors of this my last will and testament in trust, neverthelesse and to and for the onlye use and benefitt of all my said children, To which intent and for their paynes therein to be taken I give and bequeath unto either of my said Executors the somme of Twenty pounds of lawfull English money a peece they renouncing all such benefitt as by lawe or otherwise they may have or take to their owne use or uses as or by the execucon of my said will other then only of and for such legacies as are by me to them or either of them hereby given or bequeathed

And as concerning all my lands and tenements whatsoever freehold and coppyhold I will and devise the same in manner and forme following that is to saye
First I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Scates my daughter and her heires for ever all that orchard with the appurtenances beinge coppyhould land and holden of the Mannor of Barking in the County of Essex nowe in the tenure or occupacon of William Scates her husband or of his assignes and wch was lately surrendered unto me by Peter Davis and his wife

Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Hodsoll and his heires for ever all those my lands tenements and hereditaments pcell of the farme called Bakers sett lying and beinge in the parish of Stansted in the County of Kent sometymes the lands of my father John Hodsoll deceased and wch to me descended and came by and after the decease of my late brother Henry Hodsoll
And also all that my lands and tenements sett lying and beinge in the parish of Stansted in the County of Kent wch I lately bought and purchased of Mr Broughton Merchantaylor
And also those my lands tenements and hereditaments called or knowne by the name of Longe Dowsetts sett lying and beinge in the parish of West Greenstead in the Countie of Sussex

And I doe hereby revoke and disalowe of all former wills and bequeath by me in any wise heretofore made and this to stand for and as my last will and testament
In Witness whereof to this my present testament and last will conteyninge wth this sheete fourteene sheetes of pa..? I the said John Hodsoll have sett my hand and seale dated the daye and yeares first above written - John Hodsoll - Sealed and published by the said John Hodsoll the testator the day and yeare first above written in the presence of us
Richard Greene Ser - William Fellgate and Rob. Kitchen servant to the same Ser
And since published in the presence of us
William Comber Ockenden Cowper Andrewe Smyth Jo Robts

Memorandum that whereas my daughter Katherine doth stande in my will for Five hundred pounds it is so that I have payd her one hundred pounds and have given my bonde for one other hundred pounds more which my meaninge is shall bee parte of the said five hundred pounds sette downe in my will
Also my daughter Bennett stands in my will for one hundred pounds My will is that she shall have one hundred pounds more paid her by my Executors besides that which is in my will
Also my will is that John Gratwicke of Jervis in Cowfolde shall be one of my executors with my sonne Sheffeild to the use of my sonne John Hodsoll according to my will And all that trust which I had committed to my brother Thomas Hodsoll I doe nowe committ unto the said John Gratwicke
Also my will is that my said brother Thomas Hodsoll shall onely receive his legacy and have no further to doe with my will, but that the said John Gratwicke shall stand Executor in his name together with my sonne Sheffeild as is aforesaid
And that this shall be annexed to my said will as a parcell thereof
In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hande the xvijth day of November 1617 By me John Hodsoll Signed in the presence of us
Andrewe Smyth Ockenden Cowper Jo Robts and Peter Burdin his marke with others
William Comber

Probate (in latin) 26 November 1617 to Thomas Sheffeild and John Gratwicke

Faith (Bacon) (Bareham) MOORER 1, 2 was christened on 28 Sep 1576 in St. Mary Colechurch, London, England, United Kingdom. She died in Essex, England, United Kingdom. Faith married John HODSELL about 1614 in Cowfold, Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

The surname Gratwick appears in the Ancestral File.  Bacon appears in Tim Farr's personal family group sheet records.

They had the following children.

  M i
William HODSOLL 1 was born on 12 Sep 1615 in Cowfold, Sussex, England. He was christened 2, 3 on 16 Sep 1615 in Cowfold, Sussex, England. He died 4 before 1 Aug 1617 in England.

John HODSELL 1, 2, 3 was buried 4 on 2 Oct 1572 in Stansted, Kent, England, United Kingdom. John married Mrs. Anne HODSOLL about 1554 in England, United Kingdom.

