1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 29, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2Family Tree Maker, Broderbund, Massachusetts Vital Records 1600's-1800's, CDROM #220 (Vital Records: Massachusetts, 1600s-1800s
Copyright (c) 2000. Genealogy.com, LLC and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their re, Tim Farr, 756 N Monte Verde Circle, Washington, UT 84780, USA, 756 N Monte Verde Circle
Washington, UT, 84780, USA, 220.3New England Historic Genealogical Society, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register on CD-ROM (Software Version - Broderbund Software Inc., Blue Banner Division, 1996), Vol. 110, Jan. 1956, pg. 4, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL US/CAN Access Window CD-ROM no. 33, pt. 1-9. Additional copyrights for software, 1995, by Brøderbund Software and Infolink Tech.
System requirements: 386 (486 or higher recommended) IBM PC or compatible; VGA monitor running in at least 16 colors; 4 MB RAM (8MB recommended); 9 MB free hard disk space; CD-ROM drive; Microsoft-compatible mouse; Windows 3.1 running in enhanced mode.
Title from title page.
Also available in print and on microfilm.
Summary: Electronic copy and index of original issues of the register.
Contents: disc 1. vols. 1-20, 1847-1866 -- disc 2. vols. 21-40, 1867-1886 -- disc 3. vols. 41-55, 1887-1901 -- disc 4. vols. 56-70, 1902-1916 -- disc 5. vols. 71-90, 1917-1936 -- disc 6. vols. 91-110, 1937-1956 -- disc 7. vols. 111-130, 1957-1976 -- disc 8. vols. 131-148, 1977-1994 -- disc 9. condensed index.4Vital Records of Acton Massachusetts (Boston, MASS.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1923), pg. 41, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, US/CAN Book Area 974.44/A2 V28b.5FamilySearch.org, "Vermont, Vital Records, 1760-1954," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XFJK-FQ6 : accessed 19 Jan 2014), Salmon Farr, 1834. FHL film 27544, FamilySearch.org.
6FamilySearch, "United States Census, 1790", database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VJ1N-F98 : accessed 13 January 2016), Salmon Farr, 1790.
1Ancestry.com:The National Archives At St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War Ii Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) For the State of Massachusetts; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147, Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011., Ancestry.com.
2Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 29, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.3Ancestry.com, 1850; Census Place: Leicester, Addison, Vermont; Roll: M432_920; Page: 54B; Image: 110.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 29, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2Family Tree Maker, Broderbund, Massachusetts Vital Records 1600's-1800's, CDROM #220 (Vital Records: Massachusetts, 1600s-1800s
Copyright (c) 2000. Genealogy.com, LLC and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their re, Tim Farr, 756 N Monte Verde Circle, Washington, UT 84780, USA, 756 N Monte Verde Circle
Washington, UT, 84780, USA, 220.3Vital Records of Acton Massachusetts (Boston, MASS.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1923), pg. 41, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, US/CAN Book Area 974.44/A2 V28b.4FamilySearch.org, "Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRZD-DTL : 5 December 2014), Benjamin Farrar and Eliza. Cockrane, 10 Mar 1784; citing Goochland County, Virginia, reference 29; FHL microfilm 31,650., FamilySearch.org.
1FamilySearch.org, "Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRZD-DTL : 5 December 2014), Benjamin Farrar and Eliza. Cockrane, 10 Mar 1784; citing Goochland County, Virginia, reference 29; FHL microfilm 31,650., FamilySearch.org.
2Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 29, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 36, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2FamilySearch.org, "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F4V6-CF8 : accessed 16 June 2012), Joseph Farr, 1775. FHL Film Number: 1888606, FamilySearch.org.
3Headstone Inscription, Manlius, New York, Tim Farr, 756 N Monte Verde Circle, Washington, UT 84780, USA, 756 N Monte Verde Circle
Washington, UT, 84780, USA. From visit to the cemetery.
1Ancestry.com:The National Archives At St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War Ii Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) For the State of Massachusetts; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147, New York State Education Department, Office of Cultural Education; Albany, New York; ; Archive Roll Number: M4; Census Year: 1860; Census Location: Manlius, Onondaga, New York; Page: 29; Line: 20., Ancestry.com.
