Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

John Howard COOK [scrapbook] was born on 3 Apr 1891 in South Weber, Davis, Utah, United States. He was christened on 4 Jun 1891. He died on 16 May 1964 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. He was buried on 20 May 1964 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. John married Pearl Viola WATKINS on 9 Apr 1924 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States.

Life History of John Howard Cook Sr.

John Howard Cook Sr. was born on April 3, 1891, in South Weber, Weber Co., Utah, a son of Andrew Beverage Cook and Mary Amanda Pingree. He was born upstairs in a small frame home (a lean-to was built later to the west side). The home was situated on an L shaped piece of land with a creek running to the rear. A corral was built to the top of the L, so that the animals could obtain water from the creek. The family had planted a small orchard as well as a garden and raised some alfalfa, even though there was little room for the planting of crops. Howard was the second of eight children born to this couple. His brothers and sisters, including himself were:

1. Andrew--born Dec. 11. 1889 in South Weber.

2. John Howard Sr.--born April 3, 1891, in South Weber.

3. Mary Jennett (called Jenny)--born Apr. 9, 1892, in West Kaysville.

4. David Laverda (called Vird)--born Dec. 4, 1894, in Layton.

5. Ida Eudora (called Dora)--born May 22, 1896, in Layton.

6. Louis Pingree--born Jan. 21, 1898, in Layton.

7. Claude Hunter--born Sept. 12, 1899, in Layton.

8. Myrtle Amanda--born June 23, 1901, in Layton.

Andrew Beverage Cook, Howard's father, was born on the southeast corner of the temple block in Salt Lake. His parents, David Simpson Cook and Janet Hunter Cook, were at that time assigned to help quarry the granite to build the Salt Lake Temple. Later the family moved to South Weber and settled. Andrew Beverage met and married his sweetheart, Amanda, while living in South Weber. They were married in the Logan Temple on Sept. 12, 1888. Andrew Beverage taught school in the Kaysville and Layton area, and after sometime, it was decided to settle there. Andrew and John Howard were born in the family's first home in South Weber, prior to the family moving into a frame home in West Kaysville. This home stood on the northeast corner of Crazy Corner and Angel street. It was here that Mary Jennett was born.

Later, Andrew Beverage built the family a home on West Gentile Street in Layton, and it was here that the rest of the children were born. Howard's father was an industrious man, and he bought the family eighteen acres of land directly across the street in front of the home. As well as teaching school and working in the flour mill in Kaysville, he farmed this land. Years later, Howard's mother bought one acre of land on Flint Street on which the family grew corn. Andrew Beverage died on Sept. 25, 1903, during a typhoid epidemic that was raging in the area. On Oct. 2l, 1903, Howard's brother, Claude, (at 4 years of age) also died of typhoid.

Howard's mother, Mary Amanda Pingree, was born on March 26, 1867, of Mary Morgan and Job Pingree on 26th Street and Wall Ave., in Ogden, Utah. She was the fourth child of seven, born to this couple. Her father, Job Pingree, was a very prominent banker and businessman in Ogden. At the time Mary Amanda was born, Job Pingree was a polygamist, being married also to Ester Hooper. Both families were living in the Pingree home. Later, the family of Mary Morgan moved to a small home next to their large rock home. While visiting a sister, Adella Pingree Kendall, in South Weber she met Andrew Beverage Cook, her future husband, and they were married. Mary Amanda was an industrious, fine woman, who when left with her large family and doctor bills at the age of 36, went forward and succeeded to the blessing of her children. At the death of her husband, she decided to stay in their family home and farm the land. She was just a "city girl," but with the help of a neighbor, she was able to help teach the boys to be industrious, hard workers. She was a good neighbor and was highly respected by all those in the area.

Howard was twelve years of age when his father died, and being the second oldest son in the family, was responsible to help his mother help support the family. He learned at an early age the meaning of hard work and having little means.

The family would arise each morning at 5:30 or 6:00 a.m., have a small breakfast, and then go into the field to work--Mary Amanda working along with the boys, and Mary Jennett staying at home to cook the lunch, clean the house, and attend to the smaller children.

They raised beets, potatoes, grain, and hay, and when the one acre on Flint Street was purchased, they planted corn. The land was good and produced well. In the evening, Howard and his brother, Andrew, would do the chores with the animals, fix the barn or woodshed, etc., and their brother, Vird, would hoe and weed the garden and trim the hedge in front of their home. Years later, Howard still enjoyed getting out and working in the fields. He found it a source of relaxation.

Mary Amanda was an immaculate house keeper, as well as doing a great deal of handiwork (crocheting and braiding rugs) in the evenings. Her hands were never idle. She was an excellent cook and especially enjoyed baking. The children frequently had friends in the home, and it was a frequent occurrence for the neighborhood children to stop by for a piece of hot bread. Howard's mother was affectionately called "Ma," or "Ma Cook," by many.

With Mary Amanda working with her sons in the fields, they grew to be very close, and thus she had little or no discipline problems. The boys, even in their older years, would call frequently or go see their mother. They were most concerned with her welfare and honored her highly. Howard's brother, Vird, said of his mother, "If ever there was a perfect woman, it was Ma."

Ma was a hard worker, honest and thrifty and felt a great responsibility to her family. Through her good management, she provided the necessities for her family. She never remmarried after the death of Andrew Beverage. She stated, in her later life, that she did not want to marry because she did not want her sons and daughters subjected to a man's criticism of whom she could not be sure. She was most careful that they had the influence of only the people who lived in accordance with gospel principles. She would not hire the vagrant workers traveling through Layton at various times, because she did not want them to be taught swearing or other things contrary to the gospel.

Ma Cook loved animals and the family always had a pet lamb, cats, or chickens at the home site. It was probable that Howard learned from his mother her concern and consideration for those around her. He, like his mother, was very generous and thoughtful.

Ma went out little socially, but encouraged her children as they grew up to associate with their friends. The family did attend their church meetings and had many associations with the saints. One of the ways she influenced her children was to always talk highly of them. In a recording taken in 1954, when she was 80 years of age, she was asked about her son, Howard, and she said, "He was always a good boy, highly considerate. If his children turn out as good as their father, they will be truly fine people."

Howard's brother, Andrew, was partially deaf from a bout with scarlet fever in his youth. Ma wanted to live to care for him and would forgo many activities to stay home with him. Because of his deafness, he would not join the social activities.

The family home at the time of Howard's father's death, consisted of five rooms. After his death, Sam Banford, Ma's uncle, built on a large kitchen and back porch. This kitchen was a gathering place for the family. Later on, a porch on the southeast was built, and last of all the boys finished off a storage cellar underneath the bedroom on the south. The story is told by Vird of how they had to pour the floor twice to keep water from seeping in the cellar. The first time they poured a floor, it buckled, and a foot of water was in the basement. The second time, a foot and a half of cement was used. The cellar was so a six foot man could stand straight up, and it was cold at all times.

There was a barn and corral to the back of the house in which their large work horses were kept. In front and to the west of the barn was a pigpen and to the east between the barn and the house was a large wood and equipment shed.

When the children were young, the family attended the West Layton ward. Before Howard was married, he was active in the MIA as one of the counselors and learned much of his strength in the gospel at an early age in his home. Howard was baptized on July 9, 1899, by Charles W. Robbins, and confirmed the same date by John W. Thornley. He was ordained a deacon on Feb. 26, 1905, by William W. Nalder. He was never ordained a teacher, but was ordained a priest on Jan. 7, 1907, by George Vickers Stevenson. He was ordained an elder on Nov. 28, 1910, by Charles A. Layton, and received his Patriarchal Blessing on September 23, 1920, by Hyrum G. Smith.

Howard attended elementary school in Layton and then traveled to Ogden to attend Ogden High School. He graduated from Ogden High School May 28, 1910, having excelled in math, bookkeeping, business practice, and typing. He was a member of the Ogden High School basketball team which won their regional tournament.

Under the influence of their grandfather, Job Pingree, all of Ma's boys, except Andrew, went into some form of banking. Howard was extremely good with math and bookkeeping, and most of his mature life, he kept one to three sets of additional books which were separate from his banking job. Many evenings he could be found working on his bookkeeping.

Howard, as a boy, was very active, and as was common at that time in rural towns, participated in some of the local pranks, such as the tormenting of the older boys who were trying to impress the girls with their nice clothes and uppity airs. J. Golden Kimball was one who was irritated by the boys. He was courting a girl from Layton and would come from Salt Lake to take her to church. One night, the boys rolled his buggy whip in manure so that he soiled his immaculate white gloves. At other times, they would raid the pies at a wedding or take a watermelon from the neighbor's patch and have a party. On a Halloween, an unfriendly farmer's wagon would be taken apart and reassembled on his barn's roof with the aid of ponies and a hay derrick.

The boys, including Howard, would go fishing on the Weber River in the summer or were frequently found in their rare moments of spare time playing ball at the baseball diamonds which were located just west of the railroad station in Layton.

As he grew to be a teenager, he was very popular with the girls and dated a great deal. Annie, Vird's wife, said he was one of the best looking boys in town and was much sought after.

During World War I, Howard went to Seattle and worked in the shipyards. After this time, he went to Magrath, Canada, and worked in the sugar factory. In 1913, he returned to Layton, and worked for sometime in the Amalgamated Sugar Factory. At a latter date, he was employed in banking in Salt lake City. He would travel back and forth to Salt Lake on the old Bamburger that ran between Salt Lake and Ogden. He met his life long sweetheart, Pearl Viola Watkins on the Bamburger one Saturday night while traveling to Lagoon (a popular resort in Farmington, Utah) to a dance.