Mrs. Anne HODSOLL 1 was buried on 27 Sep 1572 in Stansted, Kent, England, United Kingdom. Mrs. married John HODSELL about 1554 in England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  M i
Henry HODSELL 1 was buried 2, 3 on 29 Aug 1599 in All Saints Barking. London, England, United Kingdom.
  M ii Thomas HODSELL died in 1631.
  M iii John HODSELL was born about 1555. He died on 16 Nov 1617.
  M iv Robert HODSELL was christened on 30 May 1565. He was buried on 8 Mar 1591.

Warner NORWOOD 1 was buried 2 on 24 Mar 1634 in St. Olave Hart Street, London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. Warner married 3 Katherine HODSOLL on 24 Oct 1617 in St. Michael Cornhill, London, England, United Kingdom.

Given name may be Warnerd

Katherine HODSOLL [Parents] 1 was christened 2, 3 on 28 Jan 1591/1592 in All Saints Barking. London, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 4, 5 on 25 Feb 1636/1637 in St. Olave Hart Street, London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. Katherine married 6 Warner NORWOOD on 24 Oct 1617 in St. Michael Cornhill, London, England, United Kingdom.

Augustine WALKER [scrapbook] was born in 1550 in Hertfordshire, England. He was buried 1, 2 on 18 Aug 1614 in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England. Augustine married Mrs Augustine WALKER about 1571 in Hertfordshire, England.

Augustine had a will 3 on 19 Apr 1613 in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England.

Other marriages:

In the name of god amen The xixth daye of Aprill in the yeere of oure lord god 1613. and in the yeeres of the raigne of our sovraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland the eleventh and of Sco[tla]nd the six and fortieth kinge defender of the faith. I Augustine Walker of much Amwell in the Com of Herts: yeoma[n] now beinge in good health and of p[er]­fect memorie thankes be unto the lorde therefore; doe make and ordayne this my last Will & Tes­tament, in manner and forme followinge (vizt) First I com[m]end my Soule into the hands of the Allmightie god my Creator, not doubtinge to obtayne free remission of my sines by and through the death and demeryts [sic] of my saviour Christ Jesus Alsoe I bequeath my bodie to xpian buriall, to be buried in the Church or Church yearde of much Amwell aforesaide, as to my Executrix shall be best beseemeinge And as touching the disposinge of such temporall goods wherewth the lorde hath endued mee I give and bequeath them in manner and forme as followeth (vizt) First I give & bequeath Unto my daughter Elizabeth Warren wife of Richard Warren Sixteene pounds of lawefull money of England, and unto her three Children Marcy, Ann and Sarey Warren Fower pounds of like Englishe money equally betwixt them three to be devyded and to be payde unto the saide Richard Warren to the use of the saide child[ren] and the survivour or survivours of them Alsoe I give to Thomas, John, and Frauncis Holland children of Thomas Holland & of my daugh­ter Ann his wife, Twentie shillinges apeece, And unto that Childe, whether sone or daughter, wherewth the saide Ann is now conceyved Twenty shillinges Alsoe unto her the said Ann, wife of the saide Thomas Holland, Twenty shillinges wth severall Leagacies I will to be payed unto the saide Thomas Holland the Father to the use of his afore saide Wife & Children and the survyvor of them Alsoe I give to my daughter Mary Johnson Twenty shillinges Alsoe I give to Syrnon Ad­ams sone of Symon Adams Citizen & drap[er] of London Twentie shillinges And to Dorothie his daughter Twentie shilling[s] and a Gymmoll-Ringe of gold wch was her mothers. Which Legacyes I will shalbe payed and delyvered unto the saide Symon Adams the Father, to thuse [i.e., the use] of his saide Children The rest & reasidue of my goods and Chattels, after my debts and Leagacyes payde & my Funerall charges discharged I give and bequeath as followeth (vizt) Thone [i.e., the one] half of my saide goods & chattells unto my afore saide daughter Elizabeth and her Children, to bepayde & delyvered unto them and the survivour or survivors of them or eyther of them after the decease of Marey my wife; And the residue (vizt) the other halfe of my goods & chattells unto the saide Marey my wife Ordayninge and makeing her the the [sic] saide Marey my Wife my full sole & only Executrix of this my last Will & Testamte, Orderinge & further ordayninge, that, half of that half p[ar]t of such my goods & chattells (as after my decease) shall remayne undispoosed in the hand or possession of Mary my now Wif: shall (after her death & decease) of right be due & belonginge Unto Elizab: Warren, Wife of thafore named Rich: Warren, my daughter or to her then lawefull survyvant heire or Assigne whatsoever Alsoe I give unto Thomas Hassall Vicar of much Amwell afore saide Tenn shillinges of lawefull englishe money to preach one Sermond at my funerall in Amwell Church afore saide Alsoe unto the poore of the saide Towne of much Amwell my Will is to have given and distributed at my buriall Five shillinges And I appoynte the afore named Symon Adams thelder Cittizen and drap[er] of London to be my lawefull Overseer of this my last will and Testament, And for his paynes therein to be taken I give him Tenn shillinges In wyttnesse whereof to this my last will & Testamte contayninge Only On[e] sheete

