Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Thomas BLOSSOM 1 was born 2 about 1623. He died 3 on 22 Apr 1650 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Thomas married 4, 5 Sarah EWER on 18 Jun 1645 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.

DEATH: Was drowned at the Harbour of Nocett at their first setting out from thence about  a fishing voyage.

Sarah EWER [Parents] was christened 1 on 10 May 1629 in Strood, Kent, England, United Kingdom. Sarah married 2, 3 Thomas BLOSSOM on 18 Jun 1645 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.

Source: "Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families"  vol. 1, by C.F. Swift

Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: Mar. at the house of Thomas Ewer? by Mr Freeman

John EWER [Parents] was christened 1 on 14 Jan 1627 in Strood, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He died 2 in 1652 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States. John married 3 Mary in BY 1625.

Source: "One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families" by John Osborne Austin

Mary. Mary married 1 John EWER in BY 1625.

Andrew FORD. Andrew married 1 Eleanor LOVELL in 1650 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Eleanor LOVELL [Parents] 1 was born 2 about 1633 in England, United Kingdom. She died in 1693 in Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Eleanor married 3 Andrew FORD in 1650 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Given name may be Ellen

James LOVELL [Parents] 1, 2 was born about 1635 in England, United Kingdom. He died before 30 Aug 1706 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States. James married Jane.

Other marriages:
, Anna

Will probate August 30, 1706

Jane. Jane married James LOVELL.

Will probate August 30, 1706

James LOVELL [Parents] 1, 2 was born about 1635 in England, United Kingdom. He died before 30 Aug 1706 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States. James married Anna.

Other marriages:
, Jane

Will probate August 30, 1706

Anna. Anna married James LOVELL.

William HATCHE [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 9 Dec 1563 in Tenterden, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 about 1627 in Ashford, Kent, England, United Kingdom. William married 4 Anne TILDEN on 26 Jul 1587 in Tenterden, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

William was also known as William Hatch.

WILLIAM HATCH (Thomas) was baptized 9 December 1563 at Tenterden, Kent. He married 26 July 1587 at Tenterden, Anne Tilden, daughter of John and Patience (Castlen) Tilden, who was baptized there 5 November 1570. William Hatch was the son of Thomas and Joan Hatch. Anne's father, John Tilden, was born about 1541 and was buried at Tenterden 29 January 1625/6. He was the son of Richard and Elizabeth (Glover?) Tilden. Anne (Tilden) Hatch, as well as one of her children, was a devisee of her grandfather George Castlen. William Hatch died at Ashford, Kent by 1627.

Anne TILDEN [Parents] [scrapbook] was christened 1, 2 on 5 Nov 1570 in Tenterden, Kent, England, United Kingdom. Anne married 3 William HATCHE on 26 Jul 1587 in Tenterden, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

Anne was also known as Ann Tilden.

They had the following children.

  M i
John HATCHE was born 1 about 1588.
  M ii
Thomas HATCHE was born 1 about 1590. He died 2 in 1646 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.
  M iii William HATCHE was born about 1599. He died on 6 Nov 1651.
  F iv
Elizabeth HATCHE was born 1 about 1595.
  F v Judith HATCHE was born about 1598.
  F vi Margaret HATCHE was born about 1600.
  F vii Mary HATCHE was born about 1602.
  M viii
Son HATCHE was born 1 about 1605.
  F ix Anne HATCHE was born about 1608.

William HATCHE [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4 about 1599 in of Wye, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He died 5 on 6 Nov 1651 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. William married 6, 7 UNKNOWN about 1623.

Other marriages:

ELDER William HATCH (William, Thomas, John the Younger, Thomas, Thomas, John), of Ashford, Wye, and Sandwich, co. Kent, and of Scituate in the Plymouth Colony, woollen draper and merchant, born about 1598, died at Scituate 6 Nov. 1651. He probably married first ;* and secondly, probably at Thanington, near Canterbury, co. Kent, by licence of 9 July 1624, Jane YOUNG of Thanington, born about 1596, who married secondly, at Scituate, 31 Mar. 1653, Elder Thomas King of Scituate (who succeeded William Hatch in the office of elder), and died at Scituate 8 Oct. 1653. Her parentage has not yet been discovered, but it is likely that Edward Young of Thanington, husbandrnan, one of the bondsmen on the marriage licence, was her kinsman, perhaps her brother.