2Headstone Inscription, Manlius, New York, Tim Farr, 756 N Monte Verde Circle, Washington, UT 84780, USA, 756 N Monte Verde Circle
Washington, UT, 84780, USA. From visit to the cemetery.3Ancestry.com, New York State Education Department, Office of Cultural Education; Albany, New York; ; Archive Roll Number: M4; Census Year: 1860; Census Location: Manlius, Onondaga, New York; Page: 29; Line: 20.
4Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 36, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.5Ancestry.com, Year: 1850; Census Place: Manlius, Onondaga, New York; Roll: M432_567; Page: 66B; Image: 141 Listed as Sarah W La Farr.
1Ancestry.com:The National Archives At St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War Ii Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) For the State of Massachusetts; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147, Year: 1850; Census Place: Manlius, Onondaga, New York; Roll: M432_567; Page: 66B; Image: 141, Ancestry.com.
1Headstone Inscription, Manlius, New York, Tim Farr, 756 N Monte Verde Circle, Washington, UT 84780, USA, 756 N Monte Verde Circle
Washington, UT, 84780, USA. From visit to the cemetery.2Headstone Inscription, Manlius, New York.
1Cummington, Massachusetts, ; FHL microfilm 1888606.
2William W. Streeter Daphne H. Morris, compilers, The vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, 1 volume (Cummington, MA: Streeter and Morris, 1979), ., p. 25.
3Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 38, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.4Vital records of Cummington, MA.
5Vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, p. 192.
6; Microfilm of original record in the Town Hall, Cummington, Massachusetts., FHL US/CAN Film 234538, FamilySearch.org, FHL US/CAN Film 234538.
7Vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, p. 115.
8Microfilm 887805, pages 264 &265
Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT & Harold B Lee Library Family History Center, BYU, Provo, UT. "Pages 264 & 265 names Isaac K. Lincoln as administrator of estate of Anselm Farr (deceased husband of Polly LIncoln Farr). "...at a public venue held at the house of Isaac K. Lincoln in said Cummington...." This shows that on 19 Apr 1810 Isaac lived in Cummington. He later moved to nearby Plainfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts and died there at the age of 84 in 1867. Isaac King Lincoln was born in 1783, that would make him 84 years old in 1867. If Isaac K. Lincoln is Polly Lincoln Farr's brother, then her parents would also be Joseph & Mary. Isaac's death record show his parents to be "Joseph & Mary" and his birthplace to be "Abington."
I am convinced of the validity of this, having spent much time and careful research to find Polly Lincoln Farr's true ancestry. She is the daughter of Joseph Lincoln & Mary King or Morse. She was born 9 Apr 1771 in Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts. She is my 3rd great -grandmother. (See Isaac's and Polly's death records in the sources under their names.).".
1Microfilm 887805, pages 264 &265
Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT & Harold B Lee Library Family History Center, BYU, Provo, UT. "Pages 264 & 265 names Isaac K. Lincoln as administrator of estate of Anselm Farr (deceased husband of Polly LIncoln Farr). "...at a public venue held at the house of Isaac K. Lincoln in said Cummington...." This shows that on 19 Apr 1810 Isaac lived in Cummington. He later moved to nearby Plainfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts and died there at the age of 84 in 1867. Isaac King Lincoln was born in 1783, that would make him 84 years old in 1867. If Isaac K. Lincoln is Polly Lincoln Farr's brother, then her parents would also be Joseph & Mary. Isaac's death record show his parents to be "Joseph & Mary" and his birthplace to be "Abington."
I am convinced of the validity of this, having spent much time and careful research to find Polly Lincoln Farr's true ancestry. She is the daughter of Joseph Lincoln & Mary King or Morse. She was born 9 Apr 1771 in Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts. She is my 3rd great -grandmother. (See Isaac's and Polly's death records in the sources under their names.).".2Abington Births , alphabetical listing under LINCOLN. "Family of Joseph and Mary Lincoln shows a Mary Lincoln born 9 April 1771 and her siblings--one of whom is Isaac King Lincoln, born 7 Oct 1783.".
3William W. Streeter Daphne H. Morris, compilers, The vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, 1 volume (Cummington, MA: Streeter and Morris, 1979), ., p. 192.