The markes of Augustine Walker

and twoe lynes of paper I have here unto sett my usuall marke & seale, the daye and yeeres first above written

The marke of Augustine Walker.

Signed & sealed in the p[rese]nce of us whose names are hereunto
subscribed Thomas Holmested Thomas Robarts John Larke

[no date of probate]

Mrs Augustine WALKER was born about 1557 in Baldock, Hertfordshire, England. She died before 27 Jun 1597 in Hertfordshire, England. Augustine married Augustine WALKER about 1571 in Hertfordshire, England.

They had the following children.

  F i Dorothy WALKER was christened in Aug 1573. She was buried on 6 Mar 1605/1606.
  F ii Ann WALKER was born about 1576.
  F iii
Mary WALKER 1 was born about 1578 in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England.

Full text on the profile of Augustine Walker

"Alsoe I give to my daughter Mary Johnson Twenty shillinges"

According to her father's will, her married name was "Johnson". There is no proof that her husband was William Johnson as some have assumed.
  F iv Elizabeth WALKER was christened in Sep 1583. She died in PROB 22 OCT 1673.

Thomas CLARKE was born in Great Ellingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Thomas married Katherine CLARK Mrs.

Katherine CLARK Mrs was born in Great Ellingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Katherine married Thomas CLARKE.

They had the following children.

  F i Alice CLARKE was born in 1540. She died in 1583.

Robert BARTLETT 1 was born 2, 3 about 1604. He died 4, 5, 6, 7 on 29 Oct 1676 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. He was buried 8 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. Robert married 9, 10 Mary WARREN 11, 12 in 1628/1629 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Robert had a will on 19 Sep 1676 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. His will was probated 13 on 29 Oct 1676 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.


ORIGIN:  Unknown
MIGRATION:  1623 on Anne

OCCUPATION:  Wine cooper
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP:  On 1 May 1660 at Plymouth court "Robert Bartlett appeared, being summoned in answer for speaking contemptuously of singing of psalms, and was convict of the fact ..." [PCR 3:185-86].
FREEMAN:  In the "1633" Plymouth list of freemen in proximity to those admitted on 1 January 1632/3 [PCR 1:4].  On list of 7 March 1636/7 [PCR 1:53].  In Plymouth section of lists of freemen of 1639 and (apparently) 1658 [PCR 8:174, 197].
EDUCATION:  Signed all deeds by mark.  Inventory included books valued at 7s.
OFFICES:  Committee to lay out highways, 2 May 1637 [PCR 1:58]; Plymouth petit jury, 6 June 1643, 28 October 1645, 7 June 1648, 6 March 1649/50, 4 October 1653, 7 March 1653/4, 3 October 1654, 3 May 1659 [PCR 2:126; 7:35, 41, 47, 67, 70, 72, 93]; Plymouth grand jury, 5 June 1644, 2 June 1646, 17 May 1649, 7 June 1652, 8 June 1655 [PCR 2:71, 102, 3:9, 78; PTR 1:28]; surveyor of highways, 4 June 1645, 4 June 1661 [PCR 2:84, 3:215]; committee to lay out land, 24 May 1660 [PTR 1:41].  In Plymouth section of 1643 list of men able to bear arms [PCR 8:189].
ESTATE:  In the 1623 Plymouth land division granted one acre as a passenger on the Anne [PCR 12:6].  In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle "Robert Bartlet" was the twelfth person in the tenth company [PCR 12:12].

Assessed 9s. in the Plymouth tax lists of 25 March 1633 and 27 March 1634 [PCR 1:10, 27].