About 1634 William Hatch and his family removed from Wye to Sandwich, Co. Kent, The statement that he was at Scituate in the Plymouth Colony in 1633 is incorrect, and is due to the assumption that the date after the names of the assistants in the records applied to all the names following. He embarked for America for the first time in Mar. 1634/5, sailing from Sandwich in the ship Hercules with his wife Jane, five children, and six servants. In the same ship sailed his cousin, Lydia (Huckstep) Tilden (7,1, 7), with her husband Nathaniel Tilden, and their children. William Hatch and his family settled at Scituate, where he built a house on Kent Street and was admitted freeman on 5 Jan. 1635/6. He returned to England, but came back to New England in Apr. 1638, in the ship Castle. It is probable that his brother Thomas (10) with his wife and children and his sister Elizabeth Soan (12) with her son William came with him on this voyage. In 1643 William Hatch was chosen the flr~t ruling elder of the Second Church of Scituate, and in August of that year he with his sons Walter and John appears on the list of those in Scituate able to bear arms (that is, they were between 16 and 60 years of age). In the same year also he was lieutenant of the trainband

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 70, July 1916, New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, February 22, 2001

WILLIAM HATCH (William, Thomas) was the son of William and Anne (Tilden) Hatch and was born about 1592, presumably in Ashford, Kent. He, his wife Jane, and five children sailed from Sandwich, Kent in the spring of 1634 aboard the Hercules of Sandwich, John Witherley, Master. On the passenger list he was noted as being a merchant of Sandwich. With his family came five employees. William and his family settled in Scituate, Massachusetts. William Hatch had a first wife whose identity is unknown. She died, leaving a son Walter. He remarried, by license issued at Canterbury, probably at Thannington, Kent, 9 July 1624, Jane Young who was born there about 1596. William Hatch died 6 November 1651 at Scituate, Mass. Jane remarried 31 March 1653, Elder Thomas King. William's will was dated 5 November, the day before he died.

Ref: Canterbury MarriageLicenses, 2nd series, 1619-family on passenger list. 1650, edited by Joseph Meadows Cowper; Parish Registers; v .r. of Scituate; Savage


Transcribed from the Original Records,


WILLIAM HATCH, SR. , of Scituate, died at that place on 6 November, 1651, the day following the date of his will, which is found in the Plymouth Colony Records of Wills, Volume 1, folio 125.

[1: 225] The Last Will and Testament of Mr Willam Hatch of Scittuate Deceased exhibited before the generall court holden at New Plym: the 3d of June 1652 on the oathes of Mr Willam Wetherell and James Torrey

November the fift 1651

I William hatch the elder of Scittuate in the collony of New Plymouth in america Planter being weake in body but

            Will and inventory of William Hatch, Senior   39

of pfect memory Doe make this my last will and Testament in mannor and forme following;

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Jane my wife two milch cowes and my executors to keep them Summer and Winter upon my meadow grounds them and theire encrease tell they exceed the number of six Item I Give unto her halfe my Dwelling house During her life time as allsoe halfe the fruites of the trees in my orchyard Item I will that my executors allow her yearly sixteen bushells of come viz foure of wheat foure of Rye foure of barley and foure of Indian Come; as alsoe sixteene Rods of broken up ground and to bee well Dunged yearly for to sow hempe seed on Item I give her the bed furnished wheron I lye with two paire of sheets two pillows two paire of pillow coates one bolster one Rugg one blankett therunto belonging Item I give her one chamber pott two houshold platters two pewter Dishes one pewter Drinking pott; alsoe a little brase pott and a brasse skillett two spining Wheeles a paire of wool carafes a Trunke halfe a Dozen of milke trayes a coupple of wooden Dishes two wooden platters a milke payle two chayres foure spoones one of them being of silver Item a warming pan one brandiron one paire of tonges one paire of pothangers a tier slice Item I give her a hogg and my great brase kettle Item I give my Daughter Jane Lovell one milch cow to bee Delivered to her by my executors att two yeares end after my Decease Item I give unto my grandchild John Lovell a cow calfe to bee Delivered by my executors at two yeares end after my Decease; And if the lord give my Daughter Jane any more children then my will is that her next child shall have the first calfe of that calfe that I have given to her son John Lovell and the next child the next calfe and soe Successively Item I give my Daughter Jane one paire of sheets Item a chest alsoe a pewter candlesticke one Sawcer two alchymy spoones Item I give to my Daughter Ann Torry one milch cowe to her and her heires to bee Delivered at two yeares end after my Decease by my executors; Item I give to my grandchild James Torrey a cow calfe and the first calfe of her breed to my grandchild Willam Torrey and the next calfe of her to my grandchild Josepth and the next to my grandchild Damaris &c alsoe I give my Daughter Torrey the shipp pott; All the Rest of my moveables goods lands and tenements I give and bequeath to my two sons Walter hatch and Willam hatch to them and theire heires for ever to bee equally Devided between them Whom I appoint to bee the executors of this my last will and Testament and