One of Howard's friends who was with him knew Pearl's sister, Mabel, and their group was introduced to his. Howard danced the first part of the night with one of Pearl's friends and then became better acquainted with Pearl at intermission time. The rest of the evening they danced together. It seems from that time on, he was a frequent visitor at the Watkins' home in Ogden, on 27th Street. It was such a ritual for him to return home on the last Bamburger each Sunday night, that the conductor of the train would slow down or wait for Howard at 27th Street and save him the walk to the station. Their courtship lasted for almost 6 years and during this time, developed into a close and beautiful relationship. Howard was well liked by Pearl's parents, who welcomed him readily into their family. On April 9, 1924, Pearl and Howard were married in the Salt Lake Temple. Howard had been most desirous of going on a mission, but because of family obligations, he had been unable to go. It was discussed between the couple and decided that they should marry and Pearl would wait at home. They felt it would be a great addition to their lives as well as an opportunity to serve the Lord. Howard was called to the British Mission and had his farewell from the Layton Ward on the evening of April 8, 1924 the night before he was married. On April 9, 1924 he met Pearl who came from Ogden to Layton, and they went to the preliminary meeting and then the 9:00 a.m. session in the Salt Lake Temple, where Howard and Pearl received their endowments. They were married at 3:23 p.m. by George F. Richards with witnesses being John Hagman and John P. Robinson. Their first night together was spent in the New House Hotel in Salt Lake, and the next day they returned to Ogden for a dinner at Pearl's parents' home. On Sunday, April 13, Howard spoke in the Sunday School in Layton, then on the 15th, Ma Cook gave the couple a shower with 85 people attending. On Wed., April 16, the Layton Ward MIA, of which Howard was counselor gave the couple a party at Ma Cook's home. They gave him an Articles of Faith by Talmage. On April 17, he was set apart, with Rollo, Pearl's brother, in the church office building and at that time, received his tickets and instructions. There was no mission home at the time to attend prior to leaving on a mission. On the evening of April 18, at 9:15 PM, Howard left for the British Isles by train. He was accompanied to Britain by Rollo Watkins, Pearl's brother, who had also been called on a mission to the British Isles. Pearl returned to the family home in Ogden to work and await his return. Howard and Rollo traveled to New York where they boarded a boat and started for England.

After arriving in England, Howard was assigned to the Sheffield district to work. He worked there some time and was subsequently assigned to the mission home as secretary to the mission under Pres. David O. McKay. Later Pres. McKay was released, and Howard continued as secretary to the mission under Pres. James E. Talmage. Howard was most desirous of getting out in the field to work, but was so talented in book keeping and records that it was felt he should remain with the president to travel to the various districts. Toward the later part of his mission, Howard had Rollo accompany him to Ireland for a conference. On their return, Rollo became extremely ill of pneumonia and nearly died. During his illness, Howard was allowed to travel to Rollo's area of labor to administer to him and after, he slowly returned to his health. At the end of their mission, Howard and Rollo met in Paris, France. Rollo continued to travel about Europe while Howard returned to the United States and met Pearl in Buffalo, New York. They spent some time traveling in the East and to New York City and then returned to Ogden, Utah. The mission was a blessing to both Howard and Pearl in their married life, even though at that time it must have been most difficult to leave each other, being so newly married.

After returning, Howard and Pearl obtained an apartment just west of her family home on 27th Street. Shortly thereafter, Howard found employment as a teller at the Walker Bank and Trust Company in Salt Lake City, and it was eventually decided to move their residence to Salt Lake. They began hunting for a home in 1927 and bought a small purple brick home at 508 6th Avenue. They remained in this home for the remainder of their married lives. This brick home was situated on a small piece of property with a small backyard and a driveway parallel to the west side of the home leading to a garage in the southwest corner of the lot.

On May 2, 1928, Howard and Pearl had their 1st son, whom they named after Howard (John Howard Cook Jr.). They called him John. Pearl had many complications after John's birth, and another child was not born until July 21, 1933, when Robert Watkins Cook was born. In the ensuing years between Robert's birth and their daughter Elaine's birth, Howard was ill, so that their last child, Mary Elaine Cook, wasn't born until Oct. 27, 1938.

Howard and Pearl were most desirous of remaining active in the church and soon became active in the 20th ward, Ensign Stake of Zion. On Feb. 27, 1929, Howard was ordained a Seventy by J. Golden Kimball. Howard was called at this time to be a clerk to Bishop Clarence C. Neslon. Howard continued as clerk to Bishop Edwin Q. Cannon and later as first counselor in the bishopric to Edwin Q. Cannon. He was ordained during this time to be a High Priest on March 14, 1937, by Arthur Winter.(When the 20th ward was split to the North 20th and South 20th wards, Howard and Pearl were in the North 20th ward, and Howard served with Eldred G. Smith as second counselor in the bishopric.) On June 14, 1944, Howard was set apart by Joseph F. Merrill as Bishop of the North 20th ward. In this capacity, he was most instrumental in favorably touching the lives of many. He was released Aug. 3, 1950. On Aug. 13, 1950, he was called to the Ensign Stake High Council and remained in that position for twelve years. During part of this time, he was chairman of the North 20th Ward Scout Committee.

He wrote of his scouting activities as follows:

"My experience in scouting covered a period of some twelve years. I have always been interested in the scout movement, for I think it is one of the greatest things one can be connected with. Particularly one can get close to boys and can be a great guide to the young of the nations, one of the greatest helps in keeping boys out of the delinquent ring. If more fathers took an interest in the Marvelous work, I think we would have a kinder, more helpful world. Even though I did not become actively engaged in scouting until late in life, in fact I started in the scout movement when John Jr. became a scout. I then went through all the requirements except Bird Study and Life Saving. This went on for some 12 years and Robert was getting his Eagle Badge. Thanks to Boyd Hatch, scoutmaster who put three of us fathers on the spot and gave us only a limited time to pass Life Saving. Brother Adrian Van Tussenbrook, whom we give credit to, worked with us on swimming and made it possible for us to pass. At the next scout Court of Honor, nine of our member's troop (180), received the Eagle Badge (two fathers and their sons--Fritz Haertel and his son Alvin, myself and my son, Robert Watkins Cook, Boyd Hatch, scoutmaster, WH (Bill) Olsen, Elmer Neuren, L. M. Tanner, and Spencer Greer all received Eagle Badges, together with 45 other scouts who received merit badges. A great deal of my scout work was done while I was first counselor to Bishop Eldred G. Smith and while I was Bishop of the North 20th ward. I enjoyed my connections with scouting very much. I started with John and received my Eagle Badge when Robert received his honor, some twelve years later."

During Howard's chairmanship of the Scout Committee, he was influential in helping many young men.

For seven years after his release from the Ensign Stake High Council and his retirement from Walker Bank, Howard was a set apart temple worker in the Salt Lake Temple and was very active in genealogy. He was also ward genealogical committee chairman. Howard's work in the church, covered many years of service. After his mission, he was eighteen years as clerk, ten years as 1st counselor in the Bishopric, six years as Bishop, twelve years in the High Council, seven years as a set apart temple worker and for many years was a member of the church regional welfare council.

After returning from his mission until his retirement, Howard was employed at the Walker Bank and Trust Company, this being a period of around thirty years. He was first employed as a teller and then moved to the trust department where he was placed in charge of the real estate. He at this time was active and participated in the A I B (American Institute of Banking) and took some extension classes at the U of U.

He was 5 feet 11 inches tall with medium dark brown hair that in his 40's, started to become gray and was snowy white in his 60's. He tended to be heavy in his latter years until his illness prior to his death. He had a fun sense of humor with a twinkle in his eye and he loved to tease.

He was most generous and kind to his children and to persons in trouble and would frequently be found helping someone in need with his belongings or his time. He was simple and kind in his advise. He sympathized easily with others and was described by many as a truly Christian gentleman. He was respected and loved as the Bishop of the North 20th Ward and was instrumental in helping. At the time that he was Bishop, the Bishops were solely responsible to do the tithing records and bookkeeping of the ward, and he spent many hours working on these books in addition to his other responsibilities.

He bought much stock during his lifetime and lost much of this during the depression years. He bought two pieces of property (one ten acres at 1600 West 4th North in Salt Lake and a 20 acre tract in Roy, Utah). The property in Roy had a large orchard as well as two homes on it. (The second frame home was built years later.)

Most Saturdays Howard would spend on his land in Roy, working in the orchard, fixing the homes, cultivating the land, irrigating, or pruning the trees. Each Saturday, going to and from the Roy property, he would stop and talk and visit with his mother in Layton. This seemed to be a great enjoyment over the years to Howard, and a financial asset to him in his later life. The land was most helpful to the family in supporting them with fruits and vegetables, especially during the depression years. A junior high school and LDS chapel were built on part of this land during his lifetime, and the remainder including the homes, he passed on as an inheritance to his children. Along with the job Howard held with Walker Bank and his farming in Roy, he held down two or three jobs keeping books for various companies in the evenings in his home. He was extremely industrious and hardworking, making sure his children were able to go on missions and attend college. He seemed to have a hard time letting down from his working to enjoy social activities while his family was young, but in the later years of his life, he grew more at ease and enjoyed many social situations with his friends. He would frequently take friends to dinner or go to their home.

Howard and Pearl enjoyed many enjoyable times with friends in various study groups, taking their family on picnics (especially to the canyons around Salt Lake for dinner after work), or to the beach, Lagoon, family reunions, etc. The family went each Christmas Eve to Ogden in their early years to spend the evening, night, and day with Pearl's mother and family. This continued until Grandmother Watkins' death, then the family would make an excursion to Ogden (usually on Christmas Eve) to distribute their gifts to the various relatives.

Each January 1st (New Year's Day) was spent with Ma Cook. This tradition was kept until her death in 1957.

While Howard never formally attended college, he was very proud that all his children had graduated, and that his son, John, had completed medical school. He was instrumental in not only helping to support them in their college days, but to send all three of the children on missions. It was a source of great satisfaction for him to be able to do this.

From after his marriage, Howard had a slight limp from osteomyelitis, that was barely noticeable, except when he was very tired.

In his adult years, he had a cough just as his mother had had in her later life. Howard's cough also worsened in his later life. After seeing a doctor in 1962, it was found that he had a disease which resulted in the progressively scaring of his lungs (chronic bronchitis).