On 1 July 1633 it was ordered that "Mrs. Warren & Rob[er]t Bartlet mow where they did last year ..." [PCR 1:15].  On 28 May 1635 "Thomas Litle came before the Governor and acknowledged that he had given unto Robart Bartlet a parcel of land at the end of his lot beyond Eel River," and describes himself as brother-in-law to Bartlett [PCR 1:34].  On 14 March 1635/6 it was ordered that "Mrs. Warren, Rich. Church, Tho. Litle, & Rob[er]t Bartlet mow where they did last year ..." [PCR 1:41].  On 20 March 1636/7 it was ordered that "Richard Church, Rob[er]te Bartlet, & Thomas Little, [have] hay ground where they had the last year, and to take further supply where they can find it, in places not granted to others, and Rob[er]te Bartlet to have the swamp or pit at the head of Mr. Bradford's ground" [PCR 1:56].  On 5 May 1640 "Richard Church, Rob[er]te Bartlett, Thomas Little, & Mrs. Elizabeth Warren are granted enlargements at the heads of their lots to the foot of the Pine Hills ..." [PCR 1:152].

On 7 February 1637 "Mrs. Elizabeth Warren of the Eele River widow for and in consideration of a marriage solemnized betwixt John Cooke the younger of the Rockey Nooke and Sarah her daughter" granted to the said John Cooke "eighteen acres or thereabouts and lying on the north side of Robert Bartlett's lot formerly also given the said Robert in marriage with Mary another of the said Mrs. Warren's daughters" [PCR 12:27].  On 11 November 1637 John Cooke exchanged this eighteen acre parcel with Robert Bartlett for a "lot of land of like quantity lying on Duxborrow side betwixt the lots of Thomas Morton and Jonathan Brewster" [PCR 12:28].

On 9 April 1649 Richard Church sold to Robert Bartlett for £25 a "house and housing and land with all the meadow ground with the addition that he had of Goodman Kemton at the Eel River" [PCR 12:165-66].

On 7 March 1652 Robert Bartlett held a full share as a purchaser of Dartmouth [MD 4:185-88, citing PCLR 2:1:106-07].

On 30 January 1653 Samuel Hicks of Plymouth, planter, sold to Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, cooper, for £18 eleven acres of upland on the south side of Plymouth [MD 5:94-95, citing PCLR 2:1:97].

Robert Bartlett appears in a March 1651 Plymouth town list of those "that have interest and proprieties in the town's land at Punckateesett over against Road Iland" [PTR 1:37].  On 22 March 1663 the lots at "Puncateesett" were described, Robert Bartlett sharing the 24th lot with James Cole Sr. [PTR 1:67].  On 8 March 1668/9 Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, cooper, sold to John Almey of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, merchant, for £3 his share in land granted by the town of Plymouth in 1649 "lying over against Rhode Island aforesaid, at the place commonly called and known by the name of Punckateesett" [PCLR 3:328].

On 27 June 1659 Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, cooper, engaged to pay to Benjamin Foster, the son of Richard Foster, £8 when he reaches the age of twenty-one, on the condition that Bartlett would have the use of Richard Foster's land for the term of ten years; and "Mary the wife of the said Richard Foster deceased" engages to bring up the said Benjamin Foster, who is now four years old [MD 14:15-16, citing PCLR 2:2:28].

In 1660 the town of Plymouth granted to Robert Bartlett fifty acres "lying between the sea and the fern swamp between the Eelriver and Mannomett ponds" [PTR 1:43]; the bounds of this grant were described on 20 February 1662 [PTR 1:54].  On 26 January 1663 the town of Plymouth granted to those living at Eel River a quarter-mile extension on their lots, towards the pine hills [PTR 1:59].  On 21 February 1663 the town of Plymouth granted to Robert Bartlett eight acres of meadow that had been in dispute [PTR 1:61, 62].  On [blank] July 1667 the town of Plymouth granted to Robert Bartlett "a piece of swamp ... to make meadow of lying adjoining to his meadow at the Eelriver" [PTR 1:89].

On 14 July 1670 Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, wine cooper, gave to "my son-in-law James Barnabey, cordwinder" of Plymouth and "my daughter Lydia Barnabey his wife" twenty acres "by me purchased of the said my brother-in-law Richard Church," and four acres of upland meadow added to it [MD 3:112, citing PCLR 3:297].