4Source type: Published information, Source detail: Death record or certificate, Media type: Microfiche, Title: The Vital Records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, Author: William W. Streeter & Daphne H. Morris, Publication information: Cummington, . "Very valuable documentation of vital records of Cummington, Hampshire, Massachusetts 1762-1900 documenting most of the known public records of the town clerk, cemetery, military, US Census, migration records. "Town of Cummington is fortunate in having had all its records so well preserved during its 200 years by officials who realized the value....".".
5; Microfilm of original record in the Town Hall, Cummington, Massachusetts., FHL US/CAN Film 234538, FamilySearch.org, FHL US/CAN Film 234538.
6Vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, p. 115.
1Cummington, Massachusetts, ; FHL microfilm 1888606.
2William W. Streeter Daphne H. Morris, compilers, The vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, 1 volume (Cummington, MA: Streeter and Morris, 1979), ., p. 25.
3Headstone Inscription, Bryant Cemetery, Cummington, MA., Tim Farr, 756 N Monte Verde Circle, Washington, UT 84780, USA, 756 N Monte Verde Circle
Washington, UT, 84780, USA. From visit to the cemetery.4Vital records of Cummington, MA.
5Vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, p. 192.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 38, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2William W. Streeter Daphne H. Morris, compilers, The vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, 1 volume (Cummington, MA: Streeter and Morris, 1979), ., p. 25.
3FamilySearch.org, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F4V6-C4W : 4 December 2014), Archibald Farr, 27 Apr 1774; citing , 210; FHL microfilm 1,888,606., FamilySearch.org.
4FamilySearch, "Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XF3P-8QV : 3 December 2014), Archibald Farr and Elizabeth Bogart, 23 Mar 1824; citing reference p 65; FHL microfilm 549,417.
1FamilySearch.org, "Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XF3P-8QV : 3 December 2014), Archibald Farr and Elizabeth Bogart, 23 Mar 1824; citing reference p 65; FHL microfilm 549,417., FamilySearch.org.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 38, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2William W. Streeter Daphne H. Morris, compilers, The vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, 1 volume (Cummington, MA: Streeter and Morris, 1979), ., p. 25.
3FamilySearch.org, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F4V6-C4W : 4 December 2014), Archibald Farr, 27 Apr 1774; citing , 210; FHL microfilm 1,888,606., FamilySearch.org.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 38, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2William W. Streeter Daphne H. Morris, compilers, The vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, 1 volume (Cummington, MA: Streeter and Morris, 1979), ., p. 25.
3FamilySearch.org, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F4V6-C4W : 4 December 2014), Archibald Farr, 27 Apr 1774; citing , 210; FHL microfilm 1,888,606., FamilySearch.org.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 38, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2Ancestry.com:The National Archives At St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War Ii Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) For the State of Massachusetts; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147, Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)., Ancestry.com.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 38, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2Cummington, Massachusetts, ; FHL microfilm 1888606.
3The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr, pg. 38.
4Ancestry.com:The National Archives At St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War Ii Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) For the State of Massachusetts; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147, Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)., Ancestry.com.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 38, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2Cummington, Massachusetts, ; FHL microfilm 1888606.
1FindAGrave.com, Memorial# 125111635, Internet.
2FamilySearch.org, "Massachusetts Deaths and Burials, 1795-1910," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FHR4-Y7W : 10 December 2014), Edward Bartlett, 02 Jun 1861; citing Worthington, Hampshire, Massachusetts, reference 6; FHL microfilm 1,872,268., FamilySearch.org.
3William W. Streeter Daphne H. Morris, compilers, The vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, 1 volume (Cummington, MA: Streeter and Morris, 1979), ., p. 115.
1Kilroy, Mileta Farr, 1912-(Main Author), The Ancestors and Descendants of Julius E. Farr (Modesto, California: M.F. Kilroy, 1987), pg. 38, LDS Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, USA, 35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440, USA, FHL FAM HIST Book 929.273 F24k.2NEHGS Online Databases, americanancestors.org, NEHGS online [www.americaaAncestors.org], accessed, Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850, NEHGS Online, Boston, MA, Boston, MA.
3Cummington, Massachusetts, ; FHL microfilm 1888606.
4NEHGS Online, Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850.
5William W. Streeter Daphne H. Morris, compilers, The vital records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900, 1 volume (Cummington, MA: Streeter and Morris, 1979), ., p. 115.