In 1951, Howard's beloved wife, Pearl, had radical surgery for cancer and after much concern, loving care, faith and prayers as well as suffering, she passed away on October l, 1953. Howard was most kind to her during this time and spent many long hours supporting her before she quietly slipped into a coma and passed away in their family home. At the time, Robert, Howard's second son, was on a Great lakes mission, and his daughter, Elaine was fourteen years old. His son John was in Medical School. This was a great financial as well as an emotional time for Howard. Being both mother and father to the children, he attempted to grow very close to them, which had been hard in his earlier years because of his church responsibilities. He spent many hours of council and interest in the children.

Howard never remarried after Pearl's death, but revered her memory. He remained active and faithful in the church. After his retirement from banking, Howard had the opportunity to do some traveling and went to the dedication of the London Temple and the dedication of the New Zealand temple. These trips were a source of great enjoyment and memories. He was most interested in his grandchildren as his children married later in life. He saw only five grandchildren before his death in 1964.

On March 30, 1963, Howard had an aorta aneurysm, which ruptured and he was rushed to surgery at the LDS hospital in Salt Lake. After hours of surgery, 32 pints of blood in one night, great skill and prayer, fasting and prayer, he was able to return to his son John's home to recuperate. His daughter, Elaine, was at this time on a mission to Japan. Howard, from this time until his death, never completely recovered his strength. His weight wasted away and he was extremely thin at his death. His lung condition slowly worsened in conjunction with his major surgery and he had the great sorrow of the death of his son, Robert, on June 10, 1963, in a tragic accident in Southern Utah. These all contributed to his decline.

He remained in the hospitality of his son John's and daughter-in-law Barbara's home during the ensuing months. On Elaine's return from her mission, she remained at their home to try and help with his care. On May 12, 1964, after a family birthday, Howard attempted to walk in the backyard of his son John's home and fell, striking his ribs against a cement retaining wall. He quietly slipped into his eternal reward four days later, on May 16, 1964, at 9:30 p.m. in the LDS hospital.

Howard was greatly loved and respected by many for his devotion to the Lord and his service to his family and friends and the members of the church. He had a humble greatness in his love of his fellow men. He was truly a Christian gentleman.

Written by Mary Elaine Cook daughter of John Howard Cook. 1973.

Summer 1997-- scanned and re-edited by David Cook and Sherrie Markman.

Pearl Viola WATKINS [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 5 Dec 1897 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. She died on 1 Oct 1953 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. She was buried on 5 Oct 1953 in Ogden City Cemetery, Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. Pearl married John Howard COOK on 9 Apr 1924 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States.

Life History of Pearl Viola Watkins Cook

Pearl Viola Watkins Cook was born December 5, 1897, the daughter of Joseph Hyrum Watkins and Mary Ann Doxey. She was born in her parent's home on 239 27th Street, Ogden, Utah.

Her father, Joseph Hyrum, was a stern, quiet man, who was also known for his kindness, saintliness, and his soft spoken voice. He was born in Street, Somerset, England, near Glastonburg, on Aug. 13, 1851. His father, Edward John Watkins, was a boot and shoemaker, who later moved to Bristol, England, to enter a business. The family, including Joseph Hyrum and his mother and father, eventually joined the LDS church and emigrated from Bristol to Salt Lake City.

They left England June 4, 1863, aboard the Amazon, a sailing vessel. One thousand and five persons, including the captain and crew were on board. It took them 7 weeks and 3 days to sail from London to the New York harbor. From New York, they took a train to Buffalo and they continued by train through part of the state of New York. From there, they traveled by boat up the Missouri River to Winter Quarters, which is now Florence, Nebraska. A company was being fitted out at that time to cross the plains, and Joseph Hyrum and his father and mother were placed on the Daniel McArthur company which had 70 wagons, each wagon containing the belongings of 2-3 families. The company was given the name of the "Hell Roaring Dixie Train." Many hardships were endured on the trail. Edward John Watkins, Joseph Hyrum's father, was not well, so he had to ride in the wagon, thus Joseph Hyrum had to walk most of the way across the plains. His feet became very bloody at times with his walking, as his shoes were worn out and there was no leather to repair them. Joseph Hyrum spent his 12th birthday, August 13, 1863, on the plains en route to Salt Lake. They arrived in Utah on Oct. 3, 1863, and camped in Salt lake the first night on Washington Square, where the present Salt Lake City and County Building now stands. Shortly thereafter, they moved on to Ogden, Utah, where they established their home.

It was in Ogden that Joseph Hyrum met Pearl's mother, Mary Ann Doxey. He married Mary Ann Doxey and Mary Ann Ellis the same day, April 30, 1879, in the Salt Lake Endowment House.

Mary Ann Doxey Watkins, Pearl's mother, was born of Thomas Doxey and Ann Elizabeth Hunt in Salt Lake City, about six weeks after her parents had arrived in the valley from Winter Quarters. Her family soon settled in Ogden on 27th Street, near what is now called Wall Avenue, and engaged in farming. Mary Ann Doxey was raised there. When Ann was sixteen, her mother, Ann Elizabeth Hunt Doxey, died and left her the only girl in her immediate family. During the ensuing years, Mary Ann helped care and raise some of her family. She was 23 years of age when she married Joseph Hyrum Watkins.

At first, Mary Ann and Joseph Hyrum lived on 25th Street with his mother in a building young Joseph had helped his father build. This was the first brick building on 25th Street and stood where Kiesal Ave. is presently located. In later years, the building was used as a government post office.

Seven months after their marriage, they were called on a colonizing mission to St. Johns, Arizona. Because Mary Ann Ellis was ill at the time, she did not originally accompany them to St. Johns. Later, Mary Ann Ellis joined them and nine months later died, giving birth to a six month premature infant. Mary Ann Doxey also lost her first infant, Lily May, in St. Johns. Another child, Hyrum Lawrence, was born a year later and lived.

After three years of work, they were released from their mission and returned to Ogden. They made their home in a two room log cabin on 26th Street, between Grant and Lincoln Avenue. They lived here two years and two children were born to them. When Joseph Hyrum's mother died on Feb. 22, 1886, they moved to the 25th Street home once again and lived there for one year. The living quarters were on the second floor. Next, they moved to a frame house on Grant Avenue between 27th and 28th Street. It was here that Ruby May was born. In 1887, they built a one story brick home which consisted of six rooms. This home was at 239 27th Street. Later, this house was remodeled to a two story building, and here it was that their last nine children were born including Pearl Viola Watkins. Mary Ann Doxey was 41 years of age when Pearl was born. To this couple, 14 children were born, ten of which lived to adulthood. Pearl was their 11th child. The children were:

1. Lilly May Watkins--born Feb. 17, 1880. 2. Hyrum Lawrence Watkins--born Feb. 13, 1881. 3. Mary Elizabeth Watkins--born June 11, 1883. 4. Thomas Doxey Watkins--born October 26, 1884. 5. Ruby May Watkins--born Nov. 9, 1886. 6. John Franklin Watkins--born Nov. 6, 1888. 7. Joseph Hyrum--born Sept. 17, 1890. 8. Mabel Roselta--born Sept. 6, 1892. 9. David Hunt--born Nov. 5, 1894. 10. Ellis Doxey Watkins--born Jan. 18, 1896. 11. Pearl Viola Watkins--born Dec. 5, 1897. 12. Eva Watkins--born Jan. 25, 1900. 13. Jane Watkins--born Feb. 17, 1901. 14. Rollo Edward--born March 28, 1903.

Pearl's mother, Mary Ann Doxey, was a very sweet, wonderful person who was very efficient and an excellent housekeeper. Their home was always a gathering place for both old and young. Everyone was welcome. Whoever partook of their hospitality was enriched by her graciousness. Pearl's mother was affectionately called "Aunt Mary Ann" by many young people, cousins, and other members of their family. Pearl seemed to learn to enjoy at an early age a home where everyone was welcome, for she continued in her parents' footsteps by touching the lives of many in her own home.

There was a feeling of affection between Pearl's parents by their open expressions. They never seemed to be without each other. They were frequently seen holding hands and affectionately called each other "Mama and Papa." Though stern in the discipline of that day, they still showed great concern and affection for their children. Pearl's father tried to see that his family was well provided for and though they had little extra money, he would fashion sleds, bats, etc. for the children in his carpentry work. He was always planning that the family might have a comfortable home with the latest conveniences.

The home on 27th Street was always neat and clean. The cellar or basement was arranged with their bottled fruit, potatoes, onions and large quantities of flour (1000 pounds at a time, each spring and each fall). This home was considered one of the lovelier homes in the area. Her father, being a carpenter, and having built the home, kept it well constructed and beautifully maintained.

Nora Doxey Cox, a cousin, tells of the time when the first bathroom in the neighborhood was obtained and arranged in the Watkins' home. A small bedroom was arranged into the bathroom with a six foot bathtub with a slanting back. It was a Saturday night ritual for Pearl and Nora to take their baths together as young girls and slide down the back of the tub, splashing into the water. She recalls how "Aunt Mary Ann," never seemed to anger at their childhood antics or mess.

The land with the home, facing 27th Street, went almost completely through the block with a barn at the extreme rear. A horse and buggy and chicken coop were closer to the front. It was here that Frank, Pearl's brother, established a blacksmith shop. There was also a garden with fruit trees. At one time, they also had cows that the children took turns milking and a beehive that supplied them with honey.

Family prayer, both morning and night, was a daily occurrence in the Watkins' home, and the family was highly religious being very active in church positions. Pearl's father was clerk of the Ogden 2nd ward for 25 years. Her parents, for their faithful work in the church, were privileged to be given their second endowments which were occasionally given at this time.

Pearl seems to have had a happy life from the beginning. Pearl's childhood at home was filled with love as well as a rich heritage in relationship to the gospel. Each Sunday morning, the family was dressed and went to their meetings together. Fast day was always strictly observed. In the evening, they would always have a nice pot roast, carrots, potatoes, etc. together as a family. Many Sunday afternoons were spent in long walks together. On Dec. 6, 1905, Pearl was baptized by her father and then confirmed by William Lund.

