Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

THOMPSON Tomson. THOMPSON Tomson married Elizabeth MANSFIELD in 1677.

Elizabeth MANSFIELD [Parents] was born about 1618 in England, United Kingdom. Elizabeth married THOMPSON Tomson in 1677.

John MANSFIELD [Parents] was born 1 in 1622 in England, United Kingdom. He died 2, 3 on 16 Oct 1671 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. John married 4, 5 Mary MORRIS in 1645 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

John's will was probated 6 on 30 Nov 1671 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He worked 7 as tailor.

JOHN2 (Robert1) was born about 1622 and died 16 Oct. 1671 at Lynn (Lynn V.R.). He married MARY MORRIS, sister of Thomas Morris of New Haven, Conn. He died without issue.

John was a tailor (Lewis and Newhall, p. 187) and was made a freeman of Lynn in 1643. He was sworn as a constable of Lynn in 1642 (Essex Quarterly Courts, I: p. 170).


(From Probate Records of Essex County, Vol. II, pp. 251-253).
The last will & testimonye of John Mansfield of Lynn in the Countye of Essex this 23th of September Ario Domni 1670: Impr: I bequeath my bodye to the earth, & my spirritt to god that gave it 2ly I bequeath unto - my Cozen Danel Gott, his now wife & his heires whether male or female Lawfully begotten of his now wife (viz) after my death, & my wifes & my - whole accomodatton in houseing Lands, & Meadow with all comons, Libertyes, & prvilidges what soe ever there unto be Longing for ever: upon these Consideracons, Following: 1st if it shall soe please the Lord that they both shall depte this Life without a Lawfull heire sarviueing them as above Sd then the Sd liveing to fall to my brother Andrew Mansfeild & his children; 3ly I also bequeath to my Cozen Danel Gott all (my) neate Cattle & Sheep & Horse carts chaines plow & Tooles I may be possessed of at my death in Consideracon yt he Is to remove his Familye & come to live with me & my wife att Lynn, dureing our lives & carry on our housbandrye affaires for my Familye for us (and them) as alsoe upon this Consideration that in case my Cozen Danel Gott, it shall please the Lord to take him awaye by death before us, then the sd liveing to be to us or ether of us dureing or lives & then to him & his heires as above Sd. This alsoe being understood that ye afforsd liveing & chatle, are to bee responsble to paye what I may bee indebted to any, at my death. This being to bee understood (also) that the neat cattle, & other cattle above Exprst I am not to dispose of unlesse: it bee for the necessarye supple of the Familye as I maye see need (& paye my debts). (This also being to bee understood) that wee are to bee together, as one Familye.

I bequeath to my maid servant Elizabeth Brookes one three yeare ould heifer or a Cowe- when her tyme is out, & it is-to be paid by my Cozen Dan Gott uppon Consideracon of the Respictive Legacyes aboue sd. I bequeath to or Reverend Pastor Mr Samel Whiting one Cowe to bee paid with in one yeare after my decease my Cozen Danel Gott upon the account alsoe of the afforesd Legasyes if then hee bee Liveing that is if mr Whiteing be Liveing. I bequeath to mr. Nathan Handforth two pounds to be paide in one year after my decease by my cozen Danel Gott uppon the accounte alsoe of the afforesd Lagecyes, if then the said Nathan bee living. I bequeath to my brother Andrew my great Bible after my owne & my wifes decease. - I make my Loveing & faithful wife, my Lawfull executrix of all the rest of my estate. Lastly, I desyre mr Nathan Haridforth and my brother Andrew Mansfeild, overseers of this my will.

Witness: Andrew Mansfeild, Mary Mansfeild,
Robert Potter.

(Proved in Salem court 30: 9: 1671 by Andrew Mansfeild and Robert Potter.).

Inventory of his estate is given in Essex County Quarterly Court Files, Vol. 18, pp. 28-29.