40           Will and Inventory of William Hatch, Senior

to pay all my Debts and legacies In Wittnes Wherof I have heerunto sett my hand and seale the Day and yeare above

Witnesses Guilielmo Wetherell Willam Hatch
James Torrey        (seal)
Willam hatch the son of Thomas hatch

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996 - 1998 by Search & ReSearch Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

William Hatch

William Hatch, a resident of Sandwich, Kent, sailed for New England in 1635 on the Hercules. Upon arrival he settled in Scituate, where he resided until his death in 1651. He brought with him his second wife and five children, two other children having died in England prior to the family s migration. The town of Scituate granted him the usual course of land distributions.

Beyond these basics,William Hatch in some respects seemed to reflect the norm of the middle of the middle stratum. He became a freeman soon after arrival and served in several offices, including participation on grand and petit juries. He was, in fact, a little above the norm, in that he was in 1642 and again in 1645 Deputy from Scituate to the Plymouth Colony General Court, and in 1643 he was appointed Lieutenant of the Scituate trainband.

Were this the totality of what the surviving records had to tell us about William Hatch, we would account him a solid but unremarkable New England immigrant. But in addition to the details of his life which have been outlined above, we find also a steady stream of other notices of this man which tell us a different story.

The very first entry in the volume of "Judicial Acts of the General Court and Court of Assistants" of Plymouth Colony, dated January 3, 1636/7, was a law suit against William Hatch, instituted by Comfort Starr in a case of debt, the jury finding for the plaintiff This judgment in itself was not remarkable, but, as will be seen, was a portent of things to come. Barely six months later, on June 7, 1637, "whereas William Hatch, of Scituate, is presented for an incroachment upon a piece of ground on this side the river without license of this Court, it is therefore enacted by this Court that the said William Hatch shall reap the crop this year only, and leave the land, which is the mulct laid upon him for his presumption therein."

Not long after these events, Hatch returned to England, and then sailed again for New England on the Castle, bringing with him his brother Thomas and his family.While on this voyage,William Hatch formed a partnership with Thomas Ruck and Joseph Merriam to handle the affairs of the voyage. In August 1639, a year after this transatlantic passage, Ruck and Merriam sued Hatch, claimed he did "overreckon, misreckon, account short & mischarge" various items in the accounts.

Two years later, on September 7, 1641 ,Williani Hatch was accused of stating publicly that "the warrants sent from the governor were nothing but stinking commissary warrants.  Finally, on March 5, 1643/4, the Court took notice of a dispute between Hatch and his servant Hercules, regarding the length of service of the latter. Very few men were so frequently recorded in so many forms of disagreeable behavior. Even so, throughout this period, William Hatch continued to hold offices at the colony and town level. His peers and neighbors clearly valued his skills and abilities highly enough to set aside his apparent antisocial behavior, but he may have been skating very close to the edge.

New England Ancestors Fall 2002, pg 24, Robert Charles Andreson

UNKNOWN. UNKNOWN married 1, 2 William HATCHE about 1623.

They had the following children.

  M i Walter HATCH was born about 1623. He died in BET 20 AUG 1698 AND 2 APR 1701.

Walter HATCH [Parents] was born about 1623 in England, United Kingdom. He died 1 in BET 20 AUG 1698 AND 2 APR 1701 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Walter married 2, 3, 4 Elizabeth HOLBROOK on 6 May 1650 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:


Scituate, Mass.  33

May 6th Walter Hatch Marryed to Eliz: the Daughter of Thomas Holbrooke 1650

180 The Vital Records of Marshfield, Mass.

Walter Hatch and stable were maried ye .1. of August 1674


The 17th of June 1659

Memorand: That Edward Tilson of the Town of Plymouth Doth acknowlidge that for and in Consideration of soe much as wherwith hee the said Edward Tilson is fully satisfyed and