On 17 February 1670/1 Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, cooper, sold to Thomas Burge Jr. of Newport, Rhode Island, for £50 half his share of land at Acushena in Dartmouth and half his share of land at Pascomansucke in Dartmouth (reserving one-third of the last named share) [MD 3:112, citing PCLR 5:118; RILE 1:140].

On 14 July 1673 "Robert Bartlett of the town of Plymouth ... wine cooper" granted to "my son Joseph Bartlett" for love and affection "all that my farm, messuage, tenement and seat, which I now live in and am possessed of, in the township of Plymouth aforesaid, situate and being at a place or river commonly called Eel River: viz: all that my house and land there"; four acres of marsh meadow there; and two acres of fresh or upland meadow; to be entered upon by his son on the death of the grantor and his wife [MD 3:112-13, citing PCLR 3:301].

On 19 September 1676 Robert Bartlett made a nuncupative will, bequeathing to "my wife all my estate yet undisposed of whether it be in lands or movables, goods, chattels, debts.  I give all unto my wife to be absolutely at her dispose among my children" [MD 3:114, citing PCPR 3:2:87].  The inventory of the estate of Robert Bartlett was taken 29 October 1676 and totalled £170 16s. 6d., including £100 in real estate: "2 dwellinghouses and a barn, upland and meadow" [MD 3:114, citing PCPR 3:2:87].  On 6 March 1676/7 "Letters of administration is granted by the Court unto Mary Bartlett & Joseph Bartlett to administer the estate of Robert Bartlett, deceased" [PCR 5:220].

On 13 February 1677 "Mary Bartlett widow and late wife unto Robert Bartlett deceased" sold to "my son Joseph Bartlett" for £300 all the estate which was reserved to her use for life in the deed of gift from her husband Robert Bartlett to the said Joseph Bartlett, as well as fifty acres of upland "near a place commonly called the salt marsh ... between the Eelriver and Mannomett Ponds," fifty acres of upland lying between the land of Ephraim Morton Jr. and the land that did belong to James Barnabey deceased, a parcel of meadow on the Eelriver, and all personal estate given her by husband Robert Bartlett in his will [MD 3:115-16, citing PCLR 4:223].

BIRTH:  Born by about 1604 based on estimated date of marriage.
DEATH:  Plymouth between 19 September 1676 (date of will) and 29 October 1676 (date of probate).
MARRIAGE:  By about 1629 Mary Warren, daughter of RICHARD WARREN (on 7 March 1636/7 Elizabeth Warren, widow of Richard Warren, was made a purchaser in his stead, in part because "of the lots of lands given formerly by her unto her sons in law, Richard Church, Robert Bartlett, and Thomas Little, in marriage with their wives, her daughters" [PCR 1:54], and this was confirmed on 5 October 1652 [PCR 3:19]); she died between 13 February 1677/8 [PCLR 4:223] and 1683 [PLR 1:132].

COMMENTS:  In 1959 John G. Hunt suggested that Robert Bartlett of Plymouth was the same as a Robert Bartlett baptized at Puddletown, Dorsetshire, on 27 May 1603, and twenty years later Paul Prindle published a fuller pedigree of this Dorsetshire family, but at the moment this proposed identification remains only a possibility [TAG 35:214, 55:164-70].  Robert of Puddletown had brother Benjamin and sisters Mary, Lydia and Elizabeth, all names used by Robert of Plymouth.

Clues as to the ages of the children of Robert Bartlett are sparse, and several attempts have been made to determine the birth order of the children.  Aside from the evidence of birth dates for the last two children, the date of freemanship for son Benjamin and the age at death for son Joseph, our most useful information comes from the marriage dates for the older daughters.  The statement has frequently been made that Benjamin must have been born by 6 June 1633, since he was made free on 6 June 1654 [PCR 3:48].  But he had by 4 April 1654 already married and buried one wife, and was soon to marry a second, which suggests a man a few years older than twenty-one in that year. If we place the birth of Benjamin in 1629, then we have a gap of about six or seven years in which to place daughters Rebecca and Mary (1629-1636), but to do this we must assume that they both married when they were about eighteen, rather than rely on our usual rule of marrying daughters at age twenty in the absence of other evidence. There would be nothing unusual about this, and the resulting sequence of births for the elder children is in agreement with the evidence. Note also that under almost any interpretation there is a gap of about six years between the births of the sixth and seventh children of this couple.