Days before the TV, movies, etc., the children were responsible for making their own fun. There were many activities going on in the home with many of the children having their individual friends in and out.

With this large home and family, it was necessary that each member of the family take on individual responsibilities. It was at an early age that Pearl learned to work hard and even in the latter years of her life, she could work long hours in a happy mood. Her first responsibility as a child was to crank the family's washing machine each morning before going to school. As she grew a little older, she was responsible to help her brother, Rollo, chop the wood and on alternating mornings start the family fire. The story is told by Nora Doxey Cox of how one morning Pearl had slept late and did not answer to her father's call at 6:00 a.m.. He finally had to awaken and discipline her to get her started. She was so angry while chopping her wood that the ax slipped, and she cut her leg so severely that she had a scar for the remainder of her life. As she grew older, it was her responsibility to bake 10-12 loaves of bread every other day, besides the other pastries required by the family. Pearl had this job for many years, and it resulted in her being a fine cook of rolls, bread and pastries.

Each day one of the Watkins' children would take their father a hot lunch of meat, potatoes, and gravy, etc., to his place of employment at the John Ellis Planing Mill between 23--24th Street. It was one of the most pleasant and often remembered pleasures of Pearl's young life to take her father's lunch to him and spend the lunch hour talking with and associating with him. The relationship between Pearl and her father was a warm one, and she remembered him as an "ideal" in her life.

Christmas time was a fun time for traditions in the Watkins' home. They would obtain a tall (12-14 feet high) Christmas tree that would extend from the floor to the ceiling. The tree was decorated with small ornaments and wax candles. One member of the family would get on a step ladder to light the candles. The tree had to be constantly watched in case of fire. Most of the family, including Pearl, even after they were married, would return to the family home laden with presents each Christmas Eve to join in trimming the tree and arranging the presents and staying over night. Pearl loved the tradition of holidays, and each holiday over the year was celebrated and made special with her own children.

As Joseph Hyrum's children married and moved away, he built a smaller home in the back of the two story house on 27th Street. It was frequently referred to as the summer house. The home was on one level, modern, up to date, and beautifully decorated and furnished. It had a large kitchen, parlor, and formal dining room for entertaining and a smaller informal dining room that was used as a winter kitchen with stove combined with a family room. The piano (normally in the parlor) was moved to the family room in the winter so that the children could continue their music studies and still conserve on the fuel used to burn in their pot bellied stove. In the basement of the smaller home was a studio for their daughter, Ruby, who was an accomplished artist. It was here she taught art. The family lived in this home for some years and then moved back into the home on 27th Street. It was in the 27th Street home that Joseph Hyrum and Mary Ann Doxey lived the remaining years of their lives. Joseph Hyrum built a summer home in Heber Canyon and the family would move each summer to this home.

Once a year on the 4th or 24th of July, Joseph Hyrum and Mary Ann would take their children to Salt Air. They would all travel by the Bamburger to Salt Lake and then transfer to the Salt Air train. It was an exciting and fun adventure for the family. Being raised in such a large home with such a large family gave them some fun family activities.

Pearl also wanted to have a large family, and it was some disappointment to her to have had only three children. Like her parents, Pearl frequently had others living in her home. Among others were Ben Farr, Mary Kidman, Marvel and Norma Middleton, Roxanne, John and Jay Watkins, and others. Her home was always open to those in need for council or help in any way. Frequently, members of her family came to her to mediate their difficulties or for council or for a room to stay. At conference time her home was always full of visitors. It was a fun thing to put sleeping bags on the back lawn to make room for guests. Pearl was generous with her belongings to friends or family alike. She was of the temperament to be very sociable and the life of the party.

She had many friends. In her earlier years, she dated a great deal. Her first friend was Nora Doxey Cox, her cousin. These two girls spent many hours together. Nora and her family lived next door to the Watkins family, and when the Watkins family moved to the back home, her mother rented out the home on 27th Street to boarders. Nora and Pearl proved to be close friends all their lives. Later on, in her youth, her friends were Rea Ogden Shupe Grover, Faun Carver, Lavern Bingham Hillis, her sister Mabel, Ella Frew Beus, Frances Carhart and Elizabeth Seppick. Much fun was had by these friends.

Pearl went to elementary school at Grant School in Ogden, Utah, and then attended Lewis Central Junior High School and graduated from Weber Normal Academy. In her later years, she attended many extension classes at the University of Utah. Though having little formal university education, Pearl seemed to always have a thirst for education, and she tried to foster this in her children. She would frequently arise early in the morning to read before her children would awaken or her household duties needed to be done. Many evenings were spent reading. She was especially interested and was a student of the scriptures.

After her schooling was completed, Pearl went to work in the Ogden Credit Bureau. Mrs. Margaret Stewart was her original supervisor. She worked there some 3-4 years before being married and then continued her employment for two years after her marriage. She was manager of the office for part of this time.

Pearl's father, Joseph Hyrum, died on the 4th of Sept., 1921, of carcinoma of the neck after a sickness of 8 months. She spent many hours caring for her father at this time and talked occasionally of his suffering and inability to swallow. At the time of her last illness, she remembered this and felt extremely grateful to be able to swallow.

Pearl met her beloved companion, John Howard Cook, as she and some of her friends were traveling on the Bamburger to Lagoon to a dance. At that time, the dances at Lagoon were very popular with the young people. Howard and his friends had boarded the train at Layton, Utah, (his home) en route to the dance. Mabel, Pearl's sister, knew one of Howard's friends and spent the first part of the evening with him. During the dance intermission, Howard and Pearl became better acquainted and finished the evening dancing together. It seems from that time on Howard and Pearl spent most of their dates together and grew to be very much in love. Their courtship lasted for almost 6 years before they decided to marry.

Howard had been very desirous of going on a mission. Howard and Pearl discussed this in relationship to their goals and wishes in life and decided that they would marry and then send Howard on his mission. Howard was called to the British mission and served under Pres. James Talmage and Pres. David O. McKay as their mission secretary. Howard and Pearl received their endowments and were married on April 9, 1924.

Pearl kept a diary of the few days between her wedding and Howard's departure. Pearl records:

"The most wonderful day of our lives, our wedding day, and such a wonderful spring day. Mother, Beth, Fawn and myself left Ogden at 6:30 a.m. and met Howard at Layton and Mrs. Cook and Vird at the temple. Went to a meeting and through the 9:00 session. How wonderful it all was. Was married by George F. Richards with the witnesses being John Hagman and John P. Robinson. Married at 3:23 p.m.. Went to dinner with Mother Cook and Vird. Mother and Faun went with Beth to have her patriarchal blessing. We stayed at the Newhouse Hotel our first night together."

On April 10, they returned to Ogden and Pearl's mother gave her a dinner at her home. Pearl describes the dinner at her home as such:

"The two tables, one in the dining room and one in the living room, were beautiful. Our table in the living room had our wedding cake for the center--pink candle in silver candle sticks at the ends of the table and small vases of pink sweet peas and roses on each side of the cake--wedding cake tied in white tissue paper with pink ribbon were favors. The place cards were pink rose design. At our table was seated Mother, Mother Cook (Both fathers had passed away by this time), Marion, Vird and Annie, Myrtle and Alma, Beth and Mark, Rollo, Mabel, Bernice, Howard and I. The table in the dining room was decorated with a large flat basket of sweet peas and roses which the girls at the office gave me--pink candles at crystal holders in each end. The favors and place cards were the same. Those seated at this table were Mamie and Lawrence Watkins, Nina, Laurence Doxey, Clark Watkins, Mildred and Tom, George and Rhea, Brent and Lavern, Lou and Iona, and Faun. Places were set for Frank, Hyrum, Andrew, Don and Ida, but they didn't come--Mother, Beth, Bernice, Mamie prepared the dinner. Four girls hired from Weber served. We had a four course meal."

The night before their wedding, Howard had his farewell in Layton. They also had several parties both in Layton and in Ogden between their wedding and the time Howard left. Pearl accompanied Howard and Pearl's brother Rollo, who was also going to England, to Salt Lake to the church office building, April 17, 1924, to be set apart for their missions. On April 18, in the evening, Howard left from the station in Salt Lake for his mission. Pearl accompanied him to Ogden on the train and there Rollo and a few other missionaries boarded, and they left Ogden at 9:15 p.m. for the East.

Pearl returned to Ogden to her family home to stay with her mother and to continue working and await Howard's return. These must have been hard and lonely years for both Howard and Pearl, but this missionary experience they shared together strengthened their testimony and their determination to live the gospel greatly.

On June 24, 1926, Howard returned from England and his mission. Pearl met Howard in Buffalo, New York, and they spent some time traveling to New York and around the east before returning home to Ogden.

Shortly thereafter, Howard again found employment as a teller in Walker Bank and Trust Co. in Salt Lake City. They decided to move into the Salt Lake area and so in the early part of 1927, they bought a home on the avenues on the north bench area of the city at 508 6th Avenue. They remained in this home for the remainder of their lives together. This brick home was situated on a small piece of land with a small backyard. On the west side of the home was a driveway leading to a garage. Pearl had saved sufficient money to buy the family home some nice furniture. The rooms of the home were smaller than she was used to, and the ceilings were much lower, but she and Howard were able to fix their home up in a nice manner.

Pearl and Howard had three children:

    John Howard Cook Jr.--born May 2, 1928. Robert Watkins Cook--born July 21, 1933. Mary Elaine Cook--born October 27, 1938.

They were all born in the LDS hospital on 8th Avenue and C Street in Salt lake City. After the birth of their first child, Pearl was told that she might not be able to have other children because of complications during the birth. Pearl and Howard decided after waiting for some time to try again and after changing physicians, their second son was born. In the years following Robert's birth Howard had some bad health, so that it was again 5 years before their last child, Elaine, was born. Thus there were 5 years between the birth of each of their children.