Plymouth Colony Deeds 15

payed; hee hath freely and absolutely barganed and sould unto Walter Hatch of Scittuate all that his pte and portion of land which as a townsman of Plymouth appertained to him lying att Punkateesett and places adjacent with all and singulare the appurtenances and privilidges belonging therunto with all the said Edward Tilson his Right title and Interest of and into the said ptmises; To have and to hold the said pte or portion of land with all and singulare the privilidges appurtenances and emunities belonging therunto or to any pte or pcell therof unto the said Walter hatch his heires and assignes for ever; unto the onely proper use of him the said Walter hatch hee his heires and assignes for ever;

74 Plymouth Colony Vital Records

Walter Hatch marryed to Elizabeth Holbrooke may the sixt 1650

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996 - 1998 by Search & ReSearch Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Elizabeth HOLBROOK was born 1 about 1634 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married 2, 3, 4 Walter HATCH on 6 May 1650 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
WINSLOW, Nathaniel

Elizabeth's father was Thomas Holbrook:

ORIGIN: Broadway, Somersetshire.
MIGRATION: 1635 on the Marygould (on 20 March 163[4/]5, "Thomas Holbrooke of Broudway," aged 34, "Jane Holbrooke his wife," aged 34, "John Holbrooke his son," aged 11, "Thomas Holbrooke his son," aged 10, "Anne Holbrooke his daughter," aged 5, and "Elizabeth his daughter," aged 1, were enrolled at Weymouth, Dorsetshire, as a passenger for New England on the Marygould [Hotten 286; GMN 7:9]).

FREEMAN: [blank] May 1645 (third in a sequence of three Weymouth men) [MBCR 2:294].
OFFICES: On 25 February 1648/9, "Thom[as] Holbrooke" was one of three Weymouth men appointed to a committee "for laying out of the highway for the country, from Waymoth to Dorchester" [MBCR 2:271]; on 8 May 1648, the committee reported on its work [MBCR 3:158]. Weymouth selectman, 1642, 1645, 1646, 1651, 1652, 1654 [Weymouth Hist 3:268]. As selectman, witnessed the sale of lands by the Indians to the town, 26 April 1642 [SLR 13:350].
ESTATE: The Weymouth land inventory of about 1643 has no surviving section for Thomas Holbrook, but he does appear as a previous owner or an abutter in land descriptions of other residents [Weymouth Hist 1:187, 189, 190, 192].

On 2 February 1651/2, "Thomas Holbrook" was to have a Great Lot at Weymouth [Weymouth Hist 1:199]. On 14 December 1663, "Thomas Holbrook" was granted ten acres "in the first division beginning on Brauntry line" [Weymouth Hist 1:200].

On 10 January 1644[/5], "Tho[ma]s Holbrooke" and "John Holbrooke" were included in a list of eighteen Rehoboth proprietors "who have forfeited their lots for not fencing, or not removing their families according to a former order" [Early Rehoboth 2:134, citing "Rehoboth Town Meetings 1:37"].

In his will, dated 31 February 1668[/9] and proved 24 April 1677, "Thomas Holbrook of Weymouth" bequeathed to "Jane, my beloved wife, during her life, my whole estate ... at her dispose for her necessary and comfortable maintenance"; to "my endeared children all my estate, of whatever quality and quantity soever the same shall be, that shall remain at my wife Jane's decease, there being six of them, three sons and three daughters, to be equally divided between them, always provided that my eldest son, John Holbrooke, shall have a double portion, and the rest of my estate to be divided equally, viz: unto my son, Tho[mas] Holbrook, my son W[illia]m Holbrook, unto my daughter Anne Rennolds, unto my daughter Elizabeth Hatch, and unto my daughter Jane Drake, to be equally divided amongst them as near as may be"; to "my grandchild John Holbrooke the eldest, my sword"; to "my grandchild Peter Holbrooke my gun and my gray mare colt"; to "my grandchild W[illia]m Holbrook my musket"; to "all my grandchildren that shall be living at my wife Jane's decease, two shillings apiece"; "I do hereby make and ordain my loving wife, the abovesaid Jane Holbrooke, executrix during her life, and at her decease, I do appoint, make and ordain executor ... my loving son John Holbrooke" [SPR 6:200-1]. A codicil was added: "Whereas Peter Holbrooke my grandchild hath been as a servant, and hath been helpful to me Tho[mas] Holbrooke and my wife Jane in our old age, for the space of about eight years before the date of these presents, and still remains with us as a dutiful child, I, Tho[mas] Holbrooke, Senior, this 31st of December, 1673, do will and bequeath unto my beloved grandchild Peter Holbrooke, his heirs and assignees, my dwelling house and about three acres of orchard and arable land, situate and being in Weymouth" [SPR 6:201].