Daniel Gott, formerly belonging to Lynn, for many years possessed and enjoyed the estate of John Mansfield, late of Lynn, by virtue of a will made by him wherein he bequeathed to him all his estate on condition he did live with him and carry on his work so long as he and his wife should live; but as he never performed the conditions of the will, (he) is fully satisfied that he has no honest right to the estate, but that it belongs to the Mansfields. by a later will which he is informed was by indirect means made away with. -

Signed and sealed 16 Aug. 1715. Witness: Samuel Donnell, Samuel Donnell, Jr., Samuel Brucking.

Acknowledged, 16 Aug. 1715 by Daniel Gott.

Mary MORRIS. Mary married 1, 2 John MANSFIELD in 1645 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Joseph MANSFIELD [Parents] 1, 2 was born about 1631 in England, United Kingdom. He died 3 on 22 Apr 1694 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Joseph married 4 Elizabeth NEEDHAM in 1652 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Mentioned in will of his father-in-law Edmund Needham.

Elizabeth NEEDHAM 1 was born in 1635 in England, United Kingdom. Elizabeth married 2 Joseph MANSFIELD in 1652 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.

Thomas CARTER 1, 2 was born 3 about 1585 in England, United Kingdom. He died 4 about 1652 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Thomas married 5 Mary in BY 1607 in England, United Kingdom.

Thomas had a will 6 on 5 May 1652 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. His will was probated 7 on 5 Oct 1652 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

THOMAS¹  CARTER, probably born in England, about 1585, died in Woburn, about 1652. He married probably in England, about 1606, MARY_____ , who died in Woburn, 6 Mar. 1664-65. In her death record, it is noted that she was "mother of all the Carters in Town."

There are three Thomas Carters connected with the very early history of Woburn, and, as might be expected, they have been confused by various compilers, viz: this Thomas Carter, his son Thomas² Carter, and the Rev. Thomas Carter. Thomas Carter Jr., was born about 1607; the Rev. Thomas Carter was baptised 3 July 1608, Hinderclay, Suffolk, came to New England in 1637, was first a miniister of Dedham and Watertown and settled in Woburn in 1642, ten years before the death of Thomas Carter Sr. The minister died in 1684, and Thomas Jr., passed away in 1694. Thomas Carter Sr., was a blacksmith. He was admitted to the Church in Charlestown, 9 Jan. 1636, and his wife, Mary, became a member of the same church, 4 Nov. 1643. He was made a Freeman, 7 Mar. 1636-37,* and in 1688, owned nine lots of land. In 1647, he deeded one-half of one hundred and thirty-five acres to his son-in-law, William Green, in Wobunn and the other half to his son, John Carter. He deeded more land to his son, John, in 1649-50. First called Charlestown Village, in 1642 the town of Wobunn was formed. Evidently some of the Carters lived in Charlestown and some in Wobunn.
Thomas Carter left a long and careful will:

"The last will and Testament of Thomas Cartar of Charlestown made the fifth day of the third month A thousand six hundred and fifty tw I Thomas Cartar weak in body but whole in my understanding and memory do make here my last will and testament in meaner and forme following imprimis I comitt. . . my soule unto God ... I comitt my Body to be decently buried And for my outward estate I due dispose of it to be disposed of as followeth. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Carter my now dwelling house with the garden ground the Barne, and the five acres of Land which lies in the feild behind and above my house, with all my househould stuffe: alsoe two Cowes and three Cows Commons and a quarter alsoe halfe the Evry of all my ground and she to have all this as long as she lives: she each

*At that time, in order to be a Freeman, a man had to have a certain amount of property, be a member of the Church, and 21 or over.