Howard was employed at the Walker Bank for over 30 years. Soon after his employment, he was transferred to the Trust Department and spent most of his employment time caring for Walker Bank Real Estate. This was occasionally an outlet for his boys to have jobs working, caring for lawns, etc.

Howard spent many years in the bishopric of the North 20th Ward, Ensign Stake, and Pearl felt that there was no greater calling for her but to support and give encouragement to her husband. She spent many long hours helping him in his responsibilities. Her home was always open to those who needed advice or help, especially in relationship to her husband's duties.

Pearl, likewise, was extremely active in the North 20th Ward and Ensign Stake. Since the age of 14 years, she had taught in one of the organizations of the church and this activity continued in the North 20th Ward until shortly before her death. She was an excellent teacher. She taught in all of the organizations in the church as well as being President of the MIA and served on the Primary Board of Ensign Stake. For three years, she taught the theology lesson (Jesus the Christ) in the North 20th ward Relief Society, and it was an inspirational and testimony building experience for all. For many years, even after her death, people would talk about the influence her teaching of this subject had had on them. Pearl loved the opportunity to teach and felt it was a most effective way of touching others' lives. She spent many long hours in her preparation and she believed that the principles of the gospel needed to be translated into people's lives.

She tried to teach the gospel in its practical as well as scriptural setting to her children. Her son, Robert, once stated that his mother had taught him more about the scriptures in one hour of instruction that he had learned in years of Sunday School. A frequent question to her children when they talked of gospel principles was "scripture and verse?". As stated before, Pearl loved to study the scriptures and seemed to have the talent to translate her knowledge to those she taught. Once she was trying to teach her children the principle of going the second mile and for weeks she would talk to them about what they had done to live this principle during their days activities. Many discussions as well as teaching moments came from these times.

Pearl was artistically talented. During the time that Howard was on his mission, Pearl decided to take a ceramic class to fill her time. She painted many individual pieces of ceramic dishes as well as painting two complete sets of china. One set was used as the family's best china in her home. The instructor of this ceramic class was Mrs. Lillian Chase.

She was frequently seen drawing small pictures to entertain little children. Her artistic talent was used in her teaching as well as in her home. Her home was nicely decorated for her day as well as well kept. She took pride in trying to keep a clean and orderly home.

Pearl was always well groomed and took pride in the cleanliness of her children. She was an extremely good cook, and as stated before, was especially good in her making of bread. She would can many hundreds of bottles of fruit and vegetables each year to help with the family budget. She enjoyed entertaining and took much preparation when having others to her home. She loved a beautifully set table and liked to make her meals an occasion in the home, especially as this was the time the whole family was able to gather together.

Family prayer was held in the mornings before the family dispersed. Family outings, especially in the summer were frequently held. Excursions to the canyons after work in the evenings for dinner were especially remembered by the family. This helped to hold her family closely together even in their older years.

Pearl was inclined to be not only socially oriented in her interests, but she liked many of the cultural activities. Though she had little training in this area, she liked to foster an interest in music, etc. in her children. Also there was a great emphasis for educational achievement in the home as well as a desire for them to go on missions. Pearl and Howard wanted their children to achieve and tried to encourage them in these areas. Pearl had a special talent to think well under crises and in handling tight situations. She passed some of this on to her children. She tended to be quite strict in her discipline but could be warm in her insight when she wished, and she believed in the teaching moment and thus she did not work out of the home until the children were grown.

She was five feet seven inches tall, had dark brown short hair that was starting to gray at the temples in her later years. She had a quick sense of humor, a flirtatious smile, and infectious laughter. She seemed to be able to sense others' needs and was most sensitive and kind. She was most handy in sewing her own and her children's clothes. She enjoyed being attentive to her children. Her children remembered how proud they were to introduce her to their friends. Howard gave her at one time a black seal skin coat. Her children loved to snuggle up to their mother as little ones, to touch and feel the softness of her coat.

Pearl loved to read and wanted to foster this in her children. She helped organize a Children's Literature Book Club in her area. The women would meet in the afternoon, and their children would play in the middle of the floor as the mothers would study children's books. There was always an abundance of good books in Pearl's home. She would often give good books to her children for birthdays and Christmas. One summer, while her daughter Elaine was ill, she started a reading hour in which the neighborhood children were invited to her front porch while she read to them.

In her later years, Pearl went to work at the Genealogical Society typing. For many years she worked in the Salt Lake Temple and helped with the brides. This calling was a special satisfaction to her.

In 1951, Pearl noticed a lump in her left breast, and she consulted a doctor. Eventually she went to California and an associate of her brother Frank's, performed a radical operation to remove the carcinoma. The cancer metastasized and after 18 months of extreme suffering and pain, she quietly slipped into a coma and died on October 1, 1953, at 11:00 p.m. in their family home at 508 6th Avenue. During this time of suffering, she was known to seldom if ever complain or express anything of her suffering. She had great faith and was pleasant during this time. Many groups fasted and prayed on her behalf, but the will of the Lord was her desire. At the time of her illness, her son, Robert, was contemplating going on a mission but felt that he could not go when his mother was so ill. She encouraged him and through her prayers and faith, he left for his mission. She was very happy about his service for the Lord. She was released from the hospital long enough to attend his farewell. She sat in the rear of the chapel in a soft chair, thrilled with the experience he was to have. Pearl died just under one month after Robert entered the mission field. When the time came, she went peacefully and triumphantly. She was a lovely lady of great warmth and compassion for those with whom she came in contact.

Written by Mary Elaine Cook, daughter of Pearl Watkins Cook in 1973.

Summer 1997-- scanned and re-edited by David Cook and Sherrie Markman.

BURIAL: Moved to Salt Lake City

Rollo Edward WATKINS [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 28 Mar 1903 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. He died on 3 Oct 1993 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States. He was buried on 9 Oct 1993. Rollo married Margaret Ann MILLER on 27 Aug 1937.

Other marriages:
WURTZ, Veronica Margaret

Story of My Life
by Rollo Edward Watkins

Probably without any knowledge and concern on my part but with great expectations and hopes on the part of my parents, I was born on Saturday March 28, 1903 at precisely 5:15 p.m., the son of Joseph Hyrum and Mary Ann Doxey Watkins.

I have been told by my mother that I was born on the day her father was buried, thus she was unable to attend her father's funeral. I wonder how many times from that day, I have been the cause of preventing her from doing things? I did not know any of my grandparents.

My parents are of English stock. Joseph Hyrum, my father, was born in Street, Somersetshire, England on August 13, 1851. He emigrated to Utah with his parents when he was 13 years old walking beside a hand cart. My mother, Mary Ann Doxey, was born in Ogden, Utah on August 28, 1856. Her parents on were born in England. Joseph Hyrum and Mary Ann had a family of fourteen children, seven boys and seven girls. of which I happen to be the youngest, the seventh son and the fourteenth child. At the time of my birth my mother was forty seven years of age. My brothers and sisters were Lawrence,

I was reared in the City of Ogden, living at 239 - 27th Street at the family residence until after my return from my European Mission. There were two houses on the large lot. My father built both of them as he was a carpenter. He build all the cabinets in
the kitchen. The house in the back was known as the Summer Home. Our home facing on 27th Street was the first two story house built in Ogden. It was heated by a wood burning stove in the kitchen. We had a heating stove for coal in the Dinning Room. For awhile I lived in both the big home and the Summer Home. There were three bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs there was a Parlor, Living Room, Kitchen and a bedroom and a bathroom down the hail. My sister Ruby's Studio was downstairs where she taught art and painted. I shared a bedroom with Hy some of the time. Mother raised four of her grandchildren. Ben and Jed, who were my sister Beth's children, had a bedroom in the big- home which was facing 27th Street. Norma and Marvel, Ruby's daughters, lived with us and were like sisters to me. My sisters Mabel and Pearl lived with us at home and worked before they were married.

I shared the chore of cutting wood for the wood burning stove with my sister Pearl. Early in the morning we would cut the wood before going to school. One of my chores was to take care of the yard. We had chickens. I had to clean the chicken coop and gather the eggs. We also had a garden by the Summer house. We grew most of our food in the garden. There were also fruit trees in the garden. The apples were small and we called them “Strawberry” apples. Mother made pies with them. There was a barn in the back yard and Frank had a shed with his blacksmith tools in it, which was along the access road which led to Grant Street.

I can remember Indians coming to the back door. Mother would always give them something to eat. The Indians would come in the Summer time. Mother was always generous and fed any tramp who came
by. There was a decorative stone in front of the house. Someone put a mark on the stone by the side walk. Tramps coming by the street would pass up other houses and come to our house . Mother feed them on the lawn.

My parents didn't have a car. They used the trolly to go up the canyon and to Salt Lake City. During the Summer we lived in the house Dad built on the Ogden River. It had a front porch, two bedrooms and a kitchen. People slept on the porch. My father would take the trolly in the canyon to and from work during the Summer. When we went to Salt Lake City we went on the Bamburger trolly. Some of my most pleasant memories are of the things I did as a child at our Summer home on the Ogden River. I went swimming and fishing in the river. With friends we went hiking and hunting in the mountainS. There was a Hermitage(SP) Resort close by and my older brothers and sisters went to the Dance Hall there in the evenings.

The Doxeys had a cabin just above us (?) on the river. So there were cousins to play with. I spent time with

During the Summer, our family went to Salt Aire by way of the Bamberger trolly. They gave a prize to the largest family who went. Several years we won the prize. We would go swimming in the Great Salt Lake.

I attended my first school when six years of age, going to the Central School where the Elks Club now stands. Mrs. Craven was the Principal. The following year I attended the Bugree Grade School, until I passed my grades. Upon graduating from the grade school, I next attended the Lewis Junior High School for four years. Graduating from the Lewis Junior High School I next entered Weber Academy which was the L.D.S. High School. Beal Joe Ricks and Arron Tracy were the principals. The School changed it's name to Weber Normal College. I graduated in 1921.