The inventory of the estate of "Thomas Holbrooke late of Weymoth deceased," taken 10 March 167[6/]7, totalled 129lb. 1s., of which 40lb. was real estate: "house, orchard and land adjoining to it," 40lb. [SPR 12:153-54].

BIRTH: About 1589 (deposed 2 November 1666 aged seventy-seven [Joseph Neal Anc 128-29, citing SJC Case #815]).
DEATH: Between 31 December 1673 (date of codicil) and 10 March 1676/7 (date of inventory).
MARRIAGE: St Johns, Glastonbury, Somersetshire, 12 September 1616 Jane Powys [Joseph Neal Anc 128]. She died between 31 December 1673 (when she was named in the codicil to her husband's will) and 24 April 1677 (when John Holbrook was named executor of his father's estate [SPR 6:201]).
i  JOHN HOLBROOK, bp. St Johns, Glastonbury, Somersetshire, 6 April 1618 [Joseph Neal Anc 130]; m. (1) by 1643 Sarah _____ ("Sarah, wife John Holbrook," died at Weymouth on 14 January 1643[/4]); m. (2) by about 1645 Elizabeth Stream; m. (3) by an unknown date Mary (Jacob) Otis (in his will of 12 July 1699, "John Holbrooke of Weymouth" included a bequest to "my beloved wife Mary Holbrooke" [SPR 14:111]).
ii  WILLIAM HOLBROOK, bp. St Johns, Glastonbury, Somersetshire, 12 June 1620 [Joseph Neal Anc 131]; m. (1) by 1655 Elizabeth Pitts (on 1 August 1655, "administration to the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Pitts deceased is granted to W[illia]m Holbrooke & Elizabeth his wife," who presented an account of what "my mother Mrs. Pitts oweth to me & to others in her sickness & health" [SPR 3:26]); m. (2) about 1696 Abigail (Wright) (Sharp) Clapp, daughter of RICHARD WRIGHT  and widow of ROBERT SHARPE  and THOMAS CLAPP  [TAG 67:38; GMB 3:2072-74].
iii  THOMAS HOLBROOK, b. about 1624 (aged 10 on 20 March 1634/5 [Hotten 286]); m. by about 1651 Joan Kingman (eldest known child b. about 1651 [Joseph Neal Anc 133]; "Henry Kingman" and his daughter "Joane," aged 11, were passengers on the Marygould with the Holbrook family [Hotten 284]; in his will of 24 May 1677, "Henry Kingman of Weighmouth" included a bequest to "my daughter Holbrooke" [SPR 1:530]; in his will of 25 July 1695, "Thomas Holbrooke of Brantry" included a bequest to "my beloved wife Jone Holbrooke" [SPR 11:326]).
iv  ANNE HOLBROOK, b. about 1630 (aged 5 on 20 March 1634/5 [Hotten 286]); m. by an unknown date John Reynolds.
v  ELIZABETH HOLBROOK, b. about 1634 (aged 1 on 20 March 1634/5 [Hotten 285]); m. Scituate 6 May 1650 Walter Hatch [PCR 8:19], son of WILLIAM HATCH  [Joseph Neal Anc 116-18].
vi  JANE HOLBROOK, b. say 1637; m. by about 1657 Thomas Drake (eldest known child b. about 1657 [Weymouth Hist 3:204-5]).

ASSOCIATIONS: Rebecca Holbrook, sister of this immigrant, married CLEMENT WEAVER  [Joseph Neal Anc 128].

This immigrant had a brother John Holbrook, whose fate was unknown in 1625 [Joseph Neal Anc 128]. The absurd claim has been made that this John Holbrook was already in New England in 1626, and was the father of every stray Holbrook male who later appeared in New England [M&JCH 17:89]. There was no John Holbrook in Dorchester in 1635, and this entire proposed family did not exist.

At some point between 1620 and 1635 Thomas Holbrook and his family moved from Glastonbury to Broadway. This move may be connected to the migration of Rev. JOSEPH HULL  to Broadway by 1633.

COMMENTS: The usually accurate and reliable V.C. Sanborn mistakenly assigned this immigrant as a passenger on the Hopewell, but corrected himself within a year [NEHGR 58:305, 59:324]. Many later writers have unfortunately picked up the initial assertion but missed the correction.

There are clearly several errors in the passenger list entry for this family [Hotten 286]. The ages for the immigrant and his two eldest sons are at great variance with other, more reliable records, and son William does not appear. There are too many errors for us to suggest a reconstruction of what mistakes the clerk might have made.