year fyndung and allowing halfe the ear corn for all the ground. I give aM bequeath unto my eldest son Thomas Carter after my wives decease my now dwelling hous garden and barne with the five Akers I bought of my son Samuell, and the three cows comons and a quarter And a ‘Cow hay Lott lying w%ut the Noll (by Ralph Mousalls Land) wch was given me in the divident, Also the Dwelling hous that Thomas Cartar my son now dwells in: Only out of this house I will and bequeath to my son Samuel1 Cartar to bee payd him by my son Thomas Cartar ten pounds Also I give and bequeath unto my two sons Samuell and Joseph the twoo Akers of ground that lies on mistick Syde.. . to be equally divided amongst them, and to be theirs wthin a month after my decease. I also give unto my son Samuell Cartar after my wives decease one of my hay Lotts without the Neck, wch I bought of goodman Potter. I also give and bequeath after my wives decease unto my son Joseph Cartar three Akers of Land lying at moltons poynt bought of Mikell Bastoe Also a hay Lott bought of mr Lyn without the necke, alsoe one cows Coman. I bequeath and give after my wives decease unto my son John Cartar A Cow and three heifers. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Brinsmead, and to my daughter Hanna Gre--[Greenl four akers of land lying nere in Bunkers within the Neck and my will is that to this foure Akers there shall be added as much out of my houshould goods as shall make them up to be worth twenty pounds but this to be theirs after my wives decease. I alsoe give and bequeath after my wives decease, unto my beloved grandchildren Caleb Cartar, Joseph Cartar, John Green, and John Brinsmead, A hous and the Ground belonging to it wch is about an Aker, wch  Land and the ould hous I bought of goodman Robinson, and a new lions to be sett upon the garden platt where the odd house stands which I give amongst the four children aforenamed to be theirs forever.
witnesees       the marke of      William Dad         Thomas Cartar.
                      John Green        John Fuller.
Alsoe for the scotchman my will is that he shal be sould to mr Russell upon resonable agreement and upon his good demeanor I do give him three quarters of a year of his time he is to serve. And I ordain my eldest son to be my executor of this my Last will and Testament A true record
Attest W.E. Rogers Register." (Middlesex Probate, 28: 20.)
[The original will is still extant but it is partly illegible, so the copy was also used.]
His inventory was made 25 June 1652, when he is still called Thomas Carter of Charlestown. In it appears the "servant Mathew the Scotchman, "* sword, muskett, bandoliers, a green rug, etc. No date of proving the will is given. (Middlesex Probate, 404.2.)

After Thomas Carter's death there was some difficulty over the lands he left. Apparently his youngest son, John, built himself a new house and it fell partly on the land Thomas had given his daugh

* Scotch prisoners were sold in the colonies as servants.


ter Hannah ‘and the "children"  ___probably the grandchildren. The case came into court and from the following testimony is found proof 22 of various statements given by others without references.

20 Mar. 1647, Thomas Carter sent of Charlestown Assigns to his son in law William Green "Halfe of his land in Woburn," the writing was committed to Edward Johnson until John Green should come of age. 15 June 1658, testimony of Thomas Brown aged about 30 years that "when I was husband to the widow of William Green, John Carter set a house on the childrens land," and on the same date, Anna Gardner deposed, aged about 32, that the wife of Thomas Brown the night before she departed this life "todd me that the greatest part of her brother Carter's new house stood on her land," William Johnson, aged about 29, also deposed. Ensign John Carter was summoned to Court, June 1658, to give testimony shout his land. (Wyman's Notes on Middlesex Co. Ct. Files.)

Mary was born about 1576 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She died 1, 2 on 6 Mar 1664/1665 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Mary married 3 Thomas CARTER in BY 1607 in England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  M i Joseph CARTER was born about 1604. He died on 31 Jan 1676.
  M ii Thomas CARTER was born in 1607. He died on 30 Dec 1694.
  M iii Samuel CARTER was born in 1608. He died on 29 Aug 1681.
  M iv Capt. John CARTER was born in 1616. He died on 14 Sep 1692.
  F v Mary CARTER was born about 1619/1620. She died in 1673.
  F vi Hannah CARTER was born about 1625. She died on 20 Sep 1657.