While in High School I worked at the Watson & Tanner Clothing Store on 24th Street in the afternoons and during the Summer before going on my Mission. I got the job at the Clothing Store because I knew the Tanners. We sold everything. I made less than $1.00 an hour at my first job. I did not work in the Lumber Mill where my father worked because I wasn't a carpenter.

I was ordained a Deacon by William E. Newman on May 27, 1915. On March 11, 1917 I was ordained a Teacher by Robert McQuarrie. George E. Browning ordained me a Priest on my birthday March 28, 1920. I did not go on a Mission immediately after school as my father had throat cancer and I was needed at home. After my Mission I moved to Los Angeles, California to enter College and lived with my brother Frank in Highland Park.

I was ordained an Elder by Eleazer. J. Jones on March 4, 1923. I was visiting my sister, Pearl, in Salt Lake City one time. She knew Hyrum G. Smith who was the Patriarch of the Church. She called and made an appointment for me to have a blessing which was given on

Before I left on my Mission, I taught a Sunday School class. This is a picture of the Sunday School teachers who had 100% attendance for one year in the 2nd Ward in Ogden, Utah. I am in the back row 3rd from the left. My sister, Pearl, is also in the picture.

I left on my Mission to Great Britain on April 18, 1924. I traveled a week by train to New York and then on to Montreal. From Montreal it took a week to go to England by boat. Some of the cities I served in in England were Bramwell, Sheffield, Manchester, Wiqan, Darnley. Liverpool was the last city I was in. The areas were called Conferences instead of Districts. My Mission President was James E. Talmage. He encouraged us to travel. Thus while on my Mission I went to Edinburgh, Scotland where I bought some books. One of them was Poems by Robert Burns.

Before I returned home from my Mission, I toured Europe. I went from Callis to France and. by train to Paris. I then took a train to Italy and traveled to Florence and Rome.

I was released from my Mission in the Spring and sailed home on the ship Maulcalm leaving Liverpool June 18, 1926 arriving in Montreal on June 26th. I arrived home on the 4th of July 1926.

After my Mission I moved to Los Angeles, California to enter College and lived with my brother Frank and his wife, Bernice, in Highland Park next door to Edith Hanlon and her first husband. She lived in the house in the back. Her parents and her brother lived in the large front house. My brother Frank helped me financially so that I could attend school. A trolly ran in front of our house. I rode it five miles to U.S.C. Dental School. It cost me five cents. One Thanksgiving I remember having a hamburger for dinner. Bernice was not a great cook.

I graduated from Dental School in the Coliseum on June 4, 1932. A month or so after graduation I took the California State Dental Examination and then went to Utah to take State Dental Exam.

Although I never practiced dentistry in Utah I have had a license to do so. In 1965 I retired, having practiced for thirty three years in the medical building I shared with my brother Frank and a couple of other doctors at 5414 N. Figueroa Street in Highland Park which is a suburb of Los Angeles. Dentistry as a profession was all right. I started out during the Depression. A lot of people didn't pay their bills. Since my leg hurt, I didn't like standing all day.

I was a Sunday School teacher in the Adams Ward in Los Angeles where I met Margaret Ann Miller, daughter of John T. and Margaret Kienke Miller, who was to become my wife a few years later. Frank had a beach house in Manhattan where Margaret and some of my other friends would go during the Summer.

On August 21, 1937 Margaret and I were married in the Wilshire Ward. We then drove to Salt Lake City and were married in the Salt Lake Temple. After Margaret and I were married, we lived in an apartment in Los Angeles. One day we were out driving in Pasadena when I saw a house for sale. Two old sisters had lived in it. It was built in 1900. There was someone else looking at the house at the same time. I asked how much it was and bought it right then. When I told Frank how much I paid for it, he said,” You couldn't put a driveway in for that amount”. I have never moved to another home. When we first moved into the house on Palmetto Drive, we only had a few orange crates for furniture. I bought most of the furniture from Estate auctions, a few pieces at a time.

On February 7, 1939 our first child was born. We named our daughter Marilyn Roxanne but have a called her Roxanne. She was born a month early and I called her half pint as she was so small. Our first son was born on December 15, 1940. I named him after my brother, John Franklin. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 thus we were at War the year after John was born. Our last son, James Edward, was born on July 30. 1944. World War II ended a year later in 1945.

During the war gasoline was rationed but I had enough to drive to Highland Park to practice dentistry. I also worked nights as that was the only time some people could come to see me. I would go home for dinner and then drive back to the office.

I was ordained a High Priest by Joseph Reese in Pasadena on May 28, 1939 and became the First Councilor in the Pasadena Bishopric. The Bishop was____________________ I was in the Bishopric until August 1945.

Margaret Ann had Polycystic Kidney disease for ten years. She died on May --. 1948. In July of 1949 I bought a cottage at Catalina Island. In August of 1949 Veronica WurtZ and I were married in Mexico. She was a patient of Frank's and that is how I met her.

I was a member of the Pasadena Stake Committee of the Adult Aaronic priesthood. On May 7, 1956 I was set apart by Say B. Rose to serve as a Missionary at the Los Angeles Temple where I went on Thursday afternoons which was my day off. The following week I was set apart as a member of the Pasadena Stake High Council by Clifford E. Young on May 13, 1956. Howard W. Hunter was the Stake President. The hardest part of being on the High Council was giving monthly talks in Sacrament Meetings.

Veronica and I were in the Temple one day walking down the hail when a counselor in the Presidency asked us both to be Temple workers. He took us down to the office and we were set apart by President Bowring as Los Angeles Temple workers.

On October 8, 1973 President Harold B. Lee conferred the Sealing Power on me to be a Sealer in the Los Angeles Temple. We made a special trip to Salt Lake City to be set apart by the President of the Church. Veronica and I continued to labor in the Temple until she had a stroke in 1985.

For recreation I learned how to play golf. I used to play on Thursday afternoons until I became a Missionary guide at the Los Angeles Temple. I also played golf at Catalina Island where my family spent their Summers. When school was out in June the family would go over to Catalina. I would come over by boat Friday nights for the week-end. While at Catalina I built a couple of sheds. One shed covered the washing machine and provided storage for swim equipment. Later I added a storage shed next to the kitchen door for beach equipment, paints, canned food and other items.

When I first started out practicing, I got an infection which localized in the marrow of the bone of my right leg. I have had an infection in my leg for about 65 years. It was before I was married. There hasn't been a cure for Osteomyelitis. I have had three operations on my leg. One operation was a skin graft after the doctor cleaned out the bone. Of f and on I have used a cane. It would clear up and then come back.

During the Spring of 1991 I got tired of dressing it morning and night. I had a lot of pain with my bad leg. I finally had to have my leg amputated. However, I would not advise anyone to do it.

By the end of August I got my new prothesis. It is hard to get use to it. It takes an hour to get dressed in the mornings and I can't get it to go where I want it to go. At least I do not have the terrible pain in my leg nor do I have to dress it twice a day.

I have been learning to walk with it but I have to use a walker as I don't have the strength to walk by myself.

I have eight grandchildren. Brian, Mike, Rob, Dyana and Laura are John and Judi's children. Roxanne and Nolan's children are Jennifer, Elizabeth and Jonathan. I have two great grandchildren. Brian and Cindy have a daughter Sarah and a son John David. I am now eighty eight years old.

Margaret Ann MILLER was born on 31 Jan 1906 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. She died on 11 May 1948. Margaret married Rollo Edward WATKINS on 27 Aug 1937.

Rollo Edward WATKINS [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 28 Mar 1903 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. He died on 3 Oct 1993 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States. He was buried on 9 Oct 1993. Rollo married Veronica Margaret WURTZ on 28 Dec 1950 in Yuma, Yuma, Arizona, United States.

Other marriages:
MILLER, Margaret Ann

Story of My Life
by Rollo Edward Watkins

Probably without any knowledge and concern on my part but with great expectations and hopes on the part of my parents, I was born on Saturday March 28, 1903 at precisely 5:15 p.m., the son of Joseph Hyrum and Mary Ann Doxey Watkins.

I have been told by my mother that I was born on the day her father was buried, thus she was unable to attend her father's funeral. I wonder how many times from that day, I have been the cause of preventing her from doing things? I did not know any of my grandparents.

My parents are of English stock. Joseph Hyrum, my father, was born in Street, Somersetshire, England on August 13, 1851. He emigrated to Utah with his parents when he was 13 years old walking beside a hand cart. My mother, Mary Ann Doxey, was born in Ogden, Utah on August 28, 1856. Her parents on were born in England. Joseph Hyrum and Mary Ann had a family of fourteen children, seven boys and seven girls. of which I happen to be the youngest, the seventh son and the fourteenth child. At the time of my birth my mother was forty seven years of age. My brothers and sisters were Lawrence,

I was reared in the City of Ogden, living at 239 - 27th Street at the family residence until after my return from my European Mission. There were two houses on the large lot. My father built both of them as he was a carpenter. He build all the cabinets in
the kitchen. The house in the back was known as the Summer Home. Our home facing on 27th Street was the first two story house built in Ogden. It was heated by a wood burning stove in the kitchen. We had a heating stove for coal in the Dinning Room. For awhile I lived in both the big home and the Summer Home. There were three bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs there was a Parlor, Living Room, Kitchen and a bedroom and a bathroom down the hail. My sister Ruby's Studio was downstairs where she taught art and painted. I shared a bedroom with Hy some of the time. Mother raised four of her grandchildren. Ben and Jed, who were my sister Beth's children, had a bedroom in the big- home which was facing 27th Street. Norma and Marvel, Ruby's daughters, lived with us and were like sisters to me. My sisters Mabel and Pearl lived with us at home and worked before they were married.

I shared the chore of cutting wood for the wood burning stove with my sister Pearl. Early in the morning we would cut the wood before going to school. One of my chores was to take care of the yard. We had chickens. I had to clean the chicken coop and gather the eggs. We also had a garden by the Summer house. We grew most of our food in the garden. There were also fruit trees in the garden. The apples were small and we called them “Strawberry” apples. Mother made pies with them. There was a barn in the back yard and Frank had a shed with his blacksmith tools in it, which was along the access road which led to Grant Street.

