Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Sam WALKER. Sam married 1 Judith HEYWOOD on 1 Jun 1688 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Judith HEYWOOD [Parents] was born 1 on 13 Jan 1666 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died 2 on 14 Nov 1724 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Judith married 3 Sam WALKER on 1 Jun 1688 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

William LOCK. William married 1, 2, 3 Abigail HEYWOOD on 8 Jun 1698 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Abigail HEYWOOD [Parents] was born 1 on 4 Apr 1672 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Abigail married 2, 3, 4 William LOCK on 8 Jun 1698 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

William HEYWOOD [Parents] was born 1 on 17 Apr 1674 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died in 1740 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. William married 2 Esther PERRY on 11 May 1692 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Esther PERRY was born in 1674 in of Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died in 1747 in of Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Esther married 1 William HEYWOOD on 11 May 1692 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Benjamin HEYWOOD [Parents] was born 1 on 17 Mar 1682/1683 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 2 on 4 Jan 1763 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Benjamin married 3 Hannah KIDDER in 1706.

Hannah KIDDER [Parents] was born 1 on 27 Apr 1689 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Hannah married 2 Benjamin HEYWOOD in 1706.

Simon CROSBY [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2, 3 in 1608/1609 in Holme-on-Spalding-Moor, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 4 in Sep 1639 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Simon married 5, 6 Ann BRIGHAM on 21 Apr 1634 in Holme-on-Spalding-Moor, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.

Simon's will was probated 7 in Oct 1651 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

The surname Crosby is of very ancient English origin. It is derived from two English words Cross and By (bury, burgb or borough), meaning the town of the cross.  There are eight old towns in England named Crosby.  We find the name used as a surname from the very beginning of the use of surnames in England.  In 1204 Ode de Crosseby was constable of Tiekhall, in Yorkshire, near the Nottinghamshire line and as early as 1220 we find Simon de Crosseby in Lancashire.  The name Simon has continued in frequent use among his descendants to the present day, and he is undoubtedly the progenitor of the American family.  The Crosby coat of arms of ancient but unknown history is: Per Chevron sable and argent three goats pass. counterchanged.  (I) Simon Crosby, the immigrant ancestor, was born in England in 1608.  He was a husbandman.  He sailed from England in April, 1635, in the ship "Susan & Ellen" with his wife Anne, then aged twenty-five years, and young son Thomas.  He settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and was a proprietor as early as February 8, 1635.  He was admitted a freeman in 1636 and was a selectman of the town.  He had several grants of land. His estate is what was known later as the Brattle place, having passed into the hands of Rev.  William Brattle, and on one of his lots was erected the famous old Brattle House.  He died September 1639, aged thirty-one years.  The inventory of his estate was taken November 15, 1645, by John Bridge and Richard Jackson. Widow Ann yielded to the three sons, Thomas, Simon and Joseph, certain portions September 22, 1645, and she married(second) Rev. William Thompson, of Braintree.

Ann BRIGHAM [Parents] was born 1 in 1610 in of, , England, United Kingdom. She died 2 on 11 Oct 1675 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States. Ann married 3, 4 Simon CROSBY 5 on 21 Apr 1634 in Holme-on-Spalding-Moor, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:

They had the following children.

  M i Rev. Thomas CROSBY was born in Feb 1634/1635.
  M ii Simon CROSBY was born on 6 Aug 1637. He died on 22 Jan 1725/1726.
  M iii Joseph CROSBY was born in Feb 1638. He died on 26 Nov 1695.

Capt. Richard BRACKETT [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2 was born on 16 Sep 1610 in Billerica, Essex, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 3 on 16 Sep 1610 in St Gregory's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died 4 on 5 Mar 1690 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States. Richard married 5 Alice BLOWER on 16 Jan 1633/1634 in St Katherine, London, London, England, United Kingdom.

RICHARD BRACKETT (Peter, Richard, William) was baptized 16 September 1610 at Saint Gregory's in Sudbury, Suffolk, England. At the age of six, he was left fatherless, but his mother soon remarried to Martin Saunders. At the age of about 20, he sailed off to New England with the Winthrop Fleet, for he was in Massachusetts as early as 27 August 1630, when he was among the organizers of the First Church of Boston, being 144th on the list of members.