Joseph CARTER [Parents] was born about 1604 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. He died 1 on 31 Jan 1676 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Joseph married 2 Susanna CHAMBERLAIN in BY 1650 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

*In April, 1659, Joseph Carter of Woburn is released from all ordinary trainings on condition that he shall pay five shillings annually to the use of the military company where he lives. - Middlesex County Court Records, Vol. I., page 175. In April, 1672, and again in 1673, Joseph Carter of Woburn renewed his license for keeping an ordinary for the year ensuing - Ibid, Vol. III, pages 33 and 58. Owing to the loss of Vol. II. of the Court Records, covering the period 1664 - 1671, then is no record of the first grant of a license to Joseph Carter; but there is on record among other papers, dated 1671, the following letter, * fac-simile of which appears in the Preface to this book: "To our Honored Magistrates Assembled in the County Court. Much Honored, so pleased to hear the request of us who have have hereunto subscribed: Namely that Joseph Carter may be licensed to keep an ordinary in our town in the room of John Sear who is wilting to lay it down and according too our bounden duty we hope to remain yours to honor and obey in the Lord. By Order of the Selectmen of Woburn.

Susanna CHAMBERLAIN. Susanna married 1 Joseph CARTER in BY 1650 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Thomas CARTER [Parents] was born 1 in 1607 in England, United Kingdom. He died 2 on 30 Dec 1694 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Thomas married 3 Anne WILLIAMS about 1638/1639 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
JOHNSON, Elizabeth

Anne WILLIAMS. Anne married 1 Thomas CARTER about 1638/1639 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Thomas CARTER [Parents] was born 1 in 1607 in England, United Kingdom. He died 2 on 30 Dec 1694 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Thomas married 3 Elizabeth JOHNSON on 24 Oct 1679 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:

Elizabeth JOHNSON. Elizabeth married 1 Thomas CARTER on 24 Oct 1679 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Surname may be Story

Samuel CARTER [Parents] was born in 1608 in Devon, England, United Kingdom. He died 1 on 29 Aug 1681 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Samuel married Eunice BROOKS.

Other marriages:
HARWOOD, Winifred

Eunice BROOKS. Eunice married Samuel CARTER.

Samuel CARTER [Parents] was born in 1608 in Devon, England, United Kingdom. He died 1 on 29 Aug 1681 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Samuel married 2, 3 Winifred HARWOOD in 1639 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
BROOKS, Eunice

Winifred HARWOOD. Winifred married 1, 2 Samuel CARTER in 1639 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Surname may be Harrod

Capt. John CARTER [Parents] was born in 1616 in England, United Kingdom. He died 1, 2 on 14 Sep 1692 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. John married 3 Elizabeth KINDALL in 1642 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
GROSE, Elizabeth

" Here lyes y' body of Cap't. John Carter aged about 76 years, deceased y 14 of September 1692." v Capt. John Carter, an early inhabitant of Woburn, subscribed the "town orders." 1640; styled ensign, 1653, and lieutenant, 1664; was captain in 1675, the time of Philip's" War; was selectman 1664, and 1672 to 1079; commissioner " to end small causes," 1664, 1674; and commissioner " of the rate," 1653, 1658, and 1608. Ensign, 1651; lieutenant, 1664; captain, 1672. Ordered that Lieut. John Carter be captain, 1672. (See Colony Records.) His first wife, Elizabeth, died 1691 (epitaph 3). He married, second, Elizabeth Groce, 1691, ( Vide notice of his family, Sewall's History, 578, and further of him, 1bid., 38, 39, 79, 112.)

Elizabeth KINDALL was born in 1613. She died 1, 2 on 6 May 1691 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married 3 Capt. John CARTER in 1642 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

DEATH: " Here lyes y" body of Elizabeth Carter, wife of Cap't. John Carter, aged 78 years died y' 6 of May 1691."

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