I can remember Indians coming to the back door. Mother would always give them something to eat. The Indians would come in the Summer time. Mother was always generous and fed any tramp who came
by. There was a decorative stone in front of the house. Someone put a mark on the stone by the side walk. Tramps coming by the street would pass up other houses and come to our house . Mother feed them on the lawn.

My parents didn't have a car. They used the trolly to go up the canyon and to Salt Lake City. During the Summer we lived in the house Dad built on the Ogden River. It had a front porch, two bedrooms and a kitchen. People slept on the porch. My father would take the trolly in the canyon to and from work during the Summer. When we went to Salt Lake City we went on the Bamburger trolly. Some of my most pleasant memories are of the things I did as a child at our Summer home on the Ogden River. I went swimming and fishing in the river. With friends we went hiking and hunting in the mountainS. There was a Hermitage(SP) Resort close by and my older brothers and sisters went to the Dance Hall there in the evenings.

The Doxeys had a cabin just above us (?) on the river. So there were cousins to play with. I spent time with

During the Summer, our family went to Salt Aire by way of the Bamberger trolly. They gave a prize to the largest family who went. Several years we won the prize. We would go swimming in the Great Salt Lake.

I attended my first school when six years of age, going to the Central School where the Elks Club now stands. Mrs. Craven was the Principal. The following year I attended the Bugree Grade School, until I passed my grades. Upon graduating from the grade school, I next attended the Lewis Junior High School for four years. Graduating from the Lewis Junior High School I next entered Weber Academy which was the L.D.S. High School. Beal Joe Ricks and Arron Tracy were the principals. The School changed it's name to Weber Normal College. I graduated in 1921.

While in High School I worked at the Watson & Tanner Clothing Store on 24th Street in the afternoons and during the Summer before going on my Mission. I got the job at the Clothing Store because I knew the Tanners. We sold everything. I made less than $1.00 an hour at my first job. I did not work in the Lumber Mill where my father worked because I wasn't a carpenter.

I was ordained a Deacon by William E. Newman on May 27, 1915. On March 11, 1917 I was ordained a Teacher by Robert McQuarrie. George E. Browning ordained me a Priest on my birthday March 28, 1920. I did not go on a Mission immediately after school as my father had throat cancer and I was needed at home. After my Mission I moved to Los Angeles, California to enter College and lived with my brother Frank in Highland Park.

I was ordained an Elder by Eleazer. J. Jones on March 4, 1923. I was visiting my sister, Pearl, in Salt Lake City one time. She knew Hyrum G. Smith who was the Patriarch of the Church. She called and made an appointment for me to have a blessing which was given on

Before I left on my Mission, I taught a Sunday School class. This is a picture of the Sunday School teachers who had 100% attendance for one year in the 2nd Ward in Ogden, Utah. I am in the back row 3rd from the left. My sister, Pearl, is also in the picture.

I left on my Mission to Great Britain on April 18, 1924. I traveled a week by train to New York and then on to Montreal. From Montreal it took a week to go to England by boat. Some of the cities I served in in England were Bramwell, Sheffield, Manchester, Wiqan, Darnley. Liverpool was the last city I was in. The areas were called Conferences instead of Districts. My Mission President was James E. Talmage. He encouraged us to travel. Thus while on my Mission I went to Edinburgh, Scotland where I bought some books. One of them was Poems by Robert Burns.

Before I returned home from my Mission, I toured Europe. I went from Callis to France and. by train to Paris. I then took a train to Italy and traveled to Florence and Rome.

I was released from my Mission in the Spring and sailed home on the ship Maulcalm leaving Liverpool June 18, 1926 arriving in Montreal on June 26th. I arrived home on the 4th of July 1926.

After my Mission I moved to Los Angeles, California to enter College and lived with my brother Frank and his wife, Bernice, in Highland Park next door to Edith Hanlon and her first husband. She lived in the house in the back. Her parents and her brother lived in the large front house. My brother Frank helped me financially so that I could attend school. A trolly ran in front of our house. I rode it five miles to U.S.C. Dental School. It cost me five cents. One Thanksgiving I remember having a hamburger for dinner. Bernice was not a great cook.

I graduated from Dental School in the Coliseum on June 4, 1932. A month or so after graduation I took the California State Dental Examination and then went to Utah to take State Dental Exam.

Although I never practiced dentistry in Utah I have had a license to do so. In 1965 I retired, having practiced for thirty three years in the medical building I shared with my brother Frank and a couple of other doctors at 5414 N. Figueroa Street in Highland Park which is a suburb of Los Angeles. Dentistry as a profession was all right. I started out during the Depression. A lot of people didn't pay their bills. Since my leg hurt, I didn't like standing all day.

I was a Sunday School teacher in the Adams Ward in Los Angeles where I met Margaret Ann Miller, daughter of John T. and Margaret Kienke Miller, who was to become my wife a few years later. Frank had a beach house in Manhattan where Margaret and some of my other friends would go during the Summer.

On August 21, 1937 Margaret and I were married in the Wilshire Ward. We then drove to Salt Lake City and were married in the Salt Lake Temple. After Margaret and I were married, we lived in an apartment in Los Angeles. One day we were out driving in Pasadena when I saw a house for sale. Two old sisters had lived in it. It was built in 1900. There was someone else looking at the house at the same time. I asked how much it was and bought it right then. When I told Frank how much I paid for it, he said,” You couldn't put a driveway in for that amount”. I have never moved to another home. When we first moved into the house on Palmetto Drive, we only had a few orange crates for furniture. I bought most of the furniture from Estate auctions, a few pieces at a time.

On February 7, 1939 our first child was born. We named our daughter Marilyn Roxanne but have a called her Roxanne. She was born a month early and I called her half pint as she was so small. Our first son was born on December 15, 1940. I named him after my brother, John Franklin. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 thus we were at War the year after John was born. Our last son, James Edward, was born on July 30. 1944. World War II ended a year later in 1945.

During the war gasoline was rationed but I had enough to drive to Highland Park to practice dentistry. I also worked nights as that was the only time some people could come to see me. I would go home for dinner and then drive back to the office.

I was ordained a High Priest by Joseph Reese in Pasadena on May 28, 1939 and became the First Councilor in the Pasadena Bishopric. The Bishop was____________________ I was in the Bishopric until August 1945.

Margaret Ann had Polycystic Kidney disease for ten years. She died on May --. 1948. In July of 1949 I bought a cottage at Catalina Island. In August of 1949 Veronica WurtZ and I were married in Mexico. She was a patient of Frank's and that is how I met her.

I was a member of the Pasadena Stake Committee of the Adult Aaronic priesthood. On May 7, 1956 I was set apart by Say B. Rose to serve as a Missionary at the Los Angeles Temple where I went on Thursday afternoons which was my day off. The following week I was set apart as a member of the Pasadena Stake High Council by Clifford E. Young on May 13, 1956. Howard W. Hunter was the Stake President. The hardest part of being on the High Council was giving monthly talks in Sacrament Meetings.

Veronica and I were in the Temple one day walking down the hail when a counselor in the Presidency asked us both to be Temple workers. He took us down to the office and we were set apart by President Bowring as Los Angeles Temple workers.

On October 8, 1973 President Harold B. Lee conferred the Sealing Power on me to be a Sealer in the Los Angeles Temple. We made a special trip to Salt Lake City to be set apart by the President of the Church. Veronica and I continued to labor in the Temple until she had a stroke in 1985.

For recreation I learned how to play golf. I used to play on Thursday afternoons until I became a Missionary guide at the Los Angeles Temple. I also played golf at Catalina Island where my family spent their Summers. When school was out in June the family would go over to Catalina. I would come over by boat Friday nights for the week-end. While at Catalina I built a couple of sheds. One shed covered the washing machine and provided storage for swim equipment. Later I added a storage shed next to the kitchen door for beach equipment, paints, canned food and other items.

When I first started out practicing, I got an infection which localized in the marrow of the bone of my right leg. I have had an infection in my leg for about 65 years. It was before I was married. There hasn't been a cure for Osteomyelitis. I have had three operations on my leg. One operation was a skin graft after the doctor cleaned out the bone. Of f and on I have used a cane. It would clear up and then come back.

During the Spring of 1991 I got tired of dressing it morning and night. I had a lot of pain with my bad leg. I finally had to have my leg amputated. However, I would not advise anyone to do it.

By the end of August I got my new prothesis. It is hard to get use to it. It takes an hour to get dressed in the mornings and I can't get it to go where I want it to go. At least I do not have the terrible pain in my leg nor do I have to dress it twice a day.

I have been learning to walk with it but I have to use a walker as I don't have the strength to walk by myself.

I have eight grandchildren. Brian, Mike, Rob, Dyana and Laura are John and Judi's children. Roxanne and Nolan's children are Jennifer, Elizabeth and Jonathan. I have two great grandchildren. Brian and Cindy have a daughter Sarah and a son John David. I am now eighty eight years old.

Veronica Margaret WURTZ was born on 18 Jun 1918 in Clifton, Washington, Kansas, United States. She died on 19 Feb 2005. Veronica married Rollo Edward WATKINS on 28 Dec 1950 in Yuma, Yuma, Arizona, United States.

Henry Richard ORAM [Parents] 1 was born 2 on 10 Mar 1828 in Cuckfield, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 3 on 18 May 1828 in Cuckfield, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. He died on 13 Jun 1861 in Ditchling, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. Henry married 4, 5 Sarah Smith BERRY on 26 Oct 1850 in Cuckfield, Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

Henry resided 6 in 1861 in Ditchling, Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

RESIDENCE: 34 years of age.