He returned to England, perhaps in 1633, for in the register of Saint Katherine by the Tower, London, is the 16 January 1633/4 marriage of Richard Brackett and Alice Blower. Alice, like Richard, grew up in Sudbury, but her parents had moved to London about this time. They surely knew each other in Sudbury. A year later they were in Boston where their daughter, Hannah, was baptized on 4 January 1634/5. Presumably they sailed for America shortly after their marriage. On 8 November 1635,  Alice, wife of our brother Richard Brackett signed the covenant, thus joining the church in Boston. He was admitted freeman in Boston on 25 May 1636 and on 23 November 1636 he joined the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company.

On 21 March 1636, he was granted a lot on which to build. He chose a lot now on Washington Street, nearly midway between the present West and Boyalston Streets. He lived there until about 20 November 1637 when he was appointed by the General Court to keep the prison. His salary was £l3.6s.8d. (increased 6 June 1639 to £20) and the use of a house. The next year, he sold his Washington Street property, permission to sell being granted 11 June 1638.

About 1637-8, his older brother Peter joined him in New England at -Boston, his mother and step-father having Crossed over in 1635. They all later settled in Braintree. On 12 February 1639, leave was grantea to our Bro. Rich. Brackett to mowe the Marsh lying in the Newfield Which he hath usually mowen, for the next summer time. The marsh was at Mount Wollaston in Braintree, at that time 8 Part of the town of Boston. Braintree was incorporated in 1640. Richard Brackett moved there about 1641 or 1642, for the records of the First Church of Boston under 26 June 1641 read:  "Richard Brackett was with wife Alice and his sister dismissed from the First Church in Boston with letter to church connected therewith at the Mount."

His sister referred to above was Rachel Newcomb. Under 8 May 1642: "Our Bro. Richard Brackett was granted by the church to be dismissed to ye church at Braintree at theer desire with ye Office of Deacon amongst you."

He was ordained a deacon on 21 July 1642 at Braintree and held the office until he died. A Suffolk, Massachusetts Deed of 25 October 1660 reads: Richard Brackett of Braintree, husbandman, sells 30 acres of woodland in township of Braintree but belonging to Boston, and about 25 years past by sd town of Boston g'td and laid out to other men as by record of said town appeareth - (Deed 6:237)

There were tracts of land in Braintree that were claimed by the town of Boston. It appointed Captain Richard to oversee these tracts as its agent, as:  "Agreed with Captain Richard Brackett of Braintree that he should, in the town's behalf, take care that noe wast or strip of woods or timber be in the land belonginge to this town lying neere their towne, but do his utmost to prevent it, or give information to the Selectmen. Inconsideration whereof he hath libertie to cutt out of the wood already fallen to the value of 40 cord. - 25 December 1676".

Richard was granted by the town of Boston:  "Libertie to cut soe much Tymber upon the Common land of Braintree as may serve for ye buildinge of a 1/4 pte of a vessel of 25 tun, in consideration of his care of the timber lands."

Clearly, Richard was a trusted agent of the town of Boston.

There was another tract of considerable extent in Braintree, which the town of Boston claimed. Quite all, or a large part of the tract, the town of Braintree purchased from an Indian chief. It was the desire of a great portion of the people to commence action for the recovery of the tract from Boston. This was opposed by a few of the town, notably by Richard Brackett and Edmund Quincy.

In March 1682, they were appointed to a committee to deal with the town of Boston. Ultimately, the committee secured for Braintree what is known as the six hundred acre lot.

He became the first town clerk of Braintree. In 1652, he was chosen selectman, and again in 1670 and 1672. The highest office his townsmen could bestow on him was deputy to the General Court. He was first elected to this position in 1643, next in 1655 and again in 1665 and 1667. In 1671, he was elected again and continued for four years until there was a greater need for his services in another capacity. In 1675, King Philip's War commenced. No lasting peace was secured until 1679. In 1680, he again returned to his seat in the General Court for the last time.

He was chosen sergeant on the organization of the train band in Braintree. In a few years he rose to Lieutenant. About 1654, he was appointed Captain.

The raids by the Indians induced the colony to establish a garrison near the line between Braintree and Bridgewater. The military committee of the General Court appointed Mr. Richard Thayer to take charge thereof. He raised an alarm on the most meager of rumors and stalked every phantom of the forest. Night and day, the people of Braintree lived in terror of being attacked by King Philip and his braves.