The identities of the second and third wives of son John require some comment. In her will of 22 September 1672, "Elizabeth Otiss of Weymouth ..., widow," made bequests to "son John Streame," to "son-in-law Lt. John Holbrooke," and to "daughter Elizabeth Holbrooke" [SPR 6:133]. This testatrix had been, before her marriage to John Otis, a widow Streame. In his will of 12 July 1699, John Holbrook included bequests to "my beloved wife Mary" and to "her daughter Loring" [SPR 14:111]. Mary Jacob, daughter of RICHARD JACOB  [GMB 2:1069-71], married John Otis, son of the man of the same name noted immediately above. They had a daughter Elizabeth Otis, who married first Thomas Allyn and second, on 20 July 1699, David Loring [Savage 3:323]. Although this latter marriage took place eight days after the making of John Holbrook's will, he would certainly have known of the impending marriage, and so this is very likely the "daughter Loring" named in his will. If all this is correct, then the second and third wives of John Holbrook were related through a string of marriages, although there was no biological connection.

Savage says of this immigrant that he was "of Dorchester 1652, last at Medfield 1668" [Savage 2:443]. Pope claims that he was "Of Dorchester, planter, bought land beyond Neponset, 31 (6)1649" [Pope 234]. On 31 August 1649, "Thomas Holbrooke of the same [Dorchester], husbandman," purchased thirty acres "lying beyond Neponsett River in Dorchester," and, on 10 April 1652, he sold this same parcel [SLR 1:197, 198]. On 8 May 1652, "Thomas Holbrooke" was one of three Dorchester men who bought a large tract of land "on the westerly side of Charles River about three miles from Naticke" [SLR 1:304]. Later deeds regarding this property connect this Thomas Holbrook consistently with Medfield and then Sherborn [SLR 2:308, 8:1, 10:14, 12:264], showing that this was a distinct man from the Thomas Holbrook who is the subject of this sketch and is always seen in Weymouth, and from his son of the same name, who resided in Braintree. This Thomas Holbrook of Dorchester may have been connected with Richard Holbrook of the same place. The existence of this Thomas Holbrook who ended up in Sherborn probably explains the peculiar statement by Savage that the Weymouth man had "three daughters by Experience, d. of first Hopestill Leland" [Savage 2:443]. In this latter error, Savage was doubly misled by the earlier writings of the Rev. Abner Morse, one of the least accomplished genealogists of any generation.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: The best account of this immigrant and his family was prepared by Walter Goodwin Davis in 1945 [Joseph Neal Anc 125-33]. In 1992 The Mary & John Clearing House published many English records on the Holbrook family, but the section on the immigrant has many errors and should not be relied on [M&JCH 17:85-90].

Walter HATCH [Parents] was born about 1623 in England, United Kingdom. He died 1 in BET 20 AUG 1698 AND 2 APR 1701 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Walter married 2 Mary STABLE on 1 Aug 1674 in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
HOLBROOK, Elizabeth


Scituate, Mass.  33

May 6th Walter Hatch Marryed to Eliz: the Daughter of Thomas Holbrooke 1650

180 The Vital Records of Marshfield, Mass.

Walter Hatch and stable were maried ye .1. of August 1674


The 17th of June 1659

Memorand: That Edward Tilson of the Town of Plymouth Doth acknowlidge that for and in Consideration of soe much as wherwith hee the said Edward Tilson is fully satisfyed and

Plymouth Colony Deeds 15

payed; hee hath freely and absolutely barganed and sould unto Walter Hatch of Scittuate all that his pte and portion of land which as a townsman of Plymouth appertained to him lying att Punkateesett and places adjacent with all and singulare the appurtenances and privilidges belonging therunto with all the said Edward Tilson his Right title and Interest of and into the said ptmises; To have and to hold the said pte or portion of land with all and singulare the privilidges appurtenances and emunities belonging therunto or to any pte or pcell therof unto the said Walter hatch his heires and assignes for ever; unto the onely proper use of him the said Walter hatch hee his heires and assignes for ever;

74 Plymouth Colony Vital Records

Walter Hatch marryed to Elizabeth Holbrooke may the sixt 1650

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Mary STABLE. Mary married 1 Walter HATCH on 1 Aug 1674 in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Richard CLEBOND. Richard married Martha ALDOUS on 6 Oct 1737.

Martha ALDOUS [Parents] was christened on 6 Jul 1712 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Martha married Richard CLEBOND on 6 Oct 1737.

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