Sarah Smith BERRY [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born on 12 Dec 1828 in Wivelsfield, Sussex, England. She was christened 2 on 18 Jan 1829 in Cuckfield, Sussex, England. She died on 30 Aug 1881 in Logan, Cache, Utah Territory, United States. She was buried on 1 Sep 1881 in Logan, Cache, Utah Territory, United States. Sarah married 3, 4 Henry Richard ORAM 5 on 26 Oct 1850 in Cuckfield, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. There were other parents.

Sarah resided 6 in 1841 in Cuckfield, Sussex, England. She resided 7 in 1851 in Keymer, Sussex, England. She resided 8 in 1861 in Ditchling, Sussex, England. She immigrated 9 on 6 Aug 1868 to New York, New York, United States. She resided 10 in 1880 in West Weber, Weber, Utah, United States.

Other marriages:
MILLER, Charles James

I don't believe that we know who the birth father of Sarah Randall's daughter Sarah Smith Berry is because she was born illegitimate as Sarah Smith and then took the last name of Berry after her mother married Richard Berry. This would also mean that John Smith could not have died in 1830 but actually died 25 Sep 1824 one day before the birth of his son Peter.

CHRISTENING: Illegitimate.

RESIDENCE: 33 years of age.

IMMIGRATION: Came on the ship "Constitution" with her 2nd husband and his children and her children.

Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: The marriage in the LDS Branch records of St. John's Common is listed as taking place in Lindfield, Sussex.

They had the following children.

  M i Henry Richard ORAM was born on 29 Jun 1851. He died on 7 Apr 1932 from of pernicious anemia.
  M ii James Gideon ORAM was born on 5 Apr 1853. He died on 5 Sep 1930.
  M iii William Luke ORAM was born on 13 Dec 1854. He died on 27 Apr 1924.
  M iv George Levi ORAM was born on 1 Nov 1856. He died on 23 Apr 1909.
  F v
Mary Fannie ORAM [scrapbook] was born 1 on 4 Nov 1858 in Haywards Heath, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. She died in 1875.

Mary resided 2 in 1861 in Ditchling, Sussex, England, United Kingdom. She immigrated 3 on 6 Aug 1868 to New York, New York, United States.

RESIDENCE: 2 years of age.
  M vi Henry K. ORAM was born on 8 Nov 1860. He died on 26 Sep 1945.

William Gimbert SAUNDERS [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 10 Jan 1819 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened on 16 May 1819 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 on 9 Jun 1888 in Uintah, Weber, Utah, United States. William married 4, 5 Phoebe MERREL on 11 Nov 1839 in Baptist Meeting House, Newmarket, Suffolk/Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.

William resided 6 in 1841 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. He resided 7 at Census in 1851 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England. He resided 8 in 1870 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

Other marriages:
PRIESTLEY, Josephine

Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, p.1147
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM GILBERT (son of Charles Saunders and Mary Ann Leavitt of Soham, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 10, 1819, at Soham. Came to Utah in 1854.
Married Phoebe Marrill in England (daughter of John and Mary Marrill of England). She was born June 7, 1817, Little Port, Eng. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Richard Mathews; William G.; Charles and Caroline, d. infants; Caroline Eliza, m. Andrew Miller; James M.; Phoebe, m. Richard Oram; John M, m. Tillie Garmer. Family home Collinston, Utah.
Missionary to England 1878; also missionary U. S. Wagon maker. Died at Ogden, Utah

William along with Phebe, Mary, William and Caroline came to the States on the Ship "Marshfield"
"DEPARTURE OF THE MARSHFIELD. -- The Marshfield, Captain Torrey, cleared for New Orleans, April 5, with 370 emigrants, Elder William Taylor, late counselor to the president of the French Mission, being in charge of the company.  Elder Gilbert Clements, late president of the Dublin Conference, sailed in this vessel."

"SEVENTY-SIXTH COMPANY, -- Marshfield, Captain Torrey cleared port at Liverpool, England, bound for New Orleans, on the eighth of April, 1854, with three hundred and sixty-six Saints on board, in charge of Elder William Taylor, who had acted as counselor in the presidency of the French Mission.  Elder Gilbert Clements, late president of the Dublin Conference also sailed on this vessel.  A number of the emigrants were from the Jersey Islands, of the French Mission.
After a pleasant and prosperous passage of fifty-one days from Liverpool, the company arrived in New Orleans May 29, 1854, only one passenger died during the voyage, and two children were born; also one marriage was solemnized.  A number of the sailors declared themselves converted to 'Mormonism,' but none of them were baptized on board, as it had been the experience of former companies, that some of the sailors would get baptized hoping the intimacy with the Saints thus afforded might assist them in their evil designs upon the honor of the young sisters.
A portion of the company proceeded farther on the journey up the Mississippi River, May 31st, on board the steamboat James Robb; the other portion followed soon afterwards on board the Grand Turk.  Both arrived safely at St. Louis about the middle of June, and thence the emigrants continued the journey on three steamboats to Kansas City. (Millennial Star, Vol XVI, pp.429-270, 297, 425, 440, 446)"

"Sat. 8. [Apr. 1854] -- The ship Marshfield sailed from Liverpool, with 366 Saints, including about forty from the French Mission, under the direction of William Taylor.  The company arrived at New Orleans May 29th."

RESIDENCE: Age 52 a wagon master, Phebe 53, Phebe 12, James 9, John 8.

Phoebe MERREL [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2, 3 on 7 Jun 1817 in Littleport, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened on 28 Jun 1817 in Littleport, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. She died 4, 5 on 8 Sep 1871 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. Phoebe married 6, 7 William Gimbert SAUNDERS on 11 Nov 1839 in Baptist Meeting House, Newmarket, Suffolk/Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.

Phoebe resided 8 at Census in 1851 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England.

Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, p.1147

They had the following children.

  F i Mary Ann SAUNDERS was born on 5 Oct 1840. She died on 10 Feb 1891.
  M ii William Gill SAUNDERS was born on 6 Feb 1844. He died on 7 Dec 1879.
  M iii
Charles SAUNDERS [scrapbook] was born 1 on 22 Aug 1846 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 2 on 20 Nov 1847 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iv
Charles SAUNDERS [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 21 Jul 1850 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 on 21 Jul 1850 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F v
Caroline SAUNDERS [scrapbook] was born 1 on 4 Jan 1852 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. She died 2 on 11 Jan 1852 in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F vi Caroline Eliza SAUNDERS was born on 5 Mar 1853. She died on 28 Sep 1914.
  F vii Phoebe SAUNDERS was born on 5 Aug 1857. She died on 30 May 1932 from of gastive carcinoma.
  M viii James Merrill SAUNDERS was born on 5 Oct 1860. He died on 10 Jul 1914.
  M ix John Merrill SAUNDERS was born on 8 Dec 1862. He died on 12 Jan 1934.

William Richard ORAM [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 14 Jul 1877 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. He died 1 on 14 Nov 1934 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States from of coronary thrombosis. He was buried 2 on 17 Nov 1934 in Deweyville, Box Elder, Utah, United States. William married 3 Mary Clementena BEETON on 18 Jan 1901 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

William resided 4 in 1900 in Collinston, Box Elder, Utah, United States. He resided 5 in 1910 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

Other marriages:
COVINGTON, Verna (Peterson)


Mary Clementena BEETON [scrapbook] was born on 26 Mar 1876 in Hooper, Weber, Utah, United States. She died 1 in 1929 in Deweyville, Box Elder, Utah, United States. She was buried on 22 Nov 1929 in Deweyville, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Mary married 2 William Richard ORAM on 18 Jan 1901 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

Mary resided 3 in 1910 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

William Richard ORAM [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 14 Jul 1877 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. He died 1 on 14 Nov 1934 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States from of coronary thrombosis. He was buried 2 on 17 Nov 1934 in Deweyville, Box Elder, Utah, United States. William married 3 Verna (Peterson) COVINGTON on 29 Nov 1930 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

William resided 4 in 1900 in Collinston, Box Elder, Utah, United States. He resided 5 in 1910 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

Other marriages:
BEETON, Mary Clementena


Verna (Peterson) COVINGTON was born on 16 Oct 1895. She died on 11 Nov 1967 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. She was buried on 14 Nov 1967 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. Verna married 1 William Richard ORAM on 29 Nov 1930 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

John Gideon ORAM [Parents] [scrapbook] was born on 13 Dec 1882 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. He died on 9 Jun 1960 in Rigby, Jefferson, Idaho, United States. He was buried on 13 Jun 1960 in Taylorsville, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. John married Mary Mae PRIEST on 23 May 1903 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States.

John resided 1 in 1900 in Collinston, Box Elder, Utah, United States.


Mary Mae PRIEST [scrapbook] was born 1 on 13 May 1882 in Uintah, Weber, Utah, United States. She died 2 on 6 Jan 1921 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. She was buried on 10 Jan 1921 in Taylorsville, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. Mary married John Gideon ORAM on 23 May 1903 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States.

David Charles ORAM [Parents] was born on 18 Feb 1885 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. He died 1 on 27 Aug 1922 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States from of injuries from being crushed by freight car at work(D. & R. G. R. R.). He was buried 2 on 30 Aug 1922 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. David married Emily Louise COVINGTON in Jul 1920 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

David resided 3 in 1900 in Collinston, Box Elder, Utah, United States.

Other marriages:
CLARK, Verril
FOWERS, Elizabeth Ann


Emily Louise COVINGTON was born on 29 Nov 1886 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. She died on 7 Mar 1974 in Pleasant Grove, Utah, Utah, United States. Emily married David Charles ORAM in Jul 1920 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.

David Charles ORAM [Parents] was born on 18 Feb 1885 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. He died 1 on 27 Aug 1922 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States from of injuries from being crushed by freight car at work(D. & R. G. R. R.). He was buried 2 on 30 Aug 1922 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. David married Verril CLARK.

David resided 3 in 1900 in Collinston, Box Elder, Utah, United States.

Other marriages:
COVINGTON, Emily Louise
FOWERS, Elizabeth Ann


Verril CLARK died on 14 Feb 1908. Verril married David Charles ORAM.

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