One day, one of King Philip's men, John George, a poor half starved wretch, came through the snow on his hands and knees to the garrison house to surrender. He was too weak to walk. He was the only Indian seen by Thayer and his garrison during their campaign. The capture of John George was loudly proclaimed as an instance of Thayer's vigilance and as evidence that real Indians were in the country. Thayer kept John George in the garrison house for five weeks at the expense of the town, apparently wanting to get the Indian in good physical condition as an exhibit. What with being constantly on the alert for weeks, marching at all seasons, night and day, with one false alarm but passing away before another was raised, Richard Brackett's patience was sorely strained. He had to put up with it because Thayer was the General Court's man. However, when ‘rhayer got a live Indian whom he kept in the garrison house at the expense of the town, an opportunity was presented to do something. The old jailer thought the jail was a good enough place for John George. He went with a detail of men to where Thayer was boarding John George, took the Indian away from his keeper and carried him forthwith to Boston. Thayer protested and petitioned. He said that he had a grievance and that all his bills were not paid by the town. Richard had ready the evidence of his men in support of the course he had taken, which was approved by those in authority.

The General Court, in its might, took upon itself to banish the poor Indian from the country. That is, he was sold into slavery. It is indeed sad that Richard did not free the poor fellow.

There is evidence that Captain Richard Brackett taught the school in Braintree.

On 15 October 1679, he was appointed to take oaths in civil cases and perform marriages.

As he grew older, he sought release from the burdens of public office. On 15 October 1684, the General Court recorded the following: On request of Captain Richard Brackett being 73 years of age and the infirmities of age upon him: having formerly desired, and now again to- day,to lay down his place as chief military commander of Braintree, the court granted the request and appointed Lieut. Edmund Quincy to succeed him.

At that time, he had been connected with the company for about 43 years and for 30 years had been its Captain.

In Braintree he was a farmer and was described as a husbandman. He acquired a considerable estate in Braintree and when the town of Billerica was formed, he became a proprietor there. Two sons and two daughters settled there.

He died 5 March 168 9/90 and Alice Brackett died eight months later on 3 November 1690, aged 76. No stone marks her burial place but he is buried in the old North precinct of Braintree, now the city of Quincy. His grave is marked by a stone cut about 150 years after his death. However, the inscription seems to be a duplicate of what had beer on the original stone.

     Here lyeth buried
          ye body of
Captain Richard Brackett
      Aged 80 years
  Deceased March 5

The town record says he died 3 March.
A silver cup inscribed R & A and used in the Unitarian Church in Braintree (which in early days was Congregational) at communion service, is the gift of Richard Brackett and his wife, Alice, to the church. His will follows: January 29, 1689 In the name of God, amen I Richard Brackett of Braintree in New England, being mindful of my mortallyty and being of memory and a disposing mind a trusting in God through Jesus Christ, my only savior for eternal life salvation, revoking and making null all former wills by me made, do make and ordain this my last will and testament as followeth.

The town record says he died 3 March. My will is that All my just debts, if any. be first paid, and funeral charges be defrayed. I Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Allice I Brackett, all my estate in housing, orchards, lands, and I meadows in Braintry for her comfortable subsistence during her natural life, as also the income of my estate at Billerica Item. I give to the children of my son John Brackett onefourthpart of all my land and meadows and housing inBilerica, as it shall fall by equal division, to be equally divided to them and their heirs. My meaning is the children that he had by his wife, Hannah Brackett.

Item. I give and bequeath the remaining three parts of my housing, and lands, and meadows in Billerica to my son Peter Brackett and son in law, Simon Crosby. and son in law, Joseph Thompson, and to their heirs, to be equally divided between them. Item. I give to my son Peter Brackett five pounds in current pay, to be paid by my executors. Item. My will is that the division of my lands in Bilierica, as above disposed, shall be made by indifferent men, the persons concerned in each part to choose one man. Item. My will is that the children of my son John, and Peter Brackett, Simon Crosby and Joseph Thompson, shall pay unto the two daughters of my son Josiah, deceased, Elizabeth and Sarah, twenty pounds a piece in good pay when they shall attain the age of twenty years respectively: and in want of the payment of said fortypounds, they the said Elizabeth and Sarah  shall have one half of the land above mentioned, to them and to their heirs, to be equally divided to them. And in case either of said Elizabeth or Sarah shall die without issue, the legacies to her given shall be to the survivor. I give to the said Sarah, the daughter of my son Josiah, five pounds in u current pay and the feather bed her mother carryed away. I Item. I give to my son James all of my now dwelling house,  barn, orchard, land and meadows, lying and being in Braintry  aforesaid, next and immediately after my wife's decease (excepting what may be necessarily expended for her maintenance during her life) to him and to his heirs forever. Item. I give to my son in law, Joseph Crosby ten pounds in good pay which ten pounds with the five pounds given to my son Peter Brackett as above, is to be paid within two years after inyne and my wiles decease.