On 25 December 1635 Robert Bartlett took Richard Stinnings as an apprentice for nine years, his time to begin on 1 December 1635 [PCR 1:35].  On 4 August 1638, for £6 10s. and twenty bushels of Indian corn, John Barnes assigned to Robert Bartlett the remaining term of service of Thomas Shreive (being three years from the first day of August instant), Robert Bartlett also paying Shreive £3 6s. 8d., and Shreive agreeing to serve an additional year for another £5 [PCR 12:32].

BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE:  The most complete treatment of Robert Bartlett and his family may be found in George E. Bowman's account of the descendants of RICHARD WARREN in MD 3:105-17.  This article includes abstracts of all records relating to Robert Bartlett and complete transcripts of the probate documents and some critical deeds, and is only slightly marred by a misguided effort to represent dates in both Old Style and New Style.  A shorter but also excellent account may be found in Moore Anc 60-72.  Paul W. Prindle included a solid version of the family in his limited edition Ancestors and Descendants of Timothy Crosby Jr. (Orleans, Mass., 1981), 2:342-50.  For a more recent brief presentation of this family see Robert S. Wakefield, Janice A. Beebe, et al., Richard Warren of the Mayflower ... (MFIP, 4th ed., 1991 [referred to above as MFIP Warren]), which carefully presents the evidence for the marriages of the children.

Source: "The Great Migration Begins" CDRom

Robert Bartlett died at Plymouth between 19/29 Sept., 1676, the date of his nuncupative will, and 29 Oct./8 Nov., 1676, the day his will was probated. His widow was living 3/23 Febry 1677/8, as shown by her deed of that date to her son Joseph. She died before the deed from her sons Benjamin and Joseph to William Harlow, Jr., made some time in 1683.

Robert Bartlett was called a cooper in 1654 in a deed from Samuel I-licks, and in the five deeds signed by him after that date he is called either "cooper" or "wine cooper." He was evidently a man of good standing and highly respected, but was never dignified by the title "Mr.", and his public services were limited to occasional duty as a member of the grand jury, frequent service on trial juries, and several terms as surveyor of highways.

Robert Bartlett's name appears in the earliest list of freemen of Plymouth, dated 1633, and in the tax lists of 1633 and 1634 his rate was nine shillings. [C. 0., I: la, 10, 62]

Source: "Mayflower Descendant Legacy" CD-ROM

Mary WARREN [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 1610 in London, Middlesex, England. She died 4, 5, 6 on 27 Mar 1683 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. She was buried 7 in Mar 1683 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. Mary married 8, 9 Robert BARTLETT 10 in 1628/1629 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Mary immigrated in Jun 1623 to Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

2.       MARY2 WARREN (Richard') was born in England, and is shown by the record of the division of cattle to have been the eldest daughter, consequently she was born before 1612. *

Her last recorded child was born in 1651, hence Mary was in all probability not born before 1606, and was between twelve and seventeen years of age when she came to Plymouth with her mother and sisters in the Anne, in July, 1623. In the same

*               M.D., 11:178.
               106            The Mayflower Genealogies.

vessell came her future husband, Robert Bartlett, whose origin is unknown. In the division of land the following spring he received one acre on the south side of the town, and in the division of cattle in 1627 he was one of Francis Eaton's company, to which fell the tenth lot, a yearling heifer and two she goats. In this division Mary Warren was in her father's company.*

The date of her marriage to Robert Bartlett is unknown. It did not occur until after 22May/1 June, 1627, since Mary Warren is named in the division of cattle on that date. Her oldest son, Benjamin, was admitted a freeman 6/16 June, 1654, which makes it certain that he was born before 6/16 June, 1633, and her daughter Rebecca was married 20/30 Dec., 1649, doubtless being at least sixteen years old at the time, which would show that she was born in 1633 or earlier. Since two children were born before the middle of 1633 it is safe to assume that Robert Bartlett and Mary Warren were married as early as 1629.

The births of but two of their children are now to be found on the records, and we can judge of the order of birth of the first four daughters only by the dates of their marriages. The approximate date of Joseph's birth is obtained from the age given on his gravestone.

Source: "Mayflower Descendant Legacy" CD-ROM

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