Item. I give unto my daughter Hannah Brackett twenty shillings in good pay. I give my great Bible to my daughter  Rachel Crosby for her use during her life, and at her decease to be to my grandchild Abigail Thompson.

Item. I give to Hannah Brackett, daughter of my son John, the feather bed which she lyeth on, and bolster what belonged  to it and my bedsted in Billerica, with as much movable goods  as shall amount to twenty pounds. Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Allice Brackett, all the rest of my movables for her comfortable sustenance while she lives, and to be disposed of by her to whom she please at her death. Item. I appoint and nominate my son James Brackett to be sole executor to this my last will and testament. I have here- unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Signed sealed and published
in presence of us
John Ruggles, Senr.
John Ruggles, Jr.
John Parmenter
Whereas I have given to my grandchild Sarah Brackett, the daughter of my son Josiah Brackett, deceased, five pounds, my will is that it shall be null and void and of none effect; as also the ten pounds given to Joseph Crosby, I give to his daughter Anna Crosby. (seal) Christopher Webb Boston, December 19, 1690
Approved John Ruggles, Sen. John Ruggles, Jr., both at Braintree appearing at Probate

Ref.: Brackett Genealogy; Published Braintree Town Records; Savage; Pope's Pioneers; Suffolk County -Probate File #1775; Parish Registers; Bishop's Transcripts

Alice BLOWER [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 30 Jun 1615 in St Gregory's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She was christened on 30 Jun 1615 in St Gregory's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She died 1 on 3 Nov 1690 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States. She was buried on 3 Nov 1690 in Hancock Cem, Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States. Alice married 2 Capt. Richard BRACKETT 3, 4 on 16 Jan 1633/1634 in St Katherine, London, London, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i Hannah BRACKETT was born on 4 Jun 1634. She died on 3 Jul 1706.
  M ii Peter BRACKETT was born on 7 May 1637.
  M iii John BRACKETT was born on 7 May 1637. He died on 18 Mar 1687.
  F iv Rachel BRACKETT was christened on 3 Nov 1639. She died after 1726.
  F v Mary BRACKETT was born on 12 May 1641. She died on 23 Mar 1678.
  M vi James BRACKETT was born in 1645. He died in Apr 1718.
  F vii Sarah BRACKETT was christened in 1647.
  M viii Josiah BRACKETT was born on 8 May 1652. He died before 1689.

Simon CROSBY [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1664 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 2 on 19 Jan 1717/1718 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He was buried 3 on 19 Jan 1717/1718 in Brewster Old Burying Ground, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States. Simon married 4 Abigail Nee Parker WHITTAKER on 16 Mar 1702/1703 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
, Hannah

Abigail Nee Parker WHITTAKER died 1 on 31 Mar 1755 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Abigail married 2 Simon CROSBY on 16 Mar 1702/1703 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Simon CROSBY [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1664 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 2 on 19 Jan 1717/1718 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He was buried 3 on 19 Jan 1717/1718 in Brewster Old Burying Ground, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States. Simon married 4, 5 Hannah before 1689 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
WHITTAKER, Abigail Nee Parker

Hannah died 1 on 6 May 1702 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Hannah married 2, 3 Simon CROSBY before 1689 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Joseph CROSBY [Parents] was born 1 on 5 Jul 1669 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 26 Nov 1759. Joseph married 2, 3 Sarah FRENCH on 6 May 1691 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Betn Dec 29, 1736

Sarah FRENCH [Parents] 1 was born 2 on 29 Oct 1671 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Sarah married 3, 4 Joseph CROSBY on 6 May 1691 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Samuel DANFORTH. Samuel married 1 Hannah CROSBY on 8 Jan 1694/1695 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Hannah CROSBY [Parents] was born 1 on 30 Mar 1672 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died 2 on 3 Oct 1752 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Hannah married 3 Samuel DANFORTH on 8 Jan 1694/1695 in Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:

